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React-Admin List empty data placeholder not showed with "filterDefaultValues"

I have a List component with a custom component for "empty". Without filterDefaultValues, it shows it. <List filters={DataFilters} filterDefaultValues={{ statuses: ['All'] }} ...
Rodder's user avatar
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React-admin 4.1.0 - AutocompleteArrayInput and default value make search function not working

I'm using react-admin library version 4.1.0 AutocompleteArrayInput with defaultValue prop, its search function is not work. When typing any value to search, AutocompleteArrayInput will clear all. The ...
dtm's user avatar
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Disable link for menuItem in React Admin

I have a react admin menu with a submenu, and I want the submenu to expand/collapse on click when you click the title OR the chevron. Right now, if you click the primary text, it triggers the navlink ...
maximosis's user avatar
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How to override the TextInput from React-Admin

I only want to override the specific fields. Setting the custom theme will override the other fields too. Tried using useStyles but didn't work and tried using direct style props but that also didn't ...
Akhil Rana's user avatar
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Set icon in React Admin ChipField conditionally

I have a ChipField in my Datagrid in my React Admin App which shows a text property. Now, I'd like to add an icon to that ChipField by using the icon prop. Since the ChipField can have one of five ...
padmalcom's user avatar
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react-admin: <Show> component elements not rendering when wrapped inside divs

I'm currently working on an admin portal using react-admin, and I've been able to seamlessly style it using MaterialUI, specifically its makeStyles hook. The way I've done it is I'd import my ...
sizreem's user avatar
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Material-UI : How to replace backgroundImage css in react admin <Login />?

I am reading the following documentation : React-Admin customize login background: Material-UI customize theme: https://...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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Appending MenuItems to Material-UI Select Input in React

So I'm not great with react or even javascript, but what I'm trying to do is take this react element: const selectItem = ( <Select defaultValue="" id="type-select" ...
Joe Fedorowicz's user avatar
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How to show up DeleteButton in react-admin? And not only the last stuff loading from database?

I started using javascript and React for a small project based on REST. So I tried to show some datas from my database in a browser, but only the last Product shows up 7 times (only 7 products are in ...
DorianHUN's user avatar
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Create a custom Show Layout component

I'm trying to create a custom layout component, so I can design my Show page better. I'm not sure why some things work and some don't. My plan is to use the Material-UI <Grid> component. I know ...
Otavio Bonder's user avatar
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How do I change the React Admin delete pop up dialog text (material-ui)?

At the moment I have the following code: <List {...props} bulkActionButtons={false}> <Datagrid> <DeleteButton undoable={false} /> </Datagrid> &...
Cris's user avatar
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How do I make my custom toolbar button use the form's validation function in react-admin?

I created a custom Toolbar with a custom toolbar button. That custom button should act like the standard SaveButton but should do extra stuff after submitting the form. Submitting the form should ...
elsni's user avatar
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What is the easiest way to show a confirmation dialog in react-admin?

In a react-admin project I created my own toolbar button that should display a confirmation dialog, similar to the JavaScript alert but not quite as ugly. Only when the user clicks OK, things should ...
elsni's user avatar
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How to resolve a double reference for the displayed choice text in a SelectInput field in react-admin?

I have basically three lists: Locations with fields lid and lname Mapping with fields locationId and someOtherListId the Main list where to store the selected mappings I want the user to be able to ...
elsni's user avatar
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How to style or customize React-admin Alert Dialog?

reac-admin alert dialog example I'm developing an admin using React-admin. I'm trying do style the alert dialog that shows errors, warnings and success message in the page. For example I would like ...
Rian Tavares's user avatar
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Load Toolbar of AppBar dynamically based on current page - React Admin

I am relatively new to the React world and struggling to find a way to load IconButtons to the toolBar of an AppBar (from Material UI). Say I am on pageA and like to have two IconButtons specific to ...
Musa Biralo's user avatar
3 votes
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MaterialUI, how to overwrite styles of nested MUI component?

I am using react-admin and I am using their Create component that use TextField from @material-ui/core. Of course I have read the documentation here. I would like to completely customize the render ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
4 votes
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Preserving line breaks with React-Admin / Material UI's Textfields?

I'm using React-Admin and have a field in my database that contains linebreaks (\n). When I output this on a page like this: <TextField source="extra_details" /> The linebreaks are ignored and ...
matt's user avatar
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