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QT6.5+QT desiner stutio error :qrc:/QmluiContent/App.qml: No such file or directory [closed]

im using qt designer studio create a ui file add exprot that be a QRC source, and i used qt creator make a porject and change the main.cpp add the QRC source to creator porject ,but its ...
Ya Ai's user avatar
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Issue with Custom Component in Qt Creator (Works in Qt Design Studio)

I’m working on a project using Qt Design Studio and created a GUI with some custom components. When I run the project directly from Qt Design Studio, everything works fine. However, when I open the ...
Giuseppe Magliano's user avatar
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Is there a menu bar widget in Qt Design Studio?

I just installed Qt Creator and Qt Design Studio today and I can't, for the life of me, find a widget for a menu bar in Qt Design Studio. I've used Qt before and I know there's a menu bar widget in Qt....
shortnr's user avatar
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Qt Design Studio project export for Qt Creator - QtQuick.Studio modules not found

QML/QT Design Studio noob here. My current goal is to properly set up the tools to work with QML (decided to go with QT Design Studio for editing the QML and Qt Creator with Python (/Pyside) for the ...
Sepelio's user avatar
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How to use multiple styles in QML without adding ternaries everywhere?

I have a desktop application that is implemented in QML and C++. The application and UI supports a dark and light theme. Almost all component colors are placed in a singleton style file, which checks ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to mock the data that is taken from the QQmlEngine context (C++ code) to use Qt Design Studio?

I have a desktop application that is implemented in QML and C++. A large number of objects (data) I get from the QQmlEngine context, which I create in C++ and put there. The application also supports ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

QUiLoader in PySide6 shows an empty window [duplicate]

Empty UI The primary issue I have encountering involves integrating a custom UI designed with Qt Designer (or similar tools) into a PySide6-based Python application. The UI comprises a QMainWindow as ...
Ben Holden's user avatar
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QtQuick3D balsam import creates invalid mesh data

I want to use use a .obj file within a View3D QML type. Therefore I use balsam to convert it and add the output to the resources.qrc file. To keep it simple I only use one of the meshes like: Model { ...
user23463715's user avatar
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Adding a QML mockup module to use with only Qt Design Studio

I'm using Qt 6.6 with Qt Design Studio 4.3. I would like to create a QML module for Qt Design Studio that will be a mockup replacement for a Backend C++ module. I would like a structure like that: ...
Ben Pyton's user avatar
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How to define C++ handled mouse clicks and other interactions in QML from within Qt Design Studio

I'm new to writing QtQuick/QML apps and I'm using Qt Design Studio. I've followed some examples that let me handle button clicks in C++ and it works fine... but I can't add the onClick handler to my ...
CHollman82's user avatar
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How to create .exe from QT Design Studio project?

I want to create an animation on QT Design Studio application and generate an executable file that will play it. I can export the project with cmake build files or as a deployable project. Where ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Qt TableView selection not working. Relative indices are stuck to "-1"

I will post my specific problem, but it would be great if we have a relatively general post about this matter. So, the problem is that Qt has deprecated the TableView component in Qt6, and this ...
Nick V's user avatar
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Converting Qt Design Studio UI Projects into Qt Creator qmake Projects

I want to customize the UI from the WebinarDemo in Qt Design Studio. Before that, I want to try whether I can deploy it into Qt Creator or not. I tried the guide from official Qt website about ...
Aroli Marcellinus's user avatar
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Qt Quick Designer Components module Static Linking not working

I'm trying to cross compile Qt Quick Designer Components to get QtQuick.Studio.Effects module on Qt 6.5 on arm64 target as I'm getting "module 'QtQuick.Studio.Effects' is not installed" when ...
Imesh Sachinda's user avatar
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How can I connect functions on an hpp and cpp file into qt design studio?

I am currently working on a project where my task is to work on the development of the UI, which I have never done before. I am encountering a lot of issues, especially with merging files from my ...
pga's user avatar
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Importing Qt Studio Project in a Qt Creator QML app

I have created a hello world project in Qt Design Studio. Now I need to import QtDS project tree/directory in QtQuick qml app.
taimoor1990's user avatar
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How can I call a function in ui.qml files in Qt Creator

I created a project in Qt Design Studio and then moved it to Qt Creator. I went through the conversion steps and now I only have .ui.qml files Now I want call some functions in .ui.qml files. For ...
Hamid Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I export .ui file from QT Design Studio?

I've been using QT Designer to design simple GUI and save as .ui file and then convert it to Python 3 code, But now I've found QT Design Studio which seems so much easier and better. But as I've seen ...
soroushamdg's user avatar
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QML Connection and IDE - new syntax: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated

In the new version of QML 1.5.0, it is recommended to use the new syntax for connection e.g. MouseArea { Connections { function onClicked (mouse) {foo (mouse)} } Using the "Qt Design Studio 1.5....
user2129729's user avatar
5 votes
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Component with path `*.qml` could not be created

I'm using Qt Design Studio and I'm receiving an error: Component with path *.qml could not be created The error is thrown for custom QML types in their own QML files. However, There is no such ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Use Qt Design Studio QML with PySide2

I am new to Qt Designer Studio. I just created a simple button in Qt Design Studio and I am trying to use the QML file with PySide2 but I am getting multiple import errors. Is there a specific way to ...
Pratik Tayshete's user avatar
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Incorrect Editor View for QML in Qt Design Studio

This is Qt Design Studio, not Qt Quick Designer but it might be the same. I made a component, PaneWithTitle.qml Column { id: column Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter ...
naezith's user avatar
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