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TTK style.configure for button font size does not work

I am writing a very simple GUI application through TTK where I wish to make the font size of the text in the button bigger, however it seems to not work when I use style.configure(). I have no idea ...
GhostaNero's user avatar
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How to make the ttk treeview not show extra empty columns?

I am building an app with tkinter and running into some annoying issues. When I load my data into the ttk treeview, I see that there are always some additional columns on the right side of my treeview ...
user3840530's user avatar
-1 votes
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"_tkinter.TclError: Layout not found" issue

I encountered an issue which shouldn't have happened. import tkinter.ttk from tkinter import * window=Tk() # ... my_style=tkinter.ttk.Style() my_style.configure("one.Tbutton",background=&...
Ронин's user avatar
1 vote
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ttk Frames not filling properly

I am making a python application that uses 4 ttk Frames within its main window. The first two frames should expand both vertically and horizontally to fill available space. Frames 3 and 4 should only ...
SevenChords's user avatar
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Rendering issue with ttk.TreeView

I'm trying to use the ttk treeview widget. I'm able to create and populate it, and it seems to work properly. However it is rendering with a large empty "column" on the left side and I can'...
WV_Mapper's user avatar
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My tkinter canvas scrollbar is very slow because there is a lot of rectangles I need solve

Image from programm i want to fix lag problem when i move scrollbar I made alot of rectangles by tkinter canvas python and when I move scrollbar to show all rectangles it is very slow and it is very ...
Dead code's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get all Styling parameter configurable by `ttk.Style().configure()` for a widget from Themed Tkinter?

I have been searching the answer for this question from a long time but with no success had to ask it here. I am able to get the styling parameter for from the tcl documentation, but my question is ...
Faraaz Kurawle's user avatar
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How to change the state of a ttkbootstrap ScrolledText widget after creation?

Problem I'm trying to change the state of a ScrolledText ttkboostrap widget after creation. I can set its state as I please when I create it, but trying to change it after creation fails for both ...
pfabri's user avatar
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Detect text of an ttk entry widget

I would like detect the text of a tkinter ttk entry widget I tried with: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk tk=tk.Tk() e1 = ttk.Entry(tk) if e1 == "good" print("good"...
user26571104's user avatar
-2 votes
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tkcalendar with ttkbootstrap compatibility issues

I am using ttkbootstrap in my python script. I tried using the DateEntry from ttkbootstrap, but it does not fire an event like tkcalendar does (at least i couldnt find anything to it) and i like that ...
Jannek's user avatar
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discover tkinter ttk widget structure and events

I wanted to creat a multi select combo box using python tkinter.ttk and needed to understand ttk widgets I used the code below to get something that works, but I really want to understand how the ttk....
Robin Becker's user avatar
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Python tkinter - grid configuration

So i just wanted to understand why tkinter is not sticking the sizegrip to the bottom right (SE) of the root window if I dont't call .columnconfiguration() and .rowconfiguration() methods on the root. ...
Illicitline45's user avatar
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How to use height parameter in ttk.Button and other widgets?

I have a question. How do I use height, font, and other common arguments ... in ttk.Button and other widgets? Button1 = ttk.Button(root , height = 2 , width = 30 , font = "Tahoma 12 bold" , ...
طاها ایروانی's user avatar
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Bind functions issue in Tkinter

I have reported a simplified runnable version of my code where I'm trying to bind to my Treeview to perform action on it. My issues are the following: the onSingleClick function is not always ...
RandomGuy's user avatar
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How to reload a tcl theme?

I am making a ttk theme creator, so I need to reload the theme when some internal changes are made in the tcl file. How can I reload the whole theme? = ttk.Style(self)"...
Akascape's user avatar
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1 answer

Targeting attributes of the currently selected tab

I currently have a ttk.Notebook, tabControl, that is initialized with a singular tab, first tab. That tab comes with a tk.Text, txt. tabControl = ttk.Notebook(self.root) ...
Cyrxs's user avatar
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1 answer

How to access the actual tab widget of ttk.Notebook?

I need to access the actual tab widget that ttk.Notebook creates when some other widget (usually a frame) is added to it (and then called a "tab" in a Tkinter parlance). I pictured the exact ...
z33k's user avatar
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How do you get the StringVar (not the text value, the StringVar itself) of an Entry?

I'm trying to get the StringVar object associated with an Entry widget, but I can't figure out how. I found this question: get StringVar bound to Entry widget but none of the answers work for me. Both ...
Choosechee's user avatar
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How to remove the arrow from ttk.Menubutton (+ bonusquestion)

I want to style a menubar and I want to remove the menubutton-arrows. I know, I could color them in the same color as the background, but then I also have to do that for any other state (hovering, etc....
Solanaar's user avatar
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How to update the text of a list element within a CTkListbox

I am writing mass spec data reduction software. I want to provide the user with a list of all samples in the current sequence, next to a check box to show whether the analysis data has been reduced (...
ohshitgorillas's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to simplify function with multiple if-statements and multiple conditions?

I have a function which should output which test scores are significantly higher than the other test scores. There are four tests (a, b, c and d). The user will input the test scores and check ...
Cartilago's user avatar
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Erratic widget behavior when using a tk.Variable as a Widget attribute

I am currently having a problem with Tkinter.Variable initialization and naming. Setup: I have a window, with a frame (window_frame) in it and menubar at the top (tk.Menu). Each command on the menu ...
AutumnKome's user avatar
-2 votes
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Issue with creating icons in Tkinter columns

I am having an issue with my code where I would like to put icons in the second column of a tkinter treeview but so far I have only been able to to get the icons to work in the first column. I can't ...
Bubba's user avatar
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Tkinter App - My Toplevel window is not appearing. App is stuck in mainloop

I'm trying to build a work schedule tracker, starting with the header. A picture attachement shows how the design will look once completed I have three classes so far, InputWindow: A Toplevel window ...
Blue4Life90's user avatar
2 votes
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Python Tkinter resize all ttkbootstrap or ttk Button padding for a specific style, applied to all themes

I want to alter padding for all buttons using a particular style (danger). For some reason this change is only applied to the currently active theme, switching themes reverts the Button padding to ...
Inyoka's user avatar
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I want to update a Frame/push a variable of an image to a existing Frame but it doesn't update

import cv2 as cv import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from MakeImageList import * from PIL import Image,ImageTk class mainFrameClass(tk.Tk): def __init__(self,*args, **kwargs) : ...
Captn03's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I change the font and background of my button with TTK?

In fact, I wanted to make a button for my graphical project with TTK; But sadly I failed to do that. After doing a lot of trial and error, I realized that the problem is with the font and background. ...
Hoomehr Mirzaei's user avatar
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python tkinter update 'tab' header dynamically [duplicate]

I have a GUI program which updates labels dynamically. Since I have multiple tabs with different amount of labels, I have made it dynamically, so I can reuse this code for all the information returned ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Can I use a tuple for each combobox value in tkinter?

I have tuples of data for each selection in a combobox, but I haven't been able to index it or extract the string numbers, column 2 on the end. I could created lists to separate the values after I ...
James-Jesse Drinkard's user avatar
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Get the style object when only the style name is known

I started to use ttk Styles. I have now the problem, to find the style object if I only know the style name. I would like to read out properties from the style settings. This is not really a practical ...
Nitram's user avatar
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Change background color in specific (not all) ttk Entry widget

In my application, I have many Entry widgets. I would like to change the background color of the widget to make it obvious to the user that he or she have entered data in that widget and it has been ...
gogogo's user avatar
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Python tkinter: Class for a scrollable frame, the widget inside the scrollable frame does not expand using sticky='nsew', why?

I wrote the folliwing class (reading some examples on the web), it works almost perfectly, except for the fact that the widgets placed inside the scrollable Frame (child of Frame) does not expand when ...
Emilio's user avatar
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Retrieving the current font definition of a tkinter.ttk.Label widget

I wish to retrieve the font object currently assigned to an arbitrary tkinter.ttk.Label widget. (To be more exact, I want to obtain the exact configuration attributes of the widget’s current tkinter....
Jukka Aho's user avatar
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ttk.Treeview - how to get multi-line columns

I'm trying to implement a multi-line column within a tkinter treeview. In the below example, I'd like the text in the Description column to wrap across multiple lines. If the user drags the column ...
Greenjoy's user avatar
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tkinter ttk copy Style layout

I found this solution to extend a ttk theme: import tkinter as tk import tkinter.ttk as ttk class Style(ttk.Style): EXTENDS = 'extends' def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(...
Bálint Cséfalvay's user avatar
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Tkinter Grid Not Placing Widgets in Correct Columns

I'm trying to create a ui using a tkinter grid to allow the user to enter certain values on two different frames that I want to be able to switch between. I have grided all the widgets in different ...
Connor Williams's user avatar
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Tkinter theme is slow

I'm using this them in py tkinter program. My problem is that I make like 20 buttonst, it becomes very slow. I know that this is beacuse all the buttons have images. I alredy get a suggestion, that ...
Bálint Cséfalvay's user avatar
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tkinter (ttk) leaving artifacts when updating widget

When updating a value in a widget using tkinter there's traces of the old widget's state on screen, and I was wondering if there's any fix to this. I'm assuming tkinter just re-draws whatever it needs ...
i-LJ's user avatar
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How to connect a Treeview to a list in tkinter?

I want to create a table with tkinter. I was about to use multiple Listboxes adjacent to each other, but I discovered ttk.Treeview. However, I don't see any alternative to Listboxes' '-listvariable' ...
Arkeor's user avatar
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I'm not able to add a background color or a shadow color for ttk.frame

How do I add a shadow to the ttk.frame? (NOTE: I'm using the sun vally theme from github). App: I'm creating a to-do list app. Which is just a little simple project, but I've incountered this problem ...
Jack Smith's user avatar
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How to make ttk.Ttreeview rows cover the whole available height?

Good time of day! My Treeview widget sticks to "news" directions, so whenever I resize my app - it shrinks/expands with it. The problem is, when Treeview doesn't expand enough to fit a whole ...
DWK's user avatar
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Change BG colour

I can't change the colour of the frame area.. CODE:: import time import threading import sqlite3 import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk, Text import os class PomodoroTimer: def __init__(...
sarthak negi's user avatar
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How to send a signal to run a function one folder up in Python, maybe even with Tkinter library

Trying to create a simple program where one desktop receives a message from a client from another desktop and changes the color of the background. The problem is that I am not sure how to go about ...
Evgenii Isaenko's user avatar
-1 votes
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ttk StringVar doesnt change

when i click the start button, the only thing that happpens is the button becoming disabled. nothing else happens. any idea why the timer doesnt start? The idea as you see is to get the entry and ...
Psychopath's user avatar
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Tkinter ttk not updating until I unfocus and refocus or resize the window

I am trying to make a frame that the user can scale with their mouse. I have code that is supposed to make a frames x size follow the mouse while my mouse is down. My resize code is running whenever I ...
Carson Coder's user avatar
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Why do I keep getting an Attribute error (circular import)

So I'm trying to learn how to code and when I try to split up my code into multiple files using the import function, I keep getting an Attribute error. It says that it is most likely due to a circular ...
Simon Vanderstraete Reel's user avatar
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I want to convert a ttk.Combobox to a CTkComboBox, but it then it doesn't work

First, I will show the original code which is def apply_filter(filter): image = width, height = int(image.width / 2), int(image.height / 2) image = image.resize((...
Lina Al-fawzan's user avatar
1 vote
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Specifying Event Parameter to CustomWidgets in Tkinter

I have a CustomNotebook style with close buttons on each tab: class CustomNotebook(ttk.Notebook): """A ttk Notebook with close buttons on each tab""" ...
Ruan Carlo Weiers Britzke's user avatar
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Python tkinter/ ttkboostrap dateentry doesn't work when in readonly state

I am working currently with the ttkbootstrap librairy instead of the ttk librairy in the past. I used to use the ttk DateEntry widget in the "readonly" state which worked perfectly fine. ...
d'Elbreil Clément's user avatar
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Read all widget from external module in tkinter

I want create online application with tkinter that widgets and menus and ... ,read from one .py file I made a program with tkinter that after the user enters his username and password according to the ...
Aref's user avatar
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