I have tuples of data for each selection in a combobox, but I haven't been able to index it or extract the string numbers, column 2 on the end. I could created lists to separate the values after I extract them with a get(), but is there a away to get each value from the tuple separately? May not be, but I couldn't find it in the docs.
Here is the code:
# Import the required libraries
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
# Create an instance of tkinter frame or window
win = Tk()
# Set the size of the window
# Create a function to clear the combobox
def clear_cb():
# Define Tuple
data = [('Value A', 'First', '1.5'), ('Value B', 'Next', '4.5'), ('Value C', 'Last', '5.5')]
# Create a combobox widget
var= StringVar()
cb= ttk.Combobox(win, textvariable= var)
cb['values']= data
cb['state']= 'readonly'
cb.pack(fill='x',padx= 5, pady=5)
selected_value = cb.get()
# Create a button to clear the selected combobox text value
button = Button(win, text= "Clear", command= clear_cb)
I want to get the float values that match the selection, ie 1.5 for Value A. The numbers are always the last of each of the tuples, which I thought would allow some index with the get() method, but I couldn't get that to work.