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Can I change Android project structure and mix xml with source files?

I have application with many fragments, many layouts and many viewmodels. Moving around thru whole project tree when I'm working on FeatureFragment.kt feature_fragment_layout.xml and ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Android Studio dosn't show a folder in the project window tree

I try to create simple folder. I can see it is created on disk, but I can't see it in the project display. I did all the synch and reload from disk things: And the jni directory exists on disk:
user63898's user avatar
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Android Studio how to delete folders under java module?

I want to have a java module name is features.And I want to delete folders inside that module which names are main and test.I can't delete that two modules from android studio.Even I try to delete ...
CSS's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to include sources of one module inside another without copying the jar with Gradle?

I would like to split an Android library project into modules. The intended project structure is: ├─ androidLibraryModule │ ├─ kotlinLibraryModuleA │ └─ kotlinLibraryModuleB Where ...
Sir Codesalot's user avatar
1 vote
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"settings.gradle (Project Setting)" errore

"settings.gradle (Project Setting)" describe me an mistake in the tool bar project so I double click on it and it's just wrote <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...
EntourLoupe Studio's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is my android studio 4.0 project structure different?

I have updated my android studio to version 4.0 and the project structure has changed somehow. I am new to android developing so I can't tell the changes but the folders are red. Why are they red? Is ...
WebDiva's user avatar
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i can't install androidx.preference library

i want to install preference library from androidx. when i go to project structure to add this library : 1. i don't have 1.1.0 version. i only have 1.1.0-alpha05 and 1.0.0 versions. 2. when i want to ...
Levi007's user avatar
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Existing android studio project modules issue

I have been trying to open my existing android studio project which was working perfectly fine, but now is giving me issues. I also tried to import it and the issue persisted. The APP folder on ...
Yenzokuhle Mdladla's user avatar
6 votes
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Android Studio Project Structure - library dependency options only offer alpha versions

What controls the versions offered in the "Choose Library Dependency" list? I only see alpha versions. File > Project Structure... Select app under Modules > Dependencies tab > green plus sign on ...
innov83r's user avatar
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Android setup library dependencies for module

The Background: I have an Android project, where I want to refactor specific functions into one module. My app structure looks like this: MyApp |--app |----build.gradle |--myNewModule |----build....
Eve's user avatar
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How to exclude modules from google play services library?

I'm working with an Android app and I'm trying to exclude modules from gms because I exceeded the limit of methods that can be referenced: method ID not ...
ILovemyPoncho's user avatar
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How can I create Android module library inside Android module library

I try to create module which is controller for XXX sdk module. So I create new module library (controller) and want to add sub module XXX sdk module. Can you give some advises how to do this?
Alex's user avatar
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Android: Project structure for opensource projects (GitHub)

I've mostly been a consumer in the open source world, but now want to start contributing. Generally the projects hosted on GitHub (Talking about android here) are seen to have the following structure ...
Viral Patel's user avatar
  • 33.3k
11 votes
1 answer

Android Studio - Multiple android apps with common dependencies in a single project

I have two different android apps A and B. A and B are modules in the same project Both have a dependency on a library module Z which itself depends on two other library modules X and Y A -> Z B -> ...
acthota's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

android: How can I create subfolder in a `mipmap` folder, that can be accessed in code and layouts

I have my image resources in the various mipmap folders (mipmap-xhdpi, mipmap-xxhdpi, etc.) My project has hundreds of images (and growing) and it is becoming cumbersome that they are all in a single ...
chiliNUT's user avatar
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4 votes
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Multiple projects in Android Studio

I've been using eclipse for a couple of years now but have finally decided to move to Android Studio. The problem is that during these years I've created over 100 apps that are based on one project. ...
soulkito's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Android Studio: “new module -> import existing project” vs. “import module”

What I have: Four independently working Android modules: MyProjectMainModule, a main container application, attached to MyProject MyGradleModule, a library, with all necessary components built ...
melvynkim's user avatar
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Intellij project doesn't open entire structure

I had a project that compiled and ran fine previously and is currently distributed on google play. I haven't touched the code in at least a month and now when I open the project with intellij the ...
ez4nick's user avatar
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How i can use one project with sub projects in another project as sub project (sub module) with gradle?

There is some gradle - android project A. It's Depends on a few gradle sub-projects, that situated each on its own git repository, and connected, to our project by git sub module(I can look it in my ...
Yevgen Kulik's user avatar
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19 answers

Android Studio not showing modules in project structure

I am using Android studio and I want to add module to my project like "action bar Sherlock" or jar files, but when I opened the project structure there is no module or library in the menu :\ In ...
Mohamd Ali's user avatar
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8 votes
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Android best practices for package structure issue [closed]

Based on Android-package-structure-best-practice Android-Architecture I have made the following Android package structure:
Akhil Jain's user avatar
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9 votes
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Change project file structure after migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio gradle structure

I have migrated a project from Eclipse. The project still has the "old" project file structure from eclipse (see Is there a way to ...
user1924915's user avatar
2 votes
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Android Studio open project structure fail

I created new project in Android Studio in Ubuntu 12.04. When the project opened, I can't config project structure. It says We will provide a UI to configure project settings later. Until then, ...
dothegod's user avatar
4 votes
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Version controlling Android/Eclipse project with all it's 3rd party libraries

So here is the deal. Let's say I'm developing an app depending on the Facebook SDK and Chris Banes PullToRefreshListView. I import the SDK's to my workspace(which I don't really like since it fills ...
Alexander's user avatar
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2 answers

Keeping it modular in android - Dividing resources in a good way

Background I'm trying to keep an app which is as modular as possible. The app will have have tasks which it performs on different intervals. My goal is to make it as easy possible to add new tasks ...
Nicklas A.'s user avatar
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Is there any way to make ADT project directory layout more flexible?

I asked this question on the android-developers group but didn't get any response, so I thought I'd try here. The ADT eclipse plugin seems to have a pretty rigid idea of how an Android project should ...
Tim Gilbert's user avatar
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