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Python Project import structure [closed]

I am currently working on a Python Project in VSCode and after several hours of work I am wondering how I can improve my import structure. Currently I have the following structure: \API ---\__init__....
plgdctr's user avatar
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'Android SDK "Android API 29 Platform" is not found on the disk or corrupted.' in Android Studio while using Flutter

While using flutter there is this constant pop up saying 'Android SDK "Android API 29 Platform" is not found on the disk or corrupted.' when I press configure it doesn't work with any of the ...
Morcous Wael's user avatar
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Android studio cannot find modules even though the folder is open. what is the problem?

i have no idea why the red highlights are there and i can't run the file either this is a flutter project. my flutter path is added. flutter doctor has only two issues, chrome executable(i use brave) ...
tetrax-slash's user avatar
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How to create a new default project structure for new pyCharm projects?

I would like to always have my new projects contain a src folder, which will contain all my .py scripts. I want this to be done automatically (whenever I create a new project), and don't want to ...
shanu218's user avatar
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Vite - Building efficiently different applications based on common source code

I am currently developing a web application with Vue.js and Vite. I aim to produce two different versions of the same application using the same source code. For example, some components are common ...
nJoooy's user avatar
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How to organize a Python project when migrating from sql queries to API requests? [closed]

I am working on a project that used to fetch all the required data from an external DB. Soon the DB won't be accesable anymore and is going to be replaced by endpoints. Assuming that I have a ...
error404's user avatar
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Organizing an Azure ML project with multiple step scripts and shared modules

Starting Point I am setting up a codebase for an Azure ML with Python project. The project has a script that builds the pipeline and triggers its execution on Azure. The pipeline consists of ...
Benjamin Kambs's user avatar
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Placing datasource configuration class used for both local dev and unit testing in src/main/java or src/test/java

My application uses springboot with springdatajpa and is connected to two dbs(microsoft sql and mysql). For local developement and unit testing I am using same datasource classes for connecting to two ...
RaM's user avatar
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Import doesn't work > ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'qt_py'

When I try to run my pyqt5 application, the compiler throws this Traceback with couple errors: Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\College\stuff\proj\simulation_proj\", line ...
cosLatte's user avatar
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Correct Maven project execution plugin configuration when using multimodule application

I have application that has multiple module (about 20 modules). These modules are libraries except 2. One of the module is wrapper that specifies which module to use. There is also module that has ...
Fleky's user avatar
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Why Can't VS Code Directly Run Python unittest .py's Or Discover In Testing Tab

I was having issues with this when learning Python unittest for a larger project, so I reproduced it for a simple boilerplate project. I make a folder structure like this and have the project open in ...
Matthew Jendrasiak's user avatar
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I've renamed project directories on IntelliJ, and now, each launching, it recreates empty directories with the old names and an .iml file inside

I've shortened my projects directories names, using F6 = Refactor → Rename → Directory Name: Application → App It worked, but now, each time I'm restarting IntelliJ 2023.3.1, it recreates on disk, and ...
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
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ImportError: No module named 'Shapes' when running Python scripts and tests

Description: I'm encountering an ImportError issue in my Python project related to module imports. The project structure is as follows: C:. ├───Shapes │ │ │ │ │ │ ...
Jovan Tatic's user avatar
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How to Restrict Access to Maven automation testing framework Project's Main Folder Contents?

I have a Maven automation testing BDD-Cucumber framework project where the main folder contains essential testing configurations and reusable components. I want to allow clients to use these ...
Dheeraj Kumar Rajak's user avatar
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Cross-platform app project structure in Python [closed]

I want to create a cross-platform app. It will probably be a mobile app first (maybe a web app later). For backend, I am using fastAPI (Python framework) and PostgreSQL. For frontend I would like to ...
KrysPy's user avatar
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When to use multiple projects on the same Visual Studio solution?

I'm working on a WinForms app, inside a bigger, main WinForms app that launches other Forms. You have a big menu with apps you can click and launch (mine is one of them). At the beginning of the ...
funk4del1c's user avatar
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Correct python project structure and import statements

I understand that this question surely is a duplicate (maybe "multicate" is more accurate). However, I'm asking because I cannot transfer the answer to my problem. Also, most of the other ...
Nico's user avatar
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Accessing ENV files in Vite Version 4

I am working on a web application built using HTML/CSS/JS + Vite.js. We were running on Vite v2.8.3 and wanted to upgrade to the latest v4.3.3. I was able to successfully complete the update and run ...
Mickey Vershbow's user avatar
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Where should the benchmarks be put in a Java (Maven) project?

I have some benchmarks that I would like to keep in the projects because I may modify them and use them again in the future, but I haven't found anything on where to put them. In a Maven project tests ...
Teddy Tsai's user avatar
-1 votes
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Access Python Class Attribute inside externally called method [closed]

In a case like: class Foo(object): def __init(self, x): self.var = x def loop(self): # [yield params] result = self.do_sth(params) def do_sth(self, params): ...
gorschel's user avatar
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Using Pycharm and using the same package in multiple projects - what's the best way to avoid duplicating the disk space it takes up?

I am a relatively new user of PyCharm/python, and was looking for advice about how to efficiently install packages. I have made several separate 'projects' which have small amounts of code, but all ...
SeanC's user avatar
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Maintaining two Git repositories

I have a question regarding maintaining multiple repositories in git. I currently have 2 projects divided into 3 folders: Landing, Admin, Stores. Which in turn the two projects are divided into US and ...
Saltaro's user avatar
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Why can't sbt/assembly find the main classes in a project with multiple subprojects?

We're combining two of our Scala projects because they share a lot of functionality. I'm setting up the new repo, and have the following build.sbt: ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.10" ...
James Kelleher's user avatar
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IntelliJ idea does not properly see modules of generated Ktor project. Android Studio does see them

.0. I imported a project to the PC (specifically here = generated Ktor project, although I've seen such behavior before with Compose Desktop projects) Generated here .1. IntelliJ Idea doesn't ...
Nikita A's user avatar
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How to avoid making dependencies available for all packages in the module?

Coming form a .NET background, I am currently trying to adjust my first go project to a more go-typical project structure (similar to this). The thing I don't understand is, how to avoid dependencies ...
user4758246's user avatar
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Detecting python modules from different directories in my project structure

I have a project structure in VSCode like this: Project/ .venv/ virtual environment containing pip packages like numpy config/ useful scripts src/ I want ...
Lavaa's user avatar
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Python - Creating installable packages from different unique project structure

My goal is to establish a project structure that will limit future headache. The project I am working on has 3 different packages that need to be installable and tested, the structure looks something ...
wisenickel's user avatar
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ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Using this structure i try to import GRIBDownloader using from modules.GRIBDownloader import GRIBDownloader (in the GRIBDownloader file is a class called GRIBDownloader) with as my ...
coding_noob's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I fix the issue: "Cannot find module '.todo/todo' or its corresponding type declaration" while specifying relative path to all files?

I'm working with the NestJS project following the next article (self-learning purposes). I have the project-structure similar to: project ... src |-- app.controller.spec.ts |-- app.controller.ts ...
invzbl3's user avatar
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Set gulp-usemin task to build the content of src folder, but not create another src folder into dist

So, I have the follow project structure ├── gulpfile.js ├── output.txt ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json └── src ├── assets | ├── css | ├── img | ├── js | └── pages └── ...
Ítalo Rissardi's user avatar
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Running all tests for a multi-binary project

Consider a multi binary project with the following structure. . ├── bin1 │   ├── config │   │   ├── config.go │   │   └── config_test.go │   └── utils │   ├── utils.go │   └── utils_test.go ├──...
kexic63212's user avatar
-1 votes
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Where to store API calls in React / Next.js project? [closed]

We use redux-thunk with redux in our project, but some shared business logic can not use redux, as part of the code is used in Wordpress plugin in shortcodes, and there it is not possible to use redux....
János's user avatar
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Nextjs - Images in Assets or Public

I'm wondering what is better approach? For example if I have some icons that are used in components. assets folder approach ( located in root/src/assets/....) import ListItemIcon from '@assets/...
MarekFodor's user avatar
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ssr + csr and SEO

I have been working in nextjs since recently. I previously programmed in react, but the project requires me to use nextjs. Briefly the application looks like this Home page (simple backend data + ...
Filbert's user avatar
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How to get a list of unique python modules imported from different scripts located in different folders

I have a project contained in a folder (src). It is divided into different folders and each one contains some script .py. An example of the project structure is the following: ├── src &...
Will's user avatar
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Own common libraries in own dart/flutter projects in VSCode?

I'm working on one project for some time now on flutter. Part of the source code has been designed so that it can be used again as is in other projects. I'm working with Visual Studio Code. Now I'm ...
Jacques's user avatar
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Vite multiple apps with same source

I am new to vite, to start with, I don't actually know what kind of structure I need. I need to build multiple apps but some of them depend on the same components. It worked well by far however I ...
Ozan Mudul's user avatar
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Can I change Android project structure and mix xml with source files?

I have application with many fragments, many layouts and many viewmodels. Moving around thru whole project tree when I'm working on FeatureFragment.kt feature_fragment_layout.xml and ...
Kamil's user avatar
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How should I structure a Rust project for solving small coding challenges?

I have been doing Project Euler problems (mathematical coding challenges) for a while. In the past I have been coding them up in Python (where it is simple to have dozens of scripts in the same ...
Pioneer_11's user avatar
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Android Studio dosn't show a folder in the project window tree

I try to create simple folder. I can see it is created on disk, but I can't see it in the project display. I did all the synch and reload from disk things: And the jni directory exists on disk:
user63898's user avatar
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Defining global variables for a python package [closed]

Suppose I have coded a particular Python package. What is the proper way to structure global variables? Should I define all global variables in one file and simply import them everywhere else? Is ...
FreeMind's user avatar
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Server copy of script can't find a file that exists

I've got a local project structure that looks something like this: local_root/ ├─ reusable_code/ │ ├─ ├─ main/ │ ├─ Inside of, I have the statement from reusable_code ...
confused_nomad's user avatar
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How to organize files in resources folder

I am working on bigger project and I would like to ask how should I organize files used for unit tests in resources folder. I used to put it directly in resources folder, but how the project grows, it ...
Jakub Znamenáček's user avatar
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Recommended name for top level module in Python project?

I am developing a program that I plan to distribute to multiple users. This consists of a folder containing the following files: ...
Appguy1's user avatar
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How to share interface between 3 projects in C#

I'm trying to understand sharing interfaces between modules and I faced following problem: I have three projects in which: Console Application - is main project, which wants to fetch data. Core ...
Łukasz Łopata's user avatar
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Android Studio how to delete folders under java module?

I want to have a java module name is features.And I want to delete folders inside that module which names are main and test.I can't delete that two modules from android studio.Even I try to delete ...
CSS's user avatar
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Enforcing project structure rules

I have a .Net project in which some classes (e.g. constants, enums, etc.) are generated by a tool developed in the company. Developers would not participate in changing them. In addition the team ...
Reza Shafie's user avatar
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Where to keep python class method return types?

I have a python module for making HTTP requests and a different one for making database calls. I'm generating typing for the 3rd API JSON response and the MongoDB entities using dict-typer. What is ...
Lajos's user avatar
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How to create Scala SBT multi independent project

I am trying to create sbt multi independent project. I want my project structure some thing like My Scala and sbt version is 2.12.2 and 1.5.5 respectively. sbt-multi-project-example/ common/ ...
Dhruv Rajkotiya's user avatar
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Clarification about modern CMake structure

I am not an expert C or C++ programmer, but I have to write a C and a C++ application for two course projects. To start off on the right foot, I was reading a guide about how to structure the code of ...
steddy's user avatar
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