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Hilt gives class cast exception when try to start an activity inside an android lib

I am developing an android sdk and using hilt inside my lib. Inside my lib, there is an activity and inside my activity, I manage lib related fragments internally. If I build my lib without proguard ...
Ali güvenç's user avatar
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How to migrate Existing Android app to Instant App , i am unable to do it since size is getting around 70MB

I followed below link of Android. After using this facing alot of issues in manifest and gradle . Error [:...
Nitesh Chauhan's user avatar
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How to import a library module with aliased plugins and dependencies into new AndroidStudio projects

The latests gradle plugins and Android Studio versions recommend the use of aliases for plugins and dependencies. I created a library by doing: New Project then New Module (Android Library) So ...
Myoch's user avatar
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Unable to See KDoc Comments in Android Library After Publishing via JitPack

I am currently developing an Android library in Kotlin, and I am facing an issue where the comments for my methods [Image 1] are not showing up in the consuming project [Image 2] after publishing the ...
Michael I.'s user avatar
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FCM version update for SDK

FCM version: 21.0.0 : I was using FirebaseInstanceId along with FirebaseOptionsBuilder to receive notifcation on SDK side of the project. Current docs say Apps still using deprecated Instance ID APIs ...
Preet Patel's user avatar
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Nested dependencies or library are not available in generated AAR , Unable to import the class or library used in module to root project

Hi I'm new to android developed, So please excuse any basic mistakes Developing a KMM project and need to include this as an external dependencies in another project So converted this KMM project a ...
PRATHIV's user avatar
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Error "OpenCV not found" when building AAR for Android library using OpenCV

I'm developing an Android library that includes OpenCV as a dependency. I'm encountering an issue where, after building the AAR file and trying to use it in another project, I get an error stating ...
Python's user avatar
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What is the meaning and a solution to java.lang.NullPointerException when building an Android Library using Gradle and Maven?

I'm trying to create my own custom library for Android to streamline the developing process of FTC Robots, I've tried creating a project in IntelliJ and use MavenCentral to publish it, tried ...
Santiago Quintana's user avatar
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Android: Multi module library doesn't work with implementation project without publishing all modules

I'm trying to publish a multi-module library but I only want to publish only want one module as follows: -module main -module data -module domain Sample app should implement only main module (as this ...
Itoun's user avatar
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How to force resource string from library over the same resource name defined in the app

I have an Android app that uses a library and both have string resources with identical names (but with different values). Apps will override and use the app's version and ignore the library's version ...
rysv's user avatar
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JAR Library access its Resources within Android App

I have a JAR library that retrieves random files from the JAR resources. When added as a dependency and ran within an Android App, the library fails to retrieve its resources (the resources are to be ...
Skepller's user avatar
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How to do android lib from part of multimodule app

Create lib from android app screen My current task is to separate one of the application screens as a library so that another application can have it and keep all the functionality of the screen The ...
qveex's user avatar
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Unresolved reference while publishing library to maven local

I am publishing a android library to maven local but some code (specially DSL and extension functions cannot be resolved) Please find below my configurations : library/buid.gradle.kts: plugins { ...
suns9's user avatar
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(Android Library module) How to access a parent project's ext.variable value in build.gradle?

it has been a long long while since I've been on stackoverflow. Been away from the tech space for a number of years working as a freelancer before returning to the workforce recently. I've just been ...
shermannatrix's user avatar
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How can I fix a library add syntax error?

I am getting error like this Error Message: Unresolved reference. None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch:public val NamedDomainObjectContainer<...
MN Dijital's user avatar
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2 answers

how to implement glide library in build.gradle.kts

Unexpected tokens (use ';' to separate expressions on the same line) this is the error that i am getting while i am trying to implement Glide library in my app I also tried to use implementation(com....
Aditya Deshwal's user avatar
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Using dependencies when developing an android library

I am developing an Android library, i use some dependencies in the project module which is published to a local maven repo, this is how i declare my dependencies in my ...
Ziv Kesten's user avatar
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Uploading Android Library to Maven Central Repository SonaType

I am trying to upload android library to maven central repository but it shows following error. All checksum, md5 and sha1 files are properly build before uploading but don't know why this is ...
Jagan's user avatar
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How to Open Native Android Activity Without Creating a New Instance in React Native?

I have a Kotlin-based native Android chat app that I want to integrate into my React Native project as an android library. The React Native app has a bottom tab bar with four tabs, one for accessing ...
Maksudur Rahman's user avatar
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Android Jitpack release and debug build

I'm new to Jitpack and Android library releases. What I try to achieve is having a Jitpack release, which includes debug and release artifact of the library I created. For more details look at my ...
kalevan's user avatar
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How to manage third-party dependencies within my local AAR

I have a custom Android library that requires a publicly available third-party dependency, com.opencsv:opencsv. I would like to manage this dependency myself, without requiring my clients to implement ...
Kelvin Lee's user avatar
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Encountering java.lang.ClassCastException with Hilt Dependency Injection in Android while applying proguard rules

I have created an Android library. When I use it as an AAR file without enabling ProGuard, it works fine. However, when I enable ProGuard rules, it stops working. I am using it as below in my app ...
Kalpesh Doru's user avatar
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Gradle publish fails to PUT a different random file to each time

I'm trying to publish my Android library to and each time the task fails because it failed to PUT one of the files with a 401 ...
Adam's user avatar
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ClassNotFound exception when inflating a class

This is my dependency in build.gradle, after syncing the output shows everything is fine dependencies{ implementation("com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.16.0") implementation(&...
DuckDoesStuff's user avatar
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Android - infinite ruler/slider to change int value

Does anyone know a library that adds a similar slider to an application to change the value of a number? I need an element that allows itself to scroll indefinitely and change the value up/down (...
jose4ka's user avatar
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How do I migrate my Android library's usage of the "maven-publish" and "signing" Gradle plugins from the Groovy DSL to the Kotlin DSL?

I am using the maven-publish and signing Gradle plugins in my Android library's Groovy DSL build.gradle file as follows: plugins { id("maven-publish") id("signing") } ...
Adil Hussain's user avatar
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What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal'

I'm trying to create a library. On, I see the following error log: What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:publishMavenPublicationToMavenLocal'. Failed to publish publication '...
Tugba's user avatar
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How to decide of whether to switch long-running tasks to another thread in your library or leave it to the user (developer)?

I'm creating an Android library. Should I switch long-running tasks to another thread, or is it better to let the user (developer) make that choice? My library uses Android SDK, Retrofit, Room, and ...
Alisher Qazaqbaev's user avatar
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Publish each Android library flavour to it's own repository

I'm trying to publishes diffrent flavours of my library to diffrent repositories. I'm using the maven-publish plugin for this. I have an Android library with multiple flavours flavorDimensions += &...
user2408952's user avatar
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How to distribute android library which are dependent on each other using Jitpack?

How to Distribute Interdependent Modules in Jitpack for Open-Source Project (Clean Architecture) Context: We're working on an open-source project built with Clean Architecture and a multi-module ...
Konark Shivam's user avatar
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Unity as a Library - Communication between app module and unityLibrary

In the process of integrating a Unity application into my native application developed in Android Studio, I now intend to process the data obtained in the Unity application. More specifically, I have ...
electrical129084's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError despite using api for dependency in a library

Android library foolib has the following in in its build.gradle: api('com.github.hedzr:android-file-chooser:v1.2.0-final') The library generates its aar file foolib.aar. App MyApp uses foolib.aar. ...
Hong's user avatar
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kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion in android library

I am working on an Android library that will contain different screens inside an activity. I initially wanted to use Compose for the UI, but I encountered a problem with this approach. In my module, I ...
Big Coach's user avatar
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"Android Library Module (shared-test) Unable to Recognize Third-Party Library from App Module"

I am encountering an issue in my Android project where the "shared-test" library module is unable to recognize a third-party library used in the "app" module. Additionally, I've ...
Samah's user avatar
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Create android library through maven publish which is having a dependency on AAR file

I am publishing my custom library to maven local and using it in my project. However recently my library is dependant on a AAR dependency and I am unable to bundle it with my custom library. I have ...
abhishek maharajpet's user avatar
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Facing issue while integration firebase on Android Library

I have developed an Android library and successfully deployed Jar file on GitHub Packages. However, I am encountering a crash while attempting to integrate Firebase within my library. The reason for ...
Kalpesh Doru's user avatar
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How to make functions as protected into library module's classes?

I am trying to generate a library module for my android project and I am able to do that, and deployed this one to Jitpack. But when I use this library module(as jitpack dependency ) than using "...
Mr. Mad's user avatar
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Public Maven JAR artifact with stubs for android.os.Build and android.util.Log

I develop a Java library that runs on the JVM as well as on Android. On Android, I use the classes android.os.Build and android.util.Log. Currently, I compile against
Martin's user avatar
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How to generate a gpg secret key that starts with the tag 0x14, or works with gradle 7.3?

I'm learning how to publish android library in mavenCentral, and my first demo with gradle 8.2 published ok. The problem is, my large office projects use gradle 7.3, and so I am decreasing / matching ...
Qazi Fahim Farhan's user avatar
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How to run Proguard/R8 on a library before running it on an app, as if it was an external dependency?

I'm afraid I'm either misunderstanding the behavior of Proguard/R8 or it's not suited for my needs. I'd appreciate some clarification if there's any Proguard expert out there. Here's my context. I'm ...
Paul-Etienne's user avatar
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Literaly I just inserted the View and i guess google didn't read it

I initiated a proyect with basic views activity and and simply inserted the component and looks like this, checked the dependencies in my gradle and implementation("
Rage_Dragon's user avatar
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Customize onclick event in pesdk android library

In my project, I came across an issue related to a photo editing library that's used in both Android and iOS. Specifically, I needed to add a feature where, upon choosing a filter from the ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Android shared java library

Context: I am working on an android application that uses multiple libraries. One of those libraries can vary depending on the device (implementation can differ) To avoid having to build multiple ...
Simon Ackermann's user avatar
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How to add a library for an app which uses lower version of Kotlin without upgrading app's Kotlin plugin's version?

Currently I have an app which uses '1.7.21' version for Kotlin: classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.7.21" It works fine and I can make the build with the latest version of ...
user924's user avatar
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Publish Android library to Jfrog artifactory with dependent aar file

I have an Android library project that contains external aar file in it. I have added aar file as a submodule instead of adding it in libs folder. So project structure is as follow: LibraryModule -...
Nouman Bhatti's user avatar
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If my android library created using latest AGP and kotlin version will it cause any issue while using old AGP and kotlin version?

For example: If I use AGP 7.4.2 and kotlin version 1.8.0 for building my android library. While using in an app that uses AGP 7.1.* and kotlin 1.6.0. Is it going to cause any issue? AGP 7.4.2 and ...
Tareq Islam's user avatar
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Android library imported via results in "package does not exist" error, though previous versions can be imported fine

I have an open-source Android library uploaded on GitHub (I am the author of the library). A day back, I released a new version of the library, making it compatible with Android SDK 34. After creating ...
Wrichik Basu's user avatar
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Jitpack builds successfully, but there is no jar file or jar doesn't contain .class files

I'm trying to build my Android library with Jitpack, but it doesn't make any jar file, so I can insert implementation 'com.github.crylent:midilib:fbcf4f6c1e' into a gradle file in another project and ...
crylent's user avatar
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method when trying to import two libraries with a common libray and an execlude rule in gradle

I have built 2 libraries with one shared module and published them on JitPack, then I tried to import both libraries in the same App and tried to run it, I got this compile time error Duplicate class {...
Ahmad Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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AGP removes version from libraries build.gradle: Where to put library version properly?

That thing haunts me for a while now: To avoid code duplication, I moved common code parts from my main apps to custom Android Libraries. They are than added as Git submodules, included in settings....
Niklas Dada's user avatar

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