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Retrieving data from DataModel (Power Pivot) within VBA

first of all, apologies. I am a relatively new VBA user, and I am a bit lost in the search for the answer to the question below. I am creating a UserForm which will include some ComboBox to get user's ...
pablo_bg's user avatar
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DAX TOPN Ascending Returns Blank Values

In Power Pivot, I have the following DAX Measure which works great including being connected to a slicer using CUBEVALUE. Meas_TopPerformerWeighted:=VAR TopAgentName = CALCULATE ( ...
Tim Palacios's user avatar
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Combine Two or more named ranges (with formulas) to one named range (array)

I am trying to use formula.1 to get data from the Data model and I have managed to use O7:P7 as an array in the Cubermember function. like this: This is sample data. =CUBEVALUE("...
Rafi Ur Rehman's user avatar
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Excel cubevalue error #N/A FieldName with period

I have written the following expression with cubevalue =CUBEVALUE("ThisWorkbookDataModel","[Measures].[Sum of Indicator Value]","[economics].[Ticker].&["&($B$21)&"]","[economics].[...
alexparq's user avatar
3 votes
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Show only facts in Excel's show fields dropdown when using tabular cube

When having a connection to a multidimensional cube in Excel (powerpivot table) there is an option to Show fields and select only one fact and its related dimensions. Here is what I mean This shows ...
Pepys's user avatar
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MDX Function (Excel PowerPivot) to Exclude Non Numeric Values from DB

I am quite new to MDX and I am trying hard to write a query that allows me to retrieve only numeric values. My query at present is: SELECT NON EMPTY {ISNUMERIC([Measures].[Average Booking Window])} ...
Kurt's user avatar
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How to filter out multiple dimensions in Excel using cube functions?

I've read this post (use Cube Functions to get filtered dimensions) and it's quite helpful, but I want to add one more level of filtering. So let's say my data looks like this in PowerPivot: Month ...
Sultan of Swing's user avatar
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DAX IF ELSE statement performance issue

Sales := CALCULATE( IF(HASONEVALUE('SalesTable'[Sales]),CALCULATE(VALUES('SalesTable'[Sales]))), LASTNONBLANK('SalesTable'[Date],1)) The above query work fine. When I filter by month, it will shows ...
user4815740's user avatar
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SSAS Cube : How to expand a particular level of dimension from pivot table

How can I expand a particular level of dimension from a pivot table. Currently when I select a particular dimension, all other dimensions on the same level also expand which causes long processing ...
Dino's user avatar
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SSAS Cube Modelling Fact or Dimension - No Additive Columns

Im pretty new to BI modelling and have been assigned a project to create a BI solution for a Patient Administration System (millions of rows). There are no sales or additive information in the system....
Matt's user avatar
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Unable to refresh powerpivot data in sharepoint

I have a SSAS cube and I would like to create some reports using excel out of the data. Since creating a report directly from the cube involved some performance issues, I loaded the data from the cube ...
Mithun Balamurugan's user avatar
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When I convert a pivot table to formulas I get #GETTING_DATA instead of values

When I convert a pivot table to formulas I get #GETTING_DATA instead of values in the valuecells of the former pivot table. The row labels and column labels are showing fine. But all the value cells ...
user1283776's user avatar
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SSAS Tabular / PowerPivot Date Filters

I am trying to design a SSAS 2014 Tabular Cube that has easy to use custom date filters. For example, I want users (in excel for example) to be able to select a custom date range such as "This Month",...
cmn's user avatar
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I'm connecting a PowerPivot query to a MS Analysis server cube. double record

I'm connecting a PowerPivot query to a MS Analysis Server Cube. The query result i get contains double records for a single dimension (personnelnr). This because of a name change during a day in the ...
rdwkomp's user avatar
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Efficiently store and retrieve price points over time ranges

We are loading data from a source that contains rates with date ranges. The rate seldom changes. E.g. ProductId, SupplierId, CategoryId, Rate, ValidFrom, ValidTo 1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-01, 2014-06-30 ...
TvdH's user avatar
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Cell References in Cube Formula - Excel PowerPivot

I'm looking to run a CUBEVALUE formula with member expressions based on the contents of multiple different cells. For this example i have 2 cells with a value for REGION in: I15: Border I16: Midlands ...
Rab's user avatar
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Filter Dimension values

I have a master Customer dimension (that I don't maintain). My fact table includes customer info. When I compile the cube, everything looks good, by browsing the cube I see my fact rows with only ...
AlexFreitas's user avatar
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use Cube Functions to get filtered dimensions

How do you get a list of filtered dimentions from a cube function say I had a dimention table of addresses: 1234 Any Street Detroit MI 48229 55588 187th St E Seattle WA 98888 4 Blossum Ave ...
Chris Hayes's user avatar
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Any sample on how to expose a olap cube as oData so it can be used using powerpivot?

I'm looking for a sample on how to expose an olap cube as an odata feed so it can be consumed by powerpivot. I do not want to provide direct access to the cube.
Filip Stas's user avatar