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Powershell invoke-command: why isn't this engaging the foreach loop? [duplicate]

OK, I'm piggybacking off my previous question Powershell script to get IIS app pool recycling time from servers and wondering what I'm doing wrong I have a list of IIS app pools (apppools.txt) and a ...
dbutts's user avatar
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curve_fit popt is only returning one parameter when my function has two

I am trying to understand why my curve_fit is only producing one optimized parameter when I have created the function using two, td and tr. The number is it producing also does not make sense as I am ...
Rena Kramer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is my variable data type (an element of a 2D List) not recognized when passed to a function in Kotlin? [closed]

I am trying to pass the value of the multidimensional List measures[1][0] which is of the type Measurements to the function but it doesn't acknowledge the correct type for the parameter passed. ...
Charles Perry's user avatar
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Rails 6, how to render .js.erb with fetch() and params

I am updating old Rails apps that worked with jquery and $ajax(), and this still works after the update. I would like to change the ajax call for a fetch() with .js.erb and params, all seems well, but ...
Daniela's user avatar
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C++ : Polymorphism does not work with reference

I have an application with 2 kinds of products: simple products (Produit, "products") and products that have their own recipe (ProduitCuisine, "prepared food"). A recipe is a ...
job314's user avatar
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holder.js has 'global is undefined' error

When I tried to use holder image within the below code: import { run as runHolder } from "holderjs/holder"; import React, { Fragment, useEffect } from "react"; import { Image } ...
Park JongBum's user avatar
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How to get UTM params stored in local storage to send them in the response after payment?

I have an issue with UTM parameters that are stored in local Storage but I can't send them in my response when someone going checkout --- payment --- thank you page. Do you have any idea how I can ...
aang3la's user avatar
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Sonarqube ignore rules parameter for goto statatement in the code

What is the command line line parameter that i can use to ignore the GOTO statement usage in plsql code for example we have used below to ignore the forloop block in the code -Dsonar.issue.ignore....
afrin's user avatar
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No implicit conversion Error while extracting nested parameter in Rails self method

I am trying to implement search functionality based on parameters by passing into rails model self method. While checking passed parameter conditionally on query I am getting no implicit conversion of ...
Mr.DevEng's user avatar
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Structured Pruning of Yolov8

I have to run the object detector on Raspberry Pi 4b for real-time object detection. For this task, I have decided to use yolov8n. I have to run the detector in real-time, and since I don't have any ...
Hiba Lashari's user avatar
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Processing parameters in my batch project

Alright, I've been working on a project for the past week, it works great and all that, but i added some parameters and commands so more advanced users can manipulate the behavior of my program. It ...
Missile319's user avatar
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How to use javascript variables in URL as querystring parameters [duplicate]

I want to use javascript variables in URL as querystring parameters. what is correct way? var fromSemester = document.getElementById('<%= newFromSemesterValue.ClientID%>').value; var ...
SPBeginer's user avatar
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I'm trying to execute a procedure that contain an array in the parameter getting error PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to

I may able to compile the spec and the body but cannot execute the procedure. Any help will be appreciated. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE TEST_PKG IS type chef_type is RECORD ( p_var1 ...
PierreV's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is the browser not including the full URL parameter [duplicate]

When the request is made to the aws endpoint, why is it cutting off some of the url paramerter ?text=? <div class="container"> <h1>Search Engine</h1> <div class=&...
Peemima's user avatar
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Parameters to FilterView from template redirect

I've read through all similar Q&As but can't figure out how to achieve what I'm wanting. My base.html has a dropdown menu based on academic years: <div class="dropdown"> &...
Lisa Higgins's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to ensure persistence when passing data beween pages?

I had to create an Appointment page using react native and another page that displays all the appointments a "client` has made. However, I'm unsure how to pass data/parameters from the ...
Thabata Dias's user avatar
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GCP CloudBuild substitution fails in pipeline

According to the GCP CloudBuild documentation one can use shell parameter expansion in pipeline substitutions. I want to define a tag name for docker images based on the names of our git branches. ...
arkascha's user avatar
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Postman gives wrong number of arguments

Postman says number of procedure parameters is 4 when I am passing 3 values. Which is higher than procedure parameters in database 3. There is a mismatch in parameters in query call statement and ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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how to turn cli based argument function into function that takes parameters python

I'm using an example function from the google-api-python-client library that takes command line arguments and parses them using argparser. Here's the code this is based on (converted to python3) https:...
icicleking's user avatar
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Using parameter in ReMap for reclassify tool in ArcGIS Pro

I am trying to reclassify a raster in ArcGIS Pro that will reclassify a text type field into a number that is entered in the tool. The number will be between -1 and -0.009. I also want areas that have ...
okicode's user avatar
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CNN model for text classification summary showing no output shape and unbuilt params

I am attempting to create a CNN model for text classification based on tweet data with the ELMo embedding. Once the model is built before compiling I am issuing a model summary but the model summary ...
leakie's user avatar
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MATLAB unittest: set variable and use it across all test method in one test class

Is it possible in matlab.unittest.TestCase TestClass to declare property for test methods in such a way, so if it got changed in one test method, following methods use this updated value? In example, ...
Назарій Кушнір's user avatar
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Issue with API Connection in Power Query

Thanks for any help anyone can give here. I'm trying to connect PowerBI to a system via Rest API. The initial connection is working and a token is bein returned, which is "apiToken" and I'm ...
Alan Mooney's user avatar
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How to programmatically determine if the default parameter value was used? [duplicate]

Given a function: def foo(num = 42, bar = 100): print("num:", num) How might I add code to foo to learn if foo was invoked with no argument for the num and/or bar parameters?
nicomp's user avatar
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Passing Parameters to a .c executed with execl in C

In C, if I use the execl command to execute another .c file, is there a way to pass parameters to this file that it can use during execution? In my problem, I have C code that uses execl to execute an ...
lVitaD's user avatar
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How to know the database where my procedure was originally called from

I am developing a stored procedure and I would like to know from where it was originally called, by that I mean, in which database I was when I called my procedure. I would like to achieve this ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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merge two ParamMap angular

I have the following code that works fine: let urlParameters = combineLatest( [this.route.params, this.route.queryParams], (params, queryParams) => ({ ...params, ...queryParams })); ...
A. Gladkiy's user avatar
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Sphinx - How to document a subclass of param.Parameterized

One of param's main advantage is that of simplifying the codebase. Let's consider this toy class: import param class A(param.Parameterized): """This is my docstring. "&...
Davide_sd's user avatar
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3D parameter vectors multiplication appending with python?

I have to make a parameter optimization in 3 independent variables. Each variable goes from 1 to 10 (or 0 to 9), and I want a 3D matrix of all possible combinations. For simplicity, making shorter ...
Gaston Tudury's user avatar
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Model parameters are not updating for every epoch

I want to compute the gradient norm for every epoch, but when I add the qml.grad function, the model parameters get fixed. I tried different optimizers, but the problem persists. opt = qml....
Hrridoy V2's user avatar
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providing a parameter without a value to select a default value: `script -log` vs `script -log filename` [duplicate]

What I want is a combo of a switch parameter and a string parameter. Where there are 3 scenarios (not just 2): -log not given -log given, default filename -log filename given All these states could ...
john v kumpf's user avatar
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Crystal viewer parameter loses value on navigation

I'm using "SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (64-bit)" version, and the corresponding component for VS: "SAP Crystal Reports, version for Microsoft ...
user7221839's user avatar
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Access non-type template parameter of CRTP derived class from CRTP base class

In the following CRTP code, is there a simple way to access the non-type template parameter N in Base that is exposed by Derived? template <typename TDerived> struct Base { int array[...
pic32cpp's user avatar
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Nestjs default param mapping

I have this controller method below, that I want to be able to call like I want to call the method like add/1: @Controller() export class MyController { @Post('add/:id') async add(@Body() data: ...
Sergino's user avatar
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iMAT MATLAB plugin: NaN or Inf values

I'm a MatLab begginner and I'd like to run the iMAT plugin to reach a comparative proteomic analysis. My input is an Excel file with data about 2 growth conditions: Wildtype and Fe-growth. ...
user1892205's user avatar
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Parameter inside SQL Transformation not working properly

Insert query with bind variable is not working in sql transformation when it is parameterized. insert into abc (a, b, c) values (?a?,?b?,?c?) I am calling the above query in a parameter file. ...
sanid asif ali's user avatar
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PowerShell array param with optional values

I'd like my PS script to have an interface like this: tool.ps1 -Update item1, item2, item3 # Update individual items tool.ps1 -Update # Update all items I've tried all known attribute combinations (...
An Che's user avatar
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Attempting to connect with WinSCP to SFTP but getting error: Too many parameters for command 'open'

Tried many things so now I'm hoping one of you can spot my issue. Getting error Too many parameters for command 'open'. Here is the WinSCP syntax I am using: option batch abort option confirm off ...
watsonjason's user avatar
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Nestjs websocket gateway params

How is it possible to pass params within websocket url? I'm using path to run websocket on a specific url: @WebSocketGateway(8080, { path: 'my/custom/url' }) Here it is needed to pass a param in url ...
Ali Zarei's user avatar
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How to pass PowerAutomate variable into Power Query?

I'm looking to use a variable established in my PowerAutomate flow as a parameter or filter in my Power Query. I've figured out how to filter my query based on a parameter, but I don't know how to get ...
Travis's user avatar
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Is it possible to pass an object to fill both paramaters in a method at once?

I have a function to set the X limits of a graph which works through two parts. public double[] XAxisLimitFunc(int NextDataIndex) { int X = NextDataIndex / 50; X = X * 50; double [] XNew = ...
Gabe Thorley's user avatar
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Symfony 6.4 - Impersonating User - Cannot access routes with parameters

context: I'm developing a Symfony 6.4 application where a parent can have several children and interact with the application under their names. So I have a parent (User entity) linked to one or more ...
Kalm122's user avatar
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How to let Chrome know that a user accepted third party cookies?

Today my little website doesn't load perfectly in Google Chrome. A JavaScript has been not loaded by Chrome. Chrome says: Chrome is moving towards a new experience that lets people make an informed ...
Julio Fong's user avatar
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How to pass a json string from Jenkins Parameter to Shell ansible argument

I have a Jenkins pipeline that runs a shell script that includes a bit of ansible. The ansible portion of the script takes an argument from Jenkins job ANSIBLE_ARG. This parameter can take any number ...
Wanderer's user avatar
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Pass terraform variables via jenkins pipeline

I am working on provisioning Azure resources (Eg. ResourceGroup) using Terraform via JenkinsPipelines. I have a folder structure of - az-tf-modules azure-rg-module azure-rg ...
P Jay's user avatar
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Call by value-result [duplicate]

void foo( int x, int y , int z) { int temp = z; z = y; y=x; x = temp;} void main { int k = 1; int j = 3; int t[5] = {1,3,2,3,1}; foo( t[k], t[j] k); } In the ...
Dimitris Kurtis's user avatar
-4 votes
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Transact SQL, GROUP BY using Case with aggregate function [closed]

I am trying to enable using a variable/parameter along with a 'CASE' expression to determine the "Group By" clause to be used. I am getting the following error: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, ...
Eric B's user avatar
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shell script arguments not getting passed in

Folder Structure tests |- test_geoloc_util.bats from root, I'm able to run the command and the output is as expected ./ "Madison, WI" "94552" ./...
B12's user avatar
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Pass device udid from test parameters to DesiredCapabilities in seperate classes

I have seperate class with called CommonAndroidDriver where capabilites and driver are. I want to be able to add device udid as parameter seperately for each test. public class CommonAndroidDriver { ...
Bart Soha's user avatar
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Getting a KeyError for Pyomo optimization

I am defining an optimization problem for LV networks. My resistance and reactance matrix are 122x122 matrices. There are 122 nodes in the network. Below is a part of the code: Rmatrix[i,j] = np.real(...
Paul's user avatar
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