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Tone.js Sampler throwing "url keys must be the note's pitch" with correct keys [closed]

I'm trying to use a tone.js sampler object within p5.js to play notes. I've tested out my environment with basic tone.js synths, but now I want to create a sampler using custom samples. The issue is, ...
Drew Genel's user avatar
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problem modifying the Y coordinates of a plane in p5.js

I'm trying to modify the positions of the points of a plane object in P5.js. The coordinates are modified in a vertex-shader. The sketh.js part : shader(postShader); postShader.setUniform('time', ...
patrice pellier's user avatar
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using a preshader before the p5.js phongshader

I'd like to be able to modify the vertex positions in a vertex shader BEFORE using phongmaterial. I can think of two solutions: apply a shader that modifies the coordinates before the phongShader ...
patrice pellier's user avatar
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Trying to Create a P5.js Screensaver

I'm new to P5.js and JavaScript programming in general, but I've taken a few lessons and am trying to make a few interesting images with what I know. However, I reached a few roadblocks while trying ...
Aidan A.'s user avatar
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Why is my game's lag get more worse when I play it further?

This is a prototype game about a goose who has to keep the temperature right or else the world ends. I'm trying to add in more mechanics in but I really can't move on because the lag gets worse the ...
Vabe Babe's user avatar
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Rotating 3D object using JavaScript

I am working with WebGL 3D objects within p5.js (JavaScript). I have four somewhat complicated "separate" 3D objects which, when working as planned, will be manipulated with a mouseOver ...
torchic's user avatar
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in p5.js, how to display information of a datapoint when the mouse is hovered over it

Adding function for hover and changing draw function I want to display the information of the datapoint when the mouse is hovered over the point. I tried adding a function and updated my draw function....
theamoghmerudi's user avatar
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How to Change the Default Background of bodySegmentation-mask-body-parts in p5.js?

I'm trying to change the background behind the detected body segment, but I can't get it to work. Even though I'm modifying the background(...) function, it keeps defaulting to white. Can anyone ...
user27884943's user avatar
3 votes
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Fractal Nested Transformation off by a few points P5JS

Note: I am not 100% sure if this question belongs here, as I dont know if the error is in the programming or in the math, please excuse me and direct me to where to post it Hi, I am trying to make an ...
Daniel Cruz's user avatar
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p5 sketch freezing every 2ish seconds

My p5.js sketch is freezing for a couple of frames every 2-3 seconds. I know p5 is not performant, but I feel like my sketch is optimized enough to not warrant this. I think it may have to do with how ...
Spencer Philips's user avatar
3 votes
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p5js Image width always returning 1

I have a very basic p5js script where I need to resize an image taken from the user via an input. I need to resize it by a percentage, so I need to know the original dimentions. For some reason, both ...
Daniel Cruz's user avatar
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Can you change the line ending on p5js

Im working on a project were I need to draw some thick lines. I noticed that by default p5js lines are rounded at the ends. Is there a way to change this behavior? strokeWeight(50); line(150,150,300,...
Daniel Cruz's user avatar
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Why can't I apply this specific invert clip to a shape?

I’m trying to apply an invert clip to a shape, but, for this specific clip shape, the clip is not being applied to the shape. It works if the clip is not inverted, and it works with other clips, such ...
Pedro Gonçalves's user avatar
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Trying to have a p5.js sketch in a Cargo 3 website?

Trying two ways to have a p5.js element in my Cargo 3 site and I seem to keep hitting a different set of problems either way I set it up. Way 1 is placing it directly in the html editor – Way 2 is ...
cantelladoganything's user avatar
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How not to re-render the canvas once state changes?

I have couple of states where I change on different parts of the project: which are: const [sketchDimensions, setSketchDimensions] = useState(SHOE_DIMENSIONS); const [selectedSegment, ...
mrconcerned's user avatar
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Dropdown Menu For Images P5js

I am trying to make a drop down menu in p5js that displays images. I keep running into an error with loading images. When I attempted to troubleshoot and loaded an image in another sketch I did not ...
K-PopCorn's user avatar
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Why does p5.js render colors differently when using point() in a loop vs rect()?

I'm working with p5.js to explore color rendering by creating a dynamic color gradient using the point() function. However, I've noticed that when I use point() to draw colors, they appear lighter or ...
Faerity's user avatar
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Toggling audio in React without re-rendering component

I have built a game using React (and Matter JS and p5.js). It mainly has 2 variables, score (increments everytime goal is hit) and timer (decrements every second). I want music to play in the ...
Worker1432's user avatar
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Creating a flat shadow effect from a circle

I've tried a bit of trig and playing with polar to cartesian coordinates but ultimately getting a bit lost on how to achieve an effect in JS. At the moment I've been using p5.js but open to other ...
Sophie Tooke's user avatar
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How does p5.js instance mode work where the argument to instantiate the object is a function?

I’m having issues understanding how the P5.js instance mode works. The syntax of creating the object seems so different from anything else I’ve seen. We’re instantiating a new object with the ‘new p5(...
ny2cali's user avatar
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p5 perlin noise field can't get streaking

I know that if you have an opaque background, the previous frame appears. My goal is that the previous dots from previous frames will appear to give a streaking effect. However, setting the background ...
Shivam Singh's user avatar
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Reaction diffusion with shaders on WEBGL

I'm writing a reaction diffusion simulation with p5js based on a video and this tutorial. The code so far is this: var vertSrc = ` #ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif attribute vec3 ...
SandWood Jones's user avatar
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I can't make collisions work in p5js with circles

I have followed the instructions of a "TheCodingTrain" tutorial, it describes how to calculate the distance between two circles to emulate collisions. I have a lot more, but this is the code ...
Oliver Riddle's user avatar
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I am having trouble figuring out how to round a number to the nearest ones place in p5.js

I have a game I'm making in p5.js and I am having trouble rounding my health varible to the nearest ones place. I tried using p5.js's round() function ( and it isn'...
Oliver Riddle's user avatar
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p5.js on OpenProcessing, sketch using audio works on desktop but not on mobile

Good afternoon all; Forgive me as I am very much a 'bodger' when it comes to coding so would appreciate your patience with my noviceness! I have made a rough sketch on ...
Alèn Martel's user avatar
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How to find how many parameters of a conditional statement are met?

I am dealing with an issue where I have to return the number of parameters in a conditional statement that are met. Further, I can only use more conditional statements and the return function. The ...
971munir's user avatar
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How to correctly convert images and attach to canvas in p5js?

Currently I'm working on a big project where I'm drawing the shoe model in canvas and using some functions to divide them into segments. Those segments are clickable in order to change the images ...
mrconcerned's user avatar
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Can't access element's properties using DOM in p5.js

I am trying to expand on The Coding Train's Monty Hall Problem demonstration using p5.js, and I am stuck in trying to implement an automatic mode. Everything works fine, except that the background of ...
Ardi's user avatar
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Trouble with reading a noise texture in GLSL

I'm writing a Perlin noise terrain generator with p5js, following this tutorial. The app ran poorly so I decided to rewrite it with shaders, something i've never used before. I started by generating a ...
SandWood Jones's user avatar
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in p5 How to change scalling but keep text size in pixel

I change the scaling to print a geometrical shape. Next to it, I print its name. I use the scaling to make the geometrical shape smaller or bigger. I want the text to follow the geometrical shape. ...
Pierre-olivier Gendraud's user avatar
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How to change the coordinate system for all p5 objects (including the slider)

With this code I make a frame with x going from -25 to 25, y going from -25 to 25. x is pointing rightwards and y upwards. type gridRange={ xrange:{ min: number, max: number, },...
Pierre-olivier Gendraud's user avatar
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How to write text on the right side in an inverted geometric reference frame with p5

In p5, axis y points downwards. This code make it point upwads (and make the 0,0 the center) type gridRange={ xrange:{ min: number, max: number, }, yrange:{ min: ...
Pierre-olivier Gendraud's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use bezierVertex with UV coordinates in p5js?

I'm working on a project which I need to map the UV coordinates to the custom shape. I checked the reference where vertex can hold u and v parameters, but bezierVertex does not have it in ...
mrconcerned's user avatar
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How can I prevent dragging body beyond specific area with MatterJS?

TLDR; How do I make a body draggable only in the bottom half of the screen and release it if user tries to go beyond that specified area? I'm making a simple game using p5.js for rendering and Matter ...
Worker1432's user avatar
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p5 using WEBGL mode creates too many canvas in React

I'm having a problem with my code where I am using P5-wrapper/react to show the 2D model I created. However, whenever React states changes it re-creates the canvas again and again it gives warning ...
mrconcerned's user avatar
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Error loading images in a React + p5.js project

THE ERROR: This error appears if I use loadImage() function, even if I didn't use the image loaded anywhere else. In this case it is the background image, but even loading images I just want to use on ...
Worker1432's user avatar
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How to reset ball position if it goes out of bounds, using p5.js and matter.js?

I want to reset the ball back to its initial position if it flies off the screen, or if its position.y < 0 (I'll add in other boundary conditions once this is figured out). I tried simulating that ...
Worker1432's user avatar
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Having trouble getting p5.SoundRecorder to work

I have a p5.js sketch that integrates some Tone.js music functions adapted from @mattdesl I have added a p5.SoundRecorder from following is the p5.js ...
ASKproduKtion's user avatar
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Flashing and flickering in p5js

I have the following code for a p5js project where I draw 10 eccentric squares and set the blend mode to DIFFERENCE. But the screen starts aggressively flashing and flickering. let size = 50; let c = [...
shasherazi's user avatar
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p5.js - Module not found: Can't resolve '@p5-wrapper/react'

I'm trying to get setup with @p5-wrapper/react using the very minimal example in the readme. I've attempted using both @p5-wrapper/next and @p5-wrapper/react. While it's of course installed, I'm ...
mechaneyes's user avatar
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Why the collisions in this p5library game don't ajust to the sprite?

I'm starting to use this library and I'm not quite sure how things work. I got the base from a YouTube video and then tried adding things myself. The problem is that the frog sprite sinks into the ...
Roy13al's user avatar
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Responsive p5play Sprites based on screen scroll/resize

I am making a portfolio website, and am trying to use p5play, a library of p5js, to create a background where balls fall down to the bottom of the screen. There is also walls on the sides that make ...
Np3's user avatar
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Vue keeps p5 components alive after navigating

I have build a creativ coding website using vue and p5. In my app i display different p5 components depending on the current route. The problem is that somehow vue or p5 (idk which) keeps the ...
Ivo Heberle's user avatar
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How do I change the size of a custom shape using vertexes in p5.js, without changing the placement of my shape?

I am making a game project in JavaScript using p5.js. I made a star shape using the beginShape() function, where vertexes are singular point on the screen that are connected using lines. Currently, I ...
971munir's user avatar
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Download p5.js sketch canvas as PDF using jsPDF addImage JPEG

Trying to get a minimal script running to download a p5.js sketch canvas element as a PDF using jsPDF -- specifically the jsPDF addImage method, after converting the canvas to a JPEG using the JS ...
user25090379's user avatar
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How do I update the numbers in this clock in p5js?

I'm attempting to make a clock using p5js with 3 continuously rotating rings which have the current hour/minute/second at the top of each ring. At the moment I'm just trying to figure out the seconds ...
tstrickler's user avatar
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p5js stretching image by four corners

Using the p5js javascript library, is there any way that I can take four points in 2D space and stretch the image's corners to fit those points? I can not use the texture function because it requires ...
ColeBechtel's user avatar
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display(){} Method p5.js not displaying image

I working on a school project. I created a class for an image. It seemed to be working when the class was embedded in the draw function. My professor said that I should move the class outside of the ...
K-PopCorn's user avatar
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Extensive sound playing causing memory leaks in P5.js

I've recently made a topdown shooter in P5.js (still new). However, this function seems to cause a memory leak, making all audio sound glitchy and slightly decreasing the FPS. The sounds play normally ...
human's user avatar
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P5.js svg export

I'm trying to implement an SVG export button onto my p5.js sketch. The button is visible, clickable and saves a file but the created file then says: "This page contains the following errors: ...
Laura Schwarz's user avatar

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