I have followed the instructions of a "TheCodingTrain" tutorial, it describes how to calculate the distance between two circles to emulate collisions. I have a lot more, but this is the code I have pertaining to my problem.

  playerPos = createVector(width * 0.2, height / 2, 60);
  enemyPos1 = createVector(width * 0.8, height / 2, 40);

  d = dist(playerPos.x,playerPos.y,enemyPos1.x,enemyPos1.y);

  circle(playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z);
  circle(enemyPos1.x, enemyPos1.y, enemyPos1.z);

  if( d < playerPos.z/2 + enemyPos1.z/2){

I tried the code above, it did not make the position of the smaller circle change. I was expecting it to move. I have gone through and I haven't identified any problems with the code.

  • is d < playerPos.z/2 + enemyPos1.z/2 ? Commented Jul 28 at 3:14
  • Is this code inside the draw() function? Changing the enemyPos1 position won't affect the position if you overwrite it in the next cycle anyway with 'createVector'.
    – Kroepniek
    Commented Jul 29 at 13:12

1 Answer 1


You don't have any code to create movement. You have two circles which don't overlap, and aren't moving so will not overlap. Generally one uses a velocity vector that is added to the position to create movement. Then, when the circles actually overlap, your collision detection code will work:

let playerPos, enemyPos1;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  playerPos = createVector(width * 0.2, height / 2, 60);
  enemyPos1 = createVector(width * 0.8, height / 2, 40);
  playerSpd = createVector(1, 0, 0);
  enemySpd1 = createVector(-1,0,0);

function draw() {
  d = dist(playerPos.x, playerPos.y, enemyPos1.x, enemyPos1.y);

  circle(playerPos.x, playerPos.y, playerPos.z);
  circle(enemyPos1.x, enemyPos1.y, enemyPos1.z);

  if (d < playerPos.z / 2 + enemyPos1.z / 2) {
  playerPos = playerPos.add(playerSpd);
  enemyPos1 = enemyPos1.add(enemySpd1);

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