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Authentication fails after enabling RequireGroup in

I use as an authentication plugin for openvpn I only want to allow members under cn=corevpn,ou=tech,ou=group,dc=openldap,dc=example,dc=com to be able to log in openvpn My ldap-...
cier dev.'s user avatar
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osixia/openldap Docker image does not connect to my container

I'm trying to connect to osixia/openldap Docker image in order to authenticate users. The thing is that I'm making the logic of the login in ASP.NET, and my code works fine and connects to the LDAP ...
GZs's user avatar
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OpenLDAP and phpLDAPAdmin not working as expected with Docker Compose

I have a docker-compose.yml file that defines the services I need for my development environment. Recently, I have been focusing on setting up two services, that is, the osixia/openldap:1.5.0 and ...
scruffycoder86's user avatar
1 vote
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Undefined method `provider' for nil:nilclass. Gitlab and LDAP

Here is the error on gitlab main page: Could not authenticate you from Ldapmain because "Undefined method `provider' for nil:nilclass". Here are logs from gitlab production.log file: ...
Ростом Вардидзе's user avatar
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LDAP "admins" group lost write access

I have an LDAP server running as a docker container (bitnami/openldap), with the whirlybird/ldap-user-manager PHP front end. The manager automatically sets up a group called "admins" that ...
Spikefish Bay's user avatar
2 votes
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openldap ch_calloc core dump in docker containers

With docker 24, in the debian docker image, running openldap results in a malloc segmentation fault. Even a simple version check: $ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash debian # apt update && ...
azmeuk's user avatar
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Struggling with bitnami/openldap container on docker - how to create ACLs for read write access?

I am currently struggling with my openldap docker container by bitnami to import ldap acls. I want for example simple read write access for group x under groups from the ou=groups,dc=eample,dc=com. I ...
Indi GP's user avatar
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How to set ldap configuration in your shinyproxy.yml to filter app access by group?

We are trying to set a shinyproxy server with ldap security. In the shinyproxy.yml the ldap configuration is set as: ldap: url: ldap://ourIP:389/dc=ourdomain,dc=com manager-dn: cn=admin,dc=...
Gabrielupo's user avatar
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OpenLdap Docker Image

I trying to add an entry to my OpenLdap server that is launched on a docker container. After running the following command: docker exec -it openldap ldapadd -x -w "adminpw" -D "cn=admin,...
Nassreddine MEKKI's user avatar
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Docker failing for OpenLDAP build on m1 chip

Trying to build an OpenLDAP service in Docker but keep getting the below issues in the logs which cause it to exit. This may be because I'm on an m1 chip (as seen in the newosproc error. Can someone ...
pythonNovice's user avatar
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Deploy OpenLdap using docker

How can I deploy openldap server using docker I tryed this command but the image doesn't exist docker run --name isva-openldap --detach ibmcom/verify-access-openldap:latest
Houcem's user avatar
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openldap : ldapsearch ldap_bind: Invalid credentils (46)

I'm trying to ldapsearch from host to a container but it's not working. I start with : docker run --env LDAP_ORGANISATION="OpenLdap" --env LDAP_DOMAIN="" --env ...
batmaniac's user avatar
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3 votes
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Unable to add users using LDIF file in Osixia-OpenLdap image

I am trying to create an OpenLdap instance using image osixia/openldap:1.5.0 as a k8s service. Image works really well and the Ldap instance is also worked fine. However, when I'm trying to create ...
Aftab's user avatar
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Connecting via TLS to OPENLDAP: Certificate not found

I have an OpenLDAP Docker instance from Osixia and am trying to query it securely from the client using TLS. The query works without encryption using $ ldapwhoami -H ldap://localhost -x and does not ...
malte238749874's user avatar
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Debug ldapmodify schema addition

I am attempting to add an objectGUID attribute to an existing LDAP database. I apply the following ldifs: dn: cn={3}inetorgperson,cn=schema,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcAttributeTypes ...
Bob Markley's user avatar
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Access right in docker osixia LDAP

I have a working OpenLDAP installation initialized with LDIF. I want to populate the same data in osixia/docker-openldap. Data are loaded but only admin can see them. The users from LDIF cannot see ...
Leos Literak's user avatar
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Volumes in testcontainers-go

I have a docker-compose file which I am trying to recreate using testcontainers-go: version: '3' services: node1: image: "osixia/openldap:1.3.0" command: ['--copy-service', '--...
scottysseus's user avatar
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docker ps is empty after docker run

I try to run an openldap container: docker run -p 389:389 -p 636:636 --name my-test-container --detach osixia/openldap:1.3.0 LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD="admin" returns a hash (container id I guess). When ...
tolga's user avatar
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How to use openldap with fabric-ca in hyperledger fabric?

I want to use openldap docker container with fabric-ca , I've been searching on internet for a week now. Is there anyone in the community who have tried or implemented ?
Adarsha Jha's user avatar
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SSO with kerberos and openldap in docker

I am trying to create a testing env that would help me implement a SSO authentication using kerberos (production env is customers, so I don't have direct access to it). I started to setup an own env ...
l2ysho's user avatar
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CentOS7: How to start the slapd service in a docker container?

I want to run an OpenLDAP server in a docker container using CentOS7. I managed to have a container running with an openldap installed in it. My problem is that I am using a script to ...
M.Brbr's user avatar
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BookStack + openLDAP => How do I get BookStack roles to load from LDAP Groups?

I need some help please in getting BookStack and OpenLDAP to work to automatically map LDAP groups to BookStack Roles. I have the BookStack authentication via LDAP working but all users seem to ...
OokerBerry's user avatar
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Using OpenLDAP fro authentication in Web App

We are building a web application that connects to a database and does data visualization. It will probably have around 300 users. We will deploy it with docker. To increase security, we want to ...
Ben's user avatar
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how to start osixia/openldap image with volumes mounted?

I am running osixia/openldap and osixia/phpldapadmin (volumes mounted) with these commands : docker run -p 389:389 -p 636:636 --name ldap-service --volume /data/slapd/database:/var/lib/ldap --volume /...
Zohaib Sohail's user avatar
-1 votes
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Store user passwords in plain text in OpenLDAP server

I am using OpenLDAP provided in osixia/openldap docker image ( but it is storing all passwords hashed. Normally it will be desirable but I am planning to ...
Jose Duran's user avatar
3 votes
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osixia/openldap SSL/TLS issue

I’m running a local openldap docker container in my local mac using below command Macbook# docker run -p 389:389 -p 689:689 -h --env --name myopenldap --...
Anirvan Ray's user avatar
3 votes
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Trying to connect GitLab-CE docker container to OpenLDAP docker container

I'm new to Docker and I'm trying to do something with Docker Networking. I have two containers, one is GitLab, and the other OpenLDAP, and I hope that I can get my Gitlab server to be setup with ...
Garfield Tong's user avatar
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2 answers

login DN and password for osixia/phpLDAPAdmin docker image

I am just getting started with LDAP. I downloaded the osixia openldap docker image and the phpLDAPAdmin: OpenLDAP LDAPAdmin I created the containers this way: docker run --name ldap -p 389:389 -p ...
user3629892's user avatar
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From a docker container how do I see another docker container?

Based on: I am running OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin containers with: docker run --name ldap-service --hostname ldap-service --detach -p 389:389 -p 636:636 -...
u123's user avatar
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Openldap 2.4 within Docker container

I'm setting up an openldap server (slapd) within a docker container, I just took the latest centos image (tags: latest, centos7, 7, image here and then I've installed following packages: openldap-...
peternerd's user avatar
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openldap tls authentication on client works after disabling re-enabling tls via authconfig

I have a strange issue when working on my docker openldap server and client container. To enable ldap authentication with tls i have to first disable it via authconfig then re-enable. I have also ...
Dhirendra Khanka's user avatar
-1 votes
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Docker service exits with "up", but "start" works

My app has 5 containers. One of them is a custom built OpenLDAP container. If I issue the command docker-compose up, all services start well but the openldap one exits in few seconds. No errors are ...
Karthik Murugan's user avatar
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Externalize to docker env

I'm developping an application using spring-boot and Docker. For security reasons I want to not use any more and use only environnement variable. If you have best practices I ...
Victor's user avatar
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Slapd with back-sql in docker only retrieves attribute mapping for one object class

When I try to set up an LDAP server in Docker using SLAPD and connect it to a PostgreSQL Docker with the example database, only the attribute mapping for the first object class is loaded. The ...
Arno's user avatar
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How to stop slapd within Dockerfile?

I try to build my own Docker container with slapd and Dockerfile. Installation of slapd is OK and then I need to stop slapd in order to add a custom database. For that I need to run slapadd command ...
Jiujiu's user avatar
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Custom Container for hosting OpenLDAP in Bluemix

I am trying to create custom container for hosting OpenLDAP in Bluemix. I am following the steps mentioned in the link: At Step 6, where I ...
Sundaresh's user avatar
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Installing osixia/docker-openldap using docker-compose

I do know why this won't work with docker-compose, even after I use osixia/openldap:1.0.2. here is my docker-compose.yml : ... openldap: image: osixia/openldap:1.0.2 ports: - "389:389" environment: ...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar
6 votes
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How to load LDAP docker container data on startup

I want to have a LDAP server on a docker container, I already used dinkel/openldap, osixia/openldap and muzili/ldap docker images and so far connection and first configuration is ok. My problem is: ...
Fezo's user avatar
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ldapadd gives "no global superior knowledge" on default config

Background: I'm installing a Prosody XMPP server and Kaiwa webclient on a DigitalOcean droplet. Kaiwa has a one-click deploy-to-DO-droplet tool using Docker that I tried first, but it didn't work - ...
Peter Henry's user avatar
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4 answers

Within a Docker image, "Slapd stop" succeeds but slapd is still running

I'm trying to create an openLDAP docker image with custom schema, and I would like to have a working LDAP service before modifying it. I installed slapd and ldap-utils in my docker image, by putting ...
Guillaume Pansier's user avatar
4 votes
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openldap + kerberos - unable to reach any KDC in realm

I have a ldap server + kerberos setup in a centos vm (running using boot2docker vm) And i am trying to use them for my web application authentication (from host - my macbook). For authentication, i ...
heartpicker's user avatar