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2 answers

Ldap attribues for testing in Spring Boot with ApacheDS

I am trying to simulate a real Microsoft LDAP tree. The application is working against a real LDAP, but using an inmemory LDAP server (ApacheDS) for testing in Spring Boot but it doesn't work. I can't ...
sergiopf's user avatar
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Apache Directory Studio error when importing LDIF with request control attribute

I'm trying to import a LDIF that contains a request control attribute using Apache Directory Studio but I'm getting a null error. There's no more information than the null error. The LDAP Server I'm ...
Adami's user avatar
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1 answer

why authentication fails with startTLS connection in apache directory studio?

working environment: openldap on rocky linux 8.5 (vm) problems: I installed openldap on rocky linux vm, and issued self signed certificate with openssl. (the installation guide i followed is here) i ...
suxxzzy's user avatar
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Not handling error properly for invalid filter value in ldapjs client API

The ldapjs client API is not throwing proper error when passing incorrect filter data. Below is code snippet: var ldap = require('ldapjs') var client = ldap.createClient({ url: 'ldap://<<...
prashanthmadduri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to create entry into LDAP server without RDN with only attributes?

We are using ldapjs node module to communicate with LDAP servers like Microsoft Active Directory, Apache DS and Open LDAP. As per our understanding from here: DNs can be comprised of zero or more ...
prashanthmadduri's user avatar
-1 votes
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Date format is differing between Microsoft Active Directory, OpenLDAP and Apache DS

We are in the process of implementing common client application for Microsoft Active Directory, LDAP and Apache DS. As part of our analysis below is the sample date formats from each LDAP server. ...
prashanthmadduri's user avatar
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1 answer

What is 'X-SCHEMA' in ApacheDS schema?

We are implementing LDAP client for ApacheDS. As part of implementation we are retrieving and parsing schema. As part of objectClasses schema we have X-SCHEMA. If we consider pwcPolicy object it has ...
prashanthmadduri's user avatar
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Finding System modifiable attributes for each object class in Microsoft Active Directory

We could see attributes which are part of systemMayContain attributes list are user modifiable. If we consider the computer object class. Below is the definition of object class ( 1.2.840.113556.1.3....
prashanthmadduri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Do we have any class schema available for OpenLDAP and ApacheDS for each object class?

We can find the classSchema available for each object class in active directory. As per the documentation of ApacheDS and OpenLDAP we could not find any class schema for finding Class identifiers, ...
prashanthmadduri's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Normalize (rewrite) LDAP searches for phone numbers

We do store normalized phone numbers (example format: +491511739393) for contacts in our LDAP server. How can we return the right contact even if we search for "01511739393" or "00491511739393") ...
BigO's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add custom attributes to apache directory studio?

I'm unableto add new custom attributes to the existing object in the Apache DS LDAP Server. I have followed the below link and creating the schema.
DineshKumar Rajasekar's user avatar
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1 answer

Grouping LDAP users with custom attribute

I have a web application and I want to control which user can see what data. So I thought a user can belong to a group (ie. DBA, Middleware specialist, UNIX guys, etc.) and the logged in user can only ...
Viktor's user avatar
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The `ldapmodify` command hangs

The ldapmodify command hangs: $ ldapmodify -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -w secret -p 10389 -h localhost But the ldapsearch command works fine: $ ldapsearch -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -w secret -p 10389 -...
Stephane's user avatar
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Error while creating ldap custome attributes

I am trying to create cutom field and object DN: uid=55e44a75e4b0f16711714165,ou=people,dc=myDB,dc=com I created ldif file dn: cn=schema changetype: modify add: ...
Prashant Thorat's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Import WSO2 Identity Server default schemas into OpenLDAP

I'm trying to set up the WSO2 Identity server with OpenLDAP as primary user store. I would like to add the Idp embedded ApacheDS schemas': wso2Person, identityPerson and scimPerson to the OpenLDAP but ...
AndyPower's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to import WSO2ISschema into openldap [closed]

I'm trying to import wso2person.ldif ( into openldap 2.4.4. I see that openldap expects ldif file to contain different elements from what I have. However I can import the ...
naresh's user avatar
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3 answers

Open LDAP vs apacheDS

I am working on scalable web application.I am planning to use LDAP for login authentication purpose. I am new to LDAP when I search about it I found two important implementations: OpenLDAP Apache ...
Prashant Thorat's user avatar
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OpenLDAP client cannot connect to ApacheDS server using SSLv2?

I'm trying to connect to my Java application containing ApacheDS server with openLDAP client. Server is configured well, I've tested that using different clients (ldapbrowser, jxplorer). With openLDAP ...
eewe's user avatar
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OpenLdap - error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A

I need to connect ApacheDS database using startTLS with OpenLDAP client. My ldaprc file contains: URI ldap:// ldaps:// SSL start_tls SASL_MECH plain TLSCipherSuite HIGH:...
eewe's user avatar
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Openldap naming context issue with Apache directory studio?

I have installed openldap in linux machine, but when i am trying to connect it through Apache Directory studio ,I am getting no any child for Root DSE Can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong ...
Subodh Joshi's user avatar
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Want to integrate SVN with the apacheds user's

Currently i have SVN installed in the centos server with which currently authenticating with ssh user's from the same server. I have installed ApacheDS in centos intending to authenticate with ...
tech2network's user avatar
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LDAP, pwdpolicy does not exist

I am new to LDAP, and I want to add password policy using the class pwdpolicy, but every time I get the error : ERR_04269 OBJECT_CLASS for OID pwdpolicy does not exist! Here is the how i try to ...
Kamill's user avatar
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Cannot authenticate against Apache DS using C# and LdapConnection?

Problem I installed and configured a ApacheDS server running ldap. This was a huge step forward for me in teaching myself ldap. However, the following C# console code returns the following error: ...
GeekyOmega's user avatar
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How to define our own column in Apache Directory studio..?

i am using a Apache directory studio for as my database. how i can create there my own field. because there are object class and based upon object class we can add the filed. how can we manually add ...
Mitul Maheshwari's user avatar
2 votes
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ApacheDS enable SSL on embedded LDAP server

Using ApacheDS 2.0 I have created embedded Ldap server. Example here. How can I enable ssl? I did not find any method in LDAP API or DefaultDirectoryService class which enables SSL. I was able to ...
DaBears's user avatar
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Unable to import ldif file with some attributes

I am new to ldap and apacheds. I have created embedded LDAP server using apacheds. Example here. But seeing the following issue. Am I creating a wrong partition? How would it look like? Any changes to ...
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