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How to Improve Character Reading of License Plates Using OpenALPR?

everyone! I am using OpenALPR to detect and read vehicle license plates in my Python project. The tool has proven to be very effective in identifying the plates, but the character reading still leaves ...
Lara's user avatar
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Make openalpr's alpr.exe config accept unicode letters (or utf8)

How to set a config in alpr.exe directory so that it acceps unicode or utf8 letters and numbers? for example for the eu config There is: postprocess_regex_letters = [A-Z] postprocess_regex_numbers = [...
mz1378's user avatar
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What path $(OpenALPRDistDir) points to

I put openalpr-2.3.0 folder on my desktop folder, there is a C++ project to compile native assemblies. But I get many linker errors, there is a $(OpenALPRDistDir), That I don't know where it points, ...
mz1378's user avatar
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openalpr 2.3.0: LNK1104 cannot open file '..\..\..\..\windows\build\dist\2.1.0\v143\Debug\Win32\libtesseract303-static-debug.lib'

In openalpr 2.3 in the C# binding that has a c++ project: alpr-net that builds native assemblies, I get error: LNK1104 cannot open file '..\..\..\..\windows\build\dist\2.1.0\v143\Debug\Win32\...
mz1378's user avatar
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OpenAlpr C# GuiTest Project "Error initializing OpenALPR"

I put the runtime_data dir and openalpr.conf.defaults in the gui's root project (not bin\Debug) and changes the last line of AssemblyDirectory to return Path.GetDirectoryName(path.Replace("/bin/...
mz1378's user avatar
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what's the proper way to make openALPR to read plates in different angles?

I'm using openALPR library to read plate licenses but I'm having issues reading the plates in different angles, like below image. My question is: what's the proper way to do that? Image processing to ...
Jack's user avatar
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License Plate Recognition in React Native

I am trying to implement License Plate Recognition in React Native for the same I got only single npm package react-native-openalpr I am stuck here ...
Rahul Mishra's user avatar
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What is the difference between free and paid version of OpenALPR?

recently, I have come across a project that requires license plate recognition, and have found a open-source software named OpenALPR. yet, I am curious about the difference between the free version on ...
Patrick Lo's user avatar
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Running openalpr using python in windows

I created an environment and installed openalpr using pip install openalpr followed by downloading the openalpr from and installing python binding using ...
Kushagar-Mahajan's user avatar
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React Native Plate Scanning Not Working. My phone will read and scan the plate PROBLEM (There are no 64bit libs for Android.)

React Native plate not scanning. My problem is I can't get any errors. However it still doesn't work sample site Library : OpenALPR and OPENCV RESULT:
Yatli's user avatar
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Problem installing libpng-dev along with libpng12-dev on Raspberry Pi Zero

I am trying to install OPENALPR on my Pi Zero and I am using the instructions on After I run the ...
Paulo Borges's user avatar
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Error when trying to run OpenALPR in python

I installed OpenALPR itself fine and I was able to run it in terminal to get this result: C:\Users\zebsu>"C:\\OpenALPR\\Agent\\bin\\alpr.exe" "C:\\plate.jpg" plate0: 3 results ...
Zeb Summerfield's user avatar
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how to read this type of JSON file from PHP [Json results from open alpr ]?

I need to know how to extract JSON data like the JSON format posted below to php, Im trying to extract following Json file key value data to a mysql using a php script. Following JSON is from openalpr ...
iwhd's user avatar
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How to install npm openlpr in nodejs

I have been trying to install the npm node-openalpr package but i am facing this error.How can i overcome this probblem? > [email protected] install D:\My Codes\Thesis\node\node_modules\node-...
Bulbul Gulzer's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input: OpenALPR using Node and Javascript

When using the try/catch statement for var data declaration, the program will output 'No License Plate Found', even if there is. If the try/catch statement is removed, the program prints perfectly ...
RO'D's user avatar
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Moroccan License Plate Recognition (LPR) using OPENALPR, OpenCV and Tesseract

I work currently on my project of end of study: the title of my project is "the detection in real time of the Moroccan license plates of vehicles ( ALPR )", I tried to post this my issue in group ...
user13134819's user avatar
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Post beanstalk queue data to Mssql using python script

Guys I'm currently developing an offline ALPR solution. So far I've used OpenAlpr software running on Ubuntu. By using a python script I found on StackOverlFlow I'm able to read the beanstalk queue ...
iwhd's user avatar
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How to install Classifychars and other OpenAlr Utilites in windows?

I downloaded source files from now in src/misc_utilities I can see classifychar.cpp but it requires: include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" ...
Ahmed Ali's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'Alpr' object has no attribute 'loaded'

First I downloaded OpenALPR src and binary from here: Release ( src & binary) Extracted src and binary in C:\OpenALPR, afterwards I added C:\OpenALPIR\openalpr_64 to my path (Enviroment ...
Danial Ahmed's user avatar
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Run openalpr using Python

At Ubuntu 18.04 I successfully installed openalpr and tested it. Now I want to use python to call it. To do this, I installed pip install openalpr But I'm having ...
Jekson's user avatar
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How to distinguish between different license plates using OpenCV

Currently working on licentiate detection system and need some guidance on how to proceed. I can capture (via video playback) and with the help of an open source library called OpenALPR display the ...
Yusuf Yasin's user avatar
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Python unable to load OpenALPR, working fine in CLI

I'm trying to install OpenALPR on my Raspberry Pi, with Raspbian 4.19 and Python 3.7. I followed this guide to install OpenAlpr and it works fine when called from the CLI. I'm now trying to make it ...
r.m2019's user avatar
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Unable to initialise OpenALPR

I am trying to integrate OpenALPR with C#. After removing some errors now when I try to execute the program, the program starts, but when the image is selected for results it gives an error message: ...
Ali Akif's user avatar
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AlprNet hosted in Windows service failed to load

When I run this code under my account in Visual Studio debugger _alprNet = new AlprNet("eu", "openalpr.conf", "runtime_data"); if (!_alprNet.IsLoaded()) { Tools.LogError("!!! OpenALPR failed to ...
Vojtěch Dohnal's user avatar
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Segmentation fault in recognize_ndarray OpenALPR

I’m trying to detect plates using openalpr + python with an IP cam, but I’m getting the following error: The openalpr version is the Open Source. I've alrealdy tryied before recognize_file function, ...
ALima's user avatar
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How to show specific data from json array using C#

I'm currently doing the license plate recognition for vehicle. The license plate detection is using an API from openAlpr. I don't know how to show the accurate license plate from json string because ...
Yonce's user avatar
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SDK install procedure in raspberry pi3 for image processing

I want to install SDK for Automatic License Plate Recognition on Raspberry Pi 3. I have searched with Google but didn't find any instruction on how to install SDK for alpr. Can anyone please show the ...
SHASHIKUMAR B J's user avatar
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why do i get error of alpr even after installing openalpr on my raspberry pi 3?

I'm trying to use openalpr for recognizing number plates of moving vehicles from a video using raspberry pi 3 with jessie os. I have installed tesseract 3,OpenCV3 and Openalpr. I have installed ...
adari.girishkumar's user avatar
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How to fix ''Alpr' object has no attribute 'loaded'' error in Python 3.x

i'm setting up a recognize of plate with python but i can't use the library 'OpenALPR' because send me a error OpenalPR Load Error try: if platform.system().lower().find("windows") != -1: ...
Marcelo Nicolas's user avatar
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How to Create Traineddata file For Tesseract 4.1.0

I want to recognise the characters of NumberPlate. How to train the tesseract-ocr for respective number plate in ubuntu 16.04. Since i don't familiar with training. Please help me to create a '...
Grv's user avatar
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App react-native-openalpr crashed on launch

My app is running approximatly 2 seconds and crash... We have time to see the camera working and after nothing, we come back to the main menu on the smartphone. I use an android phone in order to run ...
Nico's user avatar
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Letters Missing parts with OpenALPR PrepCharsForTraining Utility

I did run openalpr-utils-prepcharsfortraining on numbers and arabic letters, but the dots are cropped out... You can see the result in my output tiff (converted to png). The images were resized to ...
Soufiane Sabiri's user avatar
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I run the python open alrp project but I am getting a file not found error

I'm trying to use the python openalrp plate reading project, but I get an error. can you please help? parser.add_argument("--config", dest="config", action="store", default="ALRP/openalpr.conf", ...
Ersin Tütüncü's user avatar
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Arabic letters width' problem in OpenALPR training sheet generation

I have created numbers and letters tiles and organized them with a max height of 40px. But when I run openalpr-utils-prepcharsfortraining I get this result: As you can see the arabic letters are ...
Soufiane S's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'openalpr_api

I am working on the following project in github. installed all the needed packages for the project but when i try to run the ...
Preetha's user avatar
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OpenALPR Python binding failing when trying to load dll

After downloading the precompiled binaries for Windows of the openALPR library, running the included in the source code to install it, and running the python_test.bat included in the ...
Roy Henriquez's user avatar
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openALPR unable to scan eu2 licence plates

I'm using openALPR library with c# and this is my .config file I'v done training for my plates but it can't recognize well plates. I've tried to execute in debug mode. The result of scanning is ...
Alesandro Giordano's user avatar
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php exec('alpr') returns an empty array with openALPR installed

I am writing a php script that makes use of openALPR installed on my linux computer. When I type "alpr --version" in the terminal, I get this output alpr version: 2.2.4 But then when I do this in ...
Ndi Cedric's user avatar
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How to install node-openalpr in windows 10

I am using npm i node-openalpr to install , but i am getting error like : node-pre-gyp WARN Using request for node-pre-gyp https download node-pre-gyp ERR! UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION node-pre-gyp ERR! ...
Sahal's user avatar
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“Python has stopped working” - openalpr on Windows 10

I'm working with OpenALPR with Python scripts. The input image from argparse arguments, whenever I run from command prompt, it is giving output and displaying a dailogue box with error "python has ...
user10351235's user avatar
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How to solve 'AlprNet' could not be found?

I looked for the answers here and there with no luck, so I decided to ask out. I want to implement openalpr (open source Automatic License Plate Recognition) repository on my own PC and I am following ...
bit_scientist's user avatar
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Segmentation fault with OpenALPR

I'm trying to install OpenALPR on Laravel Homestead (Ubuntu 18.04). First I tried The Easiest Way. I'm trying to run: Error opening data file /usr/share/openalpr/runtime_data/ocr/lus.traineddata ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Save JSON output of OpenALPR to file in user defined directory - Windows 10

I want to save the output of openalpr json format to a json or text or csv file in a user defined directory. I tried the following, the connection is being established, the data output is appearing ...
Dabbous's user avatar
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openALPR integration into Appcelerator app via Hyperloop

I'm trying to integrate openALPR iOS module to Titanium app using Hyperloop from here: I successfully installed it via cocoapods but now I'm stuck how to ...
Marian Kucharcik's user avatar
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Recognition Russian plate with a different character height in one line OpenALPR

I have a problem with Russian plates. When I want to classifychars with openalpr tool I get something below: OCR cutted my upper fragment of numbers. I generate new .conf file for this country with ...
MarCovy's user avatar
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Fail to compile library - openalpr

I'm trying to install openalpr on MacOSX El Capitan 10.11.6 and when I tried to run 'make' command, it goes smoothly until it reaches 55% which it generates following errors. Here are the steps that I ...
jimmy lim's user avatar
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" sh: 1: permission denied" after extreme chmod -R 777 and losing sudo command

I want to train OpenALPR's neural network, after finally having success installing it's dependencies. All I need now is to execute, according to the readme in the bottom of this page which I ...
Youki's user avatar
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ReadAsStringAsync only returns part of the JSON / BODY

I'm trying to setup an integration point to an Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system. I'm using OpenALPR. On the local PC there is an agent with a IP camera installed that will read the ...
public-profile's user avatar
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Can't install Nuget package "RestSharp"

I have to install the RestSharp NuGet package. But everytime i try to, these error shows up: Installing via Console: Or installing via the NuGet UI: I need RestSharp for openALPR API. Thanks for ...
Fabian Maurhart's user avatar
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Algorithm or tool for finding edges of a different area when comparing two images

I am working on a community project which goal is to reduce the speeding violations. In order to recognize the car's license plates I am using OpenALPR. The problem is that it is sensitive to camera ...
Ognyan's user avatar
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