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Detect license plate using matlab [closed]

I'd like to detect license plates in an image using matlab where many plates are neatly arranged in cols and rows, which are similar to the following one: (Download from
long hey's user avatar
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Not geting detection from loaded anpr model

I am new to this tensor-rt concepts so I will explain I have been doing. I am loading anpr model and it is been loadede.The detection is happening on the given source (image/video) but bounding box is ...
Gayatri I Hiremath's user avatar
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How to capture car license plate by using HIKVISION ISAPI iDS-TCM203-A camera

A am trying to get the car license plate Hikvision iDS-TCM203-A by using ISAPI. The camera admin panel allow you to recognize plate number by using the next button The problem is I need to get that ...
Petr Tripolsky's user avatar
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How to Improve Character Reading of License Plates Using OpenALPR?

everyone! I am using OpenALPR to detect and read vehicle license plates in my Python project. The tool has proven to be very effective in identifying the plates, but the character reading still leaves ...
Lara's user avatar
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Extract text from processed image

I'm trying to extract text from a croped image of any EU license plate. I've tried using easyocr but the results is to inaccurate for me to use. I have trained a YOLOV8 model to detect the license ...
Edward's user avatar
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Extra items while segmenting characters in license plate

I'm working on a license plate detection project which is mostly for educational purposes. I have gone through some process to locate the license plate and applied perspective transform upon the ...
m.marian's user avatar
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Running multiple processes in parallel to process frames of IP Cameras independently in Python

I am developing a Real Time License Plate Recognition System using YOLOv7 and Python. License plate recognition is done in two stage, using two YOLOv7 models, each of them working perfect. In this ...
Norooz's user avatar
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How to use OpenCV to black out everything in an image except for license plate letters?

I'm trying to create a program that turns everything in an image black, except for the letters in a license plate area. I'm not sure where to start with this. I know I can use OpenCV in Python to load ...
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Trouble with Character Detection in License Plate Recognition Using OpenCV and Tesseract OCR in Python

I'm working on a license plate recognition system in Python using OpenCV for image processing and Tesseract OCR for character recognition. I've written a function to process the image of the license ...
user avatar
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Advice on preprocessing steps for edge detection on license plate images

I am currently working on a university project for which I want to explore different computer vision techniques. My goal is to do automatic number plate recognition (ALPR) on chinese license plates. ...
matsspoelgen's user avatar
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Failed to load image Python extension : torchvision

I have a python project base on computer vision, I want to create .exe file. **I have successfully created .exe file but at the time of running .exe file it's not load image of live camera. ** 2023-12-...
Prash's user avatar
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Detect the white background license plate region using opencv(Edge Detection, Contour Detection)

I want to detect the white number plate region using contour detection and edge detection using opencv I have tried a variety of solutions. These work for sharp images but don't work for low res ...
Prajwal Panta's user avatar
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Multiple Image Capture Issue for License Plate Detection and Storage in Computer Vision Project

I am currently working on a project in Computer Vision that involves detecting license plates of vehicles, capturing them, and storing them in my folder. I have coded it so that when the license plate ...
Rajkumar's user avatar
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Handling Image Preprocessing and Binarization for ALPR under Various Conditions

I've been developing an Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system. I've successfully implemented the license plate detection using YOLOv8 and am now moving onto the recognition part. My ...
Ahmed Lhony's user avatar
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How to make ANPR detection faster by running it on a separate thread from video playback in Python using YOLO [closed]

How to play the input video smoothly while doing ANPR on that video using YOLO I am developing a ANPR solution and the solution need to be work on real time . The detection of number plate , ...
Somu's user avatar
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Hikvision DeepView get number plate error on firmware 5.5.8

I successfully get a number from the Hikvision camera(model iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS​), the answers from this topic helped me. But this solution works for cameras with firmware 5.5.130. I also have ...
Игорь Стеценко's user avatar
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Device Busy Error while fetching number plate information using ISAPI Hikvision

I am unable to fetch the number plate info from hikvision video center. I want to access it using the API. I am getting the response as shown below while fetching the number plate info of vehicle from ...
Mohib's user avatar
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How to capture the time when the program detects the car plate and capture the time when the car plates leaves the camera's view in python cv2 ocr?

So basically I'm making this program that detects car plates from a camera. I want to write to a excel file the correct time that the camera detects the car plate in hh:mm:ss format and the time that ...
s0ld13r's user avatar
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what's the proper way to make openALPR to read plates in different angles?

I'm using openALPR library to read plate licenses but I'm having issues reading the plates in different angles, like below image. My question is: what's the proper way to do that? Image processing to ...
Jack's user avatar
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license plate number detection failed using opencv and pytesseract

I was just learning license plate number detection from the following link: Tutorial Link `My code: import cv2 import imutils import pytesseract pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = '/usr/bin/...
Mominul_Islam's user avatar
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EMGU CV prepare image for OCR

I am new to Open CV and am working on a ALPR solution based on violation images from multiple cameras. In most cases I am able to extract the text from the plate and run OCR however if the image ...
Asaad's user avatar
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How to use image OCR for videos?

Currently I am working on automatic number plate recognition system. I have used yolov7 for number plate detection and Text detection facility from Google vision API. I have tested the whole system ...
Rashmi's user avatar
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Python: How do I extract a String value out of a JSON File retrieved by an API

I am programing an ALPR system and I am using the OpenALPR API to extract a license plate number from a picture. The default Python code to access the service looks like this: import base64 import ...
e5lite's user avatar
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Python Tesseract License Plate Recognition

I'm a programmer, but i have no prior experience with Python or any of its libraries, or even OCR/ALPR as a whole. I have a script that i made (basically copying and paste other scripts for all over ...
Master's user avatar
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sentencepiece library is not being installed in the system

While using pip install tf-models-official I found the following problem while the library is getting installed:- Collecting tf-models-official Using cached tf_models_official-2.8.0-py2.py3-none-any....
Daremitsu's user avatar
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ANPR events with picture Hikvision Node

I have subscrived to the events of a Hikvision camera doing a get request to /ISAPI/Event/notification/alertStream. I am interested in ANPR events, this type of events return a multipart response ...
Cristina de la Torre's user avatar
-4 votes
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Trying to read these plates using OCR but they are blurry. Where do I start? [closed]

Hi I am a student doing research in my university. This is my first time using computer vision (openCV) and I am fairly new to image preprocessing. I have these images of License Plates and I would ...
Nikhilesh Chhetri's user avatar
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How to get Hikvision DeepinViews license plate number from URL?

I cant find the solution anywhere and mine doesn't seem to work. I just want to see the last plate string in the browser,or the few last plates,doesn't matter. http://login:[email protected]/ISAPI/...
Master's user avatar
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mask after finding shape's contour

I'm trying to write ANPR project in nodejs. I managed to draw the contours around the license plate, but now I want to mask it. this is what I got now (just without the text): i want to mask it like ...
Sabakakado's user avatar
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How to get clean output from easyocr

This is from a opencv+easyocr number plate recognition script opencv crops the image to number plate and gives,clean great output to the easyocr. but what are these bunch of numbers its reading result ...
Vishwa Shehan's user avatar
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How to detect the number plate with the most black pixels. If there is another method pls comment

Im trying to detect the ROI with the most black pixels for the license plate Below are the code on the number plate. It is based of the question of How to recognize vehicle license / number plate (...
Aiman Azmi's user avatar
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Running openalpr using python in windows

I created an environment and installed openalpr using pip install openalpr followed by downloading the openalpr from and installing python binding using ...
Kushagar-Mahajan's user avatar
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ALPR provider for Xillinx

I'm looking into doing some ALPR(Automatic License Plate Recognition) project and I see that some ALPR providers supports Raspherry Pi and Jetson devices. Does any support Xilinx
Oyenekan Seyitan's user avatar
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how to read this type of JSON file from PHP [Json results from open alpr ]?

I need to know how to extract JSON data like the JSON format posted below to php, Im trying to extract following Json file key value data to a mysql using a php script. Following JSON is from openalpr ...
iwhd's user avatar
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Get plates from Hikvision LPR camera (returning only the last 20 plates) How to retrieve more?

I want to retrieving plates from LPR Hikvision camera but xml file returns only last 20 plates. Someone can help me to define correctly xml parameters to retrieve more registries? POST URL: .../...
PP.TT's user avatar
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EmguCV, Xamarin Forms, C#, ALPR (License Plate Recognition from Smartphone Camera)

Please, I need help with EmguCV ALPR, C#, Xamarin Forms. There are some sample on the web for ALPR, but these require that you take a picture and load it in the the app. What I am looking for is to ...
Ogero Ovie's user avatar
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OCR in pytorch/keras with LPRNet and CTCLoss doesn't converge

I implemented LPRNet from this paper in keras and then in pytorch. For pytorch was used this code as example. It didn't converge in any version. Loss starts at 30 and goes to 27 even after 150000 ...
Vadim's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input: OpenALPR using Node and Javascript

When using the try/catch statement for var data declaration, the program will output 'No License Plate Found', even if there is. If the try/catch statement is removed, the program prints perfectly ...
RO'D's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input: ALPR using Node and Javascript

The program prints perfectly when there is no License Plate in the frame, but when there is, I get the SyntaxError. Node.js and OpenALPR is installed. Photos are successfully being taken also. const ...
RO'D's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input: ALPR

The program prints perfectly when there is no License Plate in the frame, but when there is, I get the SyntaxError. Node.js and OpenALPR is installed. Photos are successfully being taken also. const ...
RO'D's user avatar
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can't recognize correctly license plate (Python, OpenCv, Tesseract)

I'm trying to recognize a license plate but got error such as wrong/not reading the character Here's a visualization of each step: Obtained mask from color thresholding + morph closing Filter for ...
elandh ricky's user avatar
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Post beanstalk queue data to Mssql using python script

Guys I'm currently developing an offline ALPR solution. So far I've used OpenAlpr software running on Ubuntu. By using a python script I found on StackOverlFlow I'm able to read the beanstalk queue ...
iwhd's user avatar
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How to increase the speed of object detection using YOLO in

I want to detect License Plate region by YOLO V3. I've used darknet to create Weights for this purpose. After training a weight file was created. The size of this file was 234 MB and I used darknet53....
Ali's user avatar
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How to distinguish between different license plates using OpenCV

Currently working on licentiate detection system and need some guidance on how to proceed. I can capture (via video playback) and with the help of an open source library called OpenALPR display the ...
Yusuf Yasin's user avatar
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Python unable to load OpenALPR, working fine in CLI

I'm trying to install OpenALPR on my Raspberry Pi, with Raspbian 4.19 and Python 3.7. I followed this guide to install OpenAlpr and it works fine when called from the CLI. I'm now trying to make it ...
r.m2019's user avatar
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Different types of augmentations to be used for APR?

I am trying to do automatic number plate recognition but I have very few data. In order to increase the data, I tried translation, rotation and addition of noise. Can someone suggest me some other ...
Ashna Eldho's user avatar
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How to show warning when item in json cannot be detected using C#

I'm making a license plate recognition system using USB camera. The camera will scan a license plate number and show it's detail on label. But if the camera didn't scan/detect any license plate, i ...
Yonce's user avatar
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How to get date for every image captured in folder using C#

I'm doing a license plate recognition system. I have set up my camera to capture image every 10 seconds and stored it in a folder. May I know how to get or capture the date and time and show it in a ...
Yonce's user avatar
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Element 0 value is unsupported

Below is my code which i took it from github and modifying according to my need, it is showing me an error at the line print(characters) when i am trying to take the characters as string in the ...
Mohd Nabeel's user avatar
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Reading Philippine License Plate (OCR or ANPR)

I need to read the a license plate issued in the Philippines I tried GooglePlayServices.Vision [TextRecognizer] but it is giving me inaccurate results. I also tried some sample ANPR apps but the ...
jase's user avatar
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