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How to mark NuGet packages on Azure DevOps feed as deprecated to use nuget search or dotnet list package --deprecated?

In Azure DevOps Builds, checks for deprecated and vulnerable nuget packages work great using: dotnet list "HappySolution.sln" package --deprecated --source
thisisntjared's user avatar
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Lacks permission to complete Push nuget package via azure CICD

I am trying to create a NuGet package and publish it to an internal feed using an Azure CI/CD pipeline. Below are the details: Organization name: devStierMate Azure project name: Common' Feed name: ...
Stier Máté's user avatar
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How to Check if all Packages of a Nuget Package Repository exist in another Repository

I want to check if all nuget packages in a private Nuget Repository also exist in the package repository. Is there a way to go through all packages in the private Repo, check if they exist ...
Frederik T's user avatar
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How can I automatically increment the version of my local NuGet (Baget) package in my .csproj file

We use local NuGet (BaGet) to store our custom packages. We assign a new version number for each update we make. I am sharing code snipped from my .csproj file in the below: <PropertyGroup> ...
Çağlar Ayhan's user avatar
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Download nuspec via NuGet v3 API

Artifactory seems to be missing the PackageBaseAddress resource. Is there another way to download the nuspec file for a given NuGet package version? I need some metadata from the nuspec and want to ...
Florian Greinacher's user avatar
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How to correct GitHub token permissions in an action attempting to push to a GitHub NuGet store?

I have the following step in a shared workflow (lives in a repo within my org, not where it's called from): - name: Publish and push image run: | dotnet pack ${{ inputs.csproj_path }}...
Daniel Mulroy's user avatar
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How do I request my customers to login in my private Nuget package server?

I have an ASP.NET MVC website where customers log in using ASP.NET Identity. I also have a private Nuget package server for my products (I followed these instructions to create it). How do I enforce ...
abenci's user avatar
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Nuget restore from github package manager giving 403

We have a private set of nuget packages in GitHub. Until recently, I was able to restore packages from this repository and view them in the package manager. Now, I'm getting 403 errors: Retrying '...
Michael Witt's user avatar
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Nuget Gallery package source not found

I have set up NugetGallery on my own server and am able to access the UI and perform all operations. However, I have been unable to locate the link that needs to ...
Maruf's user avatar
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Nuget packages & Dotnet publish taking forever

Anybody is familiar with Nuget Packages in IIS server? I'm stuck with a serious issue from 3 days. I tried installing and pushing .nupkg file I have to by making source as my local server by ...
Manoj Mandala's user avatar
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JFROG Artifactory OSS - Nuget Package source Type is disabled

How do I enable the NuGet Package source Type on creating Local/Remote/Virtual Repository? I have installed JFROG Artifactory OSS version(7.35.2) and when I'm trying to create Local/Remote/Virtual ...
vel's user avatar
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Finding missing nuget packages in local repository

I have a local nuget repository (Nuget Server). I need to upload packages from Nuget.Org to my local repository for offline building. How can I list all packages missing for some solution? I need it ...
YanivR's user avatar
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License expression for commercial nuget package

I'm uploading a private nuget package to a private nuget repository. The package is commercial (not open source). The csproj has this: <PackageLicenseExpression>Commercial</...
lonix's user avatar
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How to push nuget package to an online server location

I have just created a .Net class library which I need to be converted to a nuget package. I can create a local path for the nuget and push it there. However, I need other members of my team to be able ...
Josh's user avatar
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How to see what symbols are hosted on a Symbol Server?

I would like to inspect what symbols are available on a symbol server. I expect that a symbol server hosts more or less a collection of .pdb files for various applications. Tools like Visual Studio or ...
Tim Taurit's user avatar
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Unable to see newer Nuget packages. The old ones are still there

I have a Nuget package manager on our local server. The restore process of the pipeline in Azure Dev Ops attempts to fetch the packages, however it is unable to see the latest ones. We had a major DNS/...
Username_null's user avatar
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AZURE: Can I host NuGet.Server in Azure?

I want to host a nuget.server to share private nuget packages with my dev team. This link: shows me how to build a nuget.server, ...
Joe's user avatar
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Adding NuGet server from Azure App Service(NuGet.Server) with AD Authentication results 401 unauthorized in VS2019 proffesional

I have created a nuget server project. nuget/hosting-packages/nuget-server and published it as an Azure App Service. So far, everything has worked fine. I added the server to Visual Studio and pushed ...
Caroline Aspen's user avatar
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NuGet.Server crash on startup

I setup Nuget.Server based on Visual Studio Project and Nuget.Server Package, and publish it to our IIS on Windows Server 2019. In Server, We can open the Website at http://ServerName:Port and ...
mRizvandi's user avatar
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dotnet CLI “error: There are no versions available for the package 'myCustomPackage'.”

I've added my private source of packages that hosted on gitlab by this command dotnet nuget add source its done successfully and added to my list of sources, then I've pushed my packages on it, the ...
Vahid's user avatar
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NuGet Package Source limited to specific author

Is it possible to configure a NuGet source to only allow pulling of packages from a specific root author ? My specific use-case : Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager Microsoft packages only You might ...
BaltoStar's user avatar
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Way to mark Nuget-Package als Deprecated in a local repository

I´ve seen that there is a way to mark packages as deprecated on ( Unfortunally I don't push my packages to ...
she's user avatar
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Get ReleaseNotes from nuget feed programatically when possible

Some packages like AngleSharp have 'Release Notes' in their nuget feed. IPackageMetadata.cs have ReleaseNotes but it seems this is only used when creating a package. Is there a way to get ReleaseNotes ...
Bakudan's user avatar
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"No packages found" when having Azure Artifact as package source

Due to the usage of Babel, that require us to host ourself the package manager on a private repository, we are using Azure Devop as a source of our packages. But now when we look for any package that ...
J4N's user avatar
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Private NuGet compatibility between different frameworks

We have several projects that we use in most all of our projects. We are wanting to move them to a private NuGet store. We have installed NuGet.Server and have it working with our .net framework ...
Joel WZ's user avatar
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Nuget Sitefinity Repository down?

Is working for you guys as a Nuget package source? We are getting the following error: This has been happening since January 19th 3 PM GMT.
Muhammedh's user avatar
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Copy nuget package content file (of type .exe) to output directory of project using that nuget package

I have some project which has some exe as "dependency" and I build that project as nuget package from .csproj file File looks like this: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> &...
Vlado Pandžić's user avatar
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NuGet private server returns 502 (Bad Gateway) when pushing new package

I deployed new private NuGet server (NuGet.Server.3.4.1) and set up API key in web.config. Then I created first nuget package from my .net core class library project. But when I try to run following ...
Muflix's user avatar
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Nuget resource change from https to http

I try to upload a NuGet package but a receive this error: An error was encountered when fetching 'PUT http://nuget_domain/api/v2/package/'. The request will now be retried. But in the https://...
CarlosS's user avatar
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Nuget packages with both debug and release

In our work we have one team that develops libraries and other teams that develop projects using those libraries. The libraries team has much more experience than the projects one. We created this ...
Luiz Bicalho's user avatar
11 votes
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How to use an API Key with dotnet restore with private NuGet server

I've created a private NuGet server ( which requires an API key to upload packages but not to download/restore them. I am sure I can enhance the code of the server ...
Paul Grenyer's user avatar
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Nuget local feed slow search

I have setup a local Nuget folder \\servername\packages and configured Visual Studio to use it as source instead of It works fine. However, search for a package (...
developer's user avatar
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Where is the extra folder configured for NuGet.Server v3.4.1.0 that is causing the 404 Not Found Error

I have read other posts with people having issues with the 404 Not Found error when building their own local version of NuGet.Server. None of them specifically asked about what I am seeing as an ...
Sudonim's user avatar
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How to create a NuGet ApiKey with command

So I need a way to create a NuGet ApiKey from the console/command. Basically the idea is to automate a project's nuget package deploy. Ideal steps: User passes username/password to Jenkins(or ...
Kristiyan Goleminov's user avatar
3 votes
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Artifactory nuget push - non-existing user (API key / access token)

I am able to push nuget packages to Artifactory using dotnet nuget push %WORKSPACE%\NuGetPackages\*.nupkg --source <url> --api-key <username>:<encrypted password>. However, I would ...
Mikkel LP's user avatar
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Specifying Nuget Package Platform Target

I want to create a Nuget Package for a C# library that targets .NET Framework 4.0 and higher. If I put my library in a directory named Net40, will this cause issues for projects that target say 4.1 ...
Russell Chidhakwa's user avatar
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Managing NuGet package dependency updates in a local NuGet repository

Let's suppose there is a .NET Core project that has a reference to a NuGet package, say nugetD. That NuGet package in turn has references to 3 other NuGet packages, say nugetA, nugetB and nugetC. The ...
Nemesis's user avatar
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Non-proprietary Nuget Packages Showing in Nuget Server/Artifacts Feed

We are using Azure Devops to publish a private nuget server. Currently we have only published 5 of our own nuget packages, however a subset of third-party nuget packages are also showing. I do not ...
reknab's user avatar
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Debug Nuget Library

I have a set of Nuget Libraries that I compile and modify myself. I build them without publishing on any Nuget server. (It is not my library) On the other side, I have a project that use such Nugets,...
ClubberLang's user avatar
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how to call Package Manager Console and execute Find-Package in visual studio extension

I'm developing a visual studio extension(vsix). Now, I want to get a nuget package latest version. I only found one way by using Package Manager Console, dotnet CLI still not support search command. ...
Hourglass's user avatar
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NuGet statistics - what does each category actually mean

I am trying to understand what does each line mean at NuGet statistics for a particular package. Understanding these categories is crucial for understanding how is a project/product adopted. For ...
sasha_krsmanovic's user avatar
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Own Nuget Server - The V2 feed at '' returned an unexpected status code '404 Not Found'

I created my own Nuget Server following the documentation and I got it, but I cannot access the packages from Visual Studio 2019 Community Nuget Package Manager. So, when I do it through a browser I ...
serfe's user avatar
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My own hosted NuGet server doesn't work properly anymore

I've hosted my own NuGet server, and it worked great for my libraries. In this case, I installed "NuGet.Server" package. Recently, it doesn't work anymore and I can not push any version on ...
AmiN Zamani's user avatar
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How a .NET project add a C++/CLI library from NuGet?

My project structure is: The main project is .NET framework 4.8, and the library develops by C++/CLI. I can add the file reference directly, it can work now. For some reason, we don't want to ...
Cade Huang's user avatar
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Why nuget package installation failed due to not responding of irrelevant package source

I was playing with dotnet cli to create f# project. I ran the following command to install NewtonSoft.Json NuGet Package. $>dotnet add src/Library/Library.fsproj package Newtonsoft.Json the ...
Siva Sankaran's user avatar
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NuGet Packager with version using build number, adding -beta

My goal is to deploy NuGet packages (to in-house Nuget server) that auto-increment the version based on date and last Rev, and include a -beta tag. I am using VSTS to build and package using cake, ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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Create Site Extension for Azure App Service and add to Gallery

I Created a nuget package extension .nupkg with some content folder in it. I am trying that package to get added in the Site Extensions gallery of the Azure App Services. I created the Nuget package ...
Sel_va's user avatar
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Keeping Nuget packages updated in many projects/solutions

If using the same nuget package(s) over multiple solutions, how do I keep them up to date without having to open up every solution and update packages when a new version is released? Folder structure ...
Syntax Error's user avatar
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Nuget Server Repository - Page not found 404

I'm totally desperate. I've been trying to install Nuget.Server v3.2.1.0 for two days now. I followed the installation instructions at
Marcus's user avatar
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Getting error: 'NU3008: The package integrity check failed' when trying to restore nuget packages during my TeamCity build

I have TeamCity building a project pulled down from SVN on a build machine under the LOCALUSER account. The first step it takes is to restore nuget packages using the nuget installer from the ....
Luke4792's user avatar
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