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NuGet.Server crash on startup

I setup Nuget.Server based on Visual Studio Project and Nuget.Server Package, and publish it to our IIS on Windows Server 2019. In Server, We can open the Website at http://ServerName:Port and ...
mRizvandi's user avatar
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NuGet push version 3.1.2 returns 405 HTTP error (method not allowed)

I use a private NuGet.Server with the newest version 3.1.2. My IIS has the WebDAV feature not installed.   Therefore the other recommendations in how to fix the 405 (method not allowed) error, didn't ...
rogaa's user avatar
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Attempting to install NuGet server on iis 10 on w2016 yields 404 not found error

My environment: Windows 10 Creator (1703 with current updates to this date) Visual Studio 2017, Enterprise, 15.3 with most of the goodies turned on. Windows 2016, again with all current updates. ...
Fred's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2015/2017 local NuGet feed HTTP 403

We've created a local NuGet feed with Nuget.Server. It is a simple ASP.NET application that is hosted on an IIS web server that is part of our local company network. The url of the feed looks like ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'NuGet.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies

So I have created a NuGet Server via an ASP.Net Web Application following this tutorial: which is hosted in IIS. I have placed the files on my D: drive on my server along with ...
Harold_Finch's user avatar
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Nuget Push throwing 404 error "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.."

I'm trying to set up the Nuget in our new build server ( Windows Server 2012 Standard). I have set it up as a website in IIS(V 8.5). Nuget commands like Get-Package and Install-Package works fine, ...
VeeYemYem's user avatar
3 votes
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Nuget.Server can list packages but 404's on package install

So I have an ASP.Net Nuget Server running on a machine on our network. I'm using .Net 4.6 with Nuget.Server version and IIS 8. This is connected to our automated build system so the packages ...
Dillanm's user avatar
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NuGet packages do not show after pushing to private NuGet Feed (NuGet.Server, IIS)

I followed the instructions on Hosting Your Own NuGet Feeds: Create an empty web application Installed the NuGet.Server package Set ~/Packages as the packagesPath in Web.config Set my API key in Web....
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
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Poor performance on IIS 7.5 nuget server

I have a locally-hosted nuget server on IIS 7.5. It seems that, as more packages are added to the site's feed, performance gets progressively worse. IIS is frequently scanning the contents of the ...
Joel's user avatar
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Configuring NuGet server to use Authentication

The release notes for NuGet 1.5 state NuGet now supports connecting to private repositories that require basic or NTLM authentication. However, the link contained in there simply leads to the ...
Wilbert's user avatar
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Private NuGet Gallery

I am trying to set up an internal nuget feed for my company. I have built the site and deployed it to IIS server. I can install from the site itf I manually add packages to it but I cannot push to it ...
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