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How get Last updated date from nuget package version [duplicate]

I'm trying to use the NuGet.Protocol library to get information about the version of the Nuget package. In particular, I am interested in the date of the last update of the package version. I get the ...
Wh-rabbit's user avatar
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How to Check if all Packages of a Nuget Package Repository exist in another Repository

I want to check if all nuget packages in a private Nuget Repository also exist in the package repository. Is there a way to go through all packages in the private Repo, check if they exist ...
Frederik T's user avatar
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Only 25 libraries listed in local NuGet repository

I am on VS2022 (17.+). We have a local NuGet repository for host the in-house NuGets. However, we just realized that in the NuGet Manager, it only lists 25 of 30 libraries. To test the theory, we ...
Johnny Wu's user avatar
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How to ensure two .NET versions are shown on top of my NuGet page?

I have a question about this NuGet page. Right, now .NET 6 is shown on top. But, as you can see in the Frameworks tab, .NET 6 and .NET 7 are both supported. How should I change my csproj (or do ...
Daan's user avatar
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Nuget Gallery package source not found

I have set up NugetGallery on my own server and am able to access the UI and perform all operations. However, I have been unable to locate the link that needs to ...
Maruf's user avatar
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create nuget package support the dependency injection DI

i am creating a Nuget Package should supports the dependency injection (DI) throw a service called "IGETSum" with one method called "SUMorSUB" that’s take a two numbers and sum ...
mohammed alani's user avatar
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Is there any way of fixing this Visual studio 2015 Nuget Pacage Manager mess?

It seems I managed to completely break my Visual Studio 2015 setup by uninstalling Nuget Package Manager. I uninstalled it in order to fix its inability to update anything. Now, when I try to launch ...
f78xd23's user avatar
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Uninstall packages installed with nuget.exe outside project

This is essentially the same question as Uninstall nuget packages installed with nuget.exe but that question only has a dubious answer which is incorrect. Basically, I was mislead by build error ...
jb_dk's user avatar
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How to publish readme file automatically along with package in NuGet org through GitHub actions CI/CD pipeline

Details about Problem When uploading a package to manually via the website, I can set a documentation URL that points to a readme file on github, as shown here:
mohankrishna's user avatar
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How do I update the on via API?

I have a situation where I need to update more than 30 packages that each have 15 versions with current info and continually keep them updated. While it is now recommended to add a Readme (markdown) ...
NightOwl888's user avatar
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Local Nuget Package Creation for console

Could any team help me for creating local nuget package file that can be utilize in to different all project if application belong to web application or console application ?How can we convey any ...
AMIT GUPTA's user avatar
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Debugging NuGet Gallery Locally does not work when calling from VS instance

I'm working on setting up my own instance of NuGet Gallery and adding Basic Authentication to the download piece. I've got that mostly sorted out, but I'm running into something I can't explain. When ...
Don Sartain's user avatar
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Why does Artifactory not list/cache NuGet Packages from remote NuGet Gallery repo?

I'm looking to migrate from an existing private NuGet Gallery repo. We have Artifactory (v6.10.1 , will be upgrading soon) with a nuget virtual, nuget-local, and nuget-remote-cache repo. I have ...
duct_tape_coder's user avatar
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How to create a NuGet ApiKey with command

So I need a way to create a NuGet ApiKey from the console/command. Basically the idea is to automate a project's nuget package deploy. Ideal steps: User passes username/password to Jenkins(or ...
Kristiyan Goleminov's user avatar
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Getting a timeout issue when trying to access nuget packages from nuget-gallery

I am trying to pull the package from artifactory but facing below issue. Receiving the following error: Retrying 'FindPackagesByIdAsyncCore' for source 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxx/artifactory/api/nuget/...
devops's user avatar
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Create Site Extension for Azure App Service and add to Gallery

I Created a nuget package extension .nupkg with some content folder in it. I am trying that package to get added in the Site Extensions gallery of the Azure App Services. I created the Nuget package ...
Sel_va's user avatar
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How can I make Nuget Gallery support mysql?

I git clone the Nuget Gallery, and it's based on the sql server. As the NuGet gallery use the entityframework 6, I was trying to migrate to the mysql following the below steps: 1.Replace the ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Powershell Find-Package command doesn't work with nuget v3 package source

As the title says I cannot use the Find-Package command with the nuget v3 url: If I run the command: Find-Package nuget.versioning -Source
Spencer Ruport's user avatar
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How to publish a nuget package privately using Nuget Gallery

I have created a nuget package and I want to share it with my team using Nuget Gallery. I need to publish the nuget package privately. So I have managed to build the Nuget Gallery from Nuget Gallery ...
hunterex's user avatar
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Upload lower version of a NuGet package to the NuGet site

Is it possible to add the lower version of a library as a NuGet package on the site? For example, I have already uploaded versions: 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 Now I need to ...
Vladyslav Tsvek's user avatar
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dependency assemblies, check compatibility

I am converting a project from .net framework to .net core 2. I need to check if my dependencies are compatible with .net core 2. how do I check if ...
dgamma3's user avatar
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NuGet package restore tries to retrieve in all configured NuGet sources

While installing the NuGet packages from the NuGet package manage, having configured multiple NuGet package sources in VS2017, the NuGet client tries to retrieve the package in all the configured ...
user2473950's user avatar
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nuget.exe doesn't return all versions of specified package

I'm using the latest stable version of nuget.exe (4.3.0) and attempting to get all versions of a package. This returns only one version: nuget.exe list OBeautifulCode.Math.HashCodeHelper -...
Suraj's user avatar
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Is there any benefit of uploading package on nuget?

I am wondering there is no benefit of uploading package on nuget then why people spent too much time to create a package and upload it on nuget?
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Only in one of my Xamarin(Portable) Projects the Nuget Package Manager Source gives me an Error

I searched a lot and found some question related to my question but my problem occurs just in one of my Xamarin(Portable) projects. When I try to install or even try to browse for a Nuget Lib, with ...
Alp's user avatar
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Private Nuget Server: I can't see my packages from Nuget Package Explorer

I followed the Microsoft official Guide for create a Private Nuget Server. Everything seems to work, I can see my packages feed from browser and I can see my packages from Visual Studio package ...
Davide's user avatar
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NuGet Server - Access custom private NuGet gallery based on dynamic Feed URL

I need to provide private NuGet patch for the customers. We have more number of customers. We are in the position to provide different NuGet Patch to all needed customers. Now, I have followed below ...
Mathan Kumar's user avatar
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The schema version of 'Newtonsoft.Json' is incompatible

I am using Visual Studio Express Web 2012. Recently, my computer crashed so have switched to a new laptop. The same visual studio after restoring the code is throwing an error as: The schema ...
amit kohan's user avatar
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How to publish nuget package update?

Well, this is my first Nuget package I publish, it's as simple as any first.. I've published it through this command line: nuget push PKG. 0000000-000-0000-0000-0000000000 -Source https:...
mshwf's user avatar
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How tell Nuget to not override a specific version of jquery?

I have a legacy project with a lot of dependencies on jquery 1.8. If I want to upgrade to 1.9 but maintain the older version while I download the new one from nuget, can that be done? I just ...
Heinrich's user avatar
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Documentation for nuget API

does anyone knows a good documentation for nuget service endpoints? I'm looking for it for both nuget v2 and v3 (v2 in priority as V3 is still in contruction).
jroquelaure's user avatar
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Visual Studio, how to finish up solution and deploy?

I'm an CS intern working at a company that primarily develops using .NET and Microsoft. I've been using Visual Studio sparsely, and now I'm kind of stuck. I tried building a NugetGallery using IIS ...
user1869558's user avatar
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Nuget Gallery with multiple feeds

I recently installed Nuget Gallery ( as a repository. Ideally I would like to create multiple feeds so that I could differentiate between nuget packages that will ...
rjso's user avatar
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Package manager in Visual Studio 2015 "407 (Proxy Authentication Required)"

I understand this is an often asked question, however after days of research I've not found an answer to this particular problem. I have a new ASP.NET 5 (Core 1.0) MVC template that I'm trying to add ...
m.edmondson's user avatar
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Cannot get nuget feed to work with VS2015 Update 1

I cannot seem to get the feed to work correctly with VS2015 Performed the following Clean install of Windows 10 Clean install of VS2015 Update 1 using Nuget Package Manager 3.3 Trying to ...
user3502865's user avatar
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Nuget - install-package Unexpected XML declaration.

On any package I try to install I'm getting the following exception: install-package : Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space ...
schizofreindly's user avatar
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Where is the Visual Studio 2015 NuGet Client manager?

I uninstalled the nuget package manager in an attempt to fix a bug. When I went to reinstall it I can't find it in the gallery. Anyone know where it's located? The link from here is dead :( http://...
NullReference's user avatar
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how to include separately added system.configuration dll in nuget package

I'm creating nuget package of my demo.csproj I have added system.configuration separatly into this project, I know that I can add this system.configuration.dll into my nuget by using either of ...
Neo's user avatar
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pushing nugetGallery to windows azure website getting error: The OutputPath property is not set for project 'NuGetGallery.csproj'

I took codebase from to push nugetgallery on my own azure website but failed. I'm getting following error and deployment failed. D:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\...
Neo's user avatar
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How do I host Nuget Gallery in my own Azure website?

I have downloaded nuget gallery code from git clone [email protected]:NuGet/NuGetGallery.git as mention I tried to setup gallery in local IIS but I failed getting error [No relevant source lines] code ...
Neo's user avatar
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VS2013 - gallery not showing

Trying to get the gallery to show in VS2013 with no success. Have installed the latest Nuget Package Manager extension is installed and ensure that the package source is pointing to nuget....
user3502865's user avatar
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NuGet Server With Caching

I have a build server that pulls nuget packages on every build, and currently have a NugetGallery deployed internally for custom packages. Right now that eats bandwidth like no tomorrow (not a huge ...
StrangeWill's user avatar
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Why does the ember.js starter kit include jQuery 1 and the NuGet package requires v2?

I would like to use the Ember.js NuGet package but I need to support IE 8 which means I will need to use jQuery v1. That's also what's in the starter kit. Is the NuGet package really dependent on ...
moarboilerplate's user avatar
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Nuget Package Manager for Visual Studio 2012 not opening at all

I have been trying to find a solution for this since almost 3 days, but i'm stuck and cant figure out why the Nuget package manager is just not opening, it does not even give any error. Things i have ...
skywalker2909's user avatar
7 votes
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Why am I getting "Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3'" in my WPF app?

I added what I thought were the necessary SQLite (and sqlite-net) packages to my app. On running it, though, I get an exception: System.DllNotFoundException was unhandled by user code HResult=-...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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CURL Nuget visual studio 2013 unresolved external symbol __imp__curl_easy_init referenced in function _main()

I follow this link ( and I get some libraries from Nugget (CURL, curlpp, curlpp redist, curlpp symbols). But it have some error, ...
Minhphuong Le's user avatar
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When should NuGet Gallery search index update?

I have recently installed a local NuGet Gallery from the instructions on GitHub. It appears to be working correctly when I upload packages through the UI, but packages pushed using the command line ...
infojolt's user avatar
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When I am adding MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4 System.Web.Mvc version difference error is coming

I am adding MvcSiteMapProvider in my sample site using Package Manager console like PM> Install-Package MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4 but after installation completion facing below Error. i.e. uses ...
Shan k's user avatar
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How can I create a solution level NuGet package for an entire project?

I have created a NuGet gallery in my company. I want to create and publish a solution level NuGet package. Everyone who will install the package will not get a dll but an entire project added to his/...
eyal's user avatar
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Does NuGet automatically upgrade installed packages to new versions?

I see that there are new versions of ASP.NET MVC and Web API If a solution references these NuGet packages, will it automatically update them to these newer versions with options set thus: ?
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar