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Performance difference between Mojarra and MyFaces on a large page with many composite components

We have an application running on JBoss EAP 8, Mojarra 4.0.4, Primefaces 14. There is a large page with many composite components, with multiple places that update parts of the page with ajax (with no ...
Fergun's user avatar
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JSF 2.3.9 and Fortify Warnings (Reflected XSS and Directory Traversal)

I am using JSF 2.3.9 and Fortify and I am getting the following warnings: 1. Reflected XSS: faces/context/ in Eclipse Mojarra, as used in Mojarra for Eclipse EE4J before 2....
ebrukaya's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use SelectManyCheckbox with ArrayList as HashMap value

Im trying to bind selected values of SelectManyCheckbox to ArrayList, which is the value of my HashMap. If my options are inside an ArrayList and selected options are aswell. i have no issue. BUT when ...
FakiB's user avatar
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Deployment of JSF Web Application fails on Tomcat 11 but works on Tomcat 10

During the deployment of my application in Netbeans the log says: 06-Mar-2024 20:23:39.783 INFO [Catalina-utility-2] com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProviderFactory.createInstance JSF1048: PostConstruct/...
Michael's user avatar
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"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed" for the bean with the "view" scope

Currently we are migrating the Jakarta Faces application from WildFly to Spring Boot v.3.1.1 using JoinFaces v.5.1.1. The version of PrimeFaces is 12.0.0. The implementation of Jakarta Faces is ...
zilberman's user avatar
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Updating a <p:column> only renders its child

I have a requirement to re-render a <p:column> upon changes in an input located in same row within a <p:panelGrid> nested in a <p:dataTable>: <h:form id="my-form"> &...
Janus Engstrøm's user avatar
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Error when restoring view after rolling update

I have implemented rolling updates with JSF 2.3. I'm using Redis (with the Redisson library) to store HTTP sessions, HAProxy as a load balancer with sticky sessions. Additionally, I am using Tomcat 8....
dssof's user avatar
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PrimeFaces ui-state-error not added in composite component in Mojarra 4.0.3

Although I add required property to the inputtext in the dialog, it does not add ui-state-error. I did not have such a problem before PrimeFaces 12 and PrimeFaces 13. How should I follow a path about ...
Ömer Faruk Kurt's user avatar
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ViewScoped bean being initialized multiple times with includeViewParams="true"

I'm currently migrating an web application developed in JSF from Wildfly 26 to Wildfly28. All the code was refactored to jakarta.* and I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with ViewScoped beans. On ...
areal's user avatar
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6 votes
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Impossible to start application after upgrade to spring boot 3 and jakarta Faces 4

I' trying to migrate a spring boot application from spring boot 2.7.8 to 3.0.6. The application uses jsf mojarra and primefaces for GUI. The application works fine with spring boot 2.7.8 Spring boot 3 ...
Krigl Wurzl's user avatar
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Which JSF version(impl) support UI custom component annotations replacing XML taglib?

For a custom JSF component Foo, need to add the following taglib.xml. Which JSF impl (mojarra) version support annotations instead of XML? taglib.xml <facelet-taglib ...> <...
eastwater's user avatar
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Alternative or new Jakarta Faces 4.0 Components

As a longtime JBoss/Wildly user with 'Mojarra'. I always used JSF 'RichFaces'. Due to end-of-life in June 2016 I migrated to PrimeFaces. The main/only five 'extra' PF components I use are: dataTable ...
NOTiFY's user avatar
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Substitute myfaces RedererUtils with jakarta.faces-api

At the moment, using myfaces, we get the value from a component like this: RendererUtils.getStringValue(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance, component)); We want to get rid of myfaces and use mojarra: &...
Pascal Petruch's user avatar
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How to encrypt ViewState (server stored) that generates colon separated random numbers on client?

I have an application build on top of Mojarra 2.1.20 (package com.sun.faces, RI for JSF 2.2 specification). I have a context param javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD with value as server specified in my ...
vinsinraw's user avatar
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How do I change JSF impl of WildFly 27.0.1 from Mojarra 4.0.0.SP01 to MyFaces 4.0

Using Red Hat WildFly 27.0.1 I'm trying to migrate Mojarra 4.0.0.SP01 to MyFaces 4.0. Trying to use document "7.26. Jakarta Server Faces Configuration" at:
NOTiFY's user avatar
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parameter goes null when using <p:commandButton> (Mojarra 2.3)

the xhtml file is getting a Integer parameter which is saved as deck_id. In that xhtml file it is used normally and it works as in the header but when i want to combine it with a <p:commandbutton&...
JakoBolt's user avatar
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Jakarta ConcurrentModificationException or IndexOutOfBoundsException

Hello i get a error when im pressing a button, but not always, sometimes its a different error, sometimes its working fine. Can someome explain me what is the problem? And how to fix this? Button : &...
Vikanto's user avatar
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javax.faces.ViewState parameter duplication in POST request after ajax render

I'm not a pro in jsf and i have a problem. After ajax render was triggered, I received two javax.faces.ViewState parameters with different values in the POST request. What could be the cause of this ...
NeKitKat's user avatar
-1 votes
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Git checkout branch from tag: got different code from that in github [closed]

Git checkout branch from tag: got different code from that in github. git clone git checkout -b mybranch 2.3.18.RELEASE pom.xml: <groupId>org.glassfish&...
eastwater's user avatar
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PF 11.0.0: which mojarra versions are supported?

PF 11.0.0: which mojarra versions are supported? It is not specified in pom.xml. The showcase used to show the mojarra version, but not now.
eastwater's user avatar
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Where is maven respository for jsf mojarra 2.3.18?

Where is maven respository for jsf mojarra 2.3.18? The maven center has mojarra 2.4 that does not exist on github mojarra project. but the maven center does not have version 2.3.18 that is the latest ...
eastwater's user avatar
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Target Unreachable, identifier 'XXX' resolved to null - jakarta.el.PropertyNotFoundException

I'm new to Java and tried to follow this tutorial. Since it's outdated, I've made some changes to use newer versions: Netbeans 14 Glassfish 6 Java EE7 Jakarta Faces 3 Mojarra 3.0.1 The tutorial ...
pollirrata's user avatar
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Spring Boot 2.7.1 integration with JSF 2.2 (Mojarra) and Primefaces 6.2.9

I have working set up using below stack - Spring MVC 5 JSF Mojarra 2.2.14 Primefaces 6.2.9 The app is built as a WAR. It has web.xml with FacesServlet configured to service *.xhtml requests. All init ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Multiple /faces in URL Breaks Security in JSF application

Good day. I have an issue where someone can bypass security by repeating the /faces mapping on the URL. For example if you visit http://myhost/faces/AdminStuff/SecurePage.xhtml, they get sent to the ...
Sam Donato's user avatar
-1 votes
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Eclipse Mojarra vs (jakarta.faces » jakarta.faces-api)

I know that Mojarra is Eclipse EE4J implementation of the Jakarta Faces specification. But what about this dependency: <!-- --> ...
Mehdi Rahimi's user avatar
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JSF 2.3.14: Syntax error after (re-) rendering a JavaScript code block with constants

The following code fragment generates a javascript syntax error when I push the h:commandButton: <h:outputScript> 'use strict'; const label = '*'; </h:outputScript> <h:form> &...
Toru's user avatar
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Unable to access CDI

I have a class that contains a method annotated with @PostConstruct which fetchs list of customers @ViewScoped @Named public class CustomerController extends AlertResponse { @PostConstruct ...
Mortadha BOUALLAGUI's user avatar
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How to send Authorization header in JSF - Mojarra - PrimeFaces

We have a java 8 project with JSF Mojarra implementation with PrimeFaces 3.5. We are implementing the authentication OIDC using Spring Security. The front has to include in each HTTP Request the ...
alexrn's user avatar
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Referring to a child input field using @this in f:ajax with enclosing composite component

I am using JSF Mojarra 2.3.17 with the following page content: <dcoco:modul id="login" name="Login"> <h:form id="form" prependId="true"> <h:...
Olaf Ziems's user avatar
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i need to migrate a java EE, jsf, jboss eap 6.3 primefaces app to wildfly 8.2.1

migrate java EE application, jsf, jboss eap 6.3 primefaces to wildfly 8.2.1. The application works normally on jboss 6.3. After deploying the application on wildfly 8 the application is buggy. Deploy ...
pedro pinheiro's user avatar
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tabView: event.getTab() always null with Mojarra 2.3 - Alternatives?

I've been stuck with this issues for past three years (since WildFly 16.x ~). tabView: event.getTab() null in Mojarra 2.3 #3800 My own code: <p:...
NOTiFY's user avatar
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JSF SelectManyListbox with noSelectionOption="true" - Validation Error: Value is not valid

I have a problem with h:selectManyListbox, when the items are populated with POJO's and the noSelectionOption is true (for h:selectManyListbox with enums as items, it works as I expected). Bean @Named ...
areal's user avatar
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JSF use of ui:repeat varStatus.index as an array index

This code works in Jakarta Faces 2.3.14, but fails in 2.3.15 and 2.3.16: <f:metadata> <f:viewParam name="fid" value="#{myForm}" converter="#{formsConverter}" /&...
Edward's user avatar
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JSF MAC did not verify! error on clustered environment [duplicate]

I have a JSF (Mojarra 2.2.20) that is deployed on Tomcat 8.5 on a clustered environement. My catalina.out is filled with this error: ERROR: MAC did not verify! I've been reading posts like: Getting ...
maqjav's user avatar
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JSF - Validation error in 1 component, leads all others in the form to fail

Hey to all in the forum I use JSF Mojarra implementation, version JSF 2.2 I need desperately a help on this. I have a snippet of my page. I have a custom component "example_result.xhtml" ...
Thomas_Mylonas's user avatar
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IBM Liberty with Mojarra JSF 2.3 Response already committed

I'm doing an upgrade of my IBM Liberty server to the latest version. In this process I'm upgrading our Mojarra JSF implementation from 2.2 to 2.3. There's nothing in the code that seems to be adding ...
fergp25's user avatar
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ui:repeat: Regardless of validation error inner component keeps in state "valid"

I would like to mark a single component within ui:repeat as not valid. My attempt: Bean: @Named @RequestScoped public class TestBean { private List<String> strLst; @PostConstruct ...
Toru's user avatar
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JSF1091: No mime type could be found with url parameters

I'm getting the dreaded JSF1091 warnings and hoping to find a solution. I use mojarra 2.1.29-11 on wildfly 10.1. I can avoid the error with myfaces, but myfaces has a different bug around the binding ...
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wildfly 16 and the warning 'com.sun.faces.flow.FlowDiscoveryCDIHelper is deprecated from CDI 1.1!'

I am seeing this warning in Wildfly 16: 17:28:43,353 WARN [org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap] (MSC service thread 1-4) WELD-000146: BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType<?>) used for class ...
InKi's user avatar
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NPE during navigation with viewscoped bean using Mojarra 2.2.x with openwebbeans 1.0 (CDI 1.0)

I am now running into a ViewScope issue on h:commandButton with navigation. I am not sure if JSF 2.2 is supported with CDI 1.0 Error May 28, 2020 5:57:07 PM com.sun.faces.context....
Ravi's user avatar
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How to use jsf in "namespaced mode"

In a website we want to integrate some snippets provided by jsf-applications, think of a dashboard-app or a "portal-light". While analyzing the requirements we came across a blog-post by Arjan Tjims ...
frifle's user avatar
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Why does the first AJAX call reset my view parameter?

I cannot find out why the first ajax call causes the setter of my view parameter to be called again while every subsequent call does not call the setter again. I have the following simple view bean: ...
Björn Zurmaar's user avatar
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Different behaviour of ui:param in Mojarra vs MyFaces when used in includes of templates

Sorry if this is known, but I could not find it by searching. We were considering switching to MyFaces 2.2 instead of Mojarra. But we see one difference with the facelets templating. We have this: a ...
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CDI doesn't work with Tomcat8 + JSF Mojarra 2.3.8 + Primefaces 8.0 + WELD

I'm trying to create a project with Mojarra 2.3.8 and PrimeFaces 8.0 for Tomcat 8 Application server. I used IntelliJ for building and testing my web application. Following WELD installation ...
N3tMaster's user avatar
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JSF: reloading page via p:button using "?includeViewParams=true" results in %2C for integer GET param in new URL

I have a page that has two GET params: round = [some integer] group = [some string] See URL above. These are the two components of the group's PK, an INT + a VARCHAR. Facelet code: <f:...
Kawu's user avatar
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ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at com.sun.faces.context.flash.ELFlash$PreviousNextFlashInfoManager.decode

I am trying to run a JSF web application on Payara 5.194. The whole application is compiled and runs successfully. But after being deployed it gives an error and doesn't load. I am not able to ...
Nath's user avatar
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Include view parameters in h:link

I have a problem when adding view parameters to a <h:link includeViewParams="true" /> - they are not added to the rendered link. I am using Mojarra 2.3.9. Template /WEB-INF/templates/main.xhtml ...
MichaelRS's user avatar
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Unable to insert a converter into a facelets template component

When using MyFaces, I'm having trouble using ui:insert to insert a converter into a template component. The JSF implementation complains the the parent of my convertdateTime is not of the right type: ...
Steven De Groote's user avatar
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JSF/Mojarra ExternalContext.redirect() creates a HttpSession

I'm playing with "stateless"/"transient" views in JSF and I noticed that invoking ExternalContext.redirect() causes a new session to be created. So, I dug into the Mojarra (2.2.15) code: // -> ...
Michele Mariotti's user avatar
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Understanding JSFs options.params in jsf.ajax.request

We migrated our JSF 2.2 based application to JSF 2.3, Except of some smaller issues we were able to get everything up and running. For one view we use Butterfaces JSF component, especially the tree ...
jheider's user avatar
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