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Using PrincipalSearcher to find users matching pattern

I have a somewhat particular situation I couldn't find answers to through google. I need to query my active directory for users whose SAMAccountName fits a particular pattern (3 letters followed by 4 ...
mvi2110's user avatar
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C# finding all Microsoft Accounts on machine

I am trying to get the UPN and Microsoft Accounts for all users on my machine using C#. I am currently logged into an Azure account, and whoami returns details as expected and that I am looking for (...
morleyc's user avatar
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Is there a way of searching for a list of users on AD who have not logged on in the last year?

I am trying to find a way of getting a list of UserPrincipal objects that have not logged in for a year. There is a Last Logon property on the object, but I can't figure out how to do a less than ...
P S's user avatar
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Get AD Groups with ASP.NET WebAPI C# not working on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

I have a ASP.NET Web API Application which loads all the Groups which contains a Specific Name from Active Directory into internal Database. This was working on Dev. PC (Windows 10), Testserver and ...
Osti's user avatar
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How can I find computers with LastLogonTimestamp less than a certain date OR null

The following code returns all the computerprincipals that have logon date prior to 3 months ago but does not get those with null for a lastlogontimestamp PrincipalContext context = new ...
dragonspeed's user avatar
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ldap principalsearcher very slow

I want to get information from only 1 user out of 20,000 users. The response time of the method I used below is 40 seconds. What is the solution to this problem? public AuthenticatedUserProperties ...
Gökhan YILDIZ's user avatar
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PrincipalSearcher Wrong Username Or Password error

I'm trying to get user data from the active directory. Authentication process is true. var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "localhost-ad.local", "OU=LocalOu,DC=localhost-ad,DC=...
Gökhan YILDIZ's user avatar
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PrincipalContext: Exception Details: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException: An operations error occurred

I am trying to search AD for a user, but it keeps throwing an exception. The application is setup to use AppPool. and I am certain that the logged in user has access to search AD. Code: public ...
Melaa's user avatar
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DirectorySearcher doesn't respect the SizeLimit property if the SizeLimit is 256 or over

I'm using PrincipalSearcher and DirectorySearcher to filter users and specify which properties to grab. On testing it on 2 different networks. One network has 8K+ records and the other has 135K+. On ...
ernest's user avatar
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Find if Active Directory is Enabled/Disabled with Email

I'm trying to find if a user has an Active Directory account by searching with their email address and checking the Enabled property (if I return Enabled as true - run code, if I return false - run ...
bubbajake00's user avatar
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Complex Search Filtering with PrincipalSearcher

I am searching in Active Directory for specific SamAccountName values using the PrincipalSearcher object because I want to return UserPrincipal's. I was wondering how I can apply two filters to that ...
BlueBarren's user avatar
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Get Count of members in a AD Group using PrincipalSearcher

Env : Visual Studio 2013, FrameWork 4.5, Telerik Controls, C#, WebForm application Using : System.DirectoryServices and System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement I'm making a search tools so a user ...
Richard's user avatar
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How would i assign only DisplayName and Name from PrincipalSearcher to List?

I have the following sample code: namespace DirectorySearcher { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "...
Dwayne Dibbley's user avatar
4 votes
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AD PrincipalSearcher: Search where property does not contain some value

Principal Searcher seems to do a great job when building a filter to find an object with a particular value. What about without? For example How do I build a filter to exclude everyone with "Joe" in ...
Fred B's user avatar
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How can i get all groups of a local user using ObjectQuery?

i try to display all groups a special User is in. I also know, that i could do it like this: public static List<Principal> getUsers(){ PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(...
Jirayia's user avatar
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Extend UserPrincipal class

I do the extension of the UserPrincipal class to retrieve some missing properties that i need: [DirectoryObjectClass("user")] [DirectoryRdnPrefix("CN")] class UserPrincipalExt : UserPrincipal { ...
Matt's user avatar
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How to include multiple OU from AD account in a single search using PrincipleSearcher in c#

Scenario: Active Directory username search should return results against a search item (i.e. Firstname or Surname). There are 6 countries that are setup as different organizational units for AD ...
PineCone's user avatar
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Active Directory - weird behaviour

I'm trying to get informations (members of groups). I get every time the message "Information about the domain could not be retrieved (1355)" For getting the groups, it helped to try it just 2 times....
Tim's user avatar
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Search Users in Active Directory based on First Name, Last Name and Display Name

I trying to search my organization Active directory for users. If the FirstName or LastName or DisplayName matches a particular string value, it should return the users. My Code: // create your ...
Ramesh Durai's user avatar
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Query PrincipalSearcher for containing multiple strings

I want to be able to query the active directory give a list of all groups containing certain words like Users or Administrators below is what i've got so far PrincipalContext ctx = new ...
Sam Stephenson's user avatar
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Does PrincipalSearchResult<T> automatically dispose all elements in its collection?

Can't find anything in the MSDN documentation on this. I.e. is it enough to do, say: using(PrincipalSearcher searcher = ...) { foreach (var principal in searcher.FindAll()) { ... do ...
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