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Why is it not possible to use spacebars to insert a style for an HTML element?

I'm really struggling with the following: <td class="left {{tableStyle}}" {{background}} >{{value}}</td> And my JS code: {'background':'style="background-color:red;"'} ...
Ropes's user avatar
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Meteor/Vue/Framework7: No style being used

I am using Framework7 with meteor and vue and I have included framework7 like this in my main.js: import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { createApp } from 'vue'; import { VueMeteor } from '...
AntonSack's user avatar
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1 answer

Meteor Blaze dynamic template CSS results in duplicate element IDs

I was given an old Bootstrap template to make it dynamic, and I had issues with dynamic CSS with ::before and ::after selectors check the below example image The core issue is, that it works fine for ...
Abdul Hameed's user avatar
-1 votes
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background image not loading in meteor

Hi so I'm trying to recreate the HBO login page (w/o working links) and everything seems to be loading except for the background image. I'm thinking the problem is sizing the image(?) but not exactly ...
Amanda Achiu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Style referenced by a spacebar code is not applied

I'm sorry for the title, I could not think of a better one. I am trying to style a table depending on the result of a function call. In my HTML file, I have the following: <tr class="customers-...
Tania's user avatar
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1 answer

Change the color of a card while mapping through an array based on it's value in react?

I want to change the color of the card based on the value of the current slot which is an object in an array. So when I am mapping through a card I want to change the backgroundColor of the card based ...
Avinash Toppo's user avatar
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Changing styles of bootstrap .btn-success and .btn-warning buttons not working in Meteor

Inside my meteor application, I tried to change the colour of bootstrap 4.5 .btn-warning and .btn-success buttons to have other colours. But none of my styles which I applied into the main.css files ...
Raoul Houessou's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Meteor change background-color on click

This code in Meteor need to change the background color to yellow on click and back to white on another click, I tried few ways after reading others solutions but could not get it to work. How can I ...
Fred J.'s user avatar
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Importing fonts with Stylus in a Meteor-React-Apollo-Graphql Stack

I have a styles.styl file in my Meteor root directory which I am able to load perfectly fine. However, when I attempt to import custom fonts, none of it loads up in any browser I load the page in. @...
Ajay Pillay's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Why my class doesn't fill 100% of the screen?

I have the following script in my html file: <template name="SideNav"> <header>Lammah</header> <body> dd </body> <div class="nav"> &...
Mar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make Sticky Header of table when multiple head

I'm trying to make a table's header sticky. But it doesn't seem to work. This experiment I have been trying with meteor framework. <table class="tableclass"> ...
Shivendra Mishra's user avatar
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Initialize and use Swup in Meteor js

I am trying to use swup in meteor js framework. I added the script tag that contains unpkg link for swup in main.html and initialized Swup in Meteor.startup function of main.js. But when i run the app,...
Ram's user avatar
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3 answers

how to change the font size of h2 tag in the html

I am using meteor and mongo there is a template I am using the h2 tag to display the header. But I want to change the font size of this h2 tag. I tried in CSS but it is not taking. if I refresh the ...
Girish Kallihal's user avatar
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Vuetify package css overrides application's css

Hopefully this is a newbie question. I am working on integrating vuetify into an existing vuejs web SPA application in a few screens. The application uses purpose ui for it's css and styling. After ...
Ajit Goel's user avatar
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Css isn't working on my meteor iOS app, but in Browser it work perfectly

When I build and run my meteor app on my phone (iOS), the css isn't working, but when I access to my localhost on the browser there is no css problems... Have anyone an idea about the problem ? I ...
chat app's user avatar
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1 answer

Change font-family with respect to language

I am using react and meteor for web development. I want to able to change font family respect to language change. I am using i18n to translate to different language. For english I want 'Century ...
Mritunjay Upadhyay's user avatar
-2 votes
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[meteor]How to put the merged css file at the bottom of the head?

I'm using meteor + vue , but meteor automatically extracts the css, from the vue component within the npm and places it in the head, and causes the css conflict. How can this conflict be avoided? ...
straw's user avatar
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2 answers

css was not loaded because its MIME type in Meteor JS

I have meteor js 1.8 app, i have made a layout, and for that layout i want to add css. I have a structure like this: imports -ui --stylesheets --bootstrap.min.css --font-awesome.min.css --skins.css -...
CocaCola45's user avatar
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Very slow refresh when changing styles

I'm using coffeescript and coagmano:stylus. When I import the styles inside the stylus files (@import '') it works fine. But when I import the styles inside the coffee files (...
Vlad Dewitt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Materialize CSS - Dynamically change the background and text color of the Select Options drop-down in jQuery?

I'm using Materialize with Meteor. I'm simply trying to change the background and text color of the option values from the select field in materialize to use my different themes. I'm able to ...
bmcgonag's user avatar
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3 answers

Why isnt my $().css({ "visibility": "visible"}) working?

I can't seem to get my jquery <div id="NotificationDotOnNav" > {{NotificationNavDot}} </div> function to work! Find below the helper file: <template name="home"> <div id="...
SirBT's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Leaflet weird map sizing and tiling behaviour

I am integrating a leaflet map into my site built with meteor, and meteor's templating engine blaze. I am experiencing very strange begaviour in regards to the map size, and what it looks like when ...
aturc's user avatar
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How to allow Googlebot to read bundled css for my meteor application

I recently got a bunch of errors from the mobile google bot saying my site is not mobile friendly, and I determined that it is because it is not correctly loading the .css file. I see that the ...
schlaegerz's user avatar
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Strange CSS bug in Meteor app which doesn't let the styles render properly

In my Meteor app, css styles don't render properly as they render with static HTML files. The strange thing is that when I make any change in the CSS file while the app is running on ...
mojojojo's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

contenteditable adding multiple spaces at the end on key press

I have contenteditable div with following HTML in it <div contenteditable="true" class="editor-note" id="FqzHgBZeHHT3QECD2"> <span id="mSFK7wMphfKgBaCQg">Well</span> <span id=...
Sasikanth's user avatar
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meteor stylus preprocessor adding `j-` prepend to every text-laign:center

I am using the official meteor stylus package, I am having trouble with some of the outputted css I used to be using the mquandalle:stylus package it stopped working after upgrading meteor, so I ...
Anders Kitson's user avatar
1 vote
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display hide/show particular issue

I have this code: 'click #StartersButton' : function() { var secondColumn = document.getElementById("secondColumn"); var thirdColumn = document.getElementById("thirdColumn"); if($(window).width() &...
Daniel Bisceanu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Add class to ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 SELECT tag when rendered [Meteor JS + Blaze]

Meteor is the latest version of my project. I am using package ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 instead of accounts-ui. I have added a custom field as <select> in the code. What I get on ...
Ankur Soni's user avatar
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2 answers

My css background-image doesn't show

I have an issue that all beginners in CSS seems to have, my background-image doesn't show. When I try to put background-color it works, and with image nothing shows-up. I have put my image in the ...
Dimitri Sergeant's user avatar
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iOS Viewport issues in cordova (viewport overlaps device)

I am facing a very weird issue on my latest cordova app and can not find any explanation. Maybe someone has encountered a similar issue and knows what causes it... And maybe even knows how to work ...
Colin Carter's user avatar
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How do I render D3 with D3-force in Meteor-React setting?

I'm trying to place this behind my login box. The svg element is rendering but none of the contents. The rest of the login screen as well as the rest of the website works as expected. Even when I ...
habibipapi's user avatar
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Meteor & Bootstrap

I ran "meteor add twbs:bootstrap" and am running Meteor, however the style is not coming in. The font did change in the body, so this must mean bootstrap is properly brought into my project. ...
angelica's user avatar
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Meteor app loses connection to MongoDB due to large(ish?) traffic

I started learning meteor recently and I am developing an application that is similar to a bus timetable app; I have several screens (about 30 devices with browsers) and I connect them all to one ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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how to programmatically change the orientation of my modal to landscape

I am having a parent component and child component in react-meteor where the parent component displays the button which on click opens a modal rendered in child component Parent component looks ...
aravind_reddy's user avatar
-3 votes
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How can we set input type as textBox/CheckBox depending on the data retrieved from the collection?

My Requirement: 1. Get all the records from a collection and display each in an accordion. 2. For the records field i should check wheather it's a string/boolean. 3. If it's a string/boolean then I ...
Snkini's user avatar
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Display data when click on button with Meteor

I have one button, when I click I want to display data only if the value of the checkbox is true, If it false, it's display when DOM is created But I can't please look my code. Template.students....
KolaCaine's user avatar
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Capture dom element after render DOM - Meteor

I have a student class, inside of them I have two methods one for Meteor event and other one for Meteor Helpers like this : /* HELPERS */ _helpers() { Template.students....
KolaCaine's user avatar
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3 answers

Meteor not loading external CSS and JS files

I am trying to load my stylesheets and js files in Meteor. I have an index.html file. This is what I was doing at first: <link href="" rel="...
alina's user avatar
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In meteor if I use template name instead of body then its not working

I am in a basic level and having a problem and that is , In meteor if I use template name instead of body in Javascript file then its not working.. here is my html code : <head> <...
Kazi's user avatar
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While processing files with templating-compiler (for target web.browser)

As a beginner I have ran simple-todos application in meteor which working fine, Now i have done some little modification in main.html as below <head> <title>mywebapp</title> </...
user2520119's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I adjust marquee based on global variable? - Meteor

I'm developing an app using Meteor Framework. One of the features I am looking to implement is having a marquee text (like a scrolling bottom text). I have added the package meteor-jquery-marquee ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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How can I add the header background image? - MeteorJS

I am using this template from bootstrap in my Meteor project. The problem is that the header background image doesn't appear. The code that should set up the header background is located inside css/...
Behrouz Riahi's user avatar
3 votes
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Meteor TypeError: require(...).addStyles is not a function

I am trying to add styles like this: import './landing.css'; or import { someClass } from "./landing.css"; at react component and getting this error: TypeError: require(...).addStyles is not a ...
Vitalii Trachenko's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to Show Serial Number inside 'span' tag in nested hierarchy

Below is the code that I am going to use, <template name="App_ViewTasks"> <body class="skin-blue sidebar-mini" style="height: auto;"> <div class="content-wrapper"> ...
Ankur Soni's user avatar
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html elements not showing

This Meteor html code failed to show the password-reset-form when the click #password-reset-form-link is clicked. I looked every where for no avail. Could you please help me find the cause? Thanks ...
Fred J.'s user avatar
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ADMIN LTE Notification dropdown not wrapping content

Notification Image: From above Image it is clear that the Notification panel is not wrapping the content of the message. the actual text inside content is long, which is saurabh raised first ...
Ankur Soni's user avatar
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Find Asterisk and change to red color in form label [Meteor JS Way]

Consider SimpleSchema, ClientsSchema = new SimpleSchema({ "firstName": { type: String, label: "First Name *", max: 20 } }); On UI it appears as below, We mostly write javascript in ...
Ankur Soni's user avatar
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Semantic UI Stackable Grid - make use of white space / dynamically get real width of stackable grid

Maybe I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be, maybe it's not possible, but... ideally if there is white space I would like to utilise it. I'm using Semantic UI stackable grid, if I made ...
Lezlea Talbot's user avatar
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Meteor Bootstrap container height: 100%

I've got the following files: mainLayout.html <template name="mainLayout"> {{> header}} <div class="container"> </div> </template> mainLayout.css html, body { height: ...
Yakalent's user avatar
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Layered canvasses extend outside Bootstrap grid

I think I have an answer for my own question. It seems to work but it seems like a hack to me. I worry about hacks because they have a habit of failing at the wrong time. I'd be thankful for some ...
Dude Rat's user avatar

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