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Login forbidden after upgrading Meteor version 2.2 to 2.4

Meteor version: 2.4 Node version: 14.x After upgrading Meteor version 2.2 to 2.4 I face some issues. In the project, I used useraccounts:core and connected with that some other dependencies. After the ...
VIKAS KATARIYA's user avatar
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How to change browser router depending on the type of user logged in

I am building a web app using Meteor.js with React. The app has two types of users: "user" and "employer", each with their own routes (like different dashboards and other pages). ...
Kaley's user avatar
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Meteor take too long to response a call

I have a peculiar issue, When I call a meteor method on the frontend, Meteor executes and returns the method but my frontend doesn't execute the callback, but It only happens on my production app, on ...
Jesus Berrio's user avatar
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Meteor not able to create user after adding attaching schema to users collection

I have installed mizzao:user-status package to track user activity like online, idle status. I have added status to users collection: import SimpleSchema from "simpl-schema"; const ...
John Doe's user avatar
6 votes
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Getting 'certificate has expired' error while running meteor

While downloading [email protected]...: error: certificate has expired While downloading [email protected]...: error: certificate has expired While downloading alanning:roles@1....
user18053372's user avatar
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Meteor - Accounts.forgotPassword triggers internal server error whil Email.send is working fine

I'm meeting an issue on Meteor with Accounts.forgotPassword method. My email smtp is well set up as I can use Email.send() without any issue once app is deployed. But strangely, accounts....
AxelCo's user avatar
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Meteor Google OAuth Error: "Failed to complete OAuth handshake with Google" Error 401 Unauthorized

I've been trying to set up Google OAuth Login on my Meteor Web App and I've been getting this error every time I try to log in. I've verified the domain on the search console and added the correct ...
Tpixelminer's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Meteor's Blaze in a meteor project already created with React integration?

I just want to somehow use the Meteor's accounts-ui package in my meteor x react project.
michael james rojas's user avatar
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How to prevent Meteor's accounts-base from auto-publishing the email of the current user?

According to Meteor's documentation on the Accounts package: By default, the current user’s username, emails and profile are published to the client. Is it possible to prevent Meteor from auto-...
Carl Jakobsson's user avatar
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How to integrate account-js package to already existed mongo db?

I have a meteor app and want to migrate non-meteor app. I found account-js is compatible with the meteor account system. When I create new user everything works well but If I want to login with ...
Çağatay Sert's user avatar
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Meteor.user with Additional Fields on Client

In Meteor, one can add additional fields to the root-level of the new user document like so: // See: Accounts.onCreateUser((options,...
Holger Danske's user avatar
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Meteor subscriptions changing after closing my latops lid. Why? and how to deal with it?

Ok. I'm using meteor, just meteor, no angular, no ionic. And I've come across some strange behavior: I have a user logged in, and I can log Meteor.user() just fine, it comes back with all the correct ...
Spencer Cornwall's user avatar
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Meteor framework - How to logout user after 5 minutes of innactivity

maybe I was not looking so deep, but I did not found the information in Meteor framework Docs, how and where I can set the time to logout user after for example 5 minutes of innactivity. Q1: I’m using ...
klaucode's user avatar
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How to cutomise the url sent with Meteor Accounts.ui forgetpassword

I'm using accounts.ui for forget password Accounts.forgotPassword({email: "[email protected]"}, function (e, r) { if (e) { console.log(e.reason); } else { // success }...
Adarsh's user avatar
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Google OAuth conditional scope, requestPermissions

I am using the Meteor Account package for OAuth login with google. My use case is to allow users to login with google. And later, provide them options to opt for linking to Google calendar. i.e by ...
Arun's user avatar
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Use Meteor accounts packages outside a Meteor app

I have an old Meteor application that is no longer developed/supported, it has a number of users. I have a new app to replace it. In my new Express app, I have a login handler that can accept a ...
simbolo's user avatar
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how to sync pages after logout and login on one of them?

After logout and login I try to click something on another page but see endless spinner due to userId null. How to sync Meteor.userId after changing user? ON server side: Meteor.publish('myPublish', ...
Nick's user avatar
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Using simple:rest with accounts-ui and iron router

I am authenticating users with accounts-ui and route them with iron router. Now I'd like to call the simple:rest API. How can a user who is authenticated by accounts-ui make simple:rest calls with his ...
Ingo Dahn's user avatar
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Meteor-Angular: Meteor.User is not assignable to type User

i have an Angular Meteor project running. Its running but for some reason after i tryed to update all packages ( which was not working ) im getting the following errors while compiling. client/imports/...
xQp's user avatar
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Google One Tap Integration with Meteor

I am integrating a Meteor application with Google's One Tap. Attempting to use Meteor's loginWithGoogle in order to get the user to save to Meteor Accounts (built into Meteor.js). The complexity of ...
maudulus's user avatar
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Accounts.changePassword doesn't work in Method

I'm working on a Meteor app, and I want to move a call to Accounts.changePassword from the client to a method. However, when I try to run the method, I get this server error : Exception while ...
Frankie's user avatar
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Meteor: Calling verifyEmail From React Client?

I've read many SO posts about using Accounts.onEmailVerificationLink and Accounts.verifyEmail, but I haven't yet found one that seems to explain how to call them from a React client. I have React ...
VikR's user avatar
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Can't login with Meteor function loginWithPassword, Unrecognized options for login request [400] error

I'm working on React + Meteor application and can't login using accounts-password package via loginWithPassword function. The official API says that Unrecognized options for login request [400] error ...
 Quimmo's user avatar
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Meteor user accounts issue - Duplicate account being created with OAuth service (accounts-google)

I am working with Meteor User accounts to create users. I have implemented two ways of creating users. By using accounts-password to create (default one ). OAuth Services (accounts-google and ...
Syam Kumar's user avatar
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Meteor accounts-password && accounts-google user creation conflict

I am working on a Meteor project. I have used accounts-password to create users and now I am trying to integrate with accounts-google plugin to provide OAuth support. Now the problem is if I use ...
Syam Kumar's user avatar
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Meteor Method return value not reflecting on cliend side

I have written a method to check if the user already exists in the system. Below is the code views/clientside.js inviteEmail() { let inviteEmailAddress = FlowRouter.getParam("...
Syam Kumar's user avatar
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Getting Google Maps to load in meteor project

I am have an issue of getting my meteor project to display a map. I am using dburles as my googleapi library. I have followed the instructions in the tutorial and my GoogleMaps.load() returns ...
Geoffrey Hutson's user avatar
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Meteor Semantic UI react: Modifying user account information

In creating a user settings page, I wanted display current user account email and password and give the user the ability to change both. I read up on
Jake Castillo's user avatar
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Meteor accounts-base - Log out without unstore token

I use accounts-base for my project, and I would like to open a connection from external people during x days. To open this connection, I create a token (Accounts._generateStampedLoginToken) and I ...
Binouz's user avatar
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How to consistently determine username with Meteor and React

I have a simple meteor application with a component to show the username: const Welcome = ({ isLoading, username }) => { if (isLoading) { return <Loader />; } else { return <...
cnorris's user avatar
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Error when sending email with Accounts.sendVerificationEmail()

Thank you for reading my message, here is my problem : I recently started using email package, I defined MAIL_URL and sent emails with Email.send() successfully. But now I want to send verification ...
Reza Rahemtola's user avatar
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Meteor - Get plain username & password on server when user tries to login

I am trying to authenticate user login from some 3rd Party Api with same login credentials in case the login on Meteor fails. I have tried to check for the username & password in Accounts....
StormTrooper's user avatar
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Unable to Get user Email address In meteor 1.9

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'emails' of undefined when I am using Meteor.user().emails[0].address my Approach following const currentUserEmail = Meteor.user.emails[0].address; console....
MD Farook Saifi's user avatar
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Meteor.userId() lost on browser refresh

I use the Meteor.userId() to check if the user has logged in or not. This works well when the user is not logged in(Meteor.userId() is null) and when the user has logged in(Meteor.userId() is not null)...
Ajit Goel's user avatar
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FlowRouter not redirecting calling its action in onLogout

On the client side, when I implement Accounts.onLogout I say that it should redirect to the root directory using FlowRouter.go('root'); and also tried with FlowRouter.go('/');. However it seems that ...
Hola Soy Edu Feliz Navidad's user avatar
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Inconsistent error format with Meteor Accounts.changePassword

I'm using Meteor 1.8.1 and have found what seems like inconsistent and undocumented behaviour in the errors returned by Accounts.changePassword. The docs say that a Meteor error object will include a ...
Little Brain's user avatar
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Meteor 1.8.1 SSL double connecting

I have a localhost server (Windows 10 Pro x64 build 1903) that is being used for development before being pushed to production (Galaxy). For authentication through Facebook or Google, it requires to ...
LJones's user avatar
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MultiTenant application in MeteorJs

I am working on a MultiTenant application in MeteorJs and using account-base package to create and manage user accounts. I have got around the issue of unique userid by concatening the domain with the ...
Ajit Goel's user avatar
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Meteor accounts - Remember me option

I am experimenting with meteor/account-base package and so far it is working really good. Although, I couldn't quite figure out how to add a remember me functionality. I managed to change the token ...
boranseckin's user avatar
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Meteor Accounts + Apple Sign In

Is “Sign In with Apple” supported by Meteor Accounts? I cant find it in but will be required by any new/updated iOS app that uses Facebook/...
rafahoro's user avatar
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How to customise email transports

As I understood Meteor internally uses nodemailer to send emails and creates the corresponding transport based on the defined MAIL_URL environment property. We have implemented an EmailSenderService ...
gibelium's user avatar
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Login meteor web application with SSO

I need to implement SSO login functionality in meteor web application where the third party services providers are not going to be like some facebook, google, github...etc, I have my own application ...
nithish sukumaran's user avatar
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Meteor: SSR necessary to secure admin part of application?

I have my extended user model in the Meteor.users collection, which I'm publishing most fields from to the client. Each user has an isAdmin field, set to false by default. Now I have two concerns, ...
Wu Wei's user avatar
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We are sending out account invitation messages to users, using Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail. In some cases, users fail to click the link for some time. In those cases, we have to re-send the ...
Brylie Christopher Oxley's user avatar
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Using Accounts.FindUserByUsername to search for usernames in Users collection (Meteor)

Would really appreciate some help here. Been banging my head against the table for a couple hours now. I’m trying to create a simple search function to search for usernames. My goal is to be able to ...
julia b's user avatar
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Meteor accounts password: TypeError: Accounts.setPassword is not a function

I am using: Meteor Version 1.8, [email protected] When invoking: Meteor.methods({ setPassword(newPassword, userId) { check(userId, String); check(newPassword, String); ...
Gobliins's user avatar
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Accounts can't connect to the users in my mongo DB user collections

I'm building a custom account system with meteor accounts package when i register a new user accounts is loggin him directly (a behavior that i does'nt asked) and meteor toys shows one user in ...
Tiny Skillz's user avatar
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What "Logical Query Operator/s" should I use to merge two separate queries?

What Logical Query Operator/s do I use to join TWO queries yielding documents that belong to the logged in user Meteor.userId(); AND all documents that have the logged in user's phone number in the ...
SirBT's user avatar
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Redirect login page when click on forget password link meteor accounts

I am using accounts package of the meteor. I am facing the issue in forgot the password. I got a mail for reset password and when I click on this link then it redirects to login template instead to ...
Vishnu Chauhan's user avatar
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How can I extend the users collection with Astronomy and accounts-ui?

I need to be able to extend the collection that accounts-ui creates by default of users. import { Class } from 'meteor/jagi:astronomy'; import { Behavior } from 'meteor/jagi:astronomy-softremove-...
David G.'s user avatar

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