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Git release flow - versions STG vs PROD

Trying to implement simple release git flow and not understand which version I need to use for PROD. Example: 3 branches - develop, release (for staging) and master (for prod). I can`t change this, I ...
prosto.vint's user avatar
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git branching model and version to be tested

I am willing to addopt the git branching model described here (which led to git-flow branching model). From my understanding: A release branch is created from the develop branch when features and ...
JChauveau's user avatar
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The file is not visible even though I changed the branch using Gitflow

I cloned it again and set up Gitflow to change the branch from main to development, but the file is not visible. After deleting the file, I cloned it again and set up Gitflow again, but it was the ...
정지윤's user avatar
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Why is Gitflow release operation doing so many actions in Bitbucket

I learned that release action in GitFlow is merely a merge develop branch (latest update) to the release/XXX branch with a TAG on it. I would like to do simply as following: git checkout -b release/...
Ryan's user avatar
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Problem moving bugfix on master (git flow branching strategy)

I had small problem with git flow and I'm trying to find right solution for it. I tried to show situation with image I attached. So... Master had some bug, feature 1 had small bug, witch already was ...
irvin's user avatar
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How to manage hotfixes across main and dev branches in Git

I have two branches: main for the old release and dev for the latest release. I need to manage hotfixes effectively across these branches. Specifically, I need to: Merge features from dev to main ...
Rafal's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - Traceability of ALL Work Items contained in a given release

I need to have full traceability between PRs and Releases -- I want to be able to see which work items were implemented in which release. Azure DevOps apparently has a limit of 100 commits - which ...
Sidelobe's user avatar
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How to maintain different releases in GitHub Flow branching strategy?

I am trying to choose GitHub Flow branching strategy for my project (as explained here and everywhere on the internet) since we are only two developers in the project The only confusion I have is, how ...
Pawan Nogariya's user avatar
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Multiple commits are showing while merging hotfix in develop branch - Git

Current Git structure I created a ticket branch from the develop branch and made some changes. After the release, I merged my ticket branch with both the main and develop branches. Now, I need to ...
Nikhil Rane's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create a minor release with only some commits

I'm using the standard git flow. In some cases I need to create a minor release choosing a subset of all the commits done in develop branch. Let's say I closed my last release and merged it back to ...
tuffo19's user avatar
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Making better version control system [closed]

I studying version control in Git. When I draw about Git Flow, confused about them. I need your advice. I Make project "CamViewer" and make 'Main' Branch. And create new branch 'Develop' ...
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gitflow extension for VS2022

I'm using this extension since VS2022. If I execute form VS2022 "Finish release" function ...
Stefano Magni's user avatar
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Resolving conflicts in Bitbucket Automatic merge failure PRs

The repository has Automatic branch merging set up to automatically merge changes from branch release/1.0 to release/2.0 upon PR merges on release/1.0. release/2.0 already has feature B code that ...
William's user avatar
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How to handle conflicts when merging one shared branch into another

I have come across a problem with our merging process in GIT and hope somebody can help me resolve it. Full disclaimer: I know little to nothing about GIT so apologies in advance. Long story short we ...
user1474992's user avatar
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What is the correct process for merging hotfix changes into multiple release branches (ie: dev/staging)?

I'm wondering what is the correct way of getting a hotfix into various main release branches which ensures Git history for these branches are more aligned and Git history is consistent? I have the ...
David's user avatar
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GitFlow for feature split in sub branches

Another GitFlow question for you :) Can you help me understand the right procedure to apply in the case below? I want to start the development of a new big FeatureA starting from the develop branch. ...
Lupinixio's user avatar
3 votes
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Bitpucket Pipeline Configuration for Gitflow Branching Model

I'm following this link for the Gitflow branching model: In this diagram, commits flow as follows: Scenario-1: Feature -> Dev -> Release -> Master Scenario-2: Hotfix -> Master and ...
Bilal Usean's user avatar
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Git Flow: Managing Main-Develop Version Discrepancy After Feature Merges

* cde53d9 (origin/main, main) Merge branch 'develop' |\ | * 7d94faa (HEAD -> develop) Merge branch 'feature/road-view' into develop After merging the feature/road-view branch into the develop ...
pvp11's user avatar
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How to handle PRs when using Gitflow?

How many PR reviews should I be doing when running Gitflow? I have a feature branch with quite a few changes on it. I've PR'd it with reviews and merged into the develop branch. There may be like one ...
IDrumsey's user avatar
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Addressing the hotfix, bugfix, and versioning aspects for GitFlow?

I'm using GitFlow to manage an application that includes 3 features and 2 releases. Release 1.0.0 will include Feature 1, while Release 2.0.0 will include Feature 2 and Feature 3. so here are the ...
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Need to have 2 active release branches in git-flow

We have a release branch which has already passed the testing stage and it's ready to be deployed in production. But we are facing a big freeze period so we won't. We also want to create a new release ...
alegorth's user avatar
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Constant merge issues from release branch to master and back to development

We have really weird issues with our merge strategies. We are following git flow branching strategies with master, development, feature and release branches. The one thing we haven't done all the time ...
peuhse's user avatar
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Why we shouldn't merge main branch to develop branch in gitflow?

In gitflow It suggests we should merge release/0.0.1 to the main branch and then merge to the develop branch. Once the release is ready to ship, it will get merged it into main and develop, then the ...
Ravi Prakash's user avatar
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Github action to extract current version from package.json, increment the version and create the branch before running `npm version`

I'm currently writing an example set of workflows for a generic NPM based application. I'm currently working on creating a release branch which branches of Dev. This can be called via ...
Alistair Hardy's user avatar
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GitFlow - Master or Develop branch which to mirror

I'm new to GitFlow. Should develop branch be a mirror of master branch all the time or the other way around ? As a background of situation, after doing so many releases (e.g. merge pull request from ...
DonDon's user avatar
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Make long lived release branch sync with master whilst keeping commits

At my work we use something resembling gitflow. We had a release branch with several features already merged, and I needed to add a feature to that release that depended on those features, therefore I ...
andyroberts's user avatar
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Git merge error caused by visual studio after checking out to master branch

Im pretty new to git and i still couldn't figure out the best approach, when it comes to flow of git. Im using this flow, but it seems to cause errors. Could you fix it for me? ->git clone [repo ...
artem keller's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to merge hotfix branch to both develop and main branch in Github?

I'm now using gitflow strategy and github as a remote repository. Recently I encountered a problem of merging hotfix PRs into both develop and main branch. It seems the Github supports only one target ...
dontStayHere's user avatar
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Trigger a GitHub Action run when complete PR require approvals

I want to trigger tests through Github Actions when a PR completes code review. I have set Required number of approvals before merging to 2, but I couldn't find any relevant events in the ...
Max's user avatar
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Gitflow merge strategy, merge commit, squash or rebase?

We use the gitflow branching strategy at work and I'm curious as to what would be the best merge strategy when merging pull requests? Up until now we have exclusively used the typical merge commit but ...
Mr Pablo's user avatar
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What branching model should I use for multiple specialized releases?

I'm working with a team on a project that has multiple releases for special customers ( They get custom features, therefore need their own release ) and I'm not sure what branching model to use? I ...
JanikCodes's user avatar
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How can I get ArgoCD to deploy an application for each feature branch for any git provider?

I have installed ArgoCD v2.6.5 using the Helm chart here, version 5.27.0. Our team uses feature/ branches to perform independent development work, before merging to develop, and then main. This ...
Thomas Anderson's user avatar
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Get changes from featurebranch checkout from preprod in to develop branch

In my repos i have branchFeatureA checkout from preprod. Then all commit of branchFeatureA will be merge to this branch develop is branch for all developers push codes of all features. and I uses ...
Saarick's user avatar
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Git Release flow: deploying features not in commit sequence

I am starting a new project and would like to use Release Flow I would have a "main" (master/production) branch, which will represent latest project state. To make a ...
Влад Чачиев's user avatar
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GitFlow - How can I achieve continuous deployment for some parts of a pull request/deployment even when others don't past testing?

We have 3 environments: Staging - where all developer pull requests get merged for quality assurance testing Release - After quality assurance testing, staging pull requests are merged into the ...
user13685836's user avatar
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Deploying test and production branches of a git repository on two separate subdomains using a script

I am currently working on a Linux bash script to deploy a specified branch of my git project on my website : the develop branch to a test subdomain and the main branch to the main domain. To do so, I ...
RDMaven's user avatar
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Keeping a semi-linear git history where some feature branches cannot be rebased?

I have the following situation: The teams want to keep a linear git history so they are enforcing rebase and squash. We have some feature branches with a long lifetime (months even) with multiple ...
Luca Sara Czudar's user avatar
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gitflow branching strategy with bitbucket

I am trying to implement gitflow branching strategy and trying to understand how to resolve the problem I am facing. if you think there is a better branching strategy which could solve this issue ...
Gaurang Shah's user avatar
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how to fix "Another git process seems to be running in this repository" [duplicate]

start project by git flow and in process bugfix not commit finish process see error to other order git: Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g. an editor opened by 'git commit'...
Meiad Noushadi's user avatar
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How do I manage PR and CI pipelines in Git Flow strategy?

If I deploy to prod from the latest release branch forked from dev how can I integrate PR to review code? Also, if I would like to run a test integration pipeline automatically when a pull request is ...
Mazza's user avatar
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Gitflow, Squash merged and AzDO branch compare

We are currently using Git flow as a branching strategy, and we are squashing our feature branches into develop. We are also squashing our release branches into main. The AzDO branches page show ...
George Hastings's user avatar
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Maven gitflow fails with: release: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

On github actions, am trying to release a version but it fails with error: release: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories Here is the command run: mvn -B gitflow:release -DreleaseVersion=${{ ...
Raphael Perrin's user avatar
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Why are all my commits in SourceTree in one straight line?

I recently started using Git and SourceTree for a project I'm working on. I have worked with Git a little bit before in a previous job, in which case I used Fork. Someone else then set everything up ...
Iris's user avatar
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Multiple Initial Branches in Azure DevOps Repositories

I was wondering if it is possible to make Azure DevOps to automatically create both master and develop branches upon creating a new repository. I want both branches protected. If project level branch ...
Gabor Laszlo's user avatar
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Why does a new git branch have the old history?

I'm studying design patterns in python and I'm doing version control in git. The first thing I did was create a branch called "Creational Patterns", in which I made a commit for each one (...
Diego L's user avatar
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git flow feature finish

Hi I am new and I am not sure if this is a valid question or if the answer is a simple "it's the same" I am using git flow for my java project and I have been using $ git flow feature start ...
RoastInHell's user avatar
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How should I merge into main branch in Git with this structure?

In my team, we have a repository that has two branches to deploy a website: Main and Develop Main: This one, is connected with the server and this branch only contain the minimal folders with the ...
JuanjoMB98's user avatar
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gitflow-maven-plugin with protected master branch: create PR

My master branch at github is protected, changes can only be made via Pull-Requests. With gitflow-maven-plugin gitflow:release I'd like to create a PR from develop to master instead of a push to ...
dbaer's user avatar
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mvn gitflow:release-finish with main-branch

I'm getting the following errormessage: Failed to execute goal com.amashchenko.maven.plugin:gitflow-maven-plugin:1.18.0:release-finish (default-cli) on project parent: release-finish: error: pathspec '...
Martin_0's user avatar
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Git check for child branch [duplicate]

I'm working with git flow and trying to setup an automation for start/finish branches. imagine that I create a feature_1 based on develop branch, $ <develop> git flow feature start feature_1 ...
paulogil2010's user avatar

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