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Class-File-Editor.Source-not-found Source Attachment Doesn't Have Source-File ReflectionUtils.class

What are the details of your problem? I'm unable to decompile-debug on Eclipse like I expect. I'm used to IntelliJ and its decompiling-debugger and I thought I had the Eclipse JDT (Java Development ...
Zach's user avatar
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How to debug a Maven application in Eclipse

Let me start by clarifying I have check every possible resource, tutorial, video, other stackoverflow questions that I could get my hands on that are related in order to try and find an answer to this....
After_Sunset's user avatar
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Maven: How to compile with and without download Artifact Sources|Javadoc through parameters?

In Maven for a cloned project (even multi-module) from GitHub if the mvn compile command is executed mostly happens the following: it downloads all the dependencies declared according in the pom.xml ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
2 votes
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Where are the global settings for eclipse m2e?

I'm using m2e in eclipse v2020-12. I created a settings.xml file in D:\.m2repo with <localRepository>D:/.m2repo/repository</localRepository>. In eclipse preferences, under Maven, Global ...
cb4's user avatar
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eclipse not able to download dependencies org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3

I am trying to download maven dependencies for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3 But eclipse giving me these traces Caused by: Received fatal alert: ...
sdindiver's user avatar
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Eclipse Photon + Maven + Log4j2 (getting error Module log4j.api not found, required by xxx)

I downloaded eclipse photon and tried to run very basic example with log4j2. Here is my configuration Project structure Here is the module path screen shot POM.xml <properties> <java-...
Basit's user avatar
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Class not found in dynamic web project using maven in eclipse

I'm trying to connect to a JDBC database in my maven project, however the provider class path could not be found in the project. When I try the same code in a normal java project it works. Does anyone ...
Raphael Sampaio's user avatar
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Unable to read repository coder plus

I cannot install the plugin m2e-connector on Eclipse. It complains about sun certification path. I'm using Eclipse Oxygen dec 2017, and Ubuntu OS. The jdk 8 is updated. The error: Unable to read ...
Rafa's user avatar
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How can you import M2E Maven projects into Eclipse from the command line?

I'm working on writing a script that will checkout multiple Maven projects that all have modules. I want to import all the modules into Eclipse Mars as M2E projects. Now I've scoured other questions ...
The Doctor 'X''s user avatar
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Maven Dependency Class isn't resolving in project

I am updating an eclipse project to include a new dependency. I modified the pom.xml file to point to the 0.5 version (new) instead of the 0.4 (old). I can see the new 0.5 jar files in the Maven ...
Kara M's user avatar
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Console view is empty in Eclipse with Maven 3.5.0

The Console view does not show any output when the Maven is configured to external Maven installation in Eclipse. Please refer to the screenshots for more details. The Console is displayed when ...
Mano Kugan's user avatar
3 votes
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Java class.getResourceAsStream does not work for files with leading dot

Running this Maven project from Eclipse this does not work: MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("/package/to/my/resource/" + ".gitignore"); But when I rename the .gitignore to gitignore this works ...
BlackEye's user avatar
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Can't find spring-boot-starter-parent/1.5.1.RELEASE

I created a new and empty Spring Boot 1.5.1 project in STS 3.8.3 using a spring starter. But I can't compile it because I am unable to pull spring-boot-starter-parent. All I receive is: Project ...
Marged's user avatar
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Eclipse Maven Project import compiler-plugin:2.3.2

Using jdk8, Maven 3.3.3, Eclipse Mars Release (4.5.0). Trying to import a Maven project into eclipse (Import 'existing Maven project'). Getting error: CoreException: Could not calculate build plan: ...
Sam-T's user avatar
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How do I verify that my eclipse project is effectively using tycho

I am transitioning to Maven-Tycho and was dealing with many errors. I seem to have gotten rid of all the errors but when I look into the pom.xml file I see maven-install-plugin, maven-compiler, maven-...
kloklo90's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between "Maven Install" and "Maven Build" with M2Eclipse?

I tried to search about the differences between maven install and maven build in the eclipse m2e plugin (if you right click the project and click "run as", you will see them), and I still cannot find ...
RockTheStar's user avatar
102 votes
11 answers

m2e error in MavenArchiver.getManifest()

I am seeing an error in my STS and am not sure how to debug it. Searching around I only see vague references to the error and no solutions. The error is: org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver....
scottmf's user avatar
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Where can I find lifecycleMappingMetadata schema?

In eclipse: To correct "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration..." problem, I choose to create my lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml instead of pollute my pom with IDE concerns. I ...
ebret's user avatar
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Maven facet version issue in web application

I am trying to create a maven web app, which will be part of my maven ear application. I tried creating web app from command line as well as from option within eclipse but both ways giving me error ...
springenthusiast's user avatar
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Debug maven mojo with eclipse mars

I need to make a tool work inside maven (3.X) I am using mars/git for development of the mojo. This is what I have gathered so far: *) debugging needs to be remote. *) I would need to install the ...
bichito's user avatar
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Can we provide localRepository and proxy settings in pom.xml?

Our users are maven agnostic so to provide a seamless solution. The idea was to provide .m2/settings.xml entries especially <localRepository> .. <localRepository> and <proxy> ..</...
lifeline2's user avatar
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Maven build errors after upgrading from Eclipse Luna to Mars

I've been using Eclipse Luna with the M2E plugin for some time. I recently decided to upgrade to Eclipse Mars but before I did that, I upgraded all my Maven plugins to the latest version. Once I did ...
DaveR's user avatar
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PluginDescriptor is null in custom plug-in with M2E

If I run "Update Project..." in Eclipse Mars with M2E 1.6, the PluginDescriptor is null in my custom plug-in. @Mojo(name = "test", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.GENERATE_SOURCES, ...
dur's user avatar
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m2eclipse does not respect update policy setting

When updating Maven projects in Eclipse I would like Eclipse to always check for newer Snapshot dependencies in the repository and to download them. It works for Maven from command line as I have set ...
schoenk's user avatar
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Maven Eclipse downloading jar from central repository

When I run mvn eclipse:eclipse against my project the dependencies are downloading from maven central repository
Barro's user avatar
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Compile error when packaging maven project

I'm using datanucleus/mongodb. I recently converted my dynamic web project to maven in Eclipse because I wanted to use the maven buildnumber plugin. However I am just trying to get it to work now in ...
CyberMew's user avatar
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Maven Git project in Eclipse as Java project with content assist

I am having a Maven project in Git which I have checked out using EGit in Eclipse Kepler. Now this project is in my local system but not yet visible in Eclipse as a project. I want to achieve below ...
Ronnie's user avatar
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What is the difference between maven update and maven build?

With m2e-plugin we can right click on a project and then click on Maven update or we can click on Run As -> Maven build. What is the difference between them? What is the background operation that is ...
Naveen Dennis's user avatar
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Providing resources files in Maven module

I am developing a new maven module and have some problems with resolving the dependencies. The goal is to create an maven object that provides my jar archive and a bunch of other resources. I created ...
Bjoern's user avatar
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Google Endpoints using only inside App Engine

When we create End Point, it has external address to access it. So, if I try to call it from another End Point it will use some traffic. I want to create End Point available from outside (Api), and ...
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
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How to use Maven with m2e?

I have the following lines which I want to execute mvn dependency:sources mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc How can I use m2e in Eclipse to achieve it ?
abiieez's user avatar
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Is Maven Eclipse plugin working correctly?

I am using Eclipse (Kelper or Juno) with built-in Maven support. When setting up a bigger project structure (having a war project that references several simple Java-Projects) I am facing some ...
schoenk's user avatar
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Can maven treat WEB-INF\lib the way eclipse (and m2e) does?

I have a servlet/jsp web project which runs fine on eclipse and is exported as war fine (once I clean it that is). I mavenized the project deleting all of the dependencies from the WEB-INF\lib folder ...
Mr_and_Mrs_D's user avatar
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Check out new maven module from svn with m2e plugin

I have im my current workspace the parent module and the children, each as a maven module. A new child module is available on svn, how do I get the new module's source code without getting the full ...
diazazar's user avatar
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What is the difference between Maven Dependencies and Referenced Libraries in Eclipse?

In my maven eclipse project I see Maven dependency and Referenced Libraries. In some cases they have the same set of jars referring to M2_REPO. And in some they are entirely different. Leaves me ...
Sabarish's user avatar
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Maven project - Could not calculate build plan [duplicate]

While creating maven project , eclipse giving below error..I'm using Eclipse Kepler Service Release 2 and maven version(mvn -version) Apache Maven 3.2.1 (ea8b2b07643dbb1b84b6d16e1f08391b666bc1e9; ...
user2848031's user avatar
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New Maven Project in Eclipse IDE J2SE-1.5 issue

When I create a new maven project using m2e plugin, I choose web-app archetype, the default execution environment was set to J2SE-1.5. I'm running my eclipse with JDK 1.7.0_45 I can change it from ...
Arouri's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException android + eclipse + maven + osx

I'm trying to implement maven into an existing android project. I've done so through the context menu > Configure > Convert to Maven project. And everything seems okay, no warnings or errors. But when ...
basvk's user avatar
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eclipse juno/m2e maven builder missing

I am using eclipse juno with m2e plugin. Is there any possibility to trigger a maven goal when build all [ctrl+B] is triggered from eclipse. More over maven builder is unable to edit
Dineshkumar's user avatar
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Maven web project issue

I'm using Eclipse IDE for EE development(Kepler SR1). Using Maven 3.1.0, I'm trying to create a simple web project. Accordingly, in Eclipse, I select maven-archetype-webapp and proceed. But when the ...
Kaliyug Antagonist's user avatar
4 votes
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How to combine m2e and e(fx)clipse?

I want to create a new project in Eclipse Kepler using the two plugins e(fx)clipse (for JavaFX 2) and m2e. The goal is, to have a Java FX project that I can build with maven from eclipse and that has ...
grackkle's user avatar
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Maven not adding jars to classpath

I'm using eclipse indigo and maven 3.1 When I add a new dependency in pom.xml and run maven clean by right-clicking on pom.xml, maven is downloading missing jars to my local repository but not adding ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Refreshing eclipse-project at the end of a maven build

Is there a possibility to refresh the files and folders of a project within eclipse at the end of a maven build automatically. Usually I'm building from commandline. After a build e. g. the target ...
Michael K.'s user avatar
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Maven discovery completed without finding any extensions

I have installed eclipse 4.3 on my system and recently installed the Maven integration plugin. I get the following error: Discovery completed without finding any extensions. Please check your ...
rkmax's user avatar
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Error deploying gwt project with Eclipse/Maven

I started to use Maven in Eclipse (m2eclipse) recently. Unfortunately lately I've been unable to run the application from Eclipse. I get the error: Loading modules
belyid's user avatar
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possible bug in Maven + plexus + eclipse compiler on case sensitive packages?

I encounter a very strange problem with Maven and Eclipse compiler. While in Eclipse+m2eclipse, I have no problem compiling a small project (archetype quick start) with the following single class. ...
Sebastien's user avatar
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EAR modules in m2e

I'm converting an existing project structure to Maven where there's EJBs and JARs contained in EARs that are deployed. My issue is with making EARs. It seems obvious to use the Maven EAR plugin, which ...
Sander Verhagen's user avatar
5 votes
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Eclipse Maven Error Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:

I am using Eclipse Juno with Maven 3.0.5 on Windows 7. The project was previously on Windows XP and I have moved to Windows 7 64 bit machine. I have copied my Eclipse Spring 3, Hibernate 4 and JSF 2....
Jacob's user avatar
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