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Why is MapStruct Processor sometimes added as a Maven plugin instead of a dependency?

Description: I noticed a difference between the official MapStruct documentation and various tutorials regarding how to configure the mapstruct-processor. In some tutorials, the mapstruct-processor is ...
qAutHorp's user avatar
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How to capture logs during Xtend compilation

I’m trying to debug an issue in the Xtend compilation process and want to capture detailed logs to see: Which classes are being compiled after the xtend:compile step. How long each class takes to ...
RCS's user avatar
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Lombok getters not generated with maven

With the below dependency and plugins specified for Lombok and maven-compiler-plugin, it does't generate the Lombok getters and setters for @Getter and @Setter. I'm facing the problem both in Intellij ...
Walking Corpse's user avatar
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compiler:testCompile puts all transitive dependencies on module path

I added a to my src/main/java and then also to my src/test/java, as per the example here. Compiling my main code is no problem. I see the compiler:compile goal adds only my direct (non-...
Yonas's user avatar
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Error occurred during initialization of boot layer:Stream 'Caused by: java.lang.module.InvalidModuleDescriptorException: Package not found in module'

I have a project which I am now working on after having it laying around for some time using Java 17 and maven. During compiling the project I got the following error message: [INFO] --- surefire:3.5....
PowerStat's user avatar
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Dagger 2.52 to use jakarta for the generated code

I have the following dagger 2.52 dependency in my project: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>dagger</artifactId> <version>2....
carlos palma's user avatar
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specify java minor version in maven-compiler-plugin

from the link here it mentions the javac executable can accept the --release option to specify against which ...
user1169587's user avatar
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Need Help Understanding Google Error Prone in Maven for Tracking Errors and Warnings

I’m a new developer, and I’m currently working on a project where Google Error Prone is being used in our Maven build process. However, I’m quite confused about how it works and how I should be using ...
Thilak Sparrow's user avatar
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ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.13.0 - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:

I'm encountering a fatal error while trying to compile my Maven project. The error message is as follows: This Project is not using Spring Boot/Spring Framework which makes it different from other ...
Samuel Owino's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) on project

I am migrating existing springboot project 2.7.5 with java 8 to springboot 3.x.x with java 17. While running mvn clean package I am getting below error: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven....
lovin's user avatar
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Maven executes no tests when compileSourceRoots is set

I added a directory with generated classes to my maven configuration. This causes maven to stop executing tests. Here is the part of the pom.xml which contains the compiler plugin. <plugin> ...
Claus Radloff's user avatar
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Intellij does not pick lambok while running the application

This is what my build looks like <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-...
Mazin Ismail's user avatar
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Kotlin/Java circular dependencies in maven project

So I am trying to add Kotlin into an existing Java project. I have done this before in a project built with Gradle and no issues but it seems to be a bit harder with Maven. Specifically, with circular ...
Kramer's user avatar
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maven-compiler-plugin enforce source compatibility with older JDK but compile in newer version

I am trying to keep my java project compatible with java 17 but actually compile and ships the jars with Java 21 compatibility level. The rationale being that I am releasing a new major version and I ...
Coding thermodynamist's user avatar
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After updating to Java 8, encountering an error during JUnit testing that seems to be related to JiBX

To support JDK17 compilation, I updated my project's Maven compiler plugin source from 1.6 to 1.8.. Now, I can build it with JDK17, but during the JUnit test, one of the test cases is failing, and it ...
Roopchand's user avatar
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Use transitive maven dependency in an annotation processor inside the maven-compiler-plugin using the ServiceLoader

Top of the morning/noon/evening! I have a multi project setup in which I use an annotation processor. This annotation processor is supposed to pickup Plugin instances (a custom interface) during the ...
Thorben Kuck's user avatar
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Proguard version error: Unsupported version number [61.0] maximum 57.0, Java 13

I have a maven project which was recently bumped up to Java 17. Along with that the Proguard version was also bumped to 7.2.2 from 6.2.2. I tried building it on my system but faced the error mentioned....
Rohan Dahiya's user avatar
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How can I use a specific maven version that uses a lower java version for building my project?

In my maven project is dependent on java 8 and I want maven to assume the same while building the project. But currently my installed maven is using java 21. How do I make it use java 8 for building ...
vinty's user avatar
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Unable to Resolve Dependencies for iCal4j in Maven

I'm currently facing a compilation error while working with Maven in my Java project. The issue revolves around missing dependencies related to iCal4j. Specifically, the error messages indicate that ...
μαρ's user avatar
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Maven build fails with error LifecycleExecutionException and MojoExecutionException and java.lang.StackOverflowError

mvn clean install gets success with java (jdk1.8.0_201) but fails to build with java (C:\Program Files (x86)\Amazon Corretto\jdk1.8.0_392). I am trying this with Corretto8 to deploy using aws ...
Jalandar R's user avatar
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Why mvn compile lifecycle phase is not compiling only changed java files?

I have a Java project which is using JDK 1.8 and Maven 3.9 build tool. Here is the pom.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache....
Alexei's user avatar
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Jenkins - failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.11.0:compile (but if I click on "compile" in IntelliJ it works)

I have an automation project on IntelliJ that I connected to a maven project in Jenkins. When I click on "Build Now" it always failed. This is the error I got: console output [ERROR] Failed ...
Noa_Lev's user avatar
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In what Maven phase/goal of the default lifecycle do my remote pom dependencies get pulled down?

I've been struggling to understand what phase of the default lifecycle actually pulls down my remote dependencies in my pom.xml to my local .m2 folder. It's my understanding that mvn dependency:...
Timur Celikel's user avatar
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Maven build error wile building the sub modules in a project

Below are the errors we are encountering after the maven build in a project: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) on project test1: ...
Soumya's user avatar
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Maven compiler plugin: Annotation processor not found

I have a Maven java project which includes a custom annotation processor: @SupportedAnnotationTypes("com.example.Processor") @SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_17) public class ...
swing1234's user avatar
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Excluding NullnessChecker by directory (not package)

I am including the Checker Framework's Nullness checker in our existing Java project built with Maven. I configured the maven-compiler-plugin, Nullness Checking seems to work fine so far. I would like ...
Patrick Nit's user avatar
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maven-compiler-plugin could not found class in spring boot application

i had a strange issue in my spring boot application. Pls help me to found out the cause, thanks in advance! Description I had module A and module B in my application, module B is a set of functional ...
maihexi's user avatar
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Spring-boot compilation fail on Linux but ok on windows

I have created a brand new spring-boot project with version 3.1.1 of Spring-Boot and JDK 17. The project is shared on github. When i compile this project on windows, i have a build success. But if i ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Java 17 Maven Compiler is not allowed with --release error

I want to use google-java-format plugin in my code.For that reason I added some exports configuration to my pom inside the maven compiler plugin and after run clean install process I got error.I try ...
Bilgehan's user avatar
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Maven keeps reverting to jdk-8 even after setting JAVA_HOME to jdk-17

When running mvn clean install, I keep running into errors of the form Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.11.0:compile (default-compile) on project test: Fatal ...
user8056182's user avatar
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Maven compiler plugin cannot resolve maven dependencies with version specified in included bill of material (bom)

We currently have this bill of material (bom) configured for all our projects (libraries and microservices) <plugin> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</...
Sjaak's user avatar
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Lombok not working with Java 11 and IntelliJ

I have a Spring Boot application with Java 11. I am using IntelliJ 2022.1.4 (Ultimate Edition). Lombok plug-in is installed and enabled in the IDE - version bundled 221.6008.13. In my pom.xml I have ...
devvv's user avatar
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"Too many open files" exception while running Jenkins build, normal maven build is successful

I have a problem in jenkins build, when jenkins tries to build junit test I get a maven compiler error. When I run the same code from the command line, the build succeeds. maven-compiler-plugin/...
Ashmita Kanojia's user avatar
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Maven life-cycle compiler exception

I'm having trouble getting my Spring MVC project to build successfully. I've been following some solutions from Stack Overflow, but none of them seem to be working for me. I'm getting the following ...
arj's user avatar
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Project jmeter portable after to have build with maven

I'm building a project jmeter with maven. In general I pass some argument in input. Typically I build and run with an example command as the following: mvn clean verify "-DNrOperators=3" -...
Tocotti's user avatar
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Can a project that is being built with JDK target=8 consume a library built with JDK target=11 in JRE 11?

Can a project compiled with JDK-8 consume a library built with JDK-11, while running on JRE 11? Furthermore, can a project compiled with JDK-11, consume a library built with JDK-8, while running on ...
BlueInf's user avatar
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Maven annotation processor (of MapStruct) raise compilation failure [duplicate]

I am trying to work with MapStruct, according to the documentation here. It requires defining AnnotationProcessor as part of the compiler plugin. when using the annotation processor the code does not ...
aviad cohen's user avatar
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How could `mvn package` failed with compilation failure while `mvn compile` would have passed

I have a maven spring-boot multi-module project For the mvn clean test [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------...
Jiahua Zhang's user avatar
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"Warning: The following options were not recognized by any processor" for mapstruct

I have a spring boot application with mapstruct where I get this warning on the maven-compiler-plugin testCompile phase: [WARNING] The following options were not recognized by any processor: '[...
Roeland Van Heddegem's user avatar
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sonar-maven-plugin fails to recognise jdk version from "maven.compiler.release"

Behaviour of sonar-maven-plugin varies when maven-compiler-plugin is/isn't defined. I spent some time to find out the proper setting. Create a simple Java maven project and keep the pom.xml simple. &...
Franz Wong's user avatar
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Force to use module-path in maven-compiler-plugin

Given this dependency tree: [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:tree (default-cli) @ demo --- [INFO] org.eclipse.angus:demo:jar:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] +- org.eclipse.angus:angus-mail:jar:1.0.1-...
ravenskater's user avatar
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mvn clean install not working: Compilation failure

I've been having this error since the first time I tried do run the command mvn clean install: [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [...
vitoriac's user avatar
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maven-comiler-plugin: Fatal error compiling: error: release version 17 not supported

I tried to create a very simple JavaFX project with maven and use GitHub actions to build a linux package from it. This is the workflow file: # This workflow will build a Java project with Maven # For ...
gdnmhr's user avatar
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How to configure pom.xml of Maven project correctly with Selenium?

I have two different projects. Both of them have this class: import; import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.DevTools; import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v95....
Ever Last's user avatar
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how to get maven to run all tests but still fail build on compile error

Suppose I have a multi-module maven project. I want to run it in such a way that: If a test fails, I still want to compile and test the next module. This sounds like a job for --fail-never, but see ...
Mark VY's user avatar
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How to use custom execution for testCompile goal for maven-compiler-plugin

I am using an annotationProcessor with maven-compiler-plugin in a custom profile. <profile> <id>error-prone-test-compile</id> ...
Vyom Yadav's user avatar
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Compile .html file using maven and annotation processor

It so complicated for me, so i probably will can't to ask normally question, but i will try...So, i want to compile the .html file using command "mvn clean compile". I also have two custom ...
ldoctori's user avatar
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Unknown Java maven compilation error: R1549aadb

Whilst modularizing and migrating a Java 8 project to Java 17 an unknown maven error has been encountered. The project has non-modular dependencies. The regular classes and test classes (JUnit5) ...
cdc's user avatar
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maven-compiler-plugin source not work as expect

I have java11 on my local, and I am using maven-compiler-plugin setting it's source/target to 1.8, in my code I am using Objects.requireNonNullElse(null, new Object()); which is not support in java 8. ...
askaquestion's user avatar
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How can I copy a JavaFX code that perfectly builds and runs to a remote ssh server in Visual Studio Code?

I tried to copy the java project folder in remote ssh server. Then I opened Visual Studio Code and used SSH FS extension by Kelvin Schoofs to open the remote folder. Then I opened the main .java App ...
Allexj's user avatar
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