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-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make a Discord bot print out text from a .log file? (Received some errors)

I am trying to make a Discord bot print out certain text from a .log file with a @event.commanddecorator, but it shows errors. The Discord bot will only print out text when a row of text contains ...
Comet Caster's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

rsyslog mutiple logfiles in %msg%

I have set up a rsyslog-server to receive firewall logs from a Sophos XGS4300 over TLS. The connection is working fine and I am receiving logfiles from the firewall. BUT in a single (syslog) message (%...
Matthias Bitsch's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to see the logs of failed snakemake jobs immediately in stderr - instead of log file

I'm running snakemake inside kubernetes with argocd. When a job errors, snakemake says that the logs of the failed job are in a log file. Now I can't easily look this logfile up because argocd doesn't ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
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IntelliJ 2024.2 Logfile support not working

I am using the new PhpStorm 2024.2 and I was trying to test the log file support highlights. I have installed the new version of PhpStorm. Have anybody any idea, how to fix it? I would love to use ...
Christian Kowalik's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Extracting and formatting data from auth.log file using Bash [closed]

I need to extract authorization data from the auth.log file. I also need to format this data so that it is easy to view. In my case, it is several columns: Date Time User Action IP. I already have a ...
phantaserrr's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Issue with Folder and File Creation in MAUI Project

I am trying to create a folder and a text file in a MAUI project. When I run the application, I receive the following message: Base Directory: C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local Log Directory: C:\Users\xyz\...
Dehghani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Requesting FritzBox logfile via Python 'wget' subprocess on Raspberry Pi >> HTML instead of JSON returned

I am trying download the event and WLAN logs from my AVM FritzBox 7350 router (OS 7.57) in JSON format using a Python 3 script. Whilst it works well on my ArchLinux machine, I only get a HTML file on ...
tinkertoadie's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Azure Functions Application Insights: ILogger Messages Not Appearing in Logs

I have two Azure Functions: one using Durable Orchestration and another using a Queue Trigger. Both functions utilize ILogger for logging with log.LogInformation and log.LogWarning, and also have ...
Dhanush S's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using ipfw and pf together

I would like to use pf and ipfw at the same time for different tasks, but I can not understand who is activated first (if there is an order) when a rule is received. Also trying to verify this, I can’...
usernew's user avatar
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0 answers

How to retrieve the event log entries from Event viewer using wmi api or window event log API?I have to fetch the below datas and not the properties

System Provider [ Name] MSSQL$MSSQLSERVER01 EventID 25753 [ Qualifiers] 16384 Version 0 Level 4 Task 2 Opcode 0 Keywords 0x80000000000000 TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2024-04-25T08:50:12....
isha's user avatar
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1 answer

splunk search a log and every time a specific line has been written more than 5 time since last search send a mail

what my alert looks like... I want to search a specific log every day every 5th minute. And if a specific word is written more than 5 times i want to recieve an email. What should my alert look like? ...
David's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Creating log txt file [duplicate]

I am trying to create a log_file.txt in python. SO, whenever I run the script each time it should generate new log file. For example: log_file log_file1 log_file2 . . . . def log(message): try: ...
vineesha shyamala's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using Airflow version 2.5.3 and Cloud Composer version 2.6.2, DAGs frequently throw this error of log file not found

Error message - "*** Log file is not found: *** The task might not have been executed, or the worker executing it might have finished abnormally (e.g., was evicted)." Please, refer https://...
user23700007's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

PowerShell Script for checking contents of log file in network share

I'm trying to write a PS script to check a network folder which contains logfiles of erased systems, when the erase is run the output contains the system serial number, as part of the logfile name, so ...
PConroy's user avatar
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0 answers

Why do I not get the same result when I run a TAIL command from console of a remote server as when I run the same command from a script on local svr? [duplicate]

I connect to my remote server via ssh from the console [mylocalserver]$ ssh -p 27 myremoteserver On my remote server, I have a log file (mylogfile.log) that contains several lines File mylogfile.log ...
Ralph F's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to activate a TYPO3 logfile entry for extension activation errors

I am using a TYPO3 12.4 composer installation and there I activate a development version of an extension which still has errors and is not yet ready for usage. But I need a log file output about the ...
Franz Holzinger's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Powershell: Copy new entries from file after the last run

I'm trying to create a powershell script to copy only the new entries that match a pattern (can be one or multiple lines) from one file to another, every time the script is run. The source file is ...
GTGabaaron's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Where is the PowerDNS (pdns) service log file?

I'm setting up the PowerDNS service on a Debian VM, both of the pdns-server and pdns.recursor services (in different VMs), but they're not generating any log files in the /var/log/ directory. I ...
AliHZ's user avatar
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1 answer

powershell get-date to log file

I'm trying to get a script to test connectivity of a list of IP addresses and log the output to a file. I would like it to put a time/date stamp in the log when when I get no response. I'd like to ...
txjastx's user avatar
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1 answer

How can i set the path where my log files are stored while running the testcase in robot framework in pycharm?

The project structure is shown in the image. enter image description here when i run the test, robot framework by default is storing the output files at the folder shown by the white circle. But I ...
Shiv Matliwala's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I use toLocaleDateString() and .toLocaleTimeString() to add to my log-file name?

I just trying to save the log file in CSV format with a time stamp in the filename at the end, e.g.: File_YYYMMDD_HHmmSS. How can I make it with a date with toLocaleDateString() and toLocaleDateString(...
Matt's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

SQLPlus updating a text log file after procedure is executed

I have a batch (.bat) file with the below details that is automatically opened at 2 pm through the windows task scheduler. Below are the contents of the Proc1.bat file: @echo off echo PROC 1 started ...
ShariefXUsman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the meaning of numbers in UVM_INFO?

The following message is from a transcript file created by running QuestaSim to simulate dut. What does the number 39 mean? UVM_INFO /home/Icer/nocc/noc-router/vips/hermes_pkg/src/ ...
benjstark's user avatar
0 votes
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How to read log file and load to snowflake table in talend

which talend component is used to read log file. log file is Talend cloud generated log file read log file and load to snowflake table using talend job. not able to identify which component will help ...
Ajay's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I write Gurobi log file in csv form?

I am wondering if I can have my Gurobi log file in different formats other than txt file. For instance, is there a Gurobi feature/module/code/whatever that I can change the branch-and-cut tree search ...
mjsl's user avatar
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Oracle sqlplus - Error: not spooling currently

Spool file is blank and getting error message "not spooling currently". I am executing. sql>set feedback on sql>spool c:\test.log sql>@c:\testscript.sql sql&...
Aklank Diwaker's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is Teraterm not creating a logfile when launched via Jenkins batch-file in Windows?

I'm currently facing an issue on jenkins. In the Jenkins job, I launch a windows batch file which launch some tests. For these tests, I need to call Teraterm on the background which is basically a ...
Solene's user avatar
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1 answer

Mongodb Community v6.0 not running on mac iOS Ventura

Just installed mongodb community v 6.0.5 on mac using Ventura iOS. This is my first time using mongodb. It installed fine and I can see the version, but when I try running it using the command: mongod ...
redfox's user avatar
  • 41
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3 answers

Converting log file timestamps from 12-hour time format to 24-hour time format

I have a number of large, space delimited, WhatsApp chat logs that I need to convert the timestamps from 12-hour time format to 24-hour time format. 95% of the content of these files maintain the same ...
dotarpa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Retrieve value from previous or following row in PowerBI with PowerQueryM

I'm trying to read in a log file to PowerBI with Power Query. I know there are better options for such an usecase, but I'm searching a solution to achieve this with Power Query or at least DAX! What I ...
Hisager's user avatar
  • 37
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Log file length

I need to read a log file that is currently in use in order to monitor it for changes in length. I’d like to find the length of the log file when I click a button then when the length increases I’d ...
Jack's user avatar
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file_log does not appear in docker image

I have a python selenium project in which I create a file_log.log with the following code: import logging logging.basicConfig( filename="../file_log.log", format='%(asctime)s: %(...
user avatar
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1 answer

talend studio: logs file are not generated in

when i try to generate logs file in talend with the "stats and logs" option below i only get the stat file and there is no logs file or meter file i tried to change in log4j settings and ...
ayoub touti's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

what does -D mean in npm install -D tailwindcss?

Installing TailWindCSS, the command in npm install -D tailwindcss, what does log-level info denotes? NPM- node package manager, D-log level info I was trying to learn Tailwindcss and then encountered ...
shalini moorthy's user avatar
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PowerShell: how to archive a log file based on a specific name and date

I have to achieve some log files which are older than one month, and the naming convention is: filename_year_date (i.e: Logfile.log_2022_12). I've hardcoded the filename for 1 month to see if it works,...
mihai.arsin's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I save the CLion console output to a file?

I'm running an executable I built, within CLion. The bottom of the window has a pane with the executable's console output. I see a button from printing it and for clearing it - but not for saving it ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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I want to convert .log file to .csv file using python

I have given an alert-handler-error.log file to make analytics on error occurrence. Initially, I have to convert the .log file to CSV or excel file to open it in a data visualization tool. {"...
sri vidya's user avatar
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2 answers

Where should "/log/cassandra/gc.log" file be on Ubuntu? [closed]

When I try whereis cassandra I get: cassandra: /usr/sbin/cassandra /etc/cassandra /usr/share/cassandra And which cassandra gives me: /usr/sbin/cassandra But when I try cqlsh I get: Connection error: ...
best_of_man's user avatar
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Can't output any file in Python. Logger, Pandas, Open()

I wanted to run this piece of code to see if anything outputs. I ran pieces of code like this in my work windows VM and it works perfectly. I switch over to my local Windows computer and I can't ...
Vin...C's user avatar
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How can we assign a particular path for log files in Azure functionapp in visual studio

I have got the path of log file stored in my machine but i need the location to be changed how can it be possible to change the path I have tried getting the log files..1st and now I want to change ...
Thomas E's user avatar
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How to show the line number from the file invoking the logger, not the logger file itself?

I have a custom logging class, which has the following format: log_format = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(levelname)-8s [%(processName)s] [%(threadName)s] %(filename)s:%(lineno)d --- %(message)s" ...
waykiki's user avatar
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Convert Logfile to CSV

I would like to request assistance with a Python script to convert a logfile into a csv file. I am looking for the Python code to do this. My input information looks as follows: Exception: Cannot open ...
N K's user avatar
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How can I optimize my JavaScript code to handle large log files (over 1 GB)? [duplicate]

I have developed a script in JavaScript for the purpose of parsing log files and extracting relevant information. The script functions as expected for smaller log files, however, when applied to log ...
Omkar Jadhav's user avatar
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How to work with headers in log file? Python

I have log file (.txt) which I want to open and read line by line, convert the data and store with Pandas. However, it has a header with some useful information I want to grab. What is best practice ...
Simon's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Search level-errors with time range in log file

I have a log file in that format: 2021-05-17 07:59:10.496 33821 ERROR bla bla bla 2021-05-17 08:03:10.957 33821 WARNING bla bla bla 2021-05-17 08:12:10.094 33821 ERROR bla bla bla 2021-05-17 08:40:...
Vlad  Nevskiy's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to extract only date and time from a large logfile?

I'd like to extract just date and time values out of a log file. Here are a couple of lines from the log file: 2022-05-22 13:51:52,689 STATUS [Thread-5] hoststate.HighwayMonitorObserverImpl....
Bünyamin Göl's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

powershell get just hours as output from logfile

I got log file. My task is find lines that contain "ms 2xx", "ms 3xx", "ms 4xx", "ms 5xx". (HTTP response codes) and get output that says at what hour these ...
Gaara's user avatar
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converting txt file into json using python?

I have a log file that has the format as follows: Nov 28 06:26:45 server-01 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from cc:d3:e2:7a:af:40 via Nov 28 06:26:45 server-01 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to ...
Abhiyantraka's user avatar
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Pytest stops logfile output from being written to disk

I'm developing an API for communication with an FPGA. For testing the API I use Pytest. The API contains a logger that writes output to both the terminal and a file on disk. This all works fine. Now ...
Christian Disch's user avatar
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Can I mask password in Apache-httpd log files?

I am working on an issue where the password and username are being shown in the log files of an application. Whenever the application does a POST call, the log of the same gets stored in the httpd ...
Adwet Ojha's user avatar

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