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Do I need a dSYM file for a universal binary or is a dSYM for each arch enough?

I have a C++ application that compiles for x86_64, and for arm64, each compilation produces its .dSYM folder for debug symbols. I then join each binary with lipo, resulting in a universal binary. Do I ...
Alan Ramírez Herrera's user avatar
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Error trying to run a FAT binary on iOS device: incompatible architecture message while correct architecture is included

I've been trying to Google similar issues, but it seems I'm the only one so far, to my surprise ... I am trying to build Tesseract for iOS. There's various build scripts online that I've tried, but ...
Wolfgang Schreurs's user avatar
2 votes
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How does "arch -arch" work to enable Rosetta and force binary architecture?

When using Rosetta on macOS running on an ARM processor, the arch command can be used to force a wrapped command to execute as a specific architecture. In other words, arch -arch x86_64 mycommand will ...
Zac B's user avatar
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Unable to build XCFramework for my existing project that was building .Framework file from Static Library

I am relatively new to iOS and have been trying really hard to diagnose and find a way to start generating XCFramework instead of .Framework that was being built earlier until xCode 10. I have went ...
Coder28's user avatar
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How to more accurately calculate a LiFePO4 12.8V battery percentage?

Grafana Data static const uint8_t lifepo4[NUM_BATT_READINGS][2] = { {144, 100}, {136, 100}, {134, 99}, {133, 90}, {132, 70}, {131, 40}, {130, 30}, {129, 20}, {128, 17}, {125, 14}, {120, ...
Jdelmore's user avatar
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How to use lipo to convert c++ output file from arm64 to x86_32/ x86_64

I started programming with c++ since a while but was using Xcode only or terminal occasionally to compile my .cpp file. Recently, our instructor suggested we use Valgrind for memory leaks but I ...
SilianRail's user avatar
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How to use lipo to strip simulator binaries from an xcframework?

I have a 3rd party fat xcframework and wish to strip the emulator portion from it. I used lipo on a .framework several years ago, however this time it's a .xcframework I am using. This command used to ...
Scrungepipes's user avatar
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How can I make a universal binary using non-universal libs?

I'm trying to build a universal/fat executable binary and I'm linking against ncurses. I'm using ncurses from homebrew because the built in one doesn't support wide characters. The problem seems to be ...
majinnaibu's user avatar
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xcodebuild 14.2 create xcframework doesn't recognize mac catalyst static library build in rust

So I've build the following fat binary ➜ wallet-core git:(m/rust_fix) ✗ lipo -detailed_info build/local/catalyst/libwallet_core_rs.a Fat header in: build/local/catalyst/libwallet_core_rs.a fat_magic ...
roman Sztergbaum's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't combine universal binary built using Clang++

sudo cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B cmake-build-release -Wno-dev -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$CC -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$CXX sudo cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --config Release eventually leads ...
Tobi Akinyemi's user avatar
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Pods copying headers from x86_64 and arm64 folders in frameworks and causes multiple commands produce error

I am trying to add a custom framework to my iOS app. The framework includes code for both x86_64 architecture and arm64 architecture. When I try to build my project on my MacOS for simulator I receive ...
Samo Kralj's user avatar
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"command not found" running universal console app on macOS with Apple Silicon chip

I have the issue on my library – DllNotFoundException on Apple Silicon chips. It's fixed now but we observed strange behavior trying to run simple console application on macOS with Apple Silicon chip: ...
Maxim's user avatar
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How to load framework at runtime in Xcode?

I have a third party framework customx.framework (iOS) customx.framework (Simulator). To run project on simulator customx.framework (Simulator) to be imported & for device customx.framework (iOS) ...
Jack's user avatar
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build a single .a for simulator and device containing arm64 (targeting M1 simulator too) possible?

We are facing problems with lipo/libtool when trying to build a fat static lib for simulator and device. Before M1 arm64 all went fine with an armv7/arm64 slices for the device and an x86_64 slice for ...
Leo's user avatar
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Difference between lipo -thin and -extract

What is the difference between lipo -thin arch_type and lipo -extract arch_type [-extract arch_type...] when used to get a "single architecture" static library from a fat static library? The ...
alessionossa's user avatar
3 votes
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Cannot lipo arm64 .a files of iOS device with iOS simulator on Apple Silicon

Shell commands as below, $ lipo -info libyuv-device.a Architectures in the fat file: device/libyuv.a are: armv7 arm64 $ lipo -info libyuv-simulator.a Architectures in the fat file: simulator/libyuv.a ...
Smeegol's user avatar
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How to use the lipo command in debug view hierarchy with swift

In Objective-C,I can use the following command to view the properties of some view objects: // 1. Sending messages directly to memory addresses po [0x10daab000 contentInset] // 2. or convert to the ...
Rakuyo's user avatar
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Build FFTW for Apple M1 and the older intel devices

I built FFTW on my Apple m1 computer. When I run lipo -info libfftw3.a (which is located in .libs/libfftw3.a). It says it is of architecture ARM64. In my Xcode I set the build target to 10.11, for ...
Thinium's user avatar
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error: lipo: not files specified when trying to run the project

im getting this error when I compile the project. This only happens to me. My other co-workers doesn't have this issue. error: lipo: no input files specified usage: lipo <input_file> <command&...
Javier Pineda's user avatar
189 votes
4 answers

Xcode 12.3: Building for iOS Simulator, but the linked and embedded framework was built for iOS + iOS Simulator [duplicate]

I have an app using a linked and embedded custom framework. The app built properly for iOS devices and simulators until Xcode 12.2. Starting from Xcode 12.3 however, I'm getting the following error: ...
spassas's user avatar
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lipo - input file must be a fat file when the -thin option is specified

I am trying to extract somethinh from a UNIX Executable File (vmware-vmx). When i try to execute lipo vmware-vmx -thin i386 -output vmware_x64, I'm getting an error input file (vmware-vmx) must be a ...
RohitGanji's user avatar
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arm64/x86_64 universal binary created with lipo is missing deployment target

Context I'm converting several libraries/frameworks that my Mac app uses to be Universal Binaries for the new Apple Silicon Macs. Problem I have two versions of a binary framework: one compiled for ...
Bryan's user avatar
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iOS 14, lipo error while creating library for both device and simulator

We have been using lipo command to create a framework which works on both device and simulator when integrated in other project. following are the build commands used to generate device and simulator ...
Rajesh Rs's user avatar
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Xcode 10 fatal error: lipo: can't open input file

I'm building a static library in objective-c, in Xcode 9 I could build without problem but I'm blocked in Xcode 10. Initially I had these two problems that I resolved with the answers below Xcode 10 ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to create a fat binary on xcode 10

I am trying to make a fat binary of my library using XCode 10 (10A255) Using Fastlane: xcodebuild( workspace: "Mylibrary.xcworkspace", scheme: "Mylibrary", ...
Rifinio's user avatar
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Creating a Universal Objective-C framework, LIPO can't map input file

Been researching this for the past day without success, hopefully someone can provide a few pointers on this. I have inherited an old objC static library project which I'm trying to convert to a ...
David Homes's user avatar
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Creating Universal Fat Framework lipo: can't create temporary output file

On creating Fat framework from aggregate target, I am following the build phase script from this gist link with minor changes on my script link. On target build, Xcode is showing fetal error: lipo: ...
kaushal's user avatar
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input file XXXX must be a fat file when the -remove option is specified

I am trying to publish our app to testflight/appstore by fastlane and i get these two errors: fatal error: lipo: input file (==FILEPATH==/CommonCrypto.framework/CommonCrypto) must be a fat file ...
Aleksander Aleksic's user avatar
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Linking error with cocoapods on simulator and device: Dsymutil

I have a project that recently, inexplicably stopped being able to run on both the simulator and the device. Everything compiles normally but there are two linker errors that occur. The first is a ...
Mason's user avatar
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What is the difference between Build Active Architecture Only -> No and creating a fat binary by using lipo?

Let's imagine that we're creating a static library in Xcode and in the Build Settings we set Build Active Architecture Only to No. Why does it still produce a library suitable only for the device ...
Andrey Chernukha's user avatar
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How do I convert an armv7 binary to i386/x86_64

I am trying to build a mac(cocoa) app. I have a framework that I am trying to link with that has been compiled for iOS(the armv7 arch). I unfortunately no longer have the source code that I used to ...
user1320885's user avatar
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xcode iOS CreateUniversalBinary failed: file too large to create as a fat file

I recently add quite a lot of code to my iOS static library project. I always create universal binary that support all platforms (from iPhone4S to the current iPhone7) but after addition of the codes (...
Zennichimaro's user avatar
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Upload static library (protobuf .a) as cocoapod

I can't seem to understand how to upload a static library and public headers as a cocoapod. All I want to achieve is that by installing this pod it would pull .a file and few headers and link it with ...
Ross Stepaniak's user avatar
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Packaging static iOS libraries together on command line

I have a static iOS library built for armv7 and arm64, let's call it foo.a. It has dependencies on abc.a and def.a, which I have in armv7 and arm64 versions. I would like to package these together ...
Sossisos's user avatar
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Will the compiler strip the unrelated arch symbols from dependent static library in product binary file?

I'm a new in framework development, here is my case. I build a private static library to provide it to the vendors to link it. Currently, I build my library with arch armv7 and arm64 only, this ...
Itachi's user avatar
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ERROR ITMS-90085: "No architectures in the binary. Lipo failed to detect any architectures in the bundle executable." Uploading Error [duplicate]

I use relatedSDK for Firebase integration and while uploading App I encounter this error. ERROR ITMS-90085: "No architectures in the binary. Lipo failed to detect any architectures in the bundle ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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Fail to run 'lipo', Lib have the same architectures

I try to build static framework. So I run following commands: for device xcodebuild -project MyAppLib.xcodeproj -sdk iphoneos -target $PRODUCT_FRAMEWORK -...
snaggs's user avatar
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iOS fat binaries and thinning out

I have an app that when using file, reports that it has 2 architectures in the Mach-O iPad:~/map/ root# file MyApp MyApp: Mach-O fat file with 2 architectures EDIT - I have also checked ...
P Shaw's user avatar
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Merging iOS .dylib into framework with lipo breaks bitcode recompilation

I'm trying to build a dynamic iOS framework manually from .dylib files. Binaries are created with cmake and xcodebuild and produce two .dylib files, one containing armv7, armv7s and arm64 and the ...
Legoless's user avatar
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iOS - static library framework size is very big opposed to dynamic embedded framework

I created a static library (framework) using the following tutorial The size of the framework is huge - about 220 MB. When I instead create a dynamic ...
Avba's user avatar
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Is usage of "lipo" command recommended by Apple?

When we develop a dynamic framework and distribute it to reuse. We combine simulator (i386 and x86_64) and device(arm7, arm7s and arm64) architectures into one. So that developer can easily run an app ...
Developer's user avatar
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Xcode universal library build phase - Lipo can't find files

I've read several tutorials and guides on how to have Xcode create a universal library. Basically you add an aggregate target with a bash script build phase to build the separate targets and lipo them ...
dzan's user avatar
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xcode7: file was built for x86_64 which is not the architecture being linked (i386)

There are two floders named "Release-iphoneos" and "Release-iphonesimulator",and I use these commands to create common framework,but is still have some error "file was built for x86_64 which is not ...
Tianwen Sun's user avatar
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How to make Xcode Run Script x86_64 compatible

Hello hello community! So here is my issue, welll not really an issue but the following Run Script compiles my static library and it works great! my only issue is that it doesnt compile it for the ...
Kid Yume's user avatar
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Realm framework error with Strip: Stripping frameworks fatal error: lipo: -remove's specified would result in an empty fat file

I am having an ugly error since I've updated the Realm.framework. The error is: Stripping frameworks fatal error: lipo: -remove's specified would result in an empty fat file If I select the box ...
jim's user avatar
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Xcode 7.1.1 - fatal error : lipo: can't open input file

I'm getting fatal error: lipo: can't open input file: /Users/.../libABC.a (No such file or directory) I've cross-checked this file exists in same location after checking with 'Show in Finder' I'm ...
Jayprakash Dubey's user avatar
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Cannot use a library in iOS project which is working in another project with same settings

I'm stuck with a ridiculous basic simple issue that is driving me crazy for days now ! Here's the story: I have a third-party library that stops my project from building when I use it. I have ...
Sepehrom's user avatar
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Where is lipo located in iOS SDK 9

With iOS SDK 8 I could locate lipo util with following code: IPHONE_OS_PLATFORM_PATH = $(shell xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-platform-path) ARM_DEV_DIR = $(IPHONE_OS_PLATFORM_PATH)/Developer/usr/...
John Tracid's user avatar
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iOS universal framework with iphoneos and iphonesimulator architectures

xcodebuild can build a project with sdk set to either iphoneos or iphonesimulator but not both, so in order to generate a framework containing armv7 arm64 and i386 x86_64 architectures, I have to run ...
Bob's user avatar
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iOS fat binaries: should every arch include bitcode?

When building a library that is to be used in bitcode-enabled apps, does each arch in the fat binary need to be built with -fembed-bitcode or only one of them? One of them because the bitcode is ...
OrangeDog's user avatar
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