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Do I need a dSYM file for a universal binary or is a dSYM for each arch enough?

I have a C++ application that compiles for x86_64, and for arm64, each compilation produces its .dSYM folder for debug symbols. I then join each binary with lipo, resulting in a universal binary. Do I ...
Alan Ramírez Herrera's user avatar
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How to use lipo to convert c++ output file from arm64 to x86_32/ x86_64

I started programming with c++ since a while but was using Xcode only or terminal occasionally to compile my .cpp file. Recently, our instructor suggested we use Valgrind for memory leaks but I ...
SilianRail's user avatar
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How can I make a universal binary using non-universal libs?

I'm trying to build a universal/fat executable binary and I'm linking against ncurses. I'm using ncurses from homebrew because the built in one doesn't support wide characters. The problem seems to be ...
majinnaibu's user avatar
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Can't combine universal binary built using Clang++

sudo cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B cmake-build-release -Wno-dev -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$CC -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$CXX sudo cmake --build ./cmake-build-release --config Release eventually leads ...
Tobi Akinyemi's user avatar
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Possible to link multiple static libs into one with same arch? [duplicate]

I have many projects that link against a new VM (dart), which currently requires each project to link against 6 static libraries. I would like to simplify process by creating one static library that ...
rich.e's user avatar
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How do I turn a "fat" library into a "non-fat" library?

I'm trying to remove a duplicate object from a library with armv6 and armv7 architectures, i.e., $ lipo -info libx.a Architectures in the fat file: libx.a are: armv6 armv7 As expected, "ar d" ...
tofutim's user avatar
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