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2 answers

Awk print a value in a column that corresponds to key values

I want to add a column to a file depending on a key value. I have infile_chr"N".txt (where N is a number from 1 to 22) and I need a single output file (outfile.txt) in which the first column ...
Gio.Mode's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Trying to check if key present in array of objects inside of an array of objects

I need a way to return true or false if in changeFields array "printLogs" key is present or not. The object is shown below. I have tried looping but somehow cant get my head to wrap around ...
myaubullion's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting a list of dictionaries into a list of tuples

I am a rank beginner, so appreciate any help. I have a list of dictionaries: lst = [{'name': 'John', 'gender': 'Male', 'marks': [20,30,40]}, {'name': 'Lynn', 'gender': 'Female', 'marks': [20,...
Sur Tin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Add values for keys that contains similar string in python

I have dict as values={'P-ETH-900':Decimal(122),'P-ETH-700':Decimal(455),'P-BTC-900':Decimal(12),'P-BTC-700':Decimal(55)} I want to add the decimals that has condition like eth=Decimal(0) for i,j in ...
Madan's user avatar
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1 answer

Angular iterate Object with name and values

I need your help please. I have a interface with 30 properties. I call a Rest API, written in C#, and get a DataTable back with the results. Now i can convert this result to my interface. My interface ...
WindyThePooh's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

python - extract value from list of dictionary

I need to display book name and calculate average weight of book if the book price is more than 800. here is my current code, appreciate any help. thank you so much in advance! def calcWeight(): for ...
beginner programmer's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Dictionary values deleted after each iteration

def buildCodeDict(): auto_dict = {"A": "Alpha", "B": "Bravo", "C": "Charlie", "D": "Delta", "E": "...
Jeremy Kievit's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Printing dictionary pair and next iteration's pair on one line in columns

I have a long list of 100+ unique (names don't repeat) key/value pairs which I'd like to print consolidated into two equal width columns. How do I get the next iteration's key/value? (i.e. How do I ...
a79ce734e1's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Angular keyvalue -> How to iterate again when key is array?

How to iterate again through my object key when it is an array? Here my HTML: <tbody> <tr *ngFor="let duplicate of duplicates | keyvalue; let i = index "> <th scope=&...
Bartheus's user avatar
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2 answers

Comparing key-value from two dictionaries Python

I have this a = [{'name': 'John', 'supporterId': 1}, {'name': 'Paul', 'supporterId': 2}] b = [{'dependent': 'Erick','supporterId': 2, 'email': '[email protected]'}, {'dependent': 'Anna', 'supporterId': ...
Amanda's user avatar
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3 answers

Comparing key-value pairs in Python

I have something like this a = [{'name': 'John', 'supporterId': 1}, {'name': 'Paul', 'supporterId': 2}] b = [{'dependent': 'Erick','supporterId': 2}, {'dependent': 'Anna', 'supporterId': 2}, {'...
Fernanda's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Python compare list to dictionary with multiple values and return matches

If I this list: list1 = ['a long way home she said', 'amazing grace for me', 'shes super cool'] I want to compare each item in list 1 to the values in dict1 below: dict1 = { 'Formula1': ('a long way ...
miss_behaved's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how to convert from list of lists to a dictionary

Hi :) I have this table and I need to convert it into a dictionary where the firsl line are the keys and then each value from the rest of the tables will be values but iterating through them each at ...
Andy's user avatar
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1 answer

Change a table value with a loop in lua

I'm trying to change a value inside a table but I can't. This is my code: table = {{x=2}, {y=3}, {z=2}} function printTabValue(tab, index) for k, v in pairs(tab[index]) do print(k, v) ...
Fabio Guida's user avatar
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Loop through FormCollection with index and key name to get value

I am trying to loop through a FormCollection where I want to specify the index and key of the formcollection but am not having luck. FormCollection Keys Example form[0][keyA] form[0][keyB] form[0][...
jack's user avatar
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1 answer

How to update nested dynamic object javascript nodejs

I'm trying to dynamically update values inside a nested object like this : mainObj = { 'Test 1': { Nested1: 'value 1', Nested2: 'value 2', Nested3: 'value 3', Nested4: 'value 4', ...
Geek65's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I determine if a pair of values in a hashtable answers a condition?

I am trying to enter pairs of values (i,j) in an array to determine how many of those pairs respect the following condition: 1 <= i < j <= length of the array. The output is rarely the right ...
SarahLep's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Best way to find nested property by name in object

I have an object (dataLayer), which can increase and decrease in length, depending on how many pages you've visited. I want to: Loop through the objective and look for the property name "...
Reena Verma's user avatar
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5 answers

What's the best way i can iterate over a hash in this manner?

so i have this hash and i want to write a program that, given a person’s score can tell them: a) whether or not they’re allergic to a given item b) the full list of allergies. allergies = { 1 =...
viaRT's user avatar
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1 answer

JSON loop through key value pairs to set another key value

I'm very new to scripting and JSON and I'm trying to loop through some key pairs in an object (shown below) to accomplish, "if the value in 3[x].4 = 'BBB', then return the value in 3[x].1" ...
Brendan's user avatar
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1 answer

Iterate through nested JSON list and add one value to a list

I have a bunch of JSON data that I need to extract one value from. Unfortunately it's rather deeply nested and I can't figure out a way to pull the specific values out that I need. Here's a sample of ...
slynaugh's user avatar
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0 answers

C# Get key/name from JSON children

I am recieving this JSON response from an API: { "type": "link", "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.", "status": 400, "...
Inori's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Python: How to loop through a dictionary mutiple times?

I want to create a code that has a dictionary that can print out different types of outcomes. I have two dictionaries. One of them have different sets of outcomes and the other dictionary values are ...
TheSLYnSmoothOne's user avatar
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2 answers

Google Script - iterate over JSON object key value pairs

My iteration over the JSON object doesn't work as expected. What's wrong? function handleResponse(e) { var jsonObj = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents); console.log("Note=" + jsonObj['Note']...
cody's user avatar
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1 answer

Taking Key Value pairs from a List<Object> and adding to a new List<Object>

I have a List<Object> that contains Objects with Key Value pairs. I want to loop through and if a Key value contains a certain Value. I want to pull that object and create a new List<Object&...
Eamon M's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to compare map values in loop with JavaScript? [closed]

Say I have const food = new Map(); const max = 0; food.set(hotdogs, 2); food.set(pizza, 8); I'd like to compare the values in my map to other values in my map, (for example: which is larger, 8 or 2?...
Tzvi2's user avatar
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4 answers

How to find Common Keys in key value Pair which are Less than the Specified Threshold

I have a dictonary with key value pair where I want to set threshold as less than 50% for value which basically means in any of the key value pair where value pair has value less than 50% of all ...
Ani's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to print full NBA teams when you only have the abbreviated team names? [duplicate]

I am new to coding and having trouble solving an issue. I found some code online regarding this subject but it did not work how I would like it to. Let's say I have 3 abbreviated NBA teams in a list:...
Able Archer's user avatar
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1 answer

Ruby - Tell user what stage of the day and season of the year (Use Hash)

I have a question for the following challenge. 1) Tell the user what season of the year it is. Condition is I need to use hash. What I want to to loop seasons and find an element that is equivalent ...
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How to jump from key-value pairs in a dictionary to create a list of cycle

In my homework, a cycle is defined as a set of keys that jump from key -> value -> key that returns to its original starting value. For instance: d1 = {1:6, 3:1, 6:3} cycles = [[1, 6, 3]] because 1:...
Junny's user avatar
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1 answer

Extract value from key-value pair of dictionary

I have a CSV file with column name (in first row) and values (rest of the row). I wanted to create variables to store these values for every row in a loop. So I started off by creating a dictionary ...
xxx's user avatar
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5 answers

how to iterate over a dictionary from value in an array and store in a new dictionary

I have an array(Arr[]), for each item in the array i would like for it to go through a dictionary(specs{}) and calculate the corresponding values and store them in a new dictionary but on sure how to ...
offthehook's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I update a dictionary so that if key 'a' has a value of 'c' than the key of 'c' appends the value 'a'?

If key 'a' has a value of 'c' then the key of 'c' should append 'a'. Please note that that the values associated with key 'a' are not included in the append. I cant seem to figure out how to ...
Eat_ Mangos's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How to iterate over list of values of one key in a dictionary

i want to compare the values (a tuple of floats and a boolean variable) of matching keys of 2 different dictionaries to print out possible differences. The keys are IDs and I want to make sure to have ...
Jani's user avatar
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6 answers

How to iterate over a string and for each letter, if it is in a dictionary (key), add values to a new list?

What would I write to iterate over a string and for each letter, if that letter is in a given dictionary (as a key), then add that key's value to an empty list? For example the string 'cat', I want ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 answers

Iterate through Python dictionary and special append to new list?

I would like to iterate over a dictionary, and append each key (letter) repeated by the number of times of its value (frequency) to a new list. For example: input: {'A':1, 'B':2}. Expected output: [...
Tim's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Python create list of objects from dict

I am getting a dict of users and their information {'Username': 'username', 'Attributes': [{'Name': 'sub', 'Value': 'userSub'}, {'Name': 'email', 'Value': 'email'} I want to restructure this into an ...
bjwhip's user avatar
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Python Dict Assigning Key-Value in loop

I have a list of variables: [var1, var2, var3, var4]. For var1, I tried the following and it works. d = dict(var1=True) f = bdd.cube(d) Now I want to loop through all variables and for each ...
user3891554's user avatar
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Refactoring code that evaluate only specific values in a Ruby hash

I have a long hash, consisting of some hashes within hashes. Right now I just need to evaluate only a select few of the hash's values. if params[:my_hash]["start_date(1i)"].empty? || params[:my_hash]...
Misha Krul's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

PHP set value in a foreach loop

i have a problem with foreach in php i tried to execute this code but at the end $part does not include bought what's the problem? foreach ($parts as $part){ foreach ($boughtParts as $...
mo30's user avatar
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Spark Scala - Split Map, Getkey and so on

I have a text file which contains the following: A>B,C,D B>A,C,D,E C>A,B,D,E D>A,B,C,E E>B,C,D I would like to write a Spark-Scala script to obtain the following: (For each left member,...
CodeWalker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Line break not working with jQuery .text()

I have the following code:- function data(x) { var dataList = ""; for (var key in obj) { dataList += key + ": " + obj[key] + "\n" } $('#modalText').text(dataList); ...
bob's user avatar
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Iterating through a javascript object to get key-value pairs

Here's my code: obj = {"TIME":123,"DATE":456} console.log(obj.TIME); console.log("---------") for (var key in obj) { console.log(key); console.log(obj.key); } It prints as the following: ...
bob's user avatar
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2 answers

Printing hash value in Perl

When I print a variable, I am getting a HASH(0xd1007d0) value. I need to print the values of all the keys and values. However, I am unable to as the control does not enter the loop. foreach my $var(...
emma's user avatar
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2 answers

C# - How to create a KeyValuePair with the result of two foreach loops?

So below is the code that I currently have (it doesn't work because the last block sees the arrays an undefined, it's to show what I want to do) IEnumerable<string> sponsorshipQuery1 = from ...
Terminal Guy's user avatar
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4 answers

Check if an array has a key without a value, then do this (PHP)?

Say I have an array that looks like this: Array ( [0] => [1] => 2017-01-01 00:00:00 ) How can I dynamically check to see if the area has any empty values?
user avatar
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Using integers to access a key, value pairs in a dictionary?

Question: how can i use integer to use as Keys for a dictionary? Explanation: I have a dictionary example = {} I am populating it with key, value pairs of A: something B: something C: something 1: ...
Muzammil's user avatar
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ES6 How to convert key, value pair to string recursively in javascript?

I try to interpolate error messages, because I need it in a special text format. Whats the best practice doing that nowadays :) thanks for any help! ...
bitflorist's user avatar
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Perl- Get Hash Value from Multi level hash

I have a 3 dimension hash that I need to extract the data in it. I need to extract the name and vendor under vuln_soft-> prod. So far, I manage to extract the "cve_id" by using the following code: ...
SL07's user avatar
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Beginner C# Linq: looping through kvp in a dictionary<>

Is this foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in myDic.Select(x => x).ToList()) { } and this foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in myDic.ToList()) { } ...
Komm's user avatar
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