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How does a Bigtable client know which tablet server to query to read/write data?

From the Bigtable paper I've read, I understand that Bigtable data is split into multiple tablets. It follows a 3 tier hierarchy. The file location of the first tablet/Root tablet is obtained by ...
shashank93rao's user avatar
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Why is the order page on my WooCommerce store so slow?

Since WooCommerce 8.9 came out, I've noticed a big slowdown when I click on an order page from WooCommerce -> Orders in my dashboard. I have a big store with many orders, and it takes many seconds ...
O. Jones's user avatar
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Substract values dictionary from another dictionary's values

I have a coffee machine that gives a user 3 options to choose from: espresso, latte, cappuccino. The ingredients and cost of the chosen item are stored in a dictionary in the variable MENU. After the ...
gringocoder's user avatar
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3 answers

Mocking useStorage() using @nuxt/test-utils

The goal is to write a test for a function that uses KV storage, under the hood provided by Nitro, in the Nuxt app. On the client side useStorage() is automatically imported. When writing a test, ...
kotkifotki's user avatar
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2 answers

Comparison of .NET Key value pair Collections

I write in C# and am faced with the requirement of storing/retrieving a large number of string Key Value pairs from disk. To minimize the total amount of Ram consumed by the application, I would read ...
NoumanQ's user avatar
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JSON From HTTP Print Value With Python

I'm grabbing JSON from an http link. I can print the entire json string, and I can print all of the key values. What I'm trying to do is to get only certain values based on an ID. Json output: { &...
Phillip Pacier phipac's user avatar
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How to list all entries in Deno KV?

I don't see an example on Operations | Deno Docs. I don't know where I've missed.
Ooker's user avatar
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How does bulkload in databases such as hbase/cassandra/KV store work?

I understand from that we can process data into HBase data files and ask hbase to bulk load the data files ...
Jing's user avatar
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Getting values of my_dict and assign them to a variable called my_values

Please can someone help out. I tried to assign values I got from my_dict to store in a new variable my_values and it is giving me error. See below what I tried to do: my_dict = {"key_1": 1, &...
IWeli's user avatar
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DynamoDB table model code supporting design with more than one sort keys

I'm working with a DynamoDB table where each partition key is associated with multiple sort keys. I need to fetch all items in one partition key. I understood that I would need to get List of these ...
J Mas's user avatar
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custom `prefix_extractor` per `ColumnFamilyOptions` in RocksDB

I am looking for a way to have a fixed size prefix for one specific column family in a RocksDB database, as this column family will be used to implement a join index between two existing "full ...
lurscher's user avatar
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iCloud Key-Value storage does not work for users with full iCloud

I have a flutter app I developed and some of the users cannot use our backup system which uses iCloud Key-Value storage. These users all have one thing in common. Full iCloud. If they turn off the app ...
1210saad's user avatar
-2 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to keep track of an object-property's value-history, like memorizing and recalling any of its recent values?

Say I have a method that changes a value based on what the current value is. I will just make it very simple here: changeValue(){ if(!this.value){ this.value = 'value1' } else if(...
Scandidi's user avatar
1 vote
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Balancing LSM key-value storage access between users, and 'hanging' problem

Typical LSM key-value databases like goleveldb are unpredictable in throughput. They can write a big batch of data into L0 but then get 'stuck' until all so called 'compactions' are finished. In my ...
Roman Maltsev's user avatar
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What is the best open source software to store and access data from 1MB to 10GB size key-value-based?

I'm searching for an open source software to store data from 1MB to 10GB key-value-based? In average an entry will have a size of 500MB. It should run in a Docker container with a mounted volume as ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Select blob keys by prefix in Cassandra

I am using a Cassandra-compatible database (that is ScyllaDB) I use it purely as a Key-Value Store with keys and values being Blob, that is Vec<u8> type. That is, it is created by CREATE ...
Mathieu Dutour Sikiric's user avatar
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Do memtables ever actually use trees over skip lists?

I keep seeing articles that mention how memtables are usually backed by a self balancing tree like AVL tree or red-black tree. Examples:
jmtt's user avatar
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How to append the list in a dictionary into its own column?

I have a dictionary with lists as values as you can see here: my_dict = {1: ['Home', 'Stories'], 2: ['Sounds', 'Stories', 'Home', 'Home', 'Stories'], 3: ['Journeys / Series', 'Journeys / Series', '...
Sophie Martusewicz's user avatar
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Statically allocated, optimizable, sparse key-value store in C?

Let's say, I want to use 16-bit unsigned integers to describe some category (say, as in the example below, fruits); and: I want to specify a total of all these categories first, - and then choose a ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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Which is the correct way to define globals values for labels in React?

im trying to search how to define a dictionary of labels values for use in all the pages of my React app, i dont know which is the correct way or the best practice for that. Im thinking something like ...
Dr oscar's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Internal working of DynamoDB while Querying [closed]

How does read query works in dynamoDB? I know that it internally calculates the hash based on the partition key and finds out the in which partition the item is present. After finding the partition ...
umamahesh bodanapu's user avatar
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For loop not saving to dataframe

First question here, I hope it makes sense how I write this out. I am searching a massive lists of emails, and if they are found in google (I am in germany, thus the german in the strings) updating ...
Luke's user avatar
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How are keys locked in KV Stores?

I am building a distributed KV store just to learn a little bit more about distributed systems and concurrency. The implementation of the KV store I am building is completely transactional, with an in-...
Gabriel Garcia's user avatar
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How to delete entries in DynamoDb having a specified prefix

In BatchWriteItem we can do only DeleteRequest and PutRequest and DeleteRequest is only about a single key. However, we may want to delete all keys having a specified prefix. The expensive solution to ...
Mathieu Dutour Sikiric's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I store and retrieve form values as data in local storage, and then display them in the UI?

I want to store the input values from a user, that is its name, age and gender to local storage and then display it to UI. What happens right now is that after displaying a newly registered student at ...
Azongo Ismail's user avatar
-1 votes
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Put multiple values with same key in one row

I have such result: {'name': name1 , 'pic': pic1} {'name': name1 , 'pic': pic2} {'name': name1 , 'pic': pic3} {'name': name2 , 'pic': pic4} {'name': name2 , 'pic': pic5} {'name': name2 , 'pic': pic6} {...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

At each form submit how does one put a new data item into local storage?

I want that every time a form is submitted, a new equipment with the equipment number as KEY is created in the local storage. E.g. LocalStorage: Key: Value: E123456789 ordernumber: 456, date: 05.11....
silvermir's user avatar
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Xamarin.iOS/How to retrieve a record from CloudKit by using only the Key

I was reading the Xamarin iOS documentation about CloudKit but it seems is not clear enough how to get the values of a specific record. In the code below is what the documentation says how to fetch a ...
Pavlos Mavris's user avatar
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1 answer

How to total up values from dictionary when creating a new list

Stock = { 'apple': .40, 'cheese': .90, 'banana': .60, 'pear': .60, 'steak': 3.00, 'salad': 1.00, 'ketchup': 1.00, 'wine': 5.00, 'beer': 4.50, } shoplist = [] for ...
veryconfused's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is DynamoDB a wide-column store?

Sources indicate that DynamoDB is a key/value store, document store, and/or wide-column store: At the core, DynamoDB is a key/value store. If the value stored is a document, DynamoDB provides some ...
rinogo's user avatar
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I want to get a key as input and a comparison of key value in if condition

It shows KeyError: ('Black in Black', 8.5) album_rating={"Black in Black":8.5,"Believer":6,"SmackTac":7,"You":9} a=(input("Enter the name:")) For a ...
Hehe's user avatar
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RocksDB: range query on numbers

Is it possible to use RocksDB efficiently for range queries on numbers? For example if I have billions of tuples (price, product_id) can I use RocksDB to retrieve all products that have 10 <= price ...
collimarco's user avatar
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KeyStore service with hard limits

I'm putting together a datastore technology that relies on a backing key-value store, and has Typescript generator code to populate an index made of tiny JSON objects. With AWS S3 in mind as an ...
cefn's user avatar
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Convert list of values to a key value json

I'm trying to convert a list comma separated IP values (,,, xxxx,xxxx) to a key value json so that at the end of all I can have a file with the structure below. { ...
Brayhan Castro's user avatar
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Is there a way to extract the Key and Field values from a dictionary into separate variables?

I have a dictionary with items that look like this: {'33515783': [('ID', '33515783'), ('Location', 'madeuptown'), ('Address1', ' 1221 madeup street')],..etc Is there a way to have the Key values (...
CatDad's user avatar
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How to define a simple KVStore effect 'mtl-style'?

I have experimented a little with the polysemy library and enjoyed working with the KVStore k v, which is simple abstraction of a Key-Value-Store. Now I was wondering how I would define a similar ...
Lando-L's user avatar
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How to create a key value pair from two values [duplicate]

I'm returning key-value fields from the database, how do merge the two values into a new key-value pair? { "conditions": [{ "key": "target_condition", &...
htatd's user avatar
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How do I assign a value to a word?

I'm creating a calculating list for the user to select from such as: pepsi, sprite, coke and after user selects their fav drink, it will calculate: the calories(they all have diff. calories) + plus ...
input600's user avatar
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leveldb why do we need sequence number

the sequence number does give a versioning information, but why do we need that? The SST structure itself already tells you which one is newer and which one is older: when we do compaction, record ...
Ziqi Liu's user avatar
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Why MapDB is slower than LMDB and RocksDB?

I am testing the read performance of MapDB, LMDB and RocksDB. I am inserting 762207 data into these databases and trying to read a value from the databases using JMH(Java Micro Harashment). These are ...
Awdsa's user avatar
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How MapDB is different from other Key-Value store like RocksDb and LMDB?

I am testing the benchmark results of LMDB,RocksDB and MapDB. MapDB has an implementation to access the store (HTree and BTree) but other database doesn't provide any. Does this provide any ...
Awdsa's user avatar
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Eviction of data from Kafka key value state store

I am performing aggregation using kafkaStreams which actually keeps all my aggregated records into a keyValue state store against a specific key which i am generating to uniquely identify that ...
pranayd's user avatar
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Using hashmaps and matching values

I re-made my code a bit to make it more clear of my scope. Hope it's more understandable now! I also added in-code instructions to make it more understandable! Essentially I want to match the 2 ...
Josef M's user avatar
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How do I read and write to the google cloud datastore?

The documentation in google cloud's datastore section is very confusing to me. I was under the belief datastore may be used as a key-value storage. (Similar to mongoDB) But I guess I misunderstood how ...
Y the tinker's user avatar
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Python Dictionaries where the keys are from a list

How can I print the certain values of a dictionary,where I should iterate it’s keys from a list? F.e. -> I have a list with codons: [‘AUU’,’GGG’], and let’s assume that auu and ggg is defined in a ...
Ogulcan Bozkurt's user avatar
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How can I create a dictionary from an unordered list, where the list contains the keys which are then followed by multiple values?

I have multiple list which are ordered like the following list: ['SNOMEDCT:', '263681008,', '771269000', 'UMLS:', 'C0443147,', 'C1867440', 'HPO:', 'HP0000006', 'HPO:', 'HP0000006', 'UMLS:', 'C0443147']...
M.J.1990's user avatar
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How key-value data storage (e.g Redis) store and query data

I'm curious about how key-value data storage store their data and query on it. Normally, when give it a key to query, it will need to loop through the data and find the matched key then get its data ...
Quoc Van Tang's user avatar
6 votes
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Performance issue in Golang's key-value store (Badger DB)

In badgerDB, we have billions of keys of type string and values of type HashValueList. In our use case length of HashValueList might be in millions. We have to encode key and value in []byte before ...
Vishal Jangid's user avatar
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Design data structure for storing data in key-value databases for blog website

I need to create a blogging website from end to end by using a key-value database as a primary database. But when I create the data structure for the project to store and query data based on project ...
Orange Pumpkin's user avatar
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What is the relation between a nodeId and a key in distributed hash tables?

My understanding of a distributed hash table is that every node can be identified uniquely by a nodeId and can store information, like host, port and values. Every node stores other nodeIds in (a) ...
Marlo's user avatar
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