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Jshell unable to locate a file that it has

I have a jshell in Vscode that opens multiple files which are important for each other , I have the snowflakefractal which extends fractal , when do /open it opens everything fine no errors , but when ...
halasyam v's user avatar
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Stackblitz "Failed to run start command"

Today I wanted to continue working on my Github reposiroty via Stackblitz and ran into some issues. For some reason I'm not able to start the terminal process to start the live server. I need it to ...
UTINNI's user avatar
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Java jdk.jshell.CompletenessAnalyzer

How do you use jdk.jshell.CompletenessAnalyzer ? this class is not public ! I want to implement my own shell with jshell with my own custom commands like /bin/bash . how can implement auto completion ?...
mah454's user avatar
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Why does adding println() at end of printf function not print out the new variable set in Jshell?

When you don't add println(): jshell> System.out.printf("5 * 2 = %d & 8 * 10 = %d", 5*2, 8*10) 5 * 2 = 10 & 8 * 10 = 80$9 ==> jshell> when you ...
r4dii's user avatar
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jshell always exits with zero status code

I use Linux and have noticed that jshell always exits with code 0 even if the java expression is invalid: $ echo "invalid java expression" | jshell - Error: ';' expected invalid java ...
ka3ak's user avatar
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What are rules in casting primitive types in expressions in Java? [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out why some castings work and why others do not. Can you explain to me why some of these examples work and others don't? Setup: I'm using jshell. byte one = 1; one ==> 1 ...
Argos's user avatar
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Cannot execute .jsh file on JShell

I'm a beginner at programming and practicing Java (using MacOS and jdk.17) but have been instructed to use JShell to deal with smaller/snippets of Java code. I installed JShell, opened a text editor ...
user18790606's user avatar
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Why jshell throw Exception at startup at windows when run `jshell` at my home directory?

When I run jshell 17 / 19 in windows powershell at my home dir, i.e. C:\Users\my_user_name, jshell throws exception as following. Jdk 19 installed with oracle win10 msi binary, path updated by $env:...
djy's user avatar
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Windows WSL Ubuntu 22 doesn't recognise the upgraded Java version I installed on Windows

I'm a newbie and am confused over the setup for one of my cs courses. I originally have Java 8 in both Windows and Ubuntu, but then I realised that I need to use jshell for testing in Ubuntu as well, ...
HJ Wang's user avatar
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Add local variable to JShell evaluation context

I'm using jdk.jshell.JShell to evaluate Java code programmatically and I'd like to add a local variable to the active evaluation context, so the value is useable in the shell. I'm instantiating the ...
zdimension's user avatar
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How to use Lombok in jshell?

How I can use Lombok annotation in JShell? I tried * jshell --class-path lombok.jar jshell> import lombok.* jshell> @Data class Person { String name; String address; } | created class Person ...
andreoss's user avatar
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Why does jshell show this number?

I am learning java and this logic makes me feel confused. Isn't here i=20(+1)+20(+1)? Why 41 instead of 42? jshell> int i = 20 i ==> 20 jshell> i=i++ + i++ i ==> 41 See this code run at ...
Jack's user avatar
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How to escape space in folder in JShell /env command in Windows

I am trying to set the external classpath in Java 11 JShell using /env --class-path command in windows OS. When the folder does not have space, it is working fine as shown below. But when the folder ...
Siddarth's user avatar
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What is Java module jdk.editpad?

The JDK ships with a module jdk.editpad that exports no services or packages. The Javadoc describes this module as: Provides the implementation of the edit pad service used by jdk.jshell. But if you ...
Archie's user avatar
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Does JShell compiles statements or directly executes them?

Reading "Learning Java" by O'Reilly and getting familiar with how does the JDK work, I have come upon JShell. However, I'm not quite sure I understand how this REPL works deep down. Does it ...
Kaloyan's user avatar
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What is the difference between "int x = (int) x" and "x = (int) x" in java if I assign "double x = 2.3"?

if I assign "double x = 2.3", what is the difference between "int x = (int) x" and "x = (int) x" ? I'm new to java and use python before, in python, if I execute "x =...
njulhy's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is the Jshell not executing Methods cotaining Enum fields?

I have a simple Class. Zelle is a simple Enum. public class Main { public void getZelle (){ System.out.println(Zelle.RED); } public static void test(){ System.out.println(...
lz01's user avatar
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In Java, what does the / (i.e., forward slash) mean in object references like $Lambda$15/0x00000008000a9440@32e6e9c3)?

In JShell, if I do this: interface Foo { String foo(); } (Foo) () -> "hi" I get | created interface Foo $2 ==> $Lambda$15/0x00000008000a9440@32e6e9c3 From the research below, I know ...
mellow-yellow's user avatar
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Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports jshell

Currently getting an error when I run jshell or jenv shell on macos monterey. jshell jshell The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports jshell. Please ...
MicFin's user avatar
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How do I stop the output from being printed in jshell

How do I stop the output being printed? I don't want it to be like this i=15 $1==15 I just want it to be processed without the output being printed I tried looking everywhere and trying new lines of ...
person_tm's user avatar
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JShell Error when initialize a list: "Expression expected"

I am an absolute Java newbie and just got started learning Java. I came across this JShell functionality within IntelliJ where one can write some quick code without writing any class constructs. But ...
codeedoc's user avatar
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jshell use external dependency from Maven repository

I'd like to use JShell to launch a Class which is contained in a Maven repository: <dependency> <groupId>io.undertow</groupId> <artifactId>undertow-core</artifactId&...
Carla's user avatar
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Why does JShell have an echo in my shell demo?

I am writing a simple shell demo that highlights a problem I am having with JShell. When I pass JShell as an argument to /bin/zsh -c it works fine except for the fact that my Process echoes back ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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Java Jshell keyboard macros

I have been reading the Oracle Jshell User Guide, one feature of Jshell Hotkeys escapes my grasp, the so called keyboard macro function, by definition it sounds quite useful, you should be able to ...
DHC19's user avatar
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How to set lineeditor to vi-mode in JShell

How to set lineeditor to vi-mode in JShell? The setting set editing-mode vi is in both $HOME/.inputrc and $HOME/.jline.rc, but it seems like Jshell does not respect any of them.
FooBee's user avatar
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Can't press enter in jshell on Linux-terminal

I'm using Xubuntu. When I start jshell in the terminal, I doesn't recognize when I press the enter key. Every other key gets detected normaly. Any suggestions how to fix that?
Sandmann's user avatar
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How to use jdk.compiler module in jshell

my jdk version is 17 and i want use class, My startup parameters are $ jshell --add-modules jdk.compiler then i typed import
ght ggg's user avatar
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execute eval string jshell beanshell

In most of scripting/interpreting programming languages such as python or JavaScript, there is/are a/some method(s) to execute a string in runtime just like a code. For example: eval("int i=5;&...
Maj's user avatar
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Why jshell allows non-final free variables in lambda expressions?

In a .java file, following will not compile: class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 0; Runnable r = () -> System.out.println(x);; ...
Mahek Shamsukha's user avatar
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Unexpected Type Error when using Unary Operator --

I am learning Java and am experimenting with the unary operators --expr, expr--, and -expr. In class, I was told that --3 should evaluate to 3. I wanted to test this concept in the following ...
Tech320's user avatar
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Java downcasting with two different subclasses

I am learning Java and have been playing with up and downcasting in my command prompt using the classes I defined in Eclipse. I am working with three classes that I included here, and my question is ...
Tech320's user avatar
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Jshell displays mess code when invoke it from Powershell

I am working in Win10 build 19041 with "jshell 16.0.1”, when try to invoke interactive Jshell from command line, it display as: ~ λ jshell | ???? JShell -- ?? 16.0.1 | ????????, ???: /help ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Java 16.0.1, Jshell.... no text visible when entering commands in CMD

I have Java 16.0.1 installed on my windows 10 laptop. I am going into the command prompt and launching jshell. This starts correctly and displays the correct version. However, anything i type is not ...
P Patel's user avatar
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Set Output Stream of specific JShell

I have a code : public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World from main!"); JShell shell = JShell.builder().build(); ...
Jaysmito Mukherjee's user avatar
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What other than java.lang packages are imported automatically in the JShell?

I've observed that in the JShell session, not only package "java.lang", but quite a few other packages (that are not imported automatically in the Java class files, e.g. LinkedList, Math and ...
Giorgi Tsiklauri's user avatar
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Installed Java 11, opened Jshell, command typed is not shown and hitting enter does not do anything

I uninstalled Java 8, installed Java 11 configured environment path. Opened command prompt in administrator mode, typed jshell which opened jshell and shows following text: C:\WINDOWS\system32>...
Sanjay Sah's user avatar
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JShell throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on startup

I'm trying to start a jshell on Debian 10 buster. I've downloaded jdk-16_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz from Oracle and unpacked it into 'jdk-16' in my home directory. I've set the PATH and JAVA_HOME: ~$ export ...
Alex Sveshnikov's user avatar
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How to get the value passed to a variable?

I am trying to evaluate a code snippet that has variables initialised to a value. Is there a way to get the field values using java? For the below code: public void testArea(){ int length = 5; ...
Rakshita's user avatar
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Cursor movement keys not working properly in jshell on macOS terminal

In the following start to a snippet I had typed some nonsense asd that I then hit backspace to overwrite: jshell> void asd$<3$<3> As can be seen instead of backspace I got $<3 . Right ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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jshell classpath in Windows

I have a list of JARS in a directory and I need to add then to JShell classpath. I was trying to avoid typing each individual JAR file name and using wildcard "*" by CLASSPATH environment ...
SRaj's user avatar
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Why using System.loadLibrary() doesn't seem to work on jshell command prompt?

Consider the simplest possible example of using JNI consisting of a C file #include <jni.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <syslog.h> JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_example_hi_sayHi(...
VZ.'s user avatar
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In JShell, How to evaluate whole java code?

I'm using the JShell API to run Java code. However, I got an error when I run a whole code. For example: import jdk.jshell.JShell; var code= """ void hello(){ ...
Rahman Usta's user avatar
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JShell no longer prints output on next line after JDK update

Before updating JDK, any output in JShell would be automatically printed onto the next line. However, after updating, all the outputs are immediately printed onto the same line. This makes it ...
Type Definition's user avatar
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In JShell, how to load Java code from a string?

I have implemented a method that generates Java code: public static String generate() { ... } It returns Java code as a String, i.e. I might get "public class X { public static String x() { ...
Lorenz Leutgeb's user avatar
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I'm trying to print out prime number but not sure what's wrong with my code

My code void printPrimes (int max) { boolean prime; for (int n = 2; n < max; n++){ prime = true; double maxF; maxF = Math.sqrt(n); for (int f = 2; f < ...
Faraj's user avatar
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Is it possible to emply Jshell whithin org-babel

In the Jshell, we could interact with codes as: jshell> 60 * 60 $1 ==> 3600 However, the arithmetic expression should be encapsulated in class when using org-babel. #+begin_src java :classname ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Run echo example from Jshell [duplicate]

I read such a command line arguments example: public class Echo { public static void main (String[] args) { for (String s: args) { System.out.println(s); } } } It ...
Wizard's user avatar
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How do you load an external file in JShell?

JShell is the interactive REPL command line for Java. If I have a Java class with some methods that I would like to play around with interactively in a .java file, how do I load that file in? Let's ...
ziggurism's user avatar
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Problem with jshell on intellij IDEA on the terminal

I have a problem with jshell on intellij IDEA on the terminal for type curly braces, when I select alt gr + shift and the brackets, the terminal don't create a curly brackets but say, press tab again ...
gabriele bovo's user avatar
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Getting JShell UnresolvedReferenceException when trying to use methods from external library in the image created with JLink tool

I created an application using the JShell API and I'm loading some external libraries using the method addToClasspathand I'm using JavaFX for the GUI, additionally I'm loading some snippets from ...
LuisOsv's user avatar
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