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How to integrate jshell with Spring Tool Suite or STS?

I have a project using the Jdk 9 library in STS or Spring Tool suite. Now what do i need to do to integrate or work with jshell from within the STS/eclipe?
KayV's user avatar
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Running Java 9 jshell in Eclipse [duplicate]

How can I run Java 9 jshell in Eclipse? I want to easily run simple snippets of code directly in Eclipse IDE. I already tried to run jshell as an 'External Tool' configuration in Eclipse but when ...
vladul's user avatar
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Is it possible to use sysout without class and main method in Eclipse IDE using Java 9?

As Java 9 introduced the concept of JShell which enables us to write code without creating a class and a method, is it possible to use this feature of Java 9 in eclipse ?
A_J's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError while trying to use jdk.incubator.http.HttpClient in java in Eclipse Oxygen [duplicate]

Here is the code snippet that I use: HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient(); HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(URI.create("")).GET().build(); HttpResponse....
Kavitha Karunakaran's user avatar