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How to disable logging in jline3?

I need to disable logging there I tried creating logback.xml <configuration> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <...
Kristiano Odadu's user avatar
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Up arrow based command history in console input (Java)

I am currently using: Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; To get user input in Java, but I want to add a way for user to use previous command easily. If users presses UP key it should show ...
Norbiros's user avatar
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Spring Shell integration with IntelliJ console

I'm using Spring-Shell v2.1.4 with IntelliJ Utlimate IDE. If I use a Flow component in a shell method I find that it does not work when launched within IntelliJ but works fine from a plain Bash ...
D-Dᴙum's user avatar
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Spring Shell components don't show up

I'm trying to use the Spring Shell built-in components StringInput, PathInput, ConfirmationInput, SingleSelect and MultiSelect. Each time I try and use one of these by executing the run() method they ...
μ-the-ultimate's user avatar
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Why does jline's TerminalBuilder not accept function call?

Please dont ban me for this question, i am a noob and i have googled this for hours now. To make a console based Snake Game, i plan to use the jline Libary. However, when i try to call "Terminal&...
Alwin Schneider's user avatar
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Jline with completion candidates having space giving unexpected output

I am using Jline 3.21.0 and trying to run a simple test with reference from Below ...
Amol B's user avatar
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Sending commands to external program using JLine reader not working

I have a program that runs another Java program and sends commands to the program but it doesnt detect the commands. The program I am sending to the commands to uses JLine so I think that is the ...
JustDoom's user avatar
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Minecraft like console in java

So I am working on a http server app thing, and I need to make a inbuilt shell for some stuff (like minecraft). I tried a lot with jline but cannot get a proper prompt without the logs messing up the ...
EkaSaffronGaruda's user avatar
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Running jar results in ClassNotFoundException (Gradle)

So I'm relatively inexperienced on how gradle works, and I need some help getting my jar working. My application generates some files through the terminal. However, when I try to run the jar, it gives ...
seriouslyForWhat's user avatar
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How to set lineeditor to vi-mode in JShell

How to set lineeditor to vi-mode in JShell? The setting set editing-mode vi is in both $HOME/.inputrc and $HOME/.jline.rc, but it seems like Jshell does not respect any of them.
FooBee's user avatar
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jmxterm: "Unable to create a system terminal" inside Docker container

I have a Docker image which contains JRE, some Java web application and jmxterm. The latter is used for running some ad-hoc administrative tasks. The image is used on the CentOS 7 server with Docker 1....
Danila Kiver's user avatar
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JLine not showing chars after using readChar()

I tried to make simple keyboard tester in java so i use Jline for reading chars without pressing ENTER, but when i try to read line from Console it's not showing chars. I tried to use diffrent version ...
atomwoz's user avatar
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jline problems with escape character in completion

I am working on a project with jline version3 in java but in completion, I need to have "else if" but it puts \ to escape space as an escape character and I don't have any escape character ...
radinParsaei's user avatar
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Single title in JLine 3 help output

How do I customize the help command in JLine 3? The help in my JLine 3 shell sample displays as: manager> help System: exit exit from app/script help command help Builtins: ...
Jan Nielsen's user avatar
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How to run interactive bash using Java ProcessBuilder API?

I am trying to start bash using java ProcessBuilder API: code: public class BashExecutor { public void executeCommand(String[] command, Consumer<String> consumer) { ProcessBuilder ...
vkp's user avatar
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Why does my command prompt show no characters entered?

When I execute my program and I read with either jline's ConsoleReader or with the BufferedReader the text I enter is entered but not shown. For example I type asd, my Console does not show asd, but ...
DasBabyPixel's user avatar
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Fuse dead after restart

I rebuilt my docker with Fuse (Red Hat Fuse (7.0.0.fuse-000191-redhat-1) ) on Centos 7, and everything is broken now. I didn't change anything. Could a yum update cause this? Exception caught while ...
djb's user avatar
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JLine autocomplete not showing and running onComplete after pressing enter

For some reason, my multithreaded netty server won't work with autocomplete on Windows to be specific (in my original testing linux worked fine) I found terminal console appender and jansi to be "...
Fern's user avatar
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JLine system terminal issue

I have a problem with JLine 3.9.0. I created a terminal Terminal terminal = TerminalBuilder.builder().encoding("UTF-8").system(true).build(); First of all it shows a lot of errors, to be precise: ...
Eno_'s user avatar
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Jline Terminal Writer Outputting Wrong Formatted Output

We're having some issues with the Jline library terminal when trying to use it's writer. When we try to write a string using the terminal writer's print statement, it's appending characters around the ...
Alok Nath Saha's user avatar
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Java : Jline3 : Autocomplete with more than one word

I would like to auto complete using more than one word, for example: > we can<TAB> welcome_trashcan pecan_seaweed yeswecan canwest So all the suggestions should contain both of the ...
lepe's user avatar
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JLine3 "Unable to create a system terminal" after build

I just tried to implement JLine with Jansi, but it throws always the same UnsupportedOperationException referring to org.jline.terminal.impl.jansi.JansiSupportImpl#winSysTerminal. Inspecting this ...
Felix Gaebler's user avatar
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sbt jline dependency not found

In my local repo for scala/scala github project(here), jline dependency is set as 2.14.5. I change it to 3.1.3, but dependency is not resolved when I try to build the project. How to get it resolved?...
Mandroid's user avatar
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How can I make JShell stop wrapping lines back on themselves?

I'm using JDK 9 build 179 on Windows 7. I've got the "Screen Buffer Size Width" property of my Windows 7 command shell, set to a large number because that's the way I roll. That works fine normally; ...
javaContractor's user avatar
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How to display command history with jline3?

I want the most recent command entered to be displayed when the user presses the up arrow key. The Terminal is defined like this (Scala code): val terminal: Terminal = TerminalBuilder.builder ....
Mike Slinn's user avatar
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Obtaining the collection of jline3 commands from a TreeCompleter

I have a TreeCompleter (Scala code) which works as expected: val treeCompleter = new TreeCompleter( node("bindkey"), node("cls"), node( "custom", node("Option1", node("Param1",...
Mike Slinn's user avatar
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How to display all commands using jline3

I have a TreeCompleter (Scala code) which works as expected: val treeCompleter = new TreeCompleter( node("bindkey"), node("cls"), node( "custom", node("Option1", node("Param1",...
Mike Slinn's user avatar
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Java Mockito stuck at doReturn of singleton method

I have a singleton class to help me reading input from the console: public class IOHelper { public org.slf4j.Logger logger = Logger.logger; //JLine public ConsoleReader cr; private ...
pszent's user avatar
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How to tell Java to use jline3

Scala newbie and following this blog to use sbt (I have a little Java experience using Eclipse). sbt is working, however I must have the ncurses issue described here. Instead of downgrading ncurses I'...
wbg's user avatar
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Detect Ctrl and Alt keys at a Java console

I'm currently using JLine ( to read characters from the console in Java one at a time. Terminal terminal = TerminalFactory.getFlavor(TerminalFactory.Flavor.WINDOWS); ...
Femi's user avatar
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how to deploy java application with native code from 64 bit windows to 32 bit windows?

i hope caps lock haters are now pleased and in paradise. as you can see, all letters are small. enjoy yourself. anyway, i have a question about java. i have application written in java which uses ...
SYOB SYOT's user avatar
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Java Console Application with jLine

I have a multi thread java console application. One of the threads is reading input from the user while other prints to the console some data. The problem shows up when the writer thread print ...
Bünyamin Sarıgül's user avatar
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Set terminal background color with Java

I have a Java program that uses JLine2 to handle input and output on the console terminal. For aesthetic reasons this program works best if the background color of the terminal is white. So, Is it ...
dariober's user avatar
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JLine 3 - Keep the prompt always at the bottom

I want the prompt to display at the bottom of the page every time. I have a GIF of that: The prompt not displaying properly The code is that for read line: @Override public void run() { while ((...
Clément alias w67clement's user avatar
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"Bad File Descriptor" exception because of using nohup

My application can be launched via Terminal in linux OS as shell executable file. I have no issues while executing it normally, however when i execute it along with 'nohup' command , it logs below ...
shardul's user avatar
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Scala -jline file completer causes file not found (linux)

I'm seeing something very bizarre in this piece of code. command match { case "q" | "quit" => done=true case "f" | "file" => { // console_reader.addCompleter(...
TLOlczyk's user avatar
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Java Command-Line App with own prompt [closed]

I'm writing a JAVA-Console-Application. After the user started the jar he should get a Commandline like the Linux shell, where he can enter commands. This is something I never programmed before. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Use JLine to Complete Multiple Commands on One Line

I was wondering how I could implement an ArgumentCompleter such that if I complete a full and valid command, then it would begin tab completing for a new command. I would have assumed it could be ...
flakes's user avatar
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jline2 print "^J" when it should print "\n" on a telnet console

I am using JLine 2 (v2.13) in conjunction with a Socket IO to create an admin console for my app which can be accessed via an ordinary telnet client. However I found it prints out strange symbols when ...
Gelin Luo's user avatar
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How is CTRL+C handled in jline2

I had a hard time trying to understand how is CTRL+C handled in jline2. I found in consoleReader.readline an exception will be thrown if handleUserInterrupt is set to true. But I wonder before this ...
pythonician_plus_plus's user avatar
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Bug in JLine2? ConsoleReader.clearScreen

EDIT: This feature only occurs when I invoke the clearScreen method of ConsoleReader! Any other changes don't have an effect. Is this then a bug in JLine2? JLine2: Why, when I run this, do I get two ...
jdurston's user avatar
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How to set filecompleter for every command arguments in java jline ConsoleReader?

I need to add file names completer for every command parameters. ConsoleReader consoleReader = new ConsoleReader(); consoleReader.addCompleter(new FileNameCompleter()); consoleReader.addCompleter(new ...
Supun Induwara's user avatar
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Use inputrc inside sbt

I would like these settings to work seamless in my shell as well as in sbt. Is there something special I need to do to get these working? My ~/.inputrc: \C-Space:complete \C-i:menu-complete "\C-f": ...
gdoubleod's user avatar
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Usine JLine2 with SocketInputStream

I am currently trying to include the JLine2 library (version 2.13) for the custom telnet implementation, but, I cannot get it to work. I am creating a ConsoleReader with: ConsoleReader reader = new ...
Stanislav's user avatar
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Readline support when running programs in Eclipse

I've just started using JLine for console input in my programs. In a bash shell, this works great. In the Eclipse Console view, nothing useful works - no history, no command completion. Is there a ...
mo-seph's user avatar
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JLine: File Completion doesn't work on Windows

I want to use JLine to build a simple CLI. But I ran into a problem. File name completer doesn't work properly on Windows. When I enter 8> first C:\ and press tab, completer do nothing although it ...
Alex's user avatar
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How do I get ANSI bright colors to work in the windows cmd?

I am using java, the jline library and jansi. I have regular colors working just fine, either using \u001B[32m for example, or Ansi.ansi().fg(Ansi.Color.GREEN). However, I cannot seem to get the ...
MrZoraman's user avatar
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zookeeper client does not provide CLI with "jline support is disabled" message

I just brought up CDH 5.4 and installed zookeeper. I used zkCli successfully many times before. This time the command line launch stops before getting to the prompt with Welcome to ZooKeeper! JLine ...
bhomass's user avatar
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JLine2: Is it a bug in completion mechanism or not?

Here is my Java code. public class CompletionTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(); Completer nil = new ...
barbara's user avatar
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IntelliJ IDEA doesn't intercept JLine code completion in bebug mode

I tried to run simple Java application wich is used code completion. When I run it in separate console it works like a charm. But when I try to it via IntelliJ IDEA, then my IDE doesn't intercept code ...
Alex's user avatar
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