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Playwright Junit file into X-ray

I am able to generate a results.xml file using playwright execution and also upload to JIRA. However, my screenshot/video from the execution are not reported back into X-Ray. I can see in xml file, ...
Libra's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Provide data from Jest test cases to reporters

I have a question regarding Jest, Junit and XRay. I'm looking for a way to provide testcase metadata to jest-junit reporter or any custom reporter. The end goal is to be able to provide testcase ...
Antoine J's user avatar
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Upload multiple Iteration statuses into same Jira Xray ID with JUnit XML

I'm attempting to upload the iteration statuses of an X-ray test case which has parameters from a Data Set. I'm using the Jenkins pipeline with the XrayImportBuilder plugin. Before uploading the XML ...
Nipuna Madusanka's user avatar
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Multiple Jenkin execution results in replacing the result values in XRay issue

I am trying to integrate Junit, Jenkins with Xray such that post automation it has to update the Xray test cases. I have specified the dedicated Test Execution value so that after every execution, ...
Gagan changappa's user avatar
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2 answers

Importing Testim Junit xml to Xray failed with message Error creating issues in Jira

I'm trying to import JUnit XML generated through Testim with Jenkins and received following error. Starting XRAY: Results Import Task... ########################################################## #### ...
Nipuna Madusanka's user avatar
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Reference Jira Requirements in Go tests

We are using test automation in Go We are using XRay to manage our tests in Jira In our CI/CD pipeline, we are running gotestsum to create JUnit test output in a results.xml file In our CI/CD pipeline ...
GermanAndy's user avatar
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Erros custom field importin Junit XML with Xray and Jira

When I try to import my XML from Junit I get the following error {"error":"Error creating issues in Jira! - Field Customer is required., Field Travelio: Dimension is required."} I ...
Roberto Teresa's user avatar
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User-friendly vs. generated name and classname in JUnit XML for import to XRay

Using pytest-bdd with the JUnit argument to produce a nice JUnit XML report. I then use a cURL command to import the test to XRay, the Atlassian Jira extension. Jira is running on a server running on ...
Guy's user avatar
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Importing JUnit XML to XRay using the REST API - What is the Root Cause for "Error assembling issue data: Field customfield_11033"

Based on documentation here, I tried to import my JUnit-style XML using the following inputs. curl -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -u mylogin:mypassword -F "[email protected]" ...
Guy's user avatar
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2 votes
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JUnit 5 report to json or test runner with json reporting

I have a test documentation tool which accepts reports in XML and JSON. I need to attach screenshots to every test case even the passed ones. Unfortunately, the tool (xRay for Jira) can only digest ...
Vlad Titov's user avatar
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Jira Xray missing Results Output

I am currently exporting my jUnit test results to Xray via REST API V2. All is fine and as expected, except when a test fails there is no error logged, the Output field is blank: I am importing the ...
Lewis's user avatar
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How to import Jira X-Ray data without creating new tests

My team is just getting started with X-Ray, and we are setting up our pipelines. However, while doing this I noticed that if I submit a Junit xml file to X-Ray via the REST api, it will create new ...
caffein's user avatar
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3 votes
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Merging surefire JUnit reports

I have a Java project, which consists of loads of maven modules and a considerable amount of unit/integration tests. The project is configured to create test reports via the surefire plugin. Now this ...
droeder's user avatar
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