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NetBeans IDE 11.2 java application (jframe) export

I created a java application (jframe) in NetBeans IDE but I am struggling with integrating it on my website. I am a complete novice in java but instructions I found on official NetBeans website and ...
duda13's user avatar
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not able to display frame when i click on jbutton image

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import javax.swing.*; /*<applet code="Olyproex" height=650 width=1450></applet>*/ //button create in ...
Pooja Chawla's user avatar
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Trying to switch from applet to JFrame

So I'm making a game and I want to switch it from an applet to a JFrame, as all my other classes use JFrames. However, I keep getting a bunch of run-time errors that I do not understand whatsoever. I'...
EkLuthra's user avatar
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Displaying image over image Java

How do I display an image over another image on either applet or jframe? I know for one image in applet is this: Image Bendy; Bendy = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "Bendy Icon.PNG"); g.drawImage(Bendy,...
DigiLei's user avatar
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Extending JFrame Creates New JFrame Object

I've been creating a fairly complex applet using JFrames extending other JFrames on NetBeans and I'm having issues with accessing data from previous JFrame screens. Looking at the diagram below: My ...
Molly Taylor's user avatar
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How to display JFrame application in browser without Applets

I'm currently developing a 3D game in Java using JFrame. I want to make the program playable through a browser, which I had heard could be done using the Applet class. However, I've just discovered ...
lorsque's user avatar
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How can I convert a Java Desktop Application to a Applet to show it inside a my website

I have programmed a Dice Game for a School Project. It has four different JFrames Login, a main Game screen, a console view and a Winner "Popup". What I want to do is deploy it onto my website. I ...
Callum Stringer's user avatar
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Moving Ball in GUI

How can I make by pressing left and right buttons moving the ball? Here is the code: private JPanel panel; private JButton left; private JButton right; private Container c = ...
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Using Appletstub I created AppeltEnvironment and initilized applet but I keep getting Invalid Stream Header

I have followed below link answer: Scenario: I am replicating Website Applet behavior in my Java program, website is
AnkUser's user avatar
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Add JApplet to JFrame

I'm attempting to make a drawing application kind of like Microsoft Paint within Bluej, and I'm having a problem with figuring out how to add my JApplet to the JFrame. I've looked at other questions ...
Mathew's user avatar
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graphics in java, differences between jframe, jpanel, canvas, applet

I have some doubts programming graphics in java, can you help me? now i always use (in PC with windows) a class that extends from jframe, and i override the paint method, even i use doblebuffer, etc. ...
Guillermo's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to make GUI work in web browser? [closed]

I am writing a program for my school final project. I wrote the whole project with frames, only to find out it needs to be an applet. So I tried converting everything but it does not work. Source ...
Brandon Ball's user avatar
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Array Index Works in JApplet but not JFrame

I am trying to create an integral calculator that displays a random polynomial, a random interval, and the definite integral of that polynomial of the random interval. I previously wrote the code ...
awdreg's user avatar
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Converting J frame to JApplet

I have created a java code (jframe) but i'm trying to convert it to applet so it can appear on a html webpage. Having difficulties converting as I am not too familiar with java coding. Here is the ...
Andre Robinson's user avatar
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Applet to JFrame Error

I have looked at other questions like mine but they can't seen to help me with the current errors I am getting. package ss; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event....
Joey402's user avatar
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Converting From an Applet to a JFrame

I made a shooting game where slimes randomly appear and you have to shoot at them. However it was made using an Applet, and I'm having trouble embedding it into a webpage. So I resorted to trying to ...
Joey402's user avatar
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Why does my code not work when I'm adding my panels onto a container but it works when I use JFrame? [duplicate]

As it shows on my code, I'm trying to make a simple JApplet with two JButtons and a JTextfield (which I haven't gotten to). Whenever I place everything on a container, I get a NullPointerException ...
Abigail Lo's user avatar
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How can I call jframe from applet on trigger of a button [duplicate]

I am new to java programming and I wish to know how can I call jframe F1 from applet code which is below: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { str=ae.getActionCommand(); if(...
Prateekgcs's user avatar
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Navigating through an applet with Card Layout (Need some guidance and code fixing)

First of all I would like to say that in terms of my java knowledge I am a total beginner. So, I am developing an applet which would have different pages using Card Layout. I managed to gather some ...
darijus's user avatar
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Transparency of JLayeredPane in JFrame

I'm trying to add an overlay to an Applet, displayed in a JFrame. The Applet is on the content pane, while the overlay is on the JLayeredPane of the JFrame. Here's what it looks like visually The ...
MadsPH's user avatar
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How to Convert Applet to JFrame [closed]

This is Our code for our game. we had it as an applet viewer before and we tried converting to jframe but it keeps giving us ClassCastException errors. Please help us convert from applet to jframe. ...
SWAG's user avatar
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My Window is Forced to Maximized on Java Applet/JFrame

I've tried running both an Applet and a JFrame following certain YouTube tutorials, but when they run on my computer, they ignore the size I specify for the window, and forcibly open maximized and ...
hihipriz's user avatar
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Panels showing on Applet but not on Application mode

I'm trying to finish homework given to me, I was asked to create a "painter" that paints rectangles and circles, with the ability to remove them using the minus button etc.. The last task was to make ...
Django Freeman's user avatar
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Hiding Applet Viewer which was started by Java Web Start

I have an applet which is opening by Java Web Start. Java Web Start uses applet viewer to display my applet. As soon as applet loads it opens a JFrame. And user interracts with the JFrame. Applet on ...
e13420xx's user avatar
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Java - Applet to Executable Jar Wrapping

I have written a Java XML Parser as an Applet. It is looking and functioning well enough in this form. My Question, Is if I want to run this without a browser, how Would I properly wrap it to run as ...
Busturdust's user avatar
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Changing from JFrame to JApplet

I'm trying to change some Java applications that I made using JFrame to JApplets so they can be placed on a website that I am also trying to make. I am just wondering what needs to be changed in my ...
lilscarecrow's user avatar
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Java applet in JFrame graphics glitch?

So I am trying to make a pinball game made as a applet load into a JFrame. The applet loads into it no problem but when i run it flickers and glitch out. Thanks in advance! Jframe class: import ...
Zackc95's user avatar
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Why my program works on JFrame but not on JApplet?

I've got a project in Java (developped with Eclipse), in which I use some Swing components. At the start, I worked with JFrame : I created a new class herited from JPanel (PanelTr), added in it my ...
Malik's user avatar
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How to move graphics based on input from arrow keys? [duplicate]

I am making a graphics where the circle should move with arrow keys but I checked my code yet can't find the problem. The applet is working and initializing but the circle is not moving when i pressed ...
anon's user avatar
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2 answers

JMenu appearing behind JFrame

I'm making a Java Applet in Eclipse IDE. I have a JMenu and a JFrame. The menu is appearing behind the JFrame for some reason.. like this: Here is where it is calling it: public Main() throws ...
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how to align multiple jpanels under each other

in the below code i am trying to create tabs. 1-according to the code below, the jlabel the contains the word "Demo", at run time, it does not show up! why that is happening and how to force that ...
Amrmsmb's user avatar
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Link an Applet and JFrame at the same time?

I have two java classes. One is a JFrame that displays the methods from the applet. I want the TollboothDisplay java to change whenever the Booth applet is ran. Here are both of the programs. ...
user3776741's user avatar
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Convert JFrame into JApplet

I want to convert my project that extends JFrame in an applet in order to run it on a web page. Can someone help me and tell me how I can do this? Post here a fragment code of the project: import ...
Francesco Fiore's user avatar
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8-puzzle images java Frame

I get nullreferenceexception in my UI code. idk what the problem is yesterday its works have changed some stuf and now it doesn't work anymore i think its something where i create the buttons can ...
Jan's user avatar
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Write a program in java to make a circle move with your mouse

I've tried writing it in first Applet and it worked but I used repaint() method just after drawOval line and it was flashing too much that I cant see..Please help me to fix it. import java.awt.event.*...
amber's user avatar
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JFrame opens in Server Machine instead of Client

We are using JFrame in our Application to communicate with Signature Pad. We are done with the implementation of it. When we are trying to test ,after deploying to QA Server, we came to know that, ...
aravind sivaraj's user avatar
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Drawing table in Applet

I am trying to programmatically set table in my Applet program. I tried the following code, it works fine. But, This is opening new window and then drawing the table. Can I have sample for drawing ...
Stella's user avatar
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Converting JFrame code to JApplet [duplicate]

So I'm honestly not too sure how to use applets, but my code: How do I convert my JFrame code into JApplet?
Axel Persinger's user avatar
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JFrame to Applet trouble

I have been trying to turn my Frames into applets, but I still cannot get them to run properly in BlueJ...I'm new to this still, could I please have some troubleshooting and help in my conversion ...
user3872950's user avatar
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opening JFrame from applet

So I programmed am applet that makes a ball roll in circles for ever, and I wanted to make the user decide what speed the circle should roll in, but something failed when I added the JFrame: applet(...
Random User's user avatar
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How to change my code from applet to JFrame?

Really need help!!! wondering how i could change my applet into a JFrame. Im not liking the applet the guy used in his tutorial and i would like to switch to a JFrame. I am very new to java and yes i ...
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Start: Applet is not initialized in Java application

Friends I am writing a simple Swing Application. But when i am run this, "Start: Applet is not initialized" window is shown. My main class is import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Main { public ...
Haris K.A.'s user avatar
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Made a .jar file of an app I made using JFrame in java. Which works 100%. But when I have it loading from a website, its just a blank white screen

So as I tried to describe in the title. I made an application that works 100% when compiled, and also when opened with the .jar file I made for it. So my next step was to run this from my online ...
Corey's user avatar
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Adding JFrame to JApplet

Can I add program based on JFrame to JApplet ? How can I do that, when I try to do it like: public class Test extends JApplet{ public void init(){ JFrame frame=new JFrame(300,400); add(frame);...
user3407967's user avatar