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How do you provide an ObjectMapper (or JsonMapper) in tomcat 11

I have a very simple REST app using JAX-RS, Tomcat 11, and Weld for CDI. It is pretty straightforward with only the following (ie no web.xml or context.xml): Class which extends
William Speirs's user avatar
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CDI Weld3.1.6 configuration on Tomcat9 does not work

I'm struggling to create a jsf2.3 project using Weld3.1.6Final and deploying it on target runtime Tomcat9 running with java8. Dinamic web module versione 4.0 Configurations: java 1.8 JavaServer Faces ...
Andrea P.'s user avatar
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CDI for RESTEasy Application & Resources doesnt work in Tomcat 10.1.17 with Weld 5.1.2.Final

I'm trying to get CDI to work in RESTEasy resources in Tomcat 10.1.17, but it eludes me. Deploying to a Tomcat 10.1.17 container using JKube 1.16.2 RESTEasy 6.2.8.Final for Rest services support Weld ...
Oberon's user avatar
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RESTEASY003190: Could not find constructor for class

I'm trying setup a very basic tomcat 10+Resteasy 6.2.8.Final+CDI (weld 5.1.2.Final) (the latest as I'm writing) The documentation:
Bruno Rozendo's user avatar
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Basic Weld example with Embedded Tomcat not working

I am trying to use Weld with Embedded Tomcat (10.1.5) using a basic example and settings from official weld docs. This weld injection with same code works fine with Tomcat on Eclipse. However, on ...
newuser's user avatar
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Weld 3.8.1 CDI 2.0 on Tomcat 9

I followed this tutorial to setup weld on tomcat. I'm using Netbeans 12 IDE and project is web application with ant. Running tomcat is 9.0.50. To my project I added dependency weld-servlet-shaded-3.1....
drewpol's user avatar
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jakarta.faces.FacesException: Unable to find CDI BeanManager- weld tomcat 10 and JSF 3, JDK11

I am to set up a Skeleton with AdoptOpenJDK 11, tomcat 10.0.8, Jakarta EE9, weld and primefaces 10 jsf I have seen several posts regarding this issue and have tried all the fixes but do not seem to ...
megan eisenbraun's user avatar
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Dependency injection not working as expected (Tomcat9, Weld, RESTEasy)

I'm building a Java web application based on JAX-RS running on Tomcat 9 and I'd like to use dependency injection for instantiating objects. Strangely, when I use @Inject inside a Listener class (class ...
Adam's user avatar
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BeanManager is not boud in this Context

We took ownership of a java web application that current runs in WebLogic. We're now trying to deploy this in Tomcat using OCP. When we drop the .war file into the Tomcat/webapps directory, the ...
escee999's user avatar
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A reconnecting websocket can't connect to the server with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() being resolved to null

I have a plain Tomcat 8.5.47 having the following dependencies installed. <dependency> <groupId>org.glassfish</groupId> <artifactId>javax.faces</artifactId> &...
Andrew's user avatar
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Weld, Tomcat: missing "beans.xml" in META-INF

I know many similar questions have already been asked (ex. this, this, etc.), but none of them could help me, so I decided to bring it up again - been struggling for hours and I've really run out of ...
tyrrr's user avatar
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class not found in war but is available

I have a war that I try to run under Tomcat but I get an error stating that a class is not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.weld.proxy.WeldConstruct When I check the exploded war I ...
Milo van der Zee's user avatar
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Failed to use Injection point in rest service

public class ApplicationBinder extends AbstractBinder { @Override protected void configure() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(...
Alex Roy's user avatar
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Tomcat 9.x + weld - using an injection point for Constructor

I use Tomcat 9.x and Weld 3.x. The injection points for the field and for the setter work fine. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>javax</groupId> <...
Alex Roy's user avatar
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WELD is not injecting object

I've got a jsf-hibernate application running on a Tomcat v7.0 Server and my problem is that the service is never injected to the handler, so I get a Nullpointer at getService().testMethod1() in the ...
JavaMan's user avatar
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Server Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost failed to start - JSF, CDI, JAVA, TOMCAT, ECLIPSE

Good afternoon, I have an integration problem with Tomcat and CDI. I have read a lot of posts on stackoverflow and many other websites. Heres is my bean: package org.servidor.beans; import
AlbertoJV's user avatar
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Tomcat, WELD 3, CDI 2, WeldTerminalListener

Trying to set up a maven web project with CDI 2.0 which should run on Tomcat 8.5. So I have to install the jboss WELD 3. What is the relation between Weld, CDI and Java EE versions? With the POM ...
Jens Fuchs's user avatar
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How to configure Jersey 2.16 on Tomcat 8.5 + Weld 3.0

I'm currently running Jersey 2.25.1 in a Tomcat 8.5 container with Weld 3, but fail updating to Jersey 2.26. The problem seems to be the changed hk2 integration. If I try to use the old way, simply ...
balta's user avatar
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error deploying Jersey+Weld webapp on Tomcat 8 or Jetty 9

I am getting the following error while deploying a webapp with jersey 2.2.6 and weld 2.4.6-Final Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.weld.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/...
Saasira's user avatar
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2 answers

Bootstrap Weld in a Spring Boot environment

Does anyone know a way to bootstrap Weld in a Spring Boot Jar application with embedded Tomcat. I have tried to use org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.Listener with import org.jboss.weld.environment....
Josep M Beleta's user avatar
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CDI 2.0: How to check how many asynchronous events fired with Event.fireAsync() can run simultaneously

I'm writing a REST web service using Jersey, CDI 2.0 (Weld implementation) and Tomcat. The goal of the webservice is to launch long computation tasks that can be running for several ...
Bartek Małachowski's user avatar
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How add transactional services in Tomcat 8 + Weld 3.0 (CDI 2.0)?

I have Weld/CDI installed and working correctly in Tomcat except on startup it says transactional services are not enabled: org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.WeldStartup.startContainer WELD-000101: ...
Don Rhummy's user avatar
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What is the Maven dependency for Java EE7 and CDI 2.0?

I'm using JavaEE 7 but I want to use the CDI 2.0 API (with Weld and Tomcat, Jersey too). When I have the following Maven dependency, it uses the old CDI API for Event (so no fireAsync): <...
Don Rhummy's user avatar
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Bean Validation (ConstraintValidator) + CDI + Tomcat 8: HV000028: Unexpected exception during isValid call

In a JSF application running on Tomcat: Using @Inject in a ConstraintValidator results in a javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000028: Unexpected exception during isValid call. Elsewhere in the ...
jhead's user avatar
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Can't make weld scanning beans

I must have missed something but I can't make Weld working ! It's a simple webapp, one servlet, one service (that i'd like to inject in the servlet) here are the files : pom.xml <dependency&...
Seb's user avatar
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java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager$ProvideMetadataToAnnotationScanTask.initializeIvars after adding Weld

I am trying to use OmniFaces for converters. However it will not initialize. I am running eclipse on Ubuntu. I have not implemented any converters or any other OmniFaces code in the project yet. But ...
user2130951's user avatar
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Included CDI-enabled Servlet Fails with ContextNotActiveException: WELD-001303:

I am writing a CDI application that runs on Tomcat. I am using Tomcat 7.0.62 with Weld 2.2.12.Final as the CDI implementation. I am using CDI without JSF. The application consists of a dispatcher ...
Scott Nicklous's user avatar
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How to configure Weld in Tomcat for CDI? [duplicate]

I used Netbeans. This is what I did. I used Maven dependency. org.jboss.weld weld-osgi-bundle 3.0.0.Alpha8 Now, as stated in their official documentation, I created Web Pages/META-...
Rockink's user avatar
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Named Bean not injected into another named bean

I am trying to inject a named bean in another one. When I try to access properties of the injected bean , it returns null which means that the injection fails. Here is the first Bean: @Named @...
Chouch's user avatar
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WELD-001201: Error loading beans.xml + Tomcat 7.0.59

I have one application using CDI with weld 2.2.9.Final and embedded Tomcat 7.0.57 and everything works fine. After upgrading to embedded Tomcat 7.0.59, when I'm starting my application I got the ...
Nykolas Lima's user avatar
8 votes
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WELD-000227: Bean identifier index inconsistency detected - the distributed container probably doesn't work with identical applications

I am using tomcat v7 with Weld v2.2.9.Final and myFaces v2.2.7 after restart server in eclipse IDE and reload page I getting this error. I have no clue why this error appear to me. It has to be ...
Milkmaid's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Singleton is not set at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.helpers.IsolatedStaticSingletonProvider$IsolatedStaticSingleton

I was created a JSF application using JBOSS tool and it worked fine.Then I added some libraries to my WEB-INF > lib folder and now it says an error as follows.What is the reason for it? INFO: Server ...
DnwAlgorithma's user avatar
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Tomcat Weld error - WELD-000341 - Unable to load current conversations from the associated request

I am using Tomcat 7 + weld-servlet-2.2.3 and weld errors are occuring too frequently. Errors like: WELD-000335: Context is already active and WELD-000341 - Unable to load current conversations from ...
Paramesh's user avatar
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HTTP Status 500 - WELD-000335: Context is already active

I am using Tomcat 7 + weld-servlet-2.2.3 and this Context is already active error is frequently occuring in the website. I am using three filters: org.jboss.weld.servlet.ConversationFilter and org....
Paramesh's user avatar
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Error deploying MyFaces CODI + Weld + JSF in Apache Tomcat 7

I'm new using JSF and I noticed that the JSF doesn't provide some useful annotations, like @ViewAccessScoped (CODI). For use the CODI, I need to use the CDI dependency, so I configured my project with ...
daniel souza's user avatar
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The part interface is not working with JBoss Weld in Tomcat 7?

I wrote code to get part data from a Servlet request for file upload, but the part list returns zero size. I use JBoss Weld in the JEE project. But if I remove the Weld configuration from the web.xml ...
samik's user avatar
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Tomcat 7, Weld, RESTEasy not Scanning JARs

I have Tomcat 7.0.47 and I'm hosting a REST Easy JAXRS service. The service uses two external JARs, one that has a base repository interface and default implementation and one that creates a concrete ...
Kevin Jones's user avatar
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Why Weld says "Injection into Listeners is not supported" on Tomcat?

I have a web project using Resteasy (which in turn uses Weld) and is deployed to Tomcat 7.0.22 (I put the specific version here in case this issue is particular to this version). I have a ...
stackoverflower's user avatar
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BeanManager on Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 cannot create resource instance

running on: Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 OmniFaces 1.6.3 JSF Mojarra 2.1.26 CDI Weld 2.1.0.Final Threre is an RuntimeException on Apache Tomcat 7.0.47 by accessing JNDI "java:comp/BeanManager". The CDI ...
user2967758's user avatar
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PicketLink/JSF Error SecurityConfigurationException

I have just started working on Picketlink for my JSF application. I copied the code from this source. I had to make a few changes, such as removing the Singleton and Startup Annotations from the ...
thomas77's user avatar
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Tomcat with unpackWARs="false" fails to deploy CDI Weld based application

I'm a java developer and I'm working on a java based web application project. We're using tomcat 7.0.40 application server. Since I migrated the application to support jsr299 provided by jboss-weld 1....
abertschi's user avatar
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Injecting EntityManager with a producer in tomcat

I am running a project using Hibernate and Weld CDI on tomcat 7. I have write a ServletContextListener to create the EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager during application startup. public class ...
Yashar's user avatar
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tomcat 7.0 + JSF + CDI support in intellij idea

I get this error during tomcat load: C:\Projects\asdf\ejb7\out\artifacts\ejb7_war_exploded\WEB-INF\lib\weld-se.jar) - jar not loaded. See Servlet Spec 2.3, section 9.7.2. Offending class: javax/el/...
Stepan Yakovenko's user avatar
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Attempting to use Jersey (JAX-RS) and Weld (CDI) in Tomcat 7. Getting noClassDefFoundError for javax.annotation.ManagedBean

I'm trying to make Weld work with Jersey on Tomcat 7.0.34 but seem to be running into this issue. The actual exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/ManagedBean but I'm not ...
Steven Bakhtiari's user avatar
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CDI not working when Injecting in Generics class - Java

I'm having problems with CDI on tomcat. That's some relevant part of my code: public class JPAUtil { private static EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("unit"); ...
Montolide's user avatar
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CDI Injection Outside Filters and Servlets in a Servlet 3.0 Container

I finally decided to have a look at Weld in Tomcat. When I deploy my app I see in the log: "Tomcat 7 detected, CDI injection will be available in Servlets and Filters" How can for example create an ...
Met's user avatar
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Useful environment for CDI / weld web-applications

I am new to weld and consider what environment is useful for a web-application using CDI (Weld). I want to use JSF or Wicket for presentation and JPA/Hibernate for my persistence layer (including ...
mastercrusty's user avatar
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Using CDI (Weld) in Tomcat with simple POJO classes

After 2 days of debugging and trying I have no other idea than asking you for a solution. I want to use CDI (on JEE6) in a Tomcat WebApp with only simple plain old java objects (yet). As far as I ...
Bert Speckels's user avatar