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JasperFillManager.fillReport() of jasper is taking time due to which overall pdf performance is slow

Input to jasper is in JSON format and the data is sent via jsonQLDataSource. We are using jasperSoft Studio 7.0.1 application to create jrxml files with latest jasper libraries 7.0.1. We are using ...
Sweta Shrivastava's user avatar
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Conflict config java (jvm) variable of Environment when install jasper integration

i install oracle apex in my pc and install java i set this variable in Environment Name : '''JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS''' value : '''-Dconfig.url=C:\Oracle\ords''' but when i install jasper apex integration ...
Ameer's user avatar
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"JasperReports: How to Prevent Repeated Text in Detail Section When Using a Table in the Summary Section?"

I am using JasperReports to generate a report, and I have encountered an issue where text in the detail section of the report is being repeated for every row in the table within the summary section. ...
Vasileios Maziotis's user avatar
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How to make elements of a JasperReports template slide down along the page if content above occupies more than one line [duplicate]

In my Jaspersoft Studio template I have elements like: Number: $F{number} Description: $F{description} Code: $F{code} Purpose $F{purpose} ... number, ...
John Garez's user avatar
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How to properly set up radio buttons on pdf exported from jasper reports?

I'm creating a report which is a pdf with form inputs. I use jasper reports library version 6.20.0 <dependency> <groupId>net.sf.jasperreports</groupId> <artifactId>...
Antonio E.'s user avatar
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Can we set the height and width of a text element in JasperReports using parameters or fields?

I am working with JasperReports and need to dynamically set the height and width of an image field based on parameters passed from the backend. I tried passing the width and height so the image gets ...
Jayesh Soni's user avatar
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How to export to pdf file using jasperreport version less than 6.21.2? [duplicate]

Right now, my frontend use a plugin for digital signature, it works well with backend. I want to use jasperreport in backend to create a pdf file but when I use it, the plugin below raise an error, it ...
Nguyen Duc's user avatar
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Jasper soft report expression to get comma separated string from object array parameter

I am trying to get a comma separated string from a parameter I am passing into my jaspersoft report. This is what I have tried but jasper studio says the expression is invalid. Please assist. ...
Emz's user avatar
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C# devexpress Printing Stocks in GridView1 List with Linq to Sql

I want to print the stock list that I have displayed in a gridview1 via devexpress report. I can print a single entry with the code I gave. It does not show records other than the first record on the ...
Web Delisi's user avatar
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Fontconfig head is null, check your fonts or fonts configuration

I created a report in jaspersoft, I've an application in java that execute this report, my application run on linux debian the problem is that I am receiving error of fontconfig. I did the ...
Cezar Apulchro's user avatar
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How to render nested tables in Jasper reports from JSON source?

I have a JSON like this { "details": [ { "name": "Name 1", "head": [ { "isin": "...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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How to show Cyrillic letters in PDF [duplicate]

How to use Cyrillic characters in Jasper reports? I see fonts in preview mode, but when generating in code - no. I have already checked the built-in font box and connected the font. Dependency: ...
Grodasan's user avatar
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The type java.lang.String cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files error with JasperReport in Netbeans [duplicate]

I use JasperReport Plugin(iReport-5.6.0-plugin) in Netbeans19.I tried to compile .jrxml file but The type java.lang.String cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files ...
rosemary's user avatar
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JasperReports Dynamic number of subreports

I have a JasperReport with subreports, but I need that the first subreport appears as many times as a param I'm passing to mian report. For example, I have a report with only one subreport and the ...
daniel-lopez's user avatar
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JsonQLDataSource cannot be resolved to a type

I am trying to create a pdf using jasper soft studio 7.0.1 and java code which is using jasper report library 7.0.1. I want to use JsonQL data source but i am getting error in my java code. ...
Sweta Shrivastava's user avatar
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Shrink frame when blank lines are removed (or expand frame based o numer of lines) iReport 5.6.0

I have six lines of two textfields inside a frame plus a line of totals above them. I used frames so when one textfield expands the other moves vertically with it. I also have a round rectangle that ...
Maur's user avatar
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How to print page number to other language in Jasper Report by Jaspersoft Studio?

In Jaspersoft Studio, I generating my jasper report. So now i want to print page numbers in the report to other language. I can't found actual solution yet. Right now, I'm using "পৃষ্ঠাঃ "+ $...
CodeForFood's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to change the position of jrxml elements from java class?

File jrxmlFile = new File("E:\\JAVAFX Project\\Report\\src\\Reports\\firstReport.jrxml"); JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load(jrxmlFile); JRDesignStaticText staticText = (...
Sudip Das's user avatar
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In my main report, how do I reference to a field that lives in a subreport?

I'm trying to print a message on my main report based on an existing value that comes from a subreport. I tried adding the field to my main report with the same name, however it says that the field ...
user14415653's user avatar
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Subreport Only Displays Last Row in Main Report in JasperReports studio

I am working with a main report in JasperReports that includes a subreport to display elements from a database. The subreport fetches the data correctly and works fine when run independently. However, ...
dev's user avatar
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Cannot cast from ByteArrayInputStream to String trying to load an image at jasper report

I'm trying to load an image at my report through an expression but im receiving the error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:...
Val Lins's user avatar
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How can I create a dynamic report where the columns fit the page width?

How can I make the columns in this dynamic report in JasperReports, which are already placed horizontally, adjust to the page width, regardless of how many columns are sent, since the exact number is ...
Joel Gonzalez's user avatar
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Jasper Report : Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file On server

Issue: JasperReports compilation error on server but works fine on localhost I have a problem when trying to generate a report using my application on a server. Everything works fine on my localhost, ...
SP08AL's user avatar
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How can I use parameter for lineColor in JasperReports?

I would like to declare a parameter/variable in JasperReports to pass in for color hex code. So far I have not been able to. for example :lineColor="#215995" is repeated 180 times. And it is ...
Erhan's user avatar
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When opened in Excel, there is no display of data in the ods file generated in JasperSoft

I make reports using Jasper Soft - I make tables, generate jrxml, calculate data and fill in this template. public static void exportToOds(List<JasperPrint> jasperPrints, ByteArrayOutputStream ...
Анатолий Захаров's user avatar
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Jasper Reports: how to pass JSON as InputStream using REST API

I'm trying to pass JSON string as InputStream to Jasper Reports template using its REST API and can't make it work: sometimes template is just empty (no data), sometimes has null values, sometimes I ...
Artemoon's user avatar
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how to display count value at above every bar chart in ireport jasper

i have make new bar chart. but i want to display the number of count at above every bar. How to do that? This is bar chart without count at above i want like this: The every bar have own count based ...
Naim NSCO's user avatar
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Jasper Reports et Report design not valid : The summary section and the margins do not fit the page height

I have a big report that consists solely of a looped set of nested subreports. Essentially it can be thought of as a list of subreports which I generate in a loop and embed in the main report ...
benmess's user avatar
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Jasper Reports can't locate "package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist" while running jar but everything working fine in IDE

While running jar file it is not able to locate jasper related classes/packages but everything working fine locally on IDE. I'm using jasper 7.0.0 jdk 17 SpringBoot 3.2.5 I'm working with ...
Prashant Palve's user avatar
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JasperReports 6.2.1 Retaining Textfield Text Value without default truncation

We are currently using Jasper Reports 6.2.1 due to the restrictions of the current tech stack we are working on. This report will only be exported to the Excel (xlsx) file format. For this report, we ...
Melvin Mah's user avatar
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Cannot download pdf after upgrading JasperReport Library

I am currently upgrading the JasperReports Library from version 6.0.4 to 7.0.0. My system is currently using the following JasperReports libraries: jasperreports-fonts-6.0.4.jar jasperreports-...
JessLim's user avatar
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Jasper Reports - PDF Accessibility for Hyperlinks embedded in StaticText

A .jrxml PDF report uses <staticText> blocks, but the contents may include one or more hyperlinks (<A>) surrounded by text, like the following... <staticText> <...
Bumpy's user avatar
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DynamicReports subreport toimage got width=-1

DRDataSource callDataSource = new DRDataSource("topK", "userId", "seatId", "usage"); DRDataSource textDataSource = new DRDataSource("topK", &...
user26639686's user avatar
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JasperReports lineChart line order

I have a multiAxisChart which contains lineChart and barChart. lineChart contains two series as below and I want SeriesLast to be drawn last overwriting SeriesFirst if some values are same for both ...
itsraja's user avatar
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Why do i see blank page when i generate pdf file form JRXML?

I have two JRXML files: one for the main report and another for the sub-report. The sub-report accepts a list of items that need to be rendered. The problem is that my PDF page is not fully occupied ...
hemkar's user avatar
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Quarkus3 - JasperReports got java.sql.SQLException: Enlisted connection used without active transaction

we updated our application to Quarkus 3 recently and our report module started to crash on SQLException: Enlisted connection used without active transaction. 2024-07-22T21:24:13.597381608Z executor-...
SATISHEK's user avatar
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Why is parameter allowDiskUse is not working in my JasperReport using MongoDB aggregation query

I've created a Jasper Report using an aggregation pipeline from a MongoDB data source and everything was working properly with small amount of data but now that we have more and more data this query ...
Max Athöz's user avatar
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Error in PDF Validation with Mustang: A CIDSet entry in the Font descriptor does not correctly identify all glyphs present in the embedded font subset

I am using JasperReports to generate PDF documents and attempting to validate them with the Mustang library via ZUGFeRDValidator validator = new ZUGFeRDValidator(); return validator.validate("./...
OhJohnny's user avatar
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How to add DynamicJasper report to Jasper Report as sub-report Dynamically

I’m working with a Jasper report in JRXML format, let's say it's mainReport.jrxml. This mainReport contains various fields such as text fields, subreport areas, etc. I’ve add another a subreport in ...
ahasun chy's user avatar
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How can I adjust the text Field to continue in a new line that has a different size from the original one?

I'm working on a report in JasperReports Studio (that has a format type of jrxml) and I need to display my text across multiple lines. The requirement is for the text to start on one line and, upon ...
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Is it possible to generating Excel documents with outline column groups from table components in Jasper?

I would like to create an excel export in Jasper, and I would like to know if it is possible to create groups that can be opened and closed in columns, as shown in the picture. I know that it is ...
SaltySteven's user avatar
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Jasper Reports - How to prevent printing empty page

Jaspersoft Studio 6.20.0 Server 7.8.0 I have a Report with two subreports. The first one can take dynamic hight of the page. The second one is this: <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports....
Frankie's user avatar
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How to specify spacing between two bands in Jasper Reports?

I have this part of jasper reports markup: <band height="15"> <property name=""/> <staticText> ...
Никита Каргин's user avatar
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How to prevent repeating data in JasperSoft TextField when overflow happens

I'm using JasperSoft Studio 6.17.0. I need to make a form that have a table made of TextField on it, and that table takes more than one page to be printed. So, some rows of that table (i.e. TextFiedls)...
Дмитрий's user avatar
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Accessing report parameter in chart Customizer code

I'm implementing the answer here accessing parameter in customizer I defined parameter like <categoryDataset> <dataset> <datasetRun subDataset="...
itsraja's user avatar
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Customizer works with property but not with propertyExpression

Customizing barChart with RangeAxisCustomizer works when using property, but not working when using propertyExpression. Tried like <![CDATA[0.00]] and <![CDATA["0.00"]] . Actually I ...
itsraja's user avatar
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Setting pageHeight for a large Detail band

My JasperReport has the following dimensions. jasperReport - pageHeight 3500 title band - height 260 detail band - height 3000 The detail band contains multiple tables and charts and NO sub reports. I ...
itsraja's user avatar
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Remove border of the Legend of Chart

I have a multiAxisChart with a couple of charts. I wrote a JRChartCustomizer for each chart and tried to JFreeChart.getLegend() which returned null. I tried getting CategoryPlot.getLegendItems() which ...
itsraja's user avatar
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Jasper Reports - How to dynamically set PDF properties in .jrxml

Upon generating a PDF, I can specify the document's Title property in Java, like this... jasperPrint.setProperty("net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.metadata.title", "Report ID "+...
Bumpy's user avatar
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Getting "Error evaluating expression for source text" for parameter declared as String with numeric value

I'm getting an error with unclear root cause net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: $P{account} != null when trying to render a ...
Eljah's user avatar
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