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Google Cloud Vision API Web Detection - Missing Image URLs

I'm using the Google Cloud Vision API's Web Detection feature, but I'm encountering an issue where the image URLs (fullMatchingImages, partialMatchingImages, visuallySimilarImages) are not being ...
Haruka's user avatar
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Image denoising of a grey background with black spots [closed]

How can I highlight the black spots in the image below for detection? I've tried a lot of things, gaussian filter, change of contrast, contour filters... but nothing really worked. Currently, I'm ...
Nathan Cruz's user avatar
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How to Integrate Google Cloud Vision API with PHP for Image Label Detection?

I am trying to integrate the Google Cloud Vision API into my PHP project to perform image label detection. I've followed the official documentation, but I'm running into some issues. Here are the ...
T.I.T Tanmoy's user avatar
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Python tesseract OCR detecting text improperly

testimg.png: I am trying to detect the Text in this image and it gives me nothing, it works for some other text barely. It gives me some of the word replaced with random letters and i have to compare ...
philM's user avatar
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Grid Image Recognition for Board Game

I want to create an automatic scoring app for a board game. The hard part of the app would be to turn this image into a data structure: [ [ { name: "granary" }, { name: "opposite ...
bcgilmartin's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Stable icon recognition by opencv python

I have the following issue: I need to detect icons in an image reliably. The image also contains text, and the icons come in various sizes. Currently, I'm using Python with the cv2 library for this ...
Vasiliy Platon's user avatar
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Which algorithm to use to detect the appearance of sidebar on car multimedia booting?

I need to create a system for detecting the time that elapses between the start of booting the multimedia system in the car until the first appearance of the sidebar on the screen. Sidebar has a ...
filipuncanin's user avatar
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Hough Intersection points

I made a hough transform for car plate recognition. I found some vertical and horizontal lines. I need to make an algorithm such that it will choose the right rectangle shape. I tried to control it ...
preyprey's user avatar
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Optimal autoencoder model for picture anomaly detection

I'm training an autoencoder to detect anomalies among pictures based on the decoder error value. I tried out different ways of image preprocessing, NN architectures, losses, activation functions, ...
Leela's user avatar
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Figures detection in a picture using ML.NET

How can I use ML.NET services to detect different figures inside a picture? For example, detecting squares, circles, triangles, etc. At the end of the process, I should receive a solution like: Number ...
Agustin Barros's user avatar
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How can I use Google Document AI OCR to find the non-text images in a text document?

How can I use Google Document AI OCR to find the non-text images in a text document? I'm using Google Document AI Enterprise OCR to OCR images (scans of old books_, and it works well. The books have ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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How to Read the text from images(OCR) where the font style is 7 segment font

I have been working on extracting text from images, specifically focusing on seven-segment fonts, using .NET. Unfortunately, my attempts with popular libraries like Tesseract, IronOcr and many more ...
Mohammed Noushad's user avatar
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How crop image before Image Classification

I am using MediaPipe to find the breed of a dog, if there is one, in a camera image. I first use ObjectDetector, and if it finds a dog, I send what is inside the bounding box to ImageClassifier, with ...
Bo Hellgren's user avatar
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How can i fix colour detection in my code?

import pyautogui import keyboard import time running = True print("Script will start in 5 seconds.") time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds before starting while running: keyboard....
Legion's user avatar
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Clarifai custom model

I'm trained a custom model for image recognition and it works well along with response of the concept and value i tried to get the custom meta data which i added to the concepts but unable to get the ...
Mahi's user avatar
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Extracting Color Information from a Trained CNN Model

I am currently working on interpreting a trained CNN model used for image recognition. Specifically, I want to understand how color information is represented in the feature vector, particularly in ...
Jalil Nourmohammadi Khiarak's user avatar
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How to extract the line segment information in a picture accurately in Python

I'm trying to get detailed information on each line segment, such as the coordinates of two endpoints and whether it is straight or curved, in a picture in Python. For example, an input image below is ...
Louis's user avatar
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How can I fill missing parts in particle borders, so that these borders/contours form a continous outline?

I have this binary Black Particle Borders image of many non-spherical particle borders/outlines. Unfortunately, due to bad image quality, the borders are not continuous, but have some gaps. Is there ...
carol208's user avatar
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How to find image on screen if there are rapid objects moving over it?

I am currently discovering image recognition and my goal is to get all the informations from the board of a mobile game that look like this : board As you can see, there are 5 different dices, their ...
Loïc Pottier's user avatar
-1 votes
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Program using screenshots on Windows 10 server errors upon SSH disconnection

I have a Python program running on a Windows 10 server hosted online, which locates specific icons using screenshots. The program uses image recognition to identify these icons. However, when I ...
Zale's user avatar
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2 votes
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KerasOCR, EasyOCR, Pytesseract not able to recognize simple numbers

I was trying to run OCRs on my single character images, all being numbers. I tried running EasyOCR, Keras-OCR and Pytesseract on the image, but none returned proper output. I even tried MNIST, but ...
Suvodip Som's user avatar
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Create and display 10-bit images on a 10-bit monitor

As part of a visual recognition experiment, I need to generate 10-bit images pixel-by-pixel and display them on the monitor (10 bits per color). I would like to understand how this can be implemented ...
Irina's user avatar
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how can I improve my traning and validation accuracies? [closed]

I juste trained 3d Resnet50 model on my dataset (I am using the MSR Daily activity 3D which consist of 16 actions and which is relatively a small dataset) and to get better results I traind it using a ...
anya's user avatar
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2 answers

pyautogui not working on MacOS ('<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int')

I`m trying to find an image on the screen using pyautoGUI on MacOS. The code i use is the following: import pyautogui img = 'name.png' img = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(img) Can anyone help me? ...
Lucas Coimbra's user avatar
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Getting "Cannot read property 'fetch' of undefined", while loading "@tensorflow-models/coco-ssd"

I'm developing an application in React Native, the primary purpose of which is to select a video from a gallery and run an object detection model on it. I'm currently using a TensorFlow model named &...
Jasir ullah Khan's user avatar
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I get 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.compat'

Here is the code, from keras.preprocessing import image from keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16 from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input from keras.models import Model import numpy ...
tg7's user avatar
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2 answers

Automatically find a rectangle and crop image to it in python

So say I have lots of images similar to these ones: I am trying to get the rectangle with the numbers inside, its the one with the lighter background, also I would like to get rid of those lines but ...
Anthony Kercher's user avatar
-1 votes
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ReferenceError: Property 'document' doesn't exist

friend. I seeketh thy assistance in recognizing the text from an image. I hath utilized tesseract.js for this purpose. Pray, how may I rectify this matter? import Tesseract from 'tesseract.js'; const ...
coffeeocean's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cv2 is refusing to use imread and TM_CCOEFF_NORMED when trying to compare 2 images (this is in pycharm, python 3.10.1)

I am trying to make a game where the user submits and image and then that image gets compared to a hard coded template. If the images are close enough then the user wins. I coded this segment about 3 ...
Victor Voznyuk's user avatar
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TensorFlow Prediction for each image in a folder

I created a model in TF, it recognizes one image, but when I try to make predictions for multiple images in a folder, I get an error. import tensorflow as tf import os import cv2 import imghdr import ...
Lexuha's user avatar
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Image recognition model prediction always the same for unseen images

I'm working on an image recognition project with a self-created dataset that contains 563 files belonging to 2 classes. I split the dataset into training and validation sets with 395 images in ...
Ayushya Pare's user avatar
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How to improve the digital recognition rate in fuzzy images

I am currently working on some printed numbers on steel plates, using PaddleOCR, but some images are not clear, or the printed numbers themselves are not clear. How can I improve the digital ...
midtlz's user avatar
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Trouble detecting numbers using pytesseract using a pixeled image

I am trying to detect/read the number in the image below. I apply a mask to the image (also shown below), and come back with a rather pixeled set of numbers. The only method for me to retrieve these ...
ymuhamma's user avatar
2 votes
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Object detection or image classification? Training a model to recognize playing cards

I have been experimenting with object detection recently, using Faster R-CNN and YOLOv7 to train models on pre-existing datasets. Using a UNO card dataset I quite accurately detected the type of UNO ...
Pallemann's user avatar
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Pytesseract not giving excpected resaults

using pytesseract for image to text along with some basic image enhancing, Problem is that im getting very weird resaults. Pyton import cv2 import pytesseract import numpy as np from PIL import Image ...
jens's user avatar
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How achieve similar preciseness in Cloud Vision API detection as Google Lens?

I would like to detect different plants via Cloud Vision API. I have previously admired the preciseness of Google Lens when detecting plants, but when I try the same thing via Cloud Vision API, I do ...
Tanel Jõeäär's user avatar
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| ValueError: Input 0 of layer "sequential" is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 28, 28), found shape=(None, 28, 3)

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cv2 as cv import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models fashion_mnist = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist (...
emirgn's user avatar
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Canny edge detector, but only for the object I want

I want to detect only the tray edges in this picture. I tried with the Canny edge detector. It detects edges in the whole picture. What can I do to just detect the tray? I used the code here. I just ...
SILA's user avatar
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API to retrieve images from within an image or pdf

I am looking for a way to extract images from within another image. For example: Here is a picture taken of a paper. It includes text, an image of a camera, and an image of a qr code. Is there an API ...
blueberrr's user avatar
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How do i fix 'Loss is nan, stopping training'?

I've been trying to run an specific proyect ( where i have to run a training model for fruit counting/detection with image recognition. I tried running the ...
Enrique José Carvallo Rioseco's user avatar
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calculation of Detection, Recognition and Identification (DRI) ranges of a camera for different objects

I want to calculate the DRI ranges of a camera using it's resolution, focal length , sensor pixel pitch and target real size. I have these values but I didn't find any equations to calculate DRI range ...
Praneeth's user avatar
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Object Recognition using Python (OpenCV)

I am trying to implement a program where the user inputs RGB values and the program detects number of objects using OpenCV library. I was able to implement the functionality. However, it works with ...
Rohan Sinha's user avatar
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Recognizing black and white images with OpenCV

I have this set of images : The leftmost one is the reference image. I want to have a value telling me how close is any of the other images to the leftmost one. I experimented with matchShapes(), by ...
LelouBil's user avatar
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Can the be used to also plot images?

Usually, we use the line to plot graphs and confusion matrices. However, the official documentation doesn't really specify which types of figures are supported. Can I actually use it for image files? (...
Stayne's user avatar
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How to convert polygon coordinates to rectangle(yolo format) for an image labelling?

I am trying to read water meter reading through OCR, however, my first step is to find ROI. I found a dataset from Kaggle with the labeled data for the ROI. But they are not in rectangles, rather in a ...
Rima's user avatar
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Algorithm for 'pixelated circle' image recognition

Here are three sample images. In these images I want to find: Coordinates of the those small pixelated partial circles. Rotation of these circles. These circle have a 'pointy' side. I want to find ...
user541396's user avatar
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How to find logos on a website screenshot

I'm looking for a way to check if a given logo appears on a screenshot of a webpage. So basically, I need to be able to find a small predefined image on a larger image that may or may not contain the ...'s user avatar
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How do I compare two images and transform them to match?

I am taking two similar images and putting one on top of the other as semi transparent overlay. What I'm trying to achieve now is to compare the difference between them and transform (scale, crop, ...
Afron Orana's user avatar
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How do I get pyTesseract to only get numbers from an image

I've been trying to make a sudoku solver taking an input of sudoku game in png form. I've tried to turn the digits in image into numbers so that I can put them on a list and implement an algorithm ...
Gunay Karaoglu's user avatar
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How to get the Intel UHD Graphics 605 i915 videocard working with Vulkan?

i have an Intel UHD Graphics 605 (i915) and i want to use it with Vulkan/ncnn. The information from this site is, that Vulkan should work with version 1.1.103:
Goofy's user avatar
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