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How to Combine Fine-Tuned Pre-Trained Models on a Custom Dataset in PyTorch?

I have a custom image dataset with 41 classes, and I've fine-tuned this dataset on six pre-trained models: ConvNeXt DenseNet EfficientNet RegNet ResNet Swin Transformers After fine-tuning, I saved ...
MMALI3287's user avatar
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"NotImplementedError: Could not run 'aten::add.out' with arguments from the 'QuantizedCPU' backend" while implementing QAT on resnet18 using pytorch

I am trying to implement Quantization Aware Training(QAT) resnet18 model. While inferring I get this error NotImplementedError: Could not run 'aten::add.out' with arguments from the 'QuantizedCPU' ...
Pavan Varyani's user avatar
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Mismatch in tensor dimensions in BayesianFPN with Reinforcement Learning

I am implementing a computer vision project. I have used an FPN (with ResNet50 backbone) and BayesianFPN in this project. This network is under a Reinforcement Learning Agent. Upon implementation, it ...
Manish Sabnis's user avatar
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FCN ResNet18 low precision on SUNRGBD dataset

I am conducting an experiment, for the purposes of this experiment it is necessary for the resnet18 network to be accurate. The idea is to implement the network on the Jatson Nano microcontroller ...
CupavCups's user avatar
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Exception encountered when calling layer 'keras_layer_1' (type KerasLayer)

I encountered an error while working on a google colab notebook. the error is: ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in <cell line: 17>() 15 model_url = &...
Monisha Basith's user avatar
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How to compute Hessian-vector product over a subset of parameters

I'm trying to get eigenvalues and eigendensity of the Hessian matrix over a subset of (ResNets') parameters. I was using PyHessian Package from Since it's ...
George Lu's user avatar
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Model is unable to overfit, even with a tiny dataset

I'm trying to create a CNN that can predict the position of up to 5 objects. Each point has 4 values: x and y coordinates, a presence value(0 if it's a padding value, 1 if it exists) and a depth value(...
qkasriel's user avatar
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ValueError while loading my Keras model after doing Transfer Learning

I have developed a sign language recognition model using the ResNet50 architecture as the base model for recognizing Urdu sign language. The model architecture is defined as follows: base_model = ...
hyper's user avatar
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Resnet inconsistency between train and eval mode

I'm trying to implement the Resnet in torch. But I found the output of the forward pass varies greatly between train and eval mode. Since the train and eval mode doesn't affect anything besides batch ...
WillWu's user avatar
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Resnet out of memory: torch.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory

I'm training an end-to-end model on a video task. I used Pytorch ResNet50 as the encoder, and the input shape is (1,seq_length,3,224,224), where seq_length is the number of frames in each video. For ...
WillWu's user avatar
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Using pre-trained models to process MRI images

It is known that MRI images are single-channel, but all pre-trained models accept only three-channel images as input. Therefore, I have a question: Should I make a three-channel image from a single-...
Kristian's user avatar
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Using ResNet50 to create a feature tensor of [w, h, f]

I'm trying to implement this paper but I'm not following something in it. It wants me to use ResNet50 to extract features from an image but tells me the extracted features will be of dimension [w, h, ...
user358829's user avatar
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Model accuracy(inference) is almost zero for resnet50 using tensorflow cpp api

I am using tensorflow cpp api to do inference for imagenet 2012 validation dataset using resnet50 model. I have saved the pre-trained model(on resnet50) using model=tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(...
Parveen Duhan's user avatar
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How to Train a Network to Distinguish True and False Outputs from a Pretrained ResNet on CIFAR-10

I'm trying to perform image classification on CIFAR-10 using ResNet. By pretraining ResNet, I was able to achieve a performance improvement of 92% on CIFAR-10. Next, I want to add a fully connected ...
KBL's user avatar
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How to implement Grad-CAM to view activation map/heat maps on TensorFlow ResNet152V2 for image Classification

Hello I'm doing a small project on TensorFlow image classification using ResNet152V2. I wrote a script that's able to train a trained_weights.hdf5 file to successfully predict images ...
unknown name's user avatar
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CUDA Out of Memory Error with RTX 4060 When Training ResNet-18 on 128x128 Images

I am encountering a CUDA out-of-memory error while training a ResNet-18 model on 128x128 images using my RTX 4060 GPU. Despite reducing the batch size, I still face this issue. Below are the details ...
Javad Ibrahimli's user avatar
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Resnet18 model returning 0% accuracy on test set

I have trained a Resnet18 PyTorch model on a set of images for binary classification. I pre-loaded the Resnet18 architecture and trained the model for 10 epochs and a batch size of 4. My training ...
em_'s user avatar
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'items' when training DL dataset made using 'ImageDataGenerator'

I am trying to train a resnet50 model using transfer learning and a dataset containing 40,000 images. I used ImageDataGenerator to prepare the dataset and then used flow_from_directory to make the ...
Ray's user avatar
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Setup a Residual Neural Network block in tfjs tensorflow.js

I am trying to implement the behavior of a ResNet (Residual Neural Network) in tensorflow.js. I am hoping someone who knows what they are doing can point me in the right direction. Would the following ...
Occam's user avatar
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I want to train a resnet 50 model for an image clasification task, how do I modify the layers so that it accepts a 64x64 image?

I want to train a resnet 50 model for an image clasification task. The default model requires 224x224 images, my dataset has 64x64 images and it seems wasteful to first upscale them then train on that ...
Cristian Cutite's user avatar
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Differences on features extraction + logistic regression vs features extraction + dense layer with softmax

I have a small database of images for a classification problem, therefore I opt for the transfer learning methodology. I started with the classic approach in Tensorflow: A pretrained ResNet50 on the ...
Jonny_92's user avatar
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Vector collapse with batch hard triplet mining (Siamese Network)

I am having this problem for a long time while trying to recreate this paper's implementation in tensorflow 2.10.0. The problem is when i apply the same loss and data ...
Sajith 17's user avatar
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Why Do I Need to Retrain Model in Jetson Nano Projects After Kernel Restart or Device Shutdown?

I've been diving into the "Getting Started with AI on Jetson Nano" course and got my environment all sorted out using Docker. However, I've hit a snag - it seems like every time I restart ...
Yahya Haj Ali's user avatar
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What's the correct way of expressing Residual Block with forward function of pytorch?

AFAIK there are 2 ways to express ResNet Block in pytorch: Copy the input in the beginning, modify the input in the process, add the copy in the end. Preserve the input in the beginning, create new ...
amp-likes-linux's user avatar
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Does Grad-CAM++ provide explanations for both classes in binary classification?

I used Resnet50 model in binary classification and BCE Loss as the loss function. The labels were 0 and 1. The accuracy of the model was almost 100% and the class distribution of the test set was ...
user24933696's user avatar
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How come my model in tensorflow.js is not predicting correctly but in python it is? [Resnet-50 Transfer Learning]

I have checked with about 20 images. The same ones for python, and the same ones with tensorflow.js with extremely similar preprocessing. It keeps giving me the 0th class. Here is my python training ...
Brandon Haynes's user avatar
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Training Resnet18 on MedMNIST data problem with datatypes

I want to train a model on the MedMNIST database, specifically RetinaMNIST. I start by defining the data transforms and creating the dataloaders: import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim ...
Tom Liefman's user avatar
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Difference between pytorch timm models for

Pytorch timm model timm.list_models("*resnet18*", pretrained=True) outputs ['legacy_seresnet18.in1k', 'resnet18.a1_in1k', 'resnet18.a2_in1k', 'resnet18.a3_in1k', 'resnet18....
NoviceB's user avatar
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Pytorch resnet wrong predictions

I am using the pytorch resnet for the first time (model = models.segmentation.fcn_resnet50(pretrained=True)) to classify satellite images of land. My goal is to get the percentage of the land covered ...
Jake's user avatar
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Importing and loading images dataset and their corresponding labels to train ResNet50 in Keras

I need to import the dataset images which are in a jpg format and their coressponding labels in a csv file containing your image_name in the 1st column, width and height in 2nd and 3rd columns. How to ...
Hala Mohammad's user avatar
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mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (32x1000 and 512x128)

I am doing an anthracnose disease detection on carabao mango using Google Colab. I am currently using the ResNet18 model with Training, Validation, and Testing datasets. class MangoDiseaseDetection(nn....
kong kwayla's user avatar
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Multi class image classification: Yolov8 much higher recall than Resnet (PyTorch)

I'm trying to do multi class image classification of wood veneer defects. I have 11 classes with 60-150 images per class. (Quite difficult problem since there isn't much data). As reference I tried ...
Karel Debedts's user avatar
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ResNet50 CNN model won't fit

Below is my code for a CNN using ResNet50, I have used it in the past however, I recently changed the structure of the input to the model and I seem to get the following error below. I also printed ...
Anthony 's user avatar
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Working with multiple input data (image, float64 value) on InceptionV3

def inceptionV3(reshaped_images, scores, y, unique_y_values, percentage): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(reshaped_images, y, test_size=1-percentage, random_state=42) ...
user178592's user avatar
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"PytorchStreamReader failed reading zip archive", but downloaded file is correct

I am trying to torch.load a weights file, my_model.ckpt. The model I am working with uses resnet18, so torch.load will download its weights, specifically resnet18-5c106cde.pth, and then use it. The ...
ReoTheYokel's user avatar
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PyTorch training loss is 0.00 and validation Accuracy is 1.00

This is a problem of classifying ischemic stroke, using the ResNet101 pre-trained model, and the data image is processed by wavelet transform. But why is the loss value not 0 only in epoch 1, the rest ...
Yijie Chen's user avatar
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Value for in_feature not changing

I am making a deep learning model using resnet for multiclass classification and in it i am facing the problem of overfitting. To fix it i tried to reduce the layers of resnet and i am facing this ...
whrecker's user avatar
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Validation accuracy going over 100% in Pytorch?

I am currently doing a project where I am attempting to correctly classify images of breast cancer tumors to predict if they are benign (ok) or malignant (dangerous) for which I am using Pytorch. I ...
zkhan122's user avatar
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attention map for an image

I am new to pytorch. I want to use imagenet images to understand how much each pixel contributes to the gradient. For this, I am trying to construct attention maps for my images. However, while doing ...
sindhuja's user avatar
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Can't get torch model to run on GPU even though it's a recognized device

I'm using resnet18 for for grounded image semgmentation but when I pass the input to the model I get this torch error: RuntimeError: Input type (torch.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.cuda....
cudnn_account's user avatar
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freeze some layers in ResNet

I am new to PyTorch and ML programming. I want to train a ResNet for image classification and I am attempting to freeze all layers of the ResNet except for layer4 and FC layers. The following is my ...
sindhuja's user avatar
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Onnx inference differs from Pytorch inference

I trained a custom PyTorch model and it's showing good results, when I exported it to onnx and tried to inference, I got absolutely different results on the same data I pushed to PyTorch. Here is the ...
Rodrick Kalkopff's user avatar
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RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (4) must match the size of tensor b (128) at non-singleton dimension 1

I am new to PyTorch and ML programming in general and I am facing an error while training a ResNet. I first downloaded a CIFAR-10 images from PyTorch datasets and rotated them using a random angle (...
sindhuja's user avatar
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Shape mismatch. The variable shape (1, 1, 256, 512), and the assigned value shape (512, 128, 1, 1) are incompatible

I'm running this code and I have adjusted as shown below: import requests //first block import requests url = '
Nur Laici's user avatar
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Simple ResNet model can not tell if two monotone images are the same color

I was experimenting with a problem training an image comparison model. I simplified it to the following problem. I give pairs of images (3x128x128) to a model. The images are either completely black ...
Th F's user avatar
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ValueError: Invalid dtype: object in Tensorflow

i am training a model on kaggle here is the code, i am having some problem in encoding my data, after multiple attempts i am here # Define transformations ...
Nitin Kumar's user avatar
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Resnet50 for binary classification predicts all the images to be of the same class

I'm working on a binary classification problem using Resnet50 model, the confusion matrix show that the model predict all the images as 0, is there any error on my code ? import os import pandas as pd ...
Hanane's user avatar
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Heat map of an image using ReaNet

I need to make a heat map for one cat from one.jpg to two.jpg (contains many cats) using ResNet and F.conv2d I have the code, but the heatmap turns out completely black and I don't really understand ...
Nick's user avatar
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Is it possible to extract a intermediate layer of ResNet and make feature map which will be used as input of Faster RCNN?

I'm wondering whether is it possible to extract a intermediate layer of ResNet and make feature map which will be used as input of Faster RCNN. I want the same size of feature map from original output ...
codemaniac's user avatar
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How do I combine multiple video inputs into a (2+1)D ResNet

I have developed a v1 of a (2+1)D ResNet which takes in pixel data per frame as an input and is used to predict bounding box coordinates of up to 8 objects in that video. The shape of my current input ...
Ronnie Piku's user avatar

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