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im4java: is possible create a final image using others different images?

My project give me 3 images: track.jpg (background full size) pilote.jpg (40% of full size, position left) car.jpg (40% of full size, position right) Basically I need to get these 3 images resize ...
LeandroPL's user avatar
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Does Img4j place the text as per the resolution?

I come across this Does Im4Java support adding text to images while specifying font, font-size, and color? Does im4j places the text as per the resolution of the image? Ex: 16 pts of a font is smaller ...
testjava dev's user avatar
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How generate tiles 3x3 with im4java?

can you help me with im4java? I need to generate tiles 3x3 from 9 jpg-picture. How do I do it?
Darkin Rall's user avatar
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magick command gives unable to open image error

I am trying to run below command from my command prompt and it gives me following error: magick billadd1.jpg -type TrueColorAlpha billadd2.jpg -type TrueColorAlpha \( -clone 0,1 -compose difference -...
raghu veer Karumuri's user avatar
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Compare two images using imagemagic-im4java and show differences with original image

I am trying to compare two jpg images using im4java and showing difference between them. i have successfully done that but the output of difference image contrast is decreased. but i need to show the ...
raghu veer Karumuri's user avatar
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How to perform "tile:" command with im4java?

I'm trying to use im4java to generate sample image with text on image with the pattern. My code: ConvertCmd convertCmd = new ConvertCmd(); IMOperation imOperation = new IMOperation(); ...
kingkong's user avatar
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when i use imagemagic montage by im4java,the -tile row x clos option throws a file unable to open exception

./magick -version Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-46 Q16 x86_64 2019-05-19 Copyright: © 1999-2019 ImageMagick Studio LLC License: ...
conquer66666's user avatar
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Create Solid color rectangle with ImageMagick

I can not find any command to create solid color with rgb options in Java. I can create it in commandLine like convert -size 100x200 xc:rgb(0,255,255) whatever.jpg from here But how do that in ...
Dred's user avatar
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Applitools: How to implement it?

I would like to implement visual UI comparison but I don't have the idea on how to implement it. Anyone please give some idea on how to implement visual UI comparison. I know that need to compare the ...
nicholas's user avatar
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I need help in replacing white background of a png image to transparent using im4java API not by using the command line

I tried to replace the white background of an image with a transparent one using the below lines, IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.fuzz(0.20,true); //op.transparent("white"); op.addImage("C:\\...
sugeetha R's user avatar
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Imagemagick Im4Java - How to have a caption at one size, on an image of a larger size

I am having a tough time figuring out the sequence of events to have a caption of one dimension. Then have this caption on an image of a larger dimension. Right now my sequence of operations are: ...
Kunal's user avatar
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Unable to access folder location war!\WEB-INF\classes\ in packaged war with Spring boot

I want to access my resource folder path which is inside the packaged WAR created by spring boot. I have looked this link, which is to access specific file at some location but I am looking for just ...
Ravi's user avatar
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ImageMagick unable to find the path of convert.exe in packed WAR of Spring boot

I am using ImageMagick to crop image file. I am deploying packed WAR with ImageMagick inside. searchForCmd() function of ProcessStarted class is unable to find the files of ImageMagick from WEB-INF/...
Ravi's user avatar
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ImageMagick: Im4Java Running from eclipse from MacBook is showing the exception

I'm trying to run im4java to compare the images but I'm getting the below exception message. I have followed the steps to add ImageMagick as in this link:
Siva's user avatar
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Compare cmd class not being identified

I am using the following code to compare 2 image files but even after downloading required dependecies/jar files CompareCmd class is not getting identified and gives compilation error. import org....
RV_Dev's user avatar
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ImageMagick: How can I cut out round from image?

I'm trying to make a round avatar out of some image. How can I cut out round from image using ImageMagick?
Kim's user avatar
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im4java throws FileNotFoundException error

I need to use ImageMagic in my java project. I already installed ImageMagic-7.0.3 on Windows 10 (command line works fine) Then, i added dependency to im4java in maven file. When i try to do some ...
Konrad Dziurdź's user avatar
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im4java convert using Pipes

I'm trying out im4java sample TestCase10 that deals with Pipes. public class im4Test { public static void ...
neon's user avatar
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org.im4java.core.CommandException: java.lang.NullPointerException

m trying to compare two images located under my OS machine. I have ImageMagick running on my os machine. and i m using this method: public boolean compareImages (String expectedScreenShot, String ...
Youssef's user avatar
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org.im4java.core.CommandException: magick: no images found for operation

I am trying to compare two images located under my OS machine. I have ImageMagick running on my os machine. and I am using this method: public boolean compareImages (String expectedScreenShot, ...
Youssef's user avatar
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How to compare images of different sizes using im4java

i have two images I-1 and I-2, i was able to compare these two images using im4java successfully. However now I-1 and I-2 has different size and therefore when i try to compare these two images it do ...
Pawan's user avatar
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Azure : Image Magick gives 0kb output?

I have integrated Image magick with a Java WebApp and have deployed it on Azure App Service. On azure , I am getting 0kb as output image for a image while the same image gets converted fine on my ...
Inderdeep Singh's user avatar
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Error in im4java, Cannot run program "convert": error=2, No such file or directory

I added gradle dependency for im4java 1.4.0. And trying to run the application in my linux system. Here's the Code public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-...
uttam's user avatar
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Image comparison using im4java

public class im4jav extends test{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.get("
Suraj Prasad's user avatar
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Diff two images with im4java and give the number of different pixels as result

I have two images which I want to compare with the ImageMagick Java wrapper 'im4java'. As far I have this piece of code: boolean compare (String picture1, String picture2) { boolean pdfsEqual; ...
Arthur Eirich's user avatar
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Im4Java (ImageMagick) convert 8 bit png to 24 bit png

I need to convert a 8 bit png image into 24 or 32 bit png. I understand the corresponding image magic command to convert this is: convert test.png PNG24:test2.png What ImageOperation property ...
Surya's user avatar
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convert.exe (ImageMagick) showing blank after converting large svg to png/pdf

While converting a large svg to pdf I am getting blank output after converting and the following error. Error in im4java org.im4java.core.commandexception return code:3 I am executing the following: ...
Manjunath's user avatar
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ImageMagick with Grails

I want to use ImageMagick in my Grails application. I am using the following dependencies in BuildConfig.groovy compile('jmagick:jmagick:6.6.9') compile('org.im4java:im4java:1.2.0') however when I ...
Programmer's user avatar
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Composite operation with im4java - imageMagick

I want to use imagemagick/im4java to combine two images into a single image - I have a command that works great in command line. 'composite -gravity center -geometry +25+0 image1.png -compose ...
Programmer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to resize a buffered Image using im4java and get the output as bufferedImage?

When I am trying to resize a image i am getting an exception saying "java.lang.IllegalStateException: no ImageReader for given format". public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { ...
Debojit Paul's user avatar
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batch combine multiple tif in a directory

I have 200x3 tif files in a folder which is to to be combined in multi-page tif files like 1_1.tif,1_2.tif,1_3.tif-->1_m.tif 2_1.tif,2_2.tif,2_3.tif-->2_m.tif .......... 200_1.tif,200_2.tif,200_3....
Arijit Roy's user avatar
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Im4Java - How to make transparent PNG based watermark in corner sized proportionally

I'm trying to create transparent sized proportionally watermark. I've written something like that for beginning. How to make watermark resized proportionally and position it with margins? ...
Michal Zubkowicz's user avatar
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Use ImageMagick as component without installing

I am developing a java application where i require image conversion and I want to use imageMagick for that. I made a java program using jmagick.jar in classpath and then installed imageMagick. Then ...
Umashankar Prasad's user avatar
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crop options in imagemagick?

I'm using im4java api to crop images. I never used command-line for imagemagic. there are function, crop(int width,int height,int x, int y, String special) crop(int width,int height,int x, int y, ...
Muneeb Nasir's user avatar
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resize image to specific height and width value using im4java?

I need to re-size image to any specific height and width value. But I'm not getting resized result. here is my code, please tell me either i'm doing something wrong or missing something. IMOperation ...
Muneeb Nasir's user avatar
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How to get im4java working with BufferedImage

I am using im4java version 1.4.0 to access ImageMagick functionality from Java. It is working well for processing images to and from files. The Developers Guide has a section on using Buffered Images ...
Glennn's user avatar
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org.im4java.core.CommandException: Cannot run program "gm": error=23, Too many open files in system

I use Image4j and graphicsmagick to cut image,but crashed wen i deploye my app in linux. This is the exception: 2015-04-14/15:26:46.712/CST [http-nio-8089-exec-47] ERROR org.im4java.core....
Blast of Tempest's user avatar
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org.im4java.core.CommandException: return code: 137

Now,I am using im4java and imageMagick to deal with pictures. Recently,it always appears org.im4java.core.CommandException: return code: 137 At the same time the Tomcat7.0 that is my Application ...
StackNow's user avatar
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unable to execute compare command of ImageMagick from Java im4java

I am using Eclipse JUNO JDK 7 im4java-1.4.0 When I execute the Java progrm I am facing the below problem org.im4java.core.CommandException: org.im4java.core.CommandException: compare.exe My Code is:...
user2118784's user avatar
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im4java FileNotFoundException

When I use ImageMagick+im4java in eclipse, I always has this error: Exception in thread "main" org.im4java.core.CommandException: convert at org.im4java.core....
Xinyun Lv's user avatar
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Run GraphicsMagick compare command using im4java + gm4java

I am trying to do a GraphicsMagick compare using im4java and gm4java. The GraphicsMagick command I'm using is like this: gm compare -maximum-error 0 -metric MAE -highlight-style xor -hilight-color ...
Chuck L's user avatar
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-define and -limit in Im4java

I need to know how to translate a imagemagick commandline-command into java im4java code commandline: convert -limit memory 40GiB -define registry:temporary-path=F:\\imageMagick Row_1.png Row_2.png -...
Selphiron's user avatar
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get image size with graphicsmagick

for one of my project i am using im4java library and send command through it to graphicsmagick. to get image size : identify -format \"%w,%h,\" test.png i can get size properly till the following ...
kurt_vonnegut's user avatar
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Does Im4Java support adding text to images while specifying font, font-size, and color?

My question is straight forward. I have recently started using Im4Java, an imagemagick java wrapper, and was wondering if the API supports adding text to images. If it does, does it allow the ...
antihero989's user avatar
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im4java can't find GhostScript Library when converting images on Web App

I've recently began to use im4java, a java wrapper for ImageMagick, to convert .eps files to .jpg. My code currently is: public void convertESPtoJPG() { //Env.programPAth: C:\\Program Files\\...
antihero989's user avatar
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Why this im4java gives exception in java

I want to provide my clients the ability to resize and watermark images in an application developed with Java. After searching the Internet, I have provided the im4java library with my application by ...
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How to binarize image using im4java?

I want to turn my color image into B&W. Basically, I want to call this ImageMagick command: convert input.png -threshold 80% output.png but using the im4java library. I'm aware of the ...
justsomeusername's user avatar
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im4java and imagemagick - why gravity parameter is not working?

I'm trying to resize an image using Image Magick through IM4Java library. It works well, except the image isn't centered. I've run these same commands through external command line and they work well....
Richard G's user avatar
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Create a Dicom image

I am currently working with a DICOM project in java. I am calculating the dicom values such as depth, off-axis ratio, width and height. I want to create a sample image with the calculated width and ...
Rohit Rajagopal's user avatar
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Draw a circle using im4java

I need to draw a circle and save it as an image in a directory. I want to draw the image using im4java. I have tried to create, but there is no IMoperation available in im4java. Any help???
Rohit Rajagopal's user avatar