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PHP application slow server response [closed]

I have a PHP application that is being served via a Windows 2019 datacenter using IIS Server Manager. Some random users have been experiencing performance issues when using the application. So, after ...
masterkakashi56's user avatar
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Django: how to reset page URL in a post response?

EDIT 2024-01-12 Don't answer this question. It is probably nonsense. I experimented with Content-Location and behaviour is not what I expected. In addition, it probably varies with browser. I'll go ...
ajlittoz's user avatar
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2 answers

Blob could not be loaded from a localhost as src blob:

I'm having some trouble loading an audio file in WAV format returned from the backend as a Blob in Angular. I have in my services the following: getFileBlob(uniformName: string, path: string) { ...
Vladyn's user avatar
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Typescript and AxiosError: Axios has two nested responses instead of one when there is an AxiosError

My api is working absolutely fine everywhere except when I try to do an if block for a potential Axios error. This is because the status is in response.response.status instead of response.status so ...
Paul's user avatar
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Powershell script to capture the error response and headers of http request

I am getting 403 error randomly for an http request. To test this I am making a powershell script that hits http request and log the error response, headers and error code of all 4XX series errors. I ...
Preethi Ravi's user avatar
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Getting HTTP Error 500 while trying to open URL in python using various libraries (urllib, requests, curl_cffi)

As the title says, I can't seem to manage to get the html from the page below, or any listing from for that matter. I want to scrape some of the text ...
ge0rg's user avatar
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SSE client exception " chunked transfer encoding, state: READING_DATA" or "READING_LENGTH"

We tried to transfer some data from server to client, but saw this error. Any idea why and how to fix it? Caused by: chunked transfer encoding, state: READING_DATA at
Suttonese's user avatar
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Ngrok response status

When I response with status 200 ngrok does not dislpay it, but if I response with ex. 201 it does. I am calling webhook endpoint, which runs some time. Why? 14:58:44.302 CESTPOST /api/WebhookHandler ...
Matjaž Reberc's user avatar
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How to add custom HTTP response to graphql createHandler method?

GraphQl returns 200 even in case of error but with errors object in response. I want to set it to 400. Assume I need to integrate it into createHandler? import { createHandler } from "graphql-...
John Glabb's user avatar
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Firefox HAR export stops working when cache reaches a certain size

I've had problems with HAR file export before: How to make browser developer tools save HAR file containing untruncated response? However, that was about the size of individual response bodies. After ...
finefoot's user avatar
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API client keeps waiting for response until timeout when server side has already responded

I am testing my API server side code in Java Spring Boot. The server side has already responded but the client side keeps waiting for the response body until the client side timeout, server side ...
Paul Chuang's user avatar
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Windows curl strange behavior when redirect

I'm using this version of curl on Windows curl 8.7.1 (Windows) libcurl/8.7.1 Schannel zlib/1.3 WinIDN This works just fine curl -s -L -o out.txt But as soon as i want to get ...
user3715433's user avatar
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why am I getting a HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently response from github pages instead of HTTP/1.1 200 OK

I have a site hosted on github pages from which I share some pages to facebook. Everything has been fine until today when all of a sudden the images that were supposed to appear when sharing a link (...
Fishbite's user avatar
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flask REST-API: Wrong value of number in response

I'm using flask-restx for my REST-API. There I noticed a strange behaviour where a large integer value seems to be returned wrong. I'am using this minimal code snippet to reproduce the issue: from ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Request status Code 200, but getting failed with JSON Authentican error

Earlier we used to run a job via scheduling tool, client had give a website i.,e via Postman it was working and via scheduling tool(redwood). Used to extract the XML data and load to the table via ETL....
user1526892's user avatar
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Get Response on a WCF client that get an HTTP 400 response code

I'm using next code (in .NET 7) as a client to an Java SOAP Web Service that I have no control: namespace ActuacionMov { [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft....
Asier Cayón Francisco's user avatar
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Flutter AuthService Error Handling Not Displaying Correct Message from API

Description: I'm working on a Flutter application where I have an AuthService class for handling user authentication and a LogInScreen for the login UI. When the login fails, I'm trying to display an ...
Muhammad Ali's user avatar
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After invalid ASP.NET MVC server login, how can I capture the error text in the returned Json response and display in the Angular client?

Angular 9 Client login page I want to display the specific returned error message in the <h4> element, instead of the generic message that displays currently. Note: I have updated the page with ...
Cwinds's user avatar
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Angular CacheStorage not storing Response as expected when converted from HttpResponse

In Angular 15 I'm implementing Client-Side caching through the CacheStorage interface. I convert back and forth between HttpResponse and fetch interface's Response type when storing responses in ...
friedlettuce's user avatar
-2 votes
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What are multiple http "content types" for JSON .?

What are multiple http "content types" for JSON reply.? Apart from "application/json" content type can we expect any other content types..? Similarly, do we have any other content ...
zeven's user avatar
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Why do proxy async API's sometimes return a 202 instead of a 200?

I was calling an internal service API through an external proxy API, but the responses I was getting were all 202's. These were async API's, but they all return 200's when you call them directly on ...
Tom Trost's user avatar
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How to Retrieve Specific Error Details from Power Automate Workflow HTTP Response

I am currently using a Power Automate Workflow titled "Post to a channel when a webhook request is received." I've encountered an issue where large messages cause a "413 Entity Too ...
Sandhiya's user avatar
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Zip file is created successfully whenever I use os.Create() but when I try to send the Zip file via HTTP Response I get gibberish data in Postman resp

This is my code that generates a ZIP file on the fly and writes a pdf (fetched from AWS S3 bucket) inside the ZIP file. If I write the ZIP file to the disk via os.create there is no issues but if I ...
Dhruv Dogra's user avatar
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Mocking fetch return response using Jest in Typescript

I have a function that calls fetch() and handles different cases of its response data. When trying to mock the global fetch function using Jest I am having trouble with the Response type. I only need ...
justaprogrammer2's user avatar
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In Firefox DevTools Network tab, how to see only failed requests?

I want to be able to see all requests that have error responses (of any kind). By that, I mean requests that have a response with a status code like "4xx" or "5xx". I discovered ...
Dane Rossenrode's user avatar
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How to capture array values from a HTTP JSON response payload using JMeter PostProcessor and create/write it in a new CSV file?

I need to create a new CSV file by capturing 100s of array values retured as part of a JSON response Payload. My response payload for a GET call: { "total": 5, "limit": 5, "...
GorkhaliHero's user avatar
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Failed to execute 'json' on 'Response': body stream already read

I am getting an error when I try to read a response twice: I need the response in a form of text assigned to a cosnt, e.g. (api_response.text()) and then I need to pass the api_response.json() to a ...
user3132858's user avatar
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How to use repository, usecase and repository_impl when working with api

I was implementing clean architecture while development a new app With RestApi , I am having difficulty during implement RepositoryImpl extends from Base Api Repository to call api and pass through ...
alshueili's user avatar
-1 votes
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How and when to use the Handler and Handlers types?

There is no documentation for the Handler and Handlers types: export type Handler<T = any, State = Record<string, unknown>> = ( req: Request, ctx: FreshContext<State, T>, ) => ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Load huge dataSet on UI from server as response object

I am try to load huge data (250 MB or 140000 records) from server to client(UI) as response. My server side process complete within only 90 secs. But when the output wrapper object is load from Server ...
Rajat Yadav's user avatar
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How to read the written data from the Servlet's Response [duplicate]

1.Now, I have this Response object, and I'm using the Response.getWriter object to write to it and some JSON data. PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write("hello world"); ...
沐雨听风's user avatar
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How to get HttpResponseData in middleware after executing the Azure function?

Hi i'm trying to print in console the HttpRequestData and the HttpResponseData using a middleware for azure functions (Isolated). I can get correctly the value for HttpRequestData but the value for ...
Dr oscar's user avatar
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Seeing a pink dot for a 200 response in Chrome

Typically the familiar green dot shows for 200 response in the Chrome browser Inspect tab. But here, Im seeing a pink dot instead. Any idea what this pink dot means?
Deven's user avatar
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How to change the response type in middleware in actix-web?

I'm new to rust and I'm trying to make a middleware to verify JWT I want Err(actix_web::error::ErrorUnauthorized("Invalid token")) should be a proper http response with json body I'm not ...
Space Marine's user avatar
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How to get the response of an API call using Rest Template when the response type is unknown

I have a requirement where I need to fetch the response of various company results. Each company will share a REST API with me (with all the details to invoke the API). I need to read a particular ...
Saurabh Tiwari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Web API HTTP Status Code for locked records

I'm building an API where a user can request to select a specific record to process. If successful, the user's UID is allocated against the record which locks the record from other users. If another ...
Justin's user avatar
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Trouble Sending Data from ESP32 to Django Project on Local Computer

I'm trying to send data from my ESP32 to a Django project deployed on my computer. However, the ESP32 seems cannot fetch the address of Django project, here are details: My computer and ESP32 chip are ...
LuneSponight's user avatar
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How to redirect http errors response? - Custom Error Page

I am working on a web app with springboot, I want to be able to redirect the user when requesting a page that doesn't exist. I've tried following this guide :
Joaquinm's user avatar
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NEXT.js 14 Passing data from a Page to an Other [duplicate]

I have a page where I execute a fetch and get a response which is an object containing data, when the fetch is successful, with router.push the page is redirected to another where I would like to show ...
Lorenzo Ferrara's user avatar
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Download file on submission of HTML form

I want to implement a website that prompts the user to fill out an HTML form. When the user clicks the submit button, the form's data is sent URL encoded to the server. The server then processes the ...
Matthias's user avatar
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System.Outofmemoryexception in windows service GraphQl post request

I have a windows service running once per day that gets some information in a GraphQl post request like so: try { JObject json = JObject.Parse(jsonQuery); ...
Sardinee's user avatar
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Django HttpReponse: can't change file name (XMLHttpRequest)

I am trying to implement a file download feature via an XMLHttlpRequest. The response is formed as follows: response = HttpResponse(entries, content_type='application/text charset=utf-8') ...
Edmond's user avatar
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HTTP 1.1 pipelining and processing order

I am currently implementing http pipelining in my HTTP 1.1 server. The response order corresponds to the order in which the requests are received. But can/should the PROCESSING of the individual ...
SoulfreezerXP's user avatar
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ASP.NET - HttpResponse.WriteAsync() vs HttpResponse.Body.WriteAsync() vs HttpResponse.BodyWriter.WriteAsync()

In ASP.NET one has three options (that I know of) for writing directly to the response buffer. Given the following data: var str = "Hello World"; var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); We ...
user3163495's user avatar
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Flutter http.Response get wrong character value

I am using the following code to get my data. However, when if my string consists of special symbol/character (), some of the special symbols/character will become some other weird character. I did ...
Leong's user avatar
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Do I need to call HttpSession.getSession() method everyt time to keep session alive? [duplicate]

I am reading about HttpSession interface and I am not sure if I understand session expiry correct. Please correct me if I am wrong in this rough case example scenario: The client visits website and ...
Andyally's user avatar
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error 400 when sending an HTTP request to Twitter

When I try to send an HTTP request to get a page to Twitter, I get a 400 error, with the explanation Please switch to a supported browser to continue using same error when i use jsoup. ...
Mastodont's user avatar
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How to stream/chunk data for an ODATA Service with Python

I have a Flask ODATA API service that is working, I can sucesfully import data to Excel or other platafroms that can import an ODATA Feed. However I am currently migrating said API to Google Cloud ...
Jose Gutierrez's user avatar
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.NET httpserver. Get handle new request in current request handler

I'm implementing webserver logic using WatsonWebserver package. In request handler it might be needed to send another request to 3rd party webserver and handle a response from it. Sometimes 3rd party ...
rudolfninja's user avatar
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Execute rest of the code after Response.End() Alternative?

I have following code to generate an excel sheet from the provided datatable and I modified it to generate two excel sheets. if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) GenerateExcelSheet(...
Prageeth Liyanage's user avatar

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