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Is it possible to change the point which is used to define the drop target in flutter?

When drag & drop is used the usually cursor and feedback widget has such look: Where the arrow is a point for hit testing (sorry for bad image). But I would like to change the point fot hit ...
BambinoUA's user avatar
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SCNSceneRenderer hitTest finds hit only once

My SwiftUI app renders a SCNScene with the code below. The scene displays visible nodes that can be tapped to show an info. When a tap to a node ends, hitTest of the renderer (saved in the viewModel) ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Button appears to have an inner and outer area with different actions, how can I make sure only one action is used for both tappable areas

Snapshot of Code and Preview in Xcode Attached is an image with the button and code for reference. Here's also the code in case you'd like to test this out yourself: struct ContentView: View { var ...
eiro's user avatar
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SCNSceneRenderer hitTest does not hit a visible node

I am developing an iOS app with SwiftUI and SceneKit. My scene has only 2 visible nodes. I want to tap the node that is in front of the other, and get the tap position. I thus implemented the ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
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Disable Content but Enable Scrolling

I am attempting to attach a modifier to a ScrollView that still allows scrolling and disables all the underlying buttons: struct ContentView1: View { var body: some View { ...
Pete's user avatar
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How to get the TextPosition in a RichTex from a Gesture callback

I want to implement in Flutter a popup dictionary. More precisely, I have a RichText widget and I want, when the user tap it, to get the text index, the TextPosition, corresponding to where the user ...
Gael's user avatar
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c# WPF - problem with MouseLeave event on canvas

In my C# WPF application for Windows, I have a DockPanel onto which I add a Canvas. The Canvas is basically an editable drawing surface. For the Canvas, I have methods for MouseLeave and MouseEnter ...
user613832's user avatar
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Is there a HitTest property or something in VCL for Delphi?

In FireMonkey (FMX), every TControl component has a HitTest property that allows me to enable or disable mouse events on the component. Is there something like this in VCL? I tried searching and ...
Martin Kakhuis's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set up hit-test AR in A-Frame?

How can one do AR hit-test (markerless) scene in A-Frame? I’ve tried 6 or 7 examples and none of them work. I need this to work on iPhone and I’m using Variant Launch. They have a very nice example ...
d0g's user avatar
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Using hittest and UIGestureRecognizer to determine which view to use

I have a UIImageView above a MapView. I am currently able to draw lines on the UIImageView which is why i have TouchesBegan, TouchesMoved & TouchesEnded attached to it. When i pinch however, i ...
Redstain's user avatar
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Graphics2D.hit method returns an unexpected boolean value

I originally attempted to perform a hit test on geometric shapes within a Canvas, checking if the mouse click position is within the bounds of the shape. However, the results were not as expected. ...
Jacky's user avatar
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Make the hit testing for a NavigationLink from a Rectangle with plain button style and no foregroundColor (clear Color) include the empty space

The problem is to make a NavigationLink from a Rectangle which: does not have a foreground color (or has a Color.clear foreground color) and has buttonStyle set to PlainButtonStyle() or .plain (to ...
zr0gravity7's user avatar
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ArCore frame.hittest implementation or how to detect all screen corner points on the arcore Plane

I'm trying to draw a frame of the area where the photo was taken on the recognized plane. Sometimes frame.hitTest returns null. at the code bounds is points of shooted area. var lbPose = ...
Michael Budash's user avatar
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Pass UITableView default PanGesture to another UIView

I have an UITableView, vertically covered over a UIView and that View have UIPangestureRecognizer. Now if user try to scroll tableView and if finger point have no cell I want second views panGesture ...
Kazi Abdullah Al Mamun's user avatar
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HitTestObject between a Jelly and a character

I have a code for a character and a Jelly. Character: up_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){ character.y-=10; }) down_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){ ...
Isaac Yeap Jie Ling's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to pass a responder to ScrollView?

My view hierarchy This is the View layer I created. I want to transfer all Touch Events that happen in UIView to UIScrollView, but I don't know how. I didn't put it as a SubView of ScrollView because ...
jkey's user avatar
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UIView hanging off edge of superview... tap events seen by *unrelated* underlying view

I've created a UIView (tooltip box) and added it as a subview of another view. Using anchor constraints, I've floated it off the edge of its superview where it hovers above an unrelated UIView (which ...
clearlight's user avatar
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How do you pass a gesture between subviews in UIKit?

I've got a ViewController with three subviews. I'm trying to get them to detect touches in their bounds from a starting point outside their bounds without the user lifting their finger (ie the user ...
CodeyTown's user avatar
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Detect point on wide line

I would like to be able to detect click on a wide line. I've got a function taken from there which manages to detect if a point is exactly on it, but I'd like to add some tolerance to detect click on ...
Majellan's user avatar
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HitTest only for chape inside arc

Please help. I will hitTest to return true if i'm inside my custom shape in my Arc. How can i calculate Geometry for my arc so that i get true from hitTest ONLY if i'm clicking inside my chape of the ...
Filipp30's user avatar
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How to create a matrix in a loop for hittesting with colors without duplicate colors

I am trying to create a matrix with color hexagons that will allow for object hit-testing. This color matrix will sit behind a regular hexagon matrix(one without the matrix cells colored). I will ...
jwize's user avatar
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Flutter: Filter hitevent for specific PointerDeviceKind and only absorb these

I am trying to read the stylus with a "global" listener, while still being able to interact with the rest of the UI with the finger. The event object passed to the listeners of the Listener ...
puaaaal's user avatar
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5 votes
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GestureDetector does not work after Transform and Offset Animation (Flutter)

I want to create an spinning animation with a set of buttons - arranged in a circle - that rotate and extend from a clicked center button. While animation and rotation work well, and the open button ...
Defarine's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How can I select Widgets by dragging over them but also clicking them individually in flutter?

I want to create an Interface in which it is possible to drag your finger over several Areas. This changes the state of the areas to a selected state (See images). What is the best way to approach ...
Philipp Redeker's user avatar
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How to check if the plane detected in WebXR's hit test results is vertical?

I am new to WebXR and trying to only allow the reticle to show up if the plane detected is vertical (like a wall). I am following this basic hit test example as a starting point. I don't see any ...
sparkanzo's user avatar
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How to distinguish floor, walls and celling in hittest of WebXR

Unfortunately there is no documentation for Augmented Reality (ARButton) feature of Three.JS. In the example objects are not being placed distinguishing floor or wall. Can you guide how to correct the ...
XIMRX's user avatar
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Make rectangle and check point location against it without changing concept very much if we imagine it being rotated by 45°?

Take a look at this simple combination of rectangle zone creation and point location. Whilst current calculation retrieves a TRUE for this point being inside the calculated area, the new adjusted ...
taraz's user avatar
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2 answers

Why would my HitTestResultCallback not be called

I've inherited a program that uses hit testing to handle mouse events against a bunch of drawings on a canvas. Under some circumstances my HitTestResultCallBack stops being called. Here's where the ...
FunkyDexter's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to tell if UITableView in custom UISearchBar is touched?

I am trying to create a custom UISearchBar that is placed as the titleView of a navigationController. Using the following code, the suggestionTableView of suggestions appears perfectly; however, It ...
helloworld12345's user avatar
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Get touch type in hitTest() or pointInside()

I'm implementing a passThroughView by creating a transparent View on top and override hitTest(). passThroughView should consume touches from Apple Pencil and if touch type is not from pencil, it pass ...
Brew Master's user avatar
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iOS ARView.hitTest limited to a max of 100 meters

I found that ARView.hitTest is limited to 100 meters distance. All objects located further than 100m, regardless of size, are not recognized. Is there any way to unblock this? let hitTest = arView....
Sasha's user avatar
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Processing - Add hitTest and mousePressed to an Animation with 100 balls

I want to create an ArrayList of ball objects, which should be in a loop until there are 100 pieces. Now my problem: I must implement a function hitTest, so that when you click on a ball it gets ...
Julia's user avatar
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ArCore: Get Pose for object oriented normally to plane but, rotated in direction of camera

I am writing an application using ArCore. I am getting an object's pose as a Hitresult, therefore the object is placed correctly in the plane, but not correctly orientated/rotated towards the ...
Fred's user avatar
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DwmDefWindowProc always returns false

I'm having trouble utilizing Win API's DwmDefWindowProc. It always returning false, even when DWM is enabled. I'm sending a WM_NCHITTEST message to the window procedure to detect the action of the ...
Nikita Buyevich's user avatar
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Why does clipsToBounds prevent the subviews to be touched?

Let's say you have a superview that has a smaller size than its subview. You set the clipsToBound property of the superview to false. If you tap on the protruding area of the subview that is outside ...
Kevvv's user avatar
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3 answers

'hitTest()' was Depecrated in iOS 14.0

I'm new to this and currently building an AR-related application, on the old version I stated this let results = self.hitTest(screenPosition, types: [.featurePoint]) and now I have a problem where ...
Zaky Putra's user avatar
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Hit testing center bottom of screen on a plane tracker in Spark AR

In Spark AR I am trying to place an object at the point on a plane tracker that is equal to the center of the bottom of the screen. In pseudo code: tracker.hitTest(screenBottomCenter) Problem is as ...
Vibber's user avatar
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Java program to detect a mouse click within a shape - program not working

I'm following a Java 2D tutorial and have got stuck on a program written to display a rectangle and ellipse which should fade in colour when clicked ...only nothing happens and I cannot work out why. ...
Ingalator's user avatar
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Flutter IgnorePointer for 2 fingers

I am trying to ignore multi-finger touches (2-finger specifically) on a Button by wrapping it with IgnorePointer() like so: import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } ...
Foti Dim's user avatar
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RealityKit – Proper Hit-Testing in ARView

I have a code like this one: @objc func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) { let tapLocation = sender.location(in: arView) let hitResult0 = scnView?.hitTest(tapLocation) ...
Sam's user avatar
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Can anyone help me about error Parameter hitTestObject must be non-null on this project?

i'm kinda new for as3 and i'm trying to make simple shooting game for my education. First, i know there are other similar questions like mine but i couldn't figure out what's wrong with mine! So if ...
kuzgundede's user avatar
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How to correct hit test area for list view items with only an image (null label text)

I have a System.Windows.Forms.ListView with icons and empty string labels. Here is the code that creates and fills the list view: listView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView(); listView1.BackColor ...
rory.ap's user avatar
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Swift scroll ScrollView with button in front of it

I have a problem where I have a UIButton in front of UIScrollView, as such: UIView | |- UIScrollView | |- UIButton I want it to be this way so the button is always visible and fixed on the top, but ...
ERP's user avatar
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SwiftUI Path as contentShape, doesn't line up with Image

TL;DR: I'm using a Path to specify the hit area for an Image. But I don't know how to adjust the Path coordinates to match the layout that SwiftUI decides on... or if I even need to do so. Runtime ...
Andrew Duncan's user avatar
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SwiftUI Image pass through touches on transparent pixels

TL;DR: I want to re-solve in SwiftUI this classic (and solved in UIKit) problem: how to pass along, to views behind, touches in transparent parts. Some approaches: Figure out if tap point has alpha =...
Andrew Duncan's user avatar
2 votes
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Place multiple SCN objects in touchesBegan method

My Swift code below uses func touchesBegan to place a SCN object in the ARKit view. The problem is – it's only placing the object one time. I would like to create the code in a way that users can ...
user avatar
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In which cases ARSCNView.raycastQuery returns nil?

In my renderer delegate I create a raycast query from the center of the view to track estimated plane and display a 3D pointer that follows the raycast result. It is done via view.raycastQuery(from:...
ryancrunchi's user avatar
4 votes
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How do I get multiple .gltf models to work in three.js webxr_ar_hittest example?

I'm using this example from three.js and the example works very well but when I change the cylinder to a model it just lets me put one model ...
Gonçalo Pereira's user avatar
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Flutter: Triggering GestureDetector on animated images in Stack

I have an animated "flower" made up of petal images that rotate into position on Widget build. The petal images can be of various lengths. Because I didn't know how to move the pivot point of each ...
Lucas Young's user avatar
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VisualTreeHelper.HitTest reports a hit even when rectangle is nowhere near the underlying shapes

I am attempting to implement Rubber-band selection of WPF Path objects on a canvas. Unfortunately my use of VisualTreeHelper.HitTest with a rectangle geometry is not working as I expect. I ...
Joe's user avatar
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