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Using hittest and UIGestureRecognizer to determine which view to use

I have a UIImageView above a MapView. I am currently able to draw lines on the UIImageView which is why i have TouchesBegan, TouchesMoved & TouchesEnded attached to it. When i pinch however, i ...
Redstain's user avatar
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Swift/ iOS: Page view controller and touch events. How to keep superview handle the gesture?

I need to reproduce a city mapper like component : scrollable cards at the bottom The cards are paging enabled and can be scrolled vertically and each card can have different height. If I touch a ...
Mathieu's user avatar
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IOS/Objective-C: Pass Touch Event on ScrollView to View Below using HitTouch

I have a bug where touches to the bottom area of a textview that can only be reached by scrolling are not being recognized. Using the visual debugger, I discovered that a scrollview was blocking the ...
user6631314's user avatar
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Touch through view and simultaneous handling gesture

I want several views to handle their UIPanGestureRecongizers simultaneously. These views are not nested, they are transparent and are subviews of common superview. Hit test overriding helps to route ...
k06a's user avatar
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IBAction not fired sometimes after UIGestureRecognizer handler

I'm trying to track hits on UI elements (tap and long press) using UIGestureRecognizer. After hit was tracked (let's say logged via NSLog) UI element should do it's job. I'm creating gesture ...
Alexander's user avatar
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UIPageViewController with UISlider inside controller - increase hit area of slider

I have multiple controllers in my PageViewController and in one controller I have a few sliders. Now there is a problem that user must touch exactly slider circle (I am not sure about right expression,...
Libor Zapletal's user avatar
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Passing a PanGesture to a subview

I am building a iOS app. I have a UIWebView that is added as a subview to self.view, then another view, which is mapView, added as a subview of the web view. But the mapView is send to the back of the ...
nikozavar's user avatar
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Working with hit-test and UIGestureRecognizers

I'm writing my own map annotation layer which allows annotations to stick to a side of the screen (indicating something off screen). It works well. I can add/removre annotations. Rotate the map -> the ...
z2k's user avatar
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iOS - UIScrollView hitTest doesn't contain touches

I have a UIScrollView with UIViews inside it. The UIScrollView has two-finger scroll enabled. The UIViews each have a panGestureRecognizer. I want the following functionality: If two-touch pan --> ...
rizzes's user avatar
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single tap (hittest) does not fit with subviews

After changing the uiview position (y = -50) the single tap does not fit to the position to my added subviews. Hittest means the touchview starts at -50 and not 0. How to fix this? myview = [[...
Matthias Wellkamp's user avatar
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Some buttons fail hitTest

My interface sometimes has buttons around its periphery. Areas without buttons accept gestures. GestureRecognizers are added to the container view, in viewDidLoad. Here’s how the tapGR is set up: ...
Wienke's user avatar
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weird ios touch event passing with UIGestureRecognizer

hi i am observing something weird in iOS custom views, where i have a button in side a custom view, i am looking for documentation or your answer to explain why i have this observation i have a ...
user1233587's user avatar
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