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How to set up hit-test AR in A-Frame?

How can one do AR hit-test (markerless) scene in A-Frame? I’ve tried 6 or 7 examples and none of them work. I need this to work on iPhone and I’m using Variant Launch. They have a very nice example ...
d0g's user avatar
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ArCore frame.hittest implementation or how to detect all screen corner points on the arcore Plane

I'm trying to draw a frame of the area where the photo was taken on the recognized plane. Sometimes frame.hitTest returns null. at the code bounds is points of shooted area. var lbPose = ...
Michael Budash's user avatar
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How to check if the plane detected in WebXR's hit test results is vertical?

I am new to WebXR and trying to only allow the reticle to show up if the plane detected is vertical (like a wall). I am following this basic hit test example as a starting point. I don't see any ...
sparkanzo's user avatar
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How to distinguish floor, walls and celling in hittest of WebXR

Unfortunately there is no documentation for Augmented Reality (ARButton) feature of Three.JS. In the example objects are not being placed distinguishing floor or wall. Can you guide how to correct the ...
XIMRX's user avatar
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iOS ARView.hitTest limited to a max of 100 meters

I found that ARView.hitTest is limited to 100 meters distance. All objects located further than 100m, regardless of size, are not recognized. Is there any way to unblock this? let hitTest = arView....
Sasha's user avatar
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RealityKit – Proper Hit-Testing in ARView

I have a code like this one: @objc func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) { let tapLocation = sender.location(in: arView) let hitResult0 = scnView?.hitTest(tapLocation) ...
Sam's user avatar
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Place multiple SCN objects in touchesBegan method

My Swift code below uses func touchesBegan to place a SCN object in the ARKit view. The problem is – it's only placing the object one time. I would like to create the code in a way that users can ...
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In which cases ARSCNView.raycastQuery returns nil?

In my renderer delegate I create a raycast query from the center of the view to track estimated plane and display a 3D pointer that follows the raycast result. It is done via view.raycastQuery(from:...
ryancrunchi's user avatar
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Hit-test on Animated Character – Getting the correct worldCoordinates

In my ARKit app I have an animated character (stored as T-Bone Model in a SCN file). The Animations are taken from several DAE files and applied to the model using SCNAnimationPlayer like so: let ...
ZAY's user avatar
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Unity - Disable AR HitTest after initial placement

I am using ARKit plugin for Unity leveraging the UnityARHitTestExample.cs. After I place my object into the world scene I want to disable the ARKit from trying to place the object again every time I ...
Vanny's user avatar
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How to do a hitTest on subnodes of node in sceneView?

I have an ARSceneView and I use the detectionImages to find a plane so I can add nodes based on the Image that I detected. My Issue is that all the time the view is adding an invisible plane node ...
Vasilis D.'s user avatar
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