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How to extends PostgreSQL dialect to add support for some custom column type? No type mapping for org.hibernate.type.SqlTypes code: 1111 (OTHER)

I am writing integration tests and encountered with a problem. When I launch the app, everything works fine. However, when running the tests, I get an exception: org.hibernate.MappingException: ...
User123's user avatar
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@Nationalized probably not working with Hibernate Envers audit

I am using Spring Boot with Hibernate Envers to manage audit tables in a SQL Server database. To optimize performance and handle non-Unicode strings properly, I updated my SQL Server connection string ...
MoSaleh's user avatar
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Row was updated or deleted by another transaction Spring Boot

hey im new to spring boot and i am trying to create simple crud application using postgres and jpa when i trying running this project im getting this error shared below , its is something related to ...
Harpreet Singh.8052's user avatar
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How to Return a Connection to Hikari Pool After Database Retrieval

I am encountering an issue with HikariCP in my Spring Boot application. I keep seeing the warning message: "Apparent connection leak detected." It seems that a database connection remains ...
Jocasso's user avatar
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Nested Java record in Hibernate criteria query

I cannot get hibernate citeria query working with nested Java Record because of: Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at "." I defined the Java record as the ...
Fabio Ariano's user avatar
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Configuring Java Spring boot for testing w/ H2 and running w/ MySQL

I am setting up a microservice using Java Spring Boot. The application runs in a Docker container and connects to a MySQL database on the local machine. For testing purposes, I want to avoid the ...
Sam Carleton's user avatar
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Query polymorphic jpa entity using spring data specifications?

Let's imagine following entities: @Inheritance(JOINED) @Entity abstract class AbstractCompany { @Id private Long id; private String name; //... } @Entity class Company extends ...
Radek Postołowicz's user avatar
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hibernate flush mode configuration

using spring 3.2.1, I found that the default flushModeType = Auto causing me issues as im trying to work on the object before persist it. I tried to set the flushMode to COMMIT, but whenever it ...
Ben Sagi's user avatar
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Use PhysicalNamingStrategy on underlying DataSources of AbstractRoutingDataSource

i am using spring-boot with hibernate's PhysicalNamingStrategy together with a AbstractRoutingDataSource from spring and MS SQL Server. The goal is to have a dynamic schema switching for different ...
d2k2's user avatar
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Hibernate 5: OneToOne without @Id

I have class Products which has: @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "products_seq") @SequenceGenerator(name = "products_seq", sequenceName = "...
Michu93's user avatar
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An error is thrown because an entity field marked with the @Formula annotation is not contained in the resulting ResultSet

There is an entity that contains both regular and calculated fields via the @Formula annotation. @Getter @Setter @Builder @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Entity @Table(name = "persons&...
Артем Косенко's user avatar
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ClassCastException for JPA query that tries to return the object queried in an inner SELECT statement

I have the following JPA query that attempts to find all the Children of a Parent object that fit under certain conditions, and then get only the first one of them under different partitions: @...
cavpollo's user avatar
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Hibernate StaleObjectStateException After Upgrading to 6.6.3: Row was updated or deleted by another transaction or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect

Note: Before marking this a duplicate, please understand that I have gone through all the existing answers and issues but could not resolve the same. I have two PostgreSQL tables: one for Product and ...
BlackList96's user avatar
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How to Create a Custom Hibernate SQL Dialect Compatible with Cloudera Impala (Hibernate 6.2.2.Final)

I am trying to create a custom Hibernate SQL dialect for Cloudera Impala. I'm using Hibernate 6.2.2.Final, and I need to ensure that the generated SQL for pagination uses the syntax LIMIT ... OFFSET .....
Igor May Wensing's user avatar
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Why is my Scala project failing to find java.sql.Driver?

I have written a Scala+AKKA api using Scala 3. I then wanted to use Hibernate ORM to store data on the backend. I followed this guide:
Kris Rice's user avatar
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Fix "org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jdbc.internal.JdbcIsolationDelegate.sqlExceptionHelper()" is null exception

After updating the Hibernate libraries. During startup, this exception is shown java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper.convert(java.sql....
Fernando Ortega Gorrita's user avatar
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Hibernate Multitenancy: change tenant in session (discriminator column approach)

I am developing a springboot application which serves data for multiple tenants. To separate data between tenants I am using hibernates integrated multitenancy features for discriminator column-based ...
m4x123's user avatar
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org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: org.example.Person

I am trying to save a record of Person class into mySql database using pure java and hibernate but I get this error. these are my classes. I appreciate any help why this error is raised. With these ...
mohsen_true's user avatar
-1 votes
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Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize Caused by: null

I have a generic hibernate exception: Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize at org.hibernate.internal.util.SerializationHelper.doDeserialize(...
Michu93's user avatar
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JPQL issue on update query based on child entity value

The query is @Transactional @Modifying @Query("UPDATE Record r " + "SET r.blockedToConvert = true " + "WHERE r.cliente.documento = :documento " + &...
Lucas Amaral's user avatar
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Hibernate 6 elementcollection fetching issue

I have following entities: Template: @Entity @Data @ToString @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "hibernateLazyInitializer", "handler" }) @Slf4j public class Template implements ...
P.Doc's user avatar
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Discriminator missing in query generated by Hibernate

I have a class with discriminator: @Entity @Table(name = "INSTR_UNDERL") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "discriminator", ...
Michu93's user avatar
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How to prevent the JVM timezone from being taken into account when loading "timestamp without time zone" into LocalDateTime

When loading "timestamp without time zone" into LocalDateTime, the JVM timezone is taken into account, which leads to shifted timestamps. database column: some_timestamp timestamp without ...
QStorm's user avatar
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How to save hibernate FetchType.Lazy feature with Clean Architecture?

According to the clean architecture: Your Entity objects should be plain old objects that have no dependencies on frameworks or databases or other complications. As we see in Uncle Bob's diagram, ...
AndyFlight's user avatar
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HQL generate wrong cast

Having a cast like this: SELECT CAST(a * 100000000 as big_integer) FROM Amount WHERE id = :id Generate this SQL: prepareStatement( "select cast(amount0_.\"a\"*100000000 ...
Grim's user avatar
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Spring boot MVC project is not working due to status=404 Spring boot [closed]

I'm new to spring boot and built the MVC project but I'm facing the error: Error: Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Sat ...
piyush shende's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hibernate Envers 5.6.15 mapping hbm ORM + envers annotation [closed]

In my project, I configured Hibernate 5.6.15.Final with HBM XML mapping for my classes and when to use Hibernate Envers on these classes by annotation. On a class (Personne), I added @Audited(...
Eric Brun's user avatar
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Java, spring, @Transactional

What will happen when we use entity.saveAndFlush() inside method that is annotated as Transactional in case of a rollback. I understand that we will synchronized changes inside persistence context, ...
mihu's user avatar
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What is the most efficient way to update a large list of objects using Spring and Hibernate?

I’m starting a small project using Java Spring Boot and Hibernate. It’s a simple game app involving a deck of cards. A deck can contain anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand cards. Each card is a ...
Ryley38's user avatar
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Type declaration in Hibernate 6

So I was upgrading my old application to Hibernate 6, I was able to get most of the code sorted. But this one column type is causing a problem. @Column(name = "JOB_ID", columnDefinition = &...
hell_storm2004's user avatar
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Join fetch alias on Hibernate

I am migrating from Wildfly 10.0.0 to Wildfly 34.0.1, and then Hibernate is going from version 5.0.7 to 6.2.1. I am having following error: "Error interpreting query [The JPA specification does ...
DHansen's user avatar
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Persisting Data in spanner with JPA and Hibernate 6

I am working on integrating spanner with our existing application. I'm facing an error when trying to save/persist data into DemoClass entity in spanner using JPA and hibernate 6. The error I'm facing ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Spring Boot: DELETE request returns 204 but doesn't delete the record from the database

I'm working on a Spring Boot application and trying to implement a DELETE endpoint to remove a record from the database. The API responds with 204 No Content, and my application logs indicate that the ...
Bojidar Kaloyanov's user avatar
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Spring JPA - Changing the data type of an already established ID?

Long story short, I messed up and need to change an ID from a string to an autogenerated long within Spring and update any children with the newly generated number ID. I'm attempting to correct it ...
Sael Torres-Diaz's user avatar
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Error accessing column metadata in Hibernate 6

After migration from SpringBoot 2.7.18 to SpringBoot 3.4.0 and Hibernate 6 I have problem with automatic updating database structure. When I set parameter spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update I got ...
Olek's user avatar
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@Version causing update on Entity when modifying collection

I noticed that when I have a ManyToMany relationship and @Version field on an entity then when I try to add some other entitys that have relationship with this entity hibernate triggers an update on ...
Holden Karl Hain's user avatar
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How to deal with JPA Speficication when use @OneToMany relation?

The code is a simple example that helps explain the problem I have. These are the entities I have: @Entity @Data public class Parent { @Id @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false) @...
xabikip's user avatar
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Problems with Hibernate startup logging after adding JPA with database in SpringBoot version 3.4.0

The specific issue log output is as follows: 2024-12-03T16:52:53.338+08:00 INFO 34784 --- [blog] [ restartedMain] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling : HHH10001005: Database info: Database ...
Kruarix's user avatar
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Envers Library adding underscore in b/w letters of field/table names like r_e_v_i_n_f_o

I am using dropwizard with maven configuration <dependency> <groupId>org.hibernate</groupId> <artifactId>hibernate-core</artifactId> &...
Jatin Mohan Kapoor's user avatar
-2 votes
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I'm getting class does not exists error in hibernate? [closed]

I have started learning hibernate im getting error ie I have created a class named Stds and marked it as entity and in the main class I created a object of that class and saved the object when I run ...
Mehak Kelaskar's user avatar
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EntityManagerFactory to Plan SQL

I am using Intellij -->Tools -->Persistence and able to execute "Run Query in JPA Console" (Already DB is connected). And able to generate the output which has many joins. Could anyone ...
Jithin Kumar S's user avatar
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Overriden DataSource Bean connection gets constantly closed

I have a setup where Spring-Boot, meaning Spring-Data in the end, manages all my database connections with the default settings. No problems there. For integration-tests I overrode the DataSource, ...
JayDesAt's user avatar
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Making database work with a Dockerized Java Spring application

I would like to run my containerized Java Spring application which runs completely fine on my machine (of course, lol). I have a problem with the JPA database connection. What stumps me is that this ...
mastermism's user avatar
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How to persist entities in @ManyToMany relationship with @EmbeddedId

I am using Spring Boot 3. I have 2 entities in @ManyToMany relationship: Meeting (table name is 'meeting') and Document (table name is 'document'), the relationship table is 'relation_document_meeting'...
slt's user avatar
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Spring/Hibernage shares the persistence context from before the transaction with the transaction

In the following example, when the POST /foo/test1 endpoint is called, the entity will be saved to the database. However, calling POST /foo/test2 will not trigger any updates. @RestController @...
Sed Mehdi's user avatar
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BeanCreationNotAllowedException while shutdown multithreading app

I'm a newbie with multithreading, but I've a task. I need to parse web sites in async mode. I have next class and use ForkJoinPool: @Service @RequiredArgsConstructor public class PageIndexingService { ...
Mark Avreliy's user avatar
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How to prevent Hibernate 6.4 from storing @Column(columnDefinition = 'text') fields as Large Objects (LOBs) in PostgreSQL?

After updating from Hibernate 5.6 to 6.4, I noticed that fields annotated with @Column(columnDefinition = "text") are now stored as references to Large Objects in PostgreSQL. Instead of ...
Krzysztof Grabowski's user avatar
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Entity manger is coming null in spring boot using oracle jdbc

I am trying to invoke an oracle stored procedure with an input list.It failed with NullPointerException in OrderPlacementDaoImpl class. The exception occurs because the EntityManager is null. Error ...
A_PDev's user avatar
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Dropwizard - new entities not commiting

We have a thread that queries external systems by clients. It receives a JSON array containing client information like id (which our system calls "customId"), name, phone, etc. The array is ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Why hibernate is calling update for parent entity or for child entity itself after inserting a child entity in unidirectional relationships? @Entity @Table(name = "inventory") public class Inventory { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name = "inventory_id") ...
Shri's user avatar
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