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Row was updated or deleted by another transaction Spring Boot

hey im new to spring boot and i am trying to create simple crud application using postgres and jpa when i trying running this project im getting this error shared below , its is something related to ...
Harpreet Singh.8052's user avatar
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How to scan and autowire repositories of an external jar from spring boot application?

I have a spring boot multi-module project where module contains @Repository and @Entity classes . We create a jar out of this module and add it as a external library in main Spring boot application. ...
Subhajit's user avatar
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one-to-many: JPA generates wrong FK while using ddl-auto=create-drop

It seems that I made a mistake somewhere but I can not see where. JPA insists on generating a unique constraint on a FK of one-to-many relationship on the child side. This constraint prevents me from ...
zappee's user avatar
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JpaRepository Whitelabel Error Page - This application has no explicit mapping for /error

I am trying to extend my implementation by adding a second repository (Review). However, when I try to access http://localhost:8080/api/reviews I get the above error. Can anyone spot where I've ...
Tony McConville's user avatar
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Spring Repository - Is it OK creating a @Repository class only for a specific stored procedure?

I have to call a stored procedure in my project and it requires: validation if a temp database exists create this temp db if needed execute insert statements in this temp db call stored procedure ...
fco's user avatar
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Why I'm getting error while running Spring Boot application that define bean of type 'com.exam.repo.UserRepository' in your configuration?

package com.exam.examserver; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import ...
Yogender Sharma's user avatar
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How to filter rows from a table based on "If at least one common value in list of string and a column that has list of string"

I have one string students = "Ram,Jack,jim.. and so on"; I have one table called sports_group which is as below: Sport_id name school city Fb100 Atul,Mani,Ram,Gopal St. marry Delhi ...
madhepurian's user avatar
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Repository not deleting resources in H2 in-memory database

I have set up a simple User model and repository and a controller as follows: import jakarta.persistence.*; @Entity @Table(name = "users") public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(...
razor_chk's user avatar
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Spring Boot custom CRUD query

I am using Spring Boot to create a basic chore tracker webapp. It renders as shown below, however I have hard coded in these digits so you can see what I am trying to achieve. I am trying to query the ...
dave_m's user avatar
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Spring data mongodb repository - How to exclude null/blank fields from query using the @Query annotation?

I'm using the Spring-data-mongodb repository framework in my Spring Boot project. I have an API where users can specify 1+ query parameters when searching for an object, and I would like to convert ...
takanuva15's user avatar
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How to change for Postgresql the string value for json in jpa repository @Query using springboot

Maven pom dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.postgresql</groupId> <artifactId>postgresql</artifactId> <scope>runtime&...
Alvaro Guillen Gonzalez's user avatar
-1 votes
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I am trying to use JPA in my servlet project but i am unsable to do so i am getting error that my repository is null i am unable to fix this problem

Here is my servlet code package com.servlet; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org....
Parth Gupta's user avatar
7 votes
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Spring: Native Query in batch using query annotation in a Repository?

I've got to do upserts of thousands of records at a time, broken into batches of let's say 25 actual upserts at a time. The upsert is based on a unique constraint being service+key, and if the insert ...
Brad Parks's user avatar
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Deleted items affect to pagination

I need iterate over big amount of users (10000k+) and on each user process some logic like checking if user match my delete condition, and if yes, then send email and delete user in database. This is ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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Autowired annotation not working on variable of another package for customClass extending SimpleJpaRepository

I have spring boot application service, In the handler class of this application service using IDGenerator class of package Utils, Autowired annotations works for Variable of the IDGenerator in ...
ADA Home's user avatar
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Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' Factory method 'entityManagerFactory' threw exception with message

I have a webapp with maven, eclipselink, jpa, spring 5, jsf2.3, java 8, primefaces 11 deployed on tomcat 8.5. For a software modernization question I just successfully ported to tomcat 9 with java 17 ...
iljkr's user avatar
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I am trying to junit test repository , getting null pointer exception

THIS IS THE CODE I WANT TO WRITE JUNITS FOR REPOSITORYY, AND TEST findByName() method public interface CodeRepository extends JpaRepository<CodeEntity, Integer> { CodeEntity ...
shreyash's user avatar
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UnsatisfiedDependencyException:Error creating bean with name 'jdbcIngredientRepository':Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter

I am referring book "Spring in Action 6th edition" , chapter 3 - Storing data using JDBC Template I got the following issue org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Update LastModifiedDate of owned entity

I have two objects. Workflow and Task. Task does contain workflow. @Entity public class Workflow { @Column(name = "last_modified_date") private Date lastModifiedDate; ...} @Entity @...
Martin Kršek's user avatar
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Why JPA repositories have to be linked to a transaction manager?

I don't understand why JPA repositories have to be linked to a transaction manager. @EnableJpaRepositories( basePackages = "", entityManagerFactoryRef = &...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Spring data doesn't add fragment to repository

I have a Spring repository that I try to customize. I use fragments because I need a spring bean wired to perform my logic. Here is the interface I'm using to override the standard logic: @...
ba3a's user avatar
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Spring Data enum usage for in clause

I have an entity define below @Entity public class MyActions { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) private MyEnum name;//...
acorntech's user avatar
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Adding @deleteMapping to Spring Boot Rest service causes UnsatisifedDependencyException and NullPointerException

I am making a Spring Boot Rest service and have encountered an issue when I add in a delete mapping. Before I added it the code worked fine and ran without issue, now when I try and compile it in the ...
Julien Powell's user avatar
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Field postRepository in BlogController required a bean of type 'PostRepository' that could not be found

I am writing simple Java Spring boot MVC web application. It contains crud operations for manipulating with blog elements such as posts. I have one error: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display ...
Azizxon Zufarov's user avatar
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Spring Repository save() method doesn't return the rounded value

Save() returns the saved object with wrong attributes, the attribute "price" should return a rounded value. Let's say I have the following table: CREATE TABLE OBJ( ID INT PRIMARY KEY ...
ATLAS's user avatar
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Missing Swagger documentation with Springdoc for @RepositoryRestResource

I've created annotated repository, but no Swagger definition is visible @RepositoryRestResource(path = "InstanceUptime") public interface InstanceUptimeRepository extends JpaRepository<...
Marx's user avatar
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Multiple databases (Postgresql in RDS) but same spring repository and entity

I have a use case where I need to create exact same postgresql database in two different regions. Everything is same in these two databases i.e same schema and same tables and same data. I have a use ...
java_doctor_101's user avatar
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@Autowired not working in multi-module application

I need to @Autowire database services or repositores form "database" module in "game" module. Already added those annotations in main "Application" class: @Configuration @...
Kacper Rydzyński's user avatar
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The method search(BoolQueryBuilder) is undefined for the type

I just migrate my spring boot from 2.2.4-RELEASE with spring-data-elastic-search 3.2.4 to spring boot 2.6.5 with spring-data-elastic-search 4.3.3. My code here public Iterable ...
Teddy Kossoko's user avatar
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Spring Boot: Filter by using array

New to spring here, I was wondering how can I search by multiple genres in the following example. Basically, what I have now returns all content that contains any string in the array of genre, while I ...
Konstantinos Orfeas Kiourtidis's user avatar
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Spring specification query for one to many join and sum of field is grater then given value

I am creating filter using joining this three entity seeker_job_application,seeker_profile and seeker_experience. where I want achieve result as below query. In filter I want to find out ...
pratik's user avatar
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How to simulate lombok @data stackoverflow error within unit tests for repository class?

I have a relationship between entities that throws a stack overflow error if the @Data annotation from Lombok is used instead of the individual @Getter and @Setter annotations. This is fixed now, but ...
Francislainy Campos's user avatar
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Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not a managed type: class fr.projettresscientifique.reel.referentielreel.model.jpa.CapteurJpa JPA

I am trying to create a Jpa repository for a Capteur Class. I have javax and not jakarta. Here is my class. package fr.projettresscientifique.reel.referentielreel.model.jpa; import java.util.UUID; ...
Gochou's user avatar
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Parameter 0 of constructor in com.earworm.backendearworm.UserService required a bean of type

Me and my team are having trouble getting our spring boot application to run and we try to fix one thing that then leads to another error. I have been looking around but cant seem to find the answer. ...
Rodolfo's user avatar
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What is difference between Neo4jRepository and ReactiveNeo4jRepository?

I am presently building a Spring Boot backend with REST APIs, which is backed by Neo4j Database. So, while going through the official documentations of Spring Data Neo4j I have observed the usage of ...
Kalpadiptya Roy's user avatar
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How can I mock a call to Spring's repository `saveAll()` method using mockk?

I am using Mockk as my mocking framework when testing my Spring Boot Data repository interfaces. Actually I am doing the following every { itemRepository.saveAll(listOf(any(), any())) } returns listOf&...
xetra11's user avatar
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How does Spring JPA Repository save() method handle auto_increment columns?

Say we input username: hello The entity below save the user info in User regU @Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private int user_id; ...
Nor's user avatar
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Spring data JPA. Add record (insert data) as "foreign key id" opposed to as a "entity". Is there a difference?

I couldn't find the answer to my question, I hope this is not a duplicate question. Below is illustrated made-up example. Database model data table "user": +--+--------+ |id|username| +--+-...
Rain's user avatar
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How To return a Object constructed via JPA Repository Query with a Join

Let's say I have 2 tables- Order and OrderHistory. Order has a primary key but OrderHistory doesn't and I've added a fake key for it for the below join. The join is to get a resultset @Query(value=&...
rmaitipe's user avatar
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jpa , Hibernate, Spring data jpa and repositories

Hi guys I know that hibernate is a jpa implementation and spring data jpa is an abstraction of access to jpa data, but I need to know the relation between them how does they work.
Imen MK's user avatar
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Spring, How to use repository polymorphism to return all data

I want to be able to create repository based on interface type. I did a little research and I got it work with this code: interface Animal { } @Document class Dog extends Animal { } @Document class ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How can I create queries with sort and where in MongoDB with Spring Repository interface?

I am trying to make a specific query in a MongoDB collection with SpringBoot. There are lots of results with the query that can be seen here. I am trying to sort and filter the results as I did in ...
nixvega's user avatar
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How to get number of rows deleted using deleteAll()?

I want to get number of deleted rows with deleteAll() using SpringRepository. It is pretty simple to obtain this if I write my own function, just like in this thread. However, I want to override ...
Wiktor's user avatar
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Spring batch RepositoryItemWriter not working

I have a scenario where a given json file Employee.json needs to be read to Employee object and then written to employee table in mysql database in a batch process. Employee.json: [ { ...
Ajay Chandran's user avatar
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How to delete a field in all documents of mongodb collection using MongoRepositoty @Query

I have a collection: public class Person { private String name; private Integer age; } I want to delete field age in all the documents. So the schema gonna look like that: public class Person { ...
stakeika's user avatar
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Spring Data Repository not working with Generics

I'm playing around with generics and Spring Data repository. I created a simple project with almost zero configuration, entities are in subpackage of main class. Entity @Data @ToString(callSuper = ...
cloooze's user avatar
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Field userRepository in com.x.x.service.UserServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.x.x.repository.UserRepository' that could not be found

Good morning ! despite all my research I can not solve this problem with application spring someone can help me I use jdk 17; My Service class @Service public class UserServiceImpl implements ...
Fuma Vipeman's user avatar
3 votes
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Specify complex sorting criteria when requesting Spring Data JPA repository

I'm requesting paged and sorted data from my database, specified via Pageable with following repository API:<...
PAX's user avatar
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Unable to unit test a spring service calling mocked custom repository

I defined a custom repository Interface which get stream of entities through Query.getResultStream public interface MyRepository<T> { Stream<T> findByCriteria(...); } public class ...
Djoz's user avatar
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Error in creating bean userController caused by Could not create query for public abstract java.util.optional

Stack trace: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'userController': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'userRepository'; nested ...
Allen Vieira's user avatar

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