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Hibernat Validator called twice

we develop an application using Jakarta EE 10 and Payara (Glassfish) 6.x. Using @Valid in my resource methods results in my custom validators beeing called twice. The first time everything is injected ...
drame's user avatar
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"java.sql.SQLException: Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed" in a @Scheduled Timer

I'm on Wildfly 30.0.1.Final. I have a @Singleton bean with no @ConcurrencyManagement annotation (i.e. container-managed). One of its methods is annotated with @Schedule(hour="*", minute=&...
iccuta's user avatar
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Application.getResources() is null or {0} is not a valid data source

Previously myApp ran on Payara 5-2022.5 Community Edition with Jakarta EE8, java 8, and Hibernate 5.6.15 with multi-tenancy. And no any error when starting from Netbeans 22. I converted myApp from ...
PeterL355's user avatar
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class org.hibernate.cache.jcache.internal.JCacheRegionFactory cannot be cast to class org.hibernate.cache.spi.TimestampsCacheFactory

I am trying to learn Hibernate and while follwing the tuterial the second level cache he is using is not working any more and when trying to find options I could not get to a solutions here is what my ...
Bxihit Egzie M's user avatar
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org.hibernate.resource.beans.container.internal.NotYetReadyException: CDI BeanManager not (yet) ready to use

I am facing an issue while upgrading my BAS application from Java 8 to Java 17. I have also upgraded hibernate from 5.3.29.Final to I am using OpenLiberty version with this ...
Anmol Ahuja's user avatar
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Invalid content was found starting with element 'class'. No child element is expected at this point

I'm encountering this strange error on the class keywords in this code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <persistence xmlns="https://...
user3481441's user avatar
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Could not find artifact org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:jar:2.3.3-b02-jbossorg-2 in

I am seeing this error while in my code after migrating to JDK 17. Downloading from
Pradeep's user avatar
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JPA/Hibernate Overhead for large dataset

I have a scenario at hand, where I need to fetch a large dataset and access it readonly. The dataset consists of multiple tables, so we are talking about 4-5 interconnected tables in the result and a ...
xeed's user avatar
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Latest Hibernate version that supports MySQL 5.6

I am currently upgrading my existing project Changes are: JDK 8 --> JDK 17 JSF 2.2 --> Jakarta Faces 4 Glassfish 4.1 --> 7.0.11 JPA 2.1 --> JPA 3.1 I also need to change to change the ...
Asgar's user avatar
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HSEARCH700119: Exception while retrieving the Jandex index

I'm testing Hibernate Search 6.2.2 with Jakarta ee 10, but not success. At my current version 6.1.8, there's no any issue(running with Jakarta ee 8, Hibernate 5, and Payara 5). My platforms are: ...
PeterL355's user avatar
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How to run Jakarta EE application with embedded server?

My goal is to create Jakarta EE web application which uses embedded web server and embedded database, so it will be possible to run this webapp with single command. Currently I have an app which uses ...
Podbrushkin's user avatar
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glassfish 7 + jakarta ee 10 + hibernate entity manager java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/annotations/common/reflection/ReflectionManager

I am trying to get hibernate working with glassfish 7 jdbc. I got the configuration of the pool right and ping is a success. I have put mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar and hibernate-core-6.2.6.Final.jar ...
Hendrik's user avatar
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Hibernate/JPA: Dynamically create a count Query based on another Query

Is there a JPA-specific or provider-specific way to create a javax.persistence.Query/TypedQuery from another Query/TypedQuery with the possibility to change the query parts like the Selection? ...
Warren Nocos's user avatar
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What is the correct way to persist entities based on other entities being updated in the same transaction?

Description I'm trying to persist JPA Entities in a Wildfly Web Application based on entities currently being updated in the same JTA transaction. What needs to happen is when an entity of some type ...
Андрей Андреев's user avatar
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How do I access the database from within a jakarta servlet Filter?

I'm working on a Spring Boot web application and I'm implementing a filter (jakarta.servlet.Filter) for authentication. The filter needs some information from the database before it can authenticate ...
Marsh's user avatar
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jakarta.persistence.Check constraint not working

I have the following Movie class in a Spring Boot project that holds list of actors. I wanted to make sure an actor wont be deleted if its part of a movie and I want to enforce this constraint on a ...
WowBow's user avatar
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org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.internal.LogicalConnectionManagedImpl is closed

I have this function in my dao that check of login: public User checkLogin(String login, String password) { Transaction transaction = null; User user = null; try (Session ...
Renaud is Not Bill Gates's user avatar
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Tool to generate DTO mapping based on entity model, configurable from UI

I'm looking for a framework that takes an existing entity model and derives a hibernate query based on a configurable mapping to a DTO model, from a UI. So, basically I have an entity model in my ...
Manuel's user avatar
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hibernate many to many and java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry error

I have a database and I'm trying to build an application around it. The problem is that I get Duplicate entry intermittently when I try to insert data into related tables. For example, there is a ...
ilw's user avatar
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Hibernate @preRemove doesn't work properly if on separate transaction

It seems like I can not get @preRemove to work while in a separate session for some reason (if using the object from the previous session). Below example works. As you can see, there is one session. ...
OpenSource's user avatar
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Converting `org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException` to JPA `PersistenceException` : detached entity passed to persist

I 'm getting this error i dont know what is wrong. I checked some solutions but i couldn't find something. I create 3 tables in a database (PropertyOwner,Property,Repair) and i want to connect their ...
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Runtime error in Java EE with Intellij IDEA and Tomcat 9

My project doesn't run on Tomcat, I've already tried to change the JDK from 14 to 8, and the error persists. The project structure is: Java 8 Apache Tomcat 9.0.19 Intellij IDEA v. 2020.1 The error ...
Jon.M DEV CAX's user avatar
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Implementing soft delete with @Filter and lazy loaded associations

I am implementing soft delete with Hibernate. Each entity that supports soft-deleting has an attribute for it. @Column(name = "DELETED") private boolean deleted; I have created @FilterDef ...
Martin Hlavňa's user avatar
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@Id annotation on getId() method catch an Exception on autoincrement column

I want to understand why when I insert an @Id annotation on the getId () method it throws an error on the auto increment ID column, this is the error: Type Exception Report Message Converting `org....
hamza maimi's user avatar
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hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity

I encountered a problem with hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity. I have annotations and database, but for some reason does not recognize entity. I have tomacat 10.0.23. Here is the code: ...
MishaBucha's user avatar
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JUnit doesn't scan Jakarta entities

I have a java(8) application running with Tomcat 10, Spring 5.3.22, hibernate 5.6.10.Final and jakarta.persistence 3.0.0 I'm using jakarta entities due to my tomcat 10. entity for example: import ...
Tal Levi's user avatar
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Are Session and EntityManager the same?

New to JPA and was wondering if Session (Hibernate) and EntityManager are the same thing or not? As both of them basically allow you to manage and search for entities in the relational database. Also ...
user3837019's user avatar
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Hibernate validator 7.0.4

One of the requirements to our project is to migrate to latest Hibernate validator. I did modify the pom.xml and updated the version (6.1.x) to (7.0.x). The projects report issues like compile error ...
A Rao's user avatar
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entityManagerFactory bean not configured issue with hibernate 6.0.2.Final and spring boot 2.7.0

so recently i thought of upgrading few dependency of my spring boot project project specifically these components jakarat ee 9 spring boot 2.7 hibernate 6.0.2.Final after doing this all updates and ...
manish's user avatar
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How open Modal Jsp Page in Spring MVC

I am using Spring Mvc and Booststrap in a web application and I would like to display the editEmployer.jsp page as a Popup. Below is the code: Page Index.jsp <html> <head> <script type=&...
Dev Learning's user avatar
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Migration of javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence

I am trying to migrate javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence and curently I seem to be unable to overcome following error: Class org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor....
Vojtěch's user avatar
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JPA: how can i map a property to a derived column that is based on a COUNT from other tables (Without incurring in n+1 select problems?)

These are the entities defined in my project: Post @Entity public class Post implements Serializable { public enum Type {TEXT, IMG} @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) ...
cidra's user avatar
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Parse String immediately to Integer in Hibernate-Validator after successful @Digits check

I have a JAX-RS resource in Quarkus whose inputs I want to validate. One of the properties in this validation bean below, which will validate the input from a PUT method, contains a property which is ...
Saddex's user avatar
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Consider defining a bean of type in your configuration with my Service

I have this situation with my code even after I added the @Component, @Service and @Repository annotation to my classes: this is the resource for it: package app.gym.v1.Resource.API; import app.gym....
Mohamad J Alanbaki's user avatar
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Cannot create index with automated generated entity from DB org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Unable to create index

I'm trying to deploy an EAR application (includes ejb and war modules). The problem is it cannot create indexes of a foreign key in associative entity (WorkerHasRole). Every entity with relationships ...
kitorek's user avatar
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Hibernate Bytecode Instrumentation: Set fetched property values to their fields right away

I'm working on an enterprise application that uses Hibernate and EJB, and I'm utilizing Hibernate's Bytecode instrumentation to implement true lazy-loading of properties having bidirectional @OneToOne ...
Warren Nocos's user avatar
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How to best create an abstract class for generic modelmapper management? To convert Entity and Dto for Spring REST API Application

I want to create an abstract class to be able to convert entities into dto and dto into entities with the modelmapper library. What am I doing wrong? public abstract class AbstractConverter<Entity,...
Luca De Salve's user avatar
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Problems with Entity validation with Hibernate Validator

I tried to activate automated entity validation via Hibernate Validator. Therefore, I added the following dependencies to my Gradle build file: implementation 'org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-...
elsamuray7's user avatar
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javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.HibernateException: HHH000142: Bytecode enhancement failed: echosign.agreement.Participation

I am doing migration from Hibernate 5.2 to 5.5.7, with hibernate5.2 its is working properly but in hibernate 5.5.7 i am getting below error Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: HHH000142: ...
nandan pandey's user avatar
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Migrate Hibernate 5.2 to JPA 2.1

I want to remove direct Hibernate references from my Java EE 7 server application so that I will not have a compile-time dependency on hibernate-core in the future. As a replacement, I want to use ...
user3058865's user avatar
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java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException Doesn't reach catch clause

I'm working with a JAVAEE application which is using hibernate ORM. In that application i made an api endpoint to delete an entity. That entity has foreign key constraint. Then entity should not ...
Thilina Sandaruwan's user avatar
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Hibernate Exceptions not propagated to Application deployed in JBoss 7.3

Issue: The Web application uses JPA/Hibernate to communicate with the Oracle database. This application is deployed in JBoss EAP 7.3 and uses its Hibernate modules. When an org.hibernate.exception....
Prerna's user avatar
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How do I use Hibernate along with WildFly?

good evening. I'm trying to create a project that uses: Java JSF 2.3 Maven CDI 2.0 Hibernate Wildfly server My intention here is to learn the basics of all these fellas. At first I followed ...
palmeiira's user avatar
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Provider org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal.EnversIntegrator not a subtype tomcat 8

so i am using the jar hibernate-envers 5.1.14 and hibernate-core 5.4.14 with tomcat 8 and i am facing this exception : Caused by: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.hibernate.integrator.spi....
aabc's user avatar
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JPA Hibernate login to local MySQL in IntelliJ not working

I am new to Jakarta EE, I have seen some other similar questions, I have followed them but can't seem to see what I am doing wrong as I have followed all those. Seems like the class com.mysql.jdbc....
ptmp_727's user avatar
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having problem with query in JPA using Wildfly/Hibernate java.sql.SQLException: No database selected

I am attempting the following query: @PersistenceContext(unitName="miscPU") private EntityManager em; public ClientCompanyDAO() { } public List <ClientCompany&...
user1539401's user avatar
3 votes
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EAP 7.3 JPA+Hibernate REST Serialization of Bidirectional ManyToOne relationship (NOT SPRING)

I come from a Payara/EclipseLink background where this just works out of the box. My contract requires me to use EAP which does not support EclipseLink.persistance and I always prefer the "...
alliancecoder's user avatar
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Hibernate OGM Mongodb projection

I'm using Hibernate OGM Mongodb and I need to do some projections against my queries, do someone already done that and can help me? I've already tried to use the JP-QL queries, but none of my attempts ...
lambda's user avatar
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Does EclipseLink have some similar functionality like Hibernate Interceptors?

Found a way to use an enum as the entity with its own table in JPA using Hibernate Interceptors. For example, I want to use as an entity following enum: @Entity public enum Color { RED(255, 0, 0),...
MaximumQuiet's user avatar

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