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Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize Caused by: null

I have a generic hibernate exception: Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize at org.hibernate.internal.util.SerializationHelper.doDeserialize(...
Michu93's user avatar
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spring data jpa ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 [duplicate]

@Query("SELECT DISTINCT rh FROM RoleHead rh, RoleDmdLine rl" + " where" + " and in (:roleListId)" Iterable <RoleHead> findAllByLıne(@param("...
Ümit's user avatar
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Ways to improve Batch query performance with Spring Query

I have one objective, which is to get the minimum possible query time for the bulk insert of N number of records using standard Spring Data JPA using a remote Oracle database. I have tried few of the ...
Arvind Singh Rawat's user avatar
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Migrate ibatis choose cases to native SQL

I have the following ibatis query which I want to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL with Hibernate. BEGIN INSERT INTO users( user_id, ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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INFO [SequenceIdentityGenerator] - <HHH000067: Disallowing insert statement comment for select-identity due to Oracle driver bug>

I have enabled Hibernate logs in my application spring.hibernate.show_sql=true spring.hibernate.format_sql=true spring.hibernate.use_sql_comments=true Now I am able to see hibernate queries and ...
Sanat's user avatar
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ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource - SpringData Jpa

I've got deadlock in my SpringDataJpa - "ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource". The problem appears when then are a large number of queries. Is sth wrong with given piece ...
Kamil Makaryk's user avatar
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Intermittent ORA-00904

I have the following entity T_CAR_TYPE. CREATE TABLE "T_CAR_TYPE" ( ...Various Columns "WHEEL_CC_BOUNDARY" NUMBER(3,0) ) My entity column is defined as follows: @Column(name = ...
user2028936's user avatar
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How to bind UUIDs as VARCHAR parameter in a native query?

I'm adding a new column - uuid with varchar(36) type in Oracle DB. I had a search query that searched by ids, now I need to add a similar query but using uuids instead. @Column(name = "UUID")...
GeumLiAh's user avatar
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Hibernate 6 Postgres bytea, Oracle varchar2 mapping in a JPA Entity

I have a column in my jpa entity where it should be mapped to bytea in Postgres and varchar2(1024) in oracle. @Column(name="users") private String users; I'm using hibernate 6.2.28.Final ...
swyrik's user avatar
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How to map two entities that share columns and allow insert and update

I have some entities that share columns. When I try to configure the join column, I get the error: Repeated column in mapping for entity: Aula column: no_entity (should be mapped with insert="...
AlejandroAC's user avatar
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Oracle's row_number() paging efficiency is low in hibernate6 [closed]

In Hibernate 6, Oracle used row_number() for paging, but I found that its efficiency is not as good as rownum when the data is large. The field 'order by' has been indexed. 200w data takes ...
邹章鹏's user avatar
-2 votes
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Issue with Oracle Macro-Function and JPA/Hibernate: Why Does It Trigger an Exception with Valid Values?

I'm working with Java Spring Boot, JPA, and Hibernate to execute an Oracle SQL function, and I've encountered an unexpected behavior. The function is designed to accept a parameter and return it. ...
RockyCott's user avatar
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How to ensure updated data with PESSIMISTIC_WRITE lock without using EntityManager.refresh?

I’m having an issue with a Hibernate query where I need to use a PESSIMISTIC_WRITE lock. The lock works fine in concurrent transactions, but the information returned by the query is outdated. To ...
Bruno Fonseca's user avatar
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Filter db entries with empty string

I'm using Hibernate 6, Oracle DB, Postgresql DB. I need to get entries from table where "description" (nvarchar(255)) column is empty. I know Oracle does not know empty string, it stores it ...
Chupacabras's user avatar
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Why Hibernate 6.X creates HTE_ temporary tables when allocationSize is greater then 1?

I am updating my application, that uses Oracle database, from Spring Boot 2.7 to Spring Boot 3.3. In my entities, I have several @SequenceGenerator specified as the following: @Id @...
caiovss's user avatar
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Migrating from spring boot 3.0 to 3.2 is causing issues with inserting objects into Oracle database

Recently, we migrated from Spring Boot 3.0 to 3.2 and lost our ability to insert an object into the Oracle database. The following is the object in contention: @Entity @Table(schema="S1", ...
user1540821's user avatar
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How to use both group by and order by with criteria builder

I have a train service application I have a class called Booking, it also has Product as a list on it. Product has TrainBooking and TrainBooking has TrainJourney as a list on it. I use the criteria ...
Fatih Enes's user avatar
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Generate non-id value from sequence

I have an entity with two fields which both use the same sequence, but when debugging I see that only the id field value is being generated: @Table(name = "MY_TABLE") public class MyEntity { ...
Clayn's user avatar
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How to Handle Indexes for @MapsId in JPA: Should FK and PK Share the Same Index?

I am using the @MapsId annotation in JPA to map a foreign key (FK) to a primary key (PK). According to the @MapsId annotation, the FK and PK share the same value. However, when I checked the database ...
Yusuf BESTAS's user avatar
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JPA @Procedure multiple out parameters

Here is my working code: public interface CandidatRepository extends JpaRepository<Candidat, String> { @Procedure(procedureName = "garnuche.INSCRIPTION_TEST") ...
Tyvain's user avatar
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Ordinal enum mapping with Hibernate 6.5

I'm upgrading Hibernate from 6.1.7 to 6.5.2, there are many enum columns in my entities marked with @Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL). My codebase has to run against both Oracle and SQL Server. The ...
viliam's user avatar
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How to find out which column is failing if type is number and it exceeds the length in JPA insert operation

I am trying to insert a record in a Oracle 11g table which have around 100 columns. repository.saveAndFlush(nextObj); When i am inserting JPA is throwing exception like below, it not telling me ...
VKP's user avatar
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ORA-00997 illegal use of Long datatype while selecting data with Spring Data JPA

I recently updated an application to SpringBoot 3.2 with Hibernate 6 and encountered and issue selecting data by using repository.findById() out of an Oracle database with column type LONG RAW ...
Murphy85's user avatar
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Map Oracle JSON columns using JPA and Hibernate, ignore if value is null

@Type(type = "io.hypersistence.utils.hibernate.type.json.JsonType") @Column(name="Emp") private String Emp; Error while execute (Emp is null) SQL Error: ...
user3902398's user avatar
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Hibernate session.get for String to Oracle CHAR query fails due to padding

We've Oracle DB which stores the data column using CHAR data type. Hibernate entity of the same has been mapped to java.lang.String. Java 8 Hibernate 5.6.15 Oracle Database 19c DB "ACCOUNT_NO&...
Raju's user avatar
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Hibernate problem in Oracle handling edge Double values

I'm testing the handling of basic Java values with Hibernate and Oracle. I have an Oracle table with a binary_double column, and I want to insert from Java the value Double.MAX_VALUE, which happens to ...
Ricardo Hoyos's user avatar
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Spring data native with project get a proxy result

I use spring data jpa, for one query, i use native query public interface EditorDto { Long getEditorId(); String getName(); } @Query(value = """ select e1_0.editor_Id ...
robert trudel's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hibernate ConstraintViolationException on SELECT query because of cached INSERT statement

I have this Hibernate select query that gives me a ConstraintViolationException. Method: public RfaSchoolWorkflow findViaCasePrepForm(CasePrepForm model) { TypedQuery<RfaSchoolWorkflow> ...
Greta's user avatar
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Can't launch my Spring Boot App after adding some database options

I started getting this error after trying to connect my Spring Boot application to an Oracle DB. This was running completely fine before and I could bring up my main page and navigate between pages ...
EnsRealissimum's user avatar
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Spring Boot with Oracle Sequence - 2 different applications get colliding SEQUENCE.NEXTVAL causing ORA-0001 unique constraint violation on primary key

I have 2 applications (one is SpringBoot app and another is a C++ app) calling the same Oracle sequence SEQUENCE_A responsible for generating PK on the same table TABLE-A. The sequence DDL is as: ...
pixel's user avatar
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Hibernate with Oracle and database-links

For a monitoring solution, I need to connect to a oracle database, that has multiple database links. For simplifiaction I call them master and nodes. In Oracle, you can define a database-link within a ...
snx's user avatar
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Pass sequence name as parameter in @Query JPA Oracle [duplicate]

I am trying to retrieve data from Oracle Sequence using JPA as below: @Repository public interface SequenceRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long> { @Query(value = "SELECT ...
usr_11's user avatar
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Spring Boot - BigInteger value in the response body is not correct

I have a field "old" with the data type BigInteger in Spring Boot. Property in Entity: @Column(name = "old") private java.math.BigInteger old; In the database, this field "...
PureFlow's user avatar
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Get value from another Oracle sequence if one sequence has reached its max value

I have a oracle sequence named SEQ_A ranging from 1 to 100. I want to handle my JPA code in such a way that if range in SEQ_A has reached max number than the application should read from SEQ_B and if ...
usr_11's user avatar
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Hibernate 6 Entity Error - Unable to determine JavaType to use : BasicValue([Column(ID)])

// Entity @Id private Long id; In Oracle Database, column ID is of type NUMBER I'm getting this error when I try to boot up my Spring Boot application Unable to determine JavaType to use : BasicValue(...
Joshua Ondieki's user avatar
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How to get nextval of dynamic sequence

I have tried to optimize my code and use a shared method for the cases where I need to get sequence nextval for multiple sequences in my application. But when I tried to do it as clean and safe as ...
cosmincalistru's user avatar
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Upgrading from Hibernate 4.x to 5.x producing SQLException Invalid Column Index

Currently my application is having Hibernate 4.x. Since Spring 5.x requires Hibernate 5.2 or later, I am trying to upgrade it to 5.2.6.Final ivy.xml <dependency org="org.springframework" ...
Jupiter7889's user avatar
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{h-schema} is not taking the default schema while calling the procedure using @Procedure()

{h-schema} is not taking the default schema while calling the procedure using @Procedure() . boostrap.yml spring: jpa: properties: hibernate: proc: ...
vinith kumar98's user avatar
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Select data from 2 Data Bases without DB Link

I'm trying to read data form 2 different Data Bases but I'm not allowed to use DB Links, is there another way to achieve this? I merged 2 results in a Java List but it doesn't work when i use group by ...
luis alberto juarez's user avatar
2 votes
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Transaction silently rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only(on one environment)

In an application of ours,during an operation I am getting this error "Transaction silently rolled back because it has been marked as rollback-only" In the logs i can see this- 2024-01-05 ...
Achyut Muley's user avatar
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Old hibernate hilogenerator to @TableGenerator use different start id's

I'm migrating a spring boot 2 application to spring boot 2 In the old application I have a MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator (SB2, J11). This one is removed. I migrated to the @TableGenerator . @...
BarbetNL's user avatar
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Hibernate org.hibernate.TransientObjectException: object references an unsaved transient instance

I searched above error message and found several questions related to, like Object references an unsaved transient instance save the transient instance before flushing error and object references an ...
ktcl's user avatar
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Numeric overflow exception in spring boot JPA - Hibernate

I have the following error: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Desbordamiento Numérico at oracle.jdbc.driver.NumberCommonAccessor.throwOverflow( at oracle.jdbc.driver....
Jose Francisco Parra's user avatar
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Oracle Connnection issue in Hibernate Reactive

I tried to use oracle as db in my hibernate reactive example, but I can not make the connection working well against localhost. I have tried the following approaches to set up oracle database in the ...
Hantsy's user avatar
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Attempt to access a global temporary table already in use

I'm trying to insert data to a global temporary table in Oracle from my application using Hibernate session. This data will then be used by a DB procedure called from the same application. The global ...
Mohammed Hanfy's user avatar
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org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.CommandAcceptanceException: Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement with oracle

I am got this exception when I run my MVC project with Hibernate inserting the view data into a database. How do I solve this exception and how to insert the data into an Oracle database? ...
prasanna kumar's user avatar
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Why the ID value is not auto-generated with IDENTITY in the Oracle database?

Oracle database is used in the SpringBoot project of a company I work for. There is no problem while the project is running, but when the save() command runs, it gives an error because it cannot ...
M.KUL's user avatar
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JPA Bind Parameter in Literal Value

I need to use Oracle JSON_TRANSFORM function in my Spring Boot app to update a single field in my complex JSON which containing huge amount of JSON fields and arrays. Here's a snippet of the native ...
Varid Vaya's user avatar
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ORA-00979 not a group by expression Error in JPA Query with Hibernate

I am experiencing an issue while trying to create a daily process to generate statistics for my application. I successfully created an initial approach that works for pulling today's statistics: @...
jeffrey sanchez's user avatar
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Object value not saving to the database through Hibernate

I am working on a Spring Boot project that uses Hibernate to interact with an Oracle database. The save functionality isn't working as expected. It is just the default implementation from the Spring ...
Braden Weber's user avatar

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