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2 answers

Specify or Change left and right child of a node in graphviz python

I'm using Digraph from graphviz module in python to visualize a tree. I create nodes by Digraph.node() and create edges by Digraph.edge(). I want to specify which one should be right node and which ...
ariankazemi's user avatar
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Graphviz: how to create an edge where parts of the label have different colors

I'm not sure how to color one part of the text with one color and another part with a different color. It's probably just easier to show you what I want with a picture. This is the best I can get it ...
carlcarlyle's user avatar
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How to properly plot a tree (27k nodes) using a circular tree / leave layout

I have this (unbalanced) tree with 27k+ nodes. It is an hierachy. Now I would to plot it as such to obtain a plot something like this (no idea how you would describe it, but I would call it a circular ...
WG-'s user avatar
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Create all possible subtree of a tree in java

I have a generic tree and I want to generate all possible subtrees from it. Example (the values in the nodes are random): 0 / | \ 1 2 4 | 3 ...
Chris's user avatar
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Visualize Yes/ No tree using Graphviz

I have a symptom diagnosis questionnaire data in the following form (python) : List of dictionaries of paths . here is an example of symptom diagnosis with first initial symptom (A) and 2 questions ...
Latent's user avatar
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Dot code: Determine left and right children

I want to make a Red-Black Tree in dot (GraphViz). But I always have the problem with the placement of my nodes. This is my code so far (it's not finished because of the placement troubles): digraph ...
Legion-9o's user avatar
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Parallel Edges for Tree Chart in Graphviz

I have been trying to make a tree chart that has multiples sets of edges running between the nodes. The goal is to look something like this: I can eaisly make a chart with one set of edges like so: ...
BarrowWight's user avatar
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warning : syntax ambiguity - badly delimited number '3B' in line 2 of <stdin> splits into two tokens

I am trying to run this python file. The output is coming as such - see the attached screenshot. When I am using this command python | dot -Tpng -otree.png to get the graph, I am ...
Dhrubajyoti Chakraborty's user avatar
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Tree constrction from csv with labeled edge

I have a csv file, and want to construct a tree by reading the file contents id | screen_name | reply_status_id | tweet | stance 1 | a | null | ...
Student's user avatar
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How to resize the image of the tree using sklearn tree and export_graph_viz within a Jupyter Notebook

I am using export_graph_viz to visualize a decision tree but the image spreads out of view in my Jupyter Notebook. If this was a pyplot figure I would use the command plt.figure(figsize = (12,7)) to ...
user8270077's user avatar
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graphviz wide flat tree structure with right angles

I have a monster of a tree I'm attempting to visualize in graphviz using dot. Specifically, I want to use orthogonal branches with shared edges because some of my nodes have an out-degree of ~20 (max, ...
stokastic's user avatar
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Python, not able to graph trees using graphviz with the anytree package

So I have installed the anytree package (after great effort; I had to add some environment variables on my system). Having done this I can use almost all functionalities of the anytree package - just ...
Joe Stephen's user avatar
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Visualizing a tree from a Random Forest model in Python using Graphviz?

I am using Python (Pycharm community edition 2016) I've created a working model using Random Forest, and am very keen to see one of the trees visualized. I have researched a lot of info about how ...
skintPaul's user avatar
4 votes
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Graphviz Dot Edge Ports for Family Tree

I am very close to being able to generate a family tree that doesn't look terrible, but I'm running into the following problem. //file: digraph { edge [dir=none]; node [ ...
inkalchemist1994's user avatar
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Convert to networkx.Graph

Question How do I convert a into a networkx.Graph (or any subclass of it)? Motivation LightGBM, an implementation of a tree-based algorithm, has a function returning a graphviz....
JoseOrtiz3's user avatar
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I need to switch the position of two nodes in Graphviz

Here is the code for my graphviz digraph I am trying to create. An example image of what this creates is below, and I want to switch node 'a' with 'e' and I need to switch node 'b' with 'd'. I have ...
Michael DiCioccio's user avatar
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Exporting decion tree trained in adaboost (Graphviz)

Over the past few week I've been using the export_graphviz to explore certain paths (root to leaf) of my trained decision tree. I wanted to see what the effect of Adaptive boosting is on my tree so I ...
Scorpio's user avatar
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Graphviz / DOT Language: Label causes error

When removing the label for n30 it compiles although there are other nodes like n5 which have the same label: graph "" { n1 [label="CompilationUnit"] ; n1 ; n2 [label="None"] ; n1 -- n2 ; n3 [label="...
ScientiaEtVeritas's user avatar
2 votes
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Graphviz decsion tree

I want to visualize applied decision tree classifier on my dataset and see how it branches out. Doing several google search, this link came up. I am fine with these codes till this line "f = tree....
Shelly 's user avatar
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forcing left-right node order in graphviz/dot tree visualization

I'm visualizing a series of binary trees using dot/graphviz where each tree may point backwards to previous trees. The problem I am having is that I want to force child nodes to be on the left or ...
Noah Watkins's user avatar
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How to control node positions in GraphViz

I have the following Graph Link I would like to make the last row as f20 f21 f22 f23 so that the edges f21-f11 and f22-f10 cross each other. Basically this tree will grow even more downwards and I ...
marti's user avatar
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19 votes
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How to make invisible nodes occupy space in graphviz?

I want to plot a binary tree using graphviz, and it is important that the left child of a node appear to the left (duh) of the right child. If there is no left child, I want an empty space on the left,...
Fernando's user avatar
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Making a clustered graphviz graph look more tree-like

I have the following Graphviz: graph { node[width = 0.6, height = 0.6, fixedsize=true, shape=circle]; nodesep = 0.5; a[label="22"]; b[label="22"]; c[label="...
Koz Ross's user avatar
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Side-by-side binary trees in GraphViz

I'm trying to format 2 (or ideally N) disconnected binary trees side-by-side, and I want the formatting to be "proper" for a binary tree, roughly like so: Even if some nodes are missing, the rest ...
supergra's user avatar
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Making graphviz trees have parents centred above children

I have the following graphviz code: graph { node[width = 0.6, height = 0.6, fixedsize=true, shape=circle]; a[label="22"]; b[label="22"]; c[label="34"]; d[label="22"]; e[label="...
Koz Ross's user avatar
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How to draw a set-enumeration tree with GraphViz?

I am looking forward to draw a set-enumeration tree using GraphViz, which should look like this: Can it be easily done using GraphViz? Is there any existing graphviz examples to produce such a tree?
Phil's user avatar
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Keeping Tree layout when using connections between branches in Dot/Graphviz

I am implementing a Frequent Pattern Tree at the moment. For visualization I am using dot/graphviz (especially wintersleep-graphviz 0.1, but this should not concern us now), which is working fine so ...
Obererpel's user avatar
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Tree-like visual representation of data. Which program shall I use?

I have a specific form of data, something like the one described ahead. I have 200 people, and their genomes. Now, they interact in the field, and after some time, they can take up someone else's ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Drawing colored trees with NetworkX

NOTE -- This is a complete rewrite of the previous question, which I think was too complex. It presents a much simpler version which, if I can solve, will result in progress. I have adapted my code ...
Wapiti's user avatar
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Printing tree using GraphViz

I have written an ID3 and it prints the data. Example of output: if( Outlook == "Sunny") { if( Humidity == "High") { PlayTennis = "No"; } else if( Humidity == "Normal") { ...
user90790's user avatar
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How to graphically print a generic tree?

I have to be able to represent a generic tree with Graphviz. Each node of the tree is a Node object made ​​in this way: private static int counter = 0; private String text = "node"; private Step[] ...
user avatar
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Duplicate edges created in Pygraphviz

I am using PyGraphviz to generate a hierarchical tree like structure with several levels and nodes. Whenever I try to create an edge between two nodes (I have unique index assigned to every node in ...
Shankar's user avatar
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Tree drawing with graphviz

Is there a way to force nodes to be rendered on the same y coordinate in graphviz and force others to be rendered one on top of the other?
mrk's user avatar
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How do I make graphviz repeat the nodes in the graph to create a tree-like image?

I have the following graph on graphviz: How do I make graphviz repeat the nodes in the graph so I can get a tree-like image like this:
Pedro Pinheiro's user avatar
12 votes
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GraphViz Dot very long duration of generation

I have a tree structure I want to be generated by Dot. Each node has 4 edges to another 4 nodes. In sum there are about 1,000 nodes. If I try to generate it with Dot it takes a very long time (once I ...
arminb's user avatar
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graphviz, how stick nodes position on the image

I have question about how visualise trees . Now I use graphviz or dot language and have some problems. Briefly about my context. I have series of trees. Tree on step T is obtained from tree on step T-...
ashim's user avatar
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Tree visualization library - the one that calculates all node and line coordinates for given tree data

(Visual) C++ world. I have a tree structure, want to visualize it. More specifically: I have a tree data. I want the library that processes this data and computes coordinates (in any logical ...
TX_'s user avatar
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Drawing & Rendering Multiway Tree in Python

Does somebody know how do I plot a multiway-tree in a aesthetically plausible way? info: more or less 100 items each level have approximately the same number of items 10 levels each node have ...
BrainStorm's user avatar
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highlighting clusters or subtrees in graphViz

I want to highlight various sub-trees in a given tree using different colors. e.g. consider binary tree below (I could show the edges between parent and its children) 0 ...
Akhil's user avatar
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Making tree-diagrams with pdf output without using graphviz

I usually like graphviz a lot for making graphs and trees and outputting them to pdf files. Right now I have a program that builds a tree with a large branching factor (up to 12, usually closer to 8 ...
bchurchill's user avatar
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Generate pretty image of tree/graph

I want to generate a pretty image of my tree/graph data. I had a look at Graphviz, but the renderings are not great. Do you know of a solution that will produce pretty images and run on Linux?
hoju's user avatar
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