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How to debug a testify golang code which is deployed in k8s cluster as job using vscode?

I am trying to debug golang test code which is deployed as job in local k8s cluster. I have installed cloud code extension. In my dockerfile I have installed dlv. dockerfile is as below FROM
Samselvaprabu's user avatar
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Configure VSCode and Cloud Code to debug TypeScript Node application in Kubernetes

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use Cloud Code in VSCode to debug a TypeScript Node application in Kubernetes remotely? I used Cloud Code regularly to debug JS Node applications in ...
MilesDyson's user avatar
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Is there a way to setup a debug a go application on kubernetes with skaffold and vscode?

My app is written in go and is packaged in a helm chart which is deployed on the k3s cluster. I am able to use skaffold to deploy to the k3s cluster. I am also able to deploy to the cluster using ...
Moses's user avatar
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MongoDB Persistency when deploying to Kubernetes via VSCode Cloud Studio

I am trying to use VSCode Cloud Studio plugin to deploy and debug a project in Kubernetes. When I use intellij and Cloud Studio plugin there, everything works perfect. My MongoDB is persistent with ...
MilesDyson's user avatar
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Why isn't Cloud Code honoring my cloudbuild.yaml file but gcloud beta builds submit is?

I am using Google's Cloud Code extension with Visual Studio Code to use GCP's Cloud Build and deploy to a local kubernetes cluster (Docker Desktop). I have directed Cloud Build to run unit tests after ...
Dshiz's user avatar
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Why is my GCP image failing to deploy to local kubernetes?

I am getting "can't be pulled" when I use Cloud Code plugin in VS code to build and deploy an image to a local Kubernetes cluster. There are no errors being logged on GCP, but locally I'm ...
Dshiz's user avatar
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Cloud Code isn't using minikube docker context

I use the Google Cloud Code extension on VSCode. I have a minikube running on my macbook (using the virtualbox driver). I can run skaffold debug from my terminal just fine; the Helm chart gets ...
AdrienF's user avatar
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How to debug Java application in Kubernetes with Cloud Code plugin

I'm trying to debug a Java application in Kubernetes using a Cloud Code plugin. There is no trouble with the default debug. I just click debug and it works, but... I don't know how to connect to ...
Alexander Kazantsev's user avatar
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Running Skaffold fails if configured to work with Helm

I am trying to make Skaffold work with Helm. Below is my skaffold.yml file: apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta23 kind: Config metadata: name: test-app build: artifacts: - image: test.common....
Mark's user avatar
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How to Make Google Kubernetes Engine LoadBalancer Service Receive External Traffic When Using Google Cloud Code ItelliJ?

I have a working GKE cluster serving content at port 80. How do I get the load balancer service to deliver the content on the external (regional reserved) static IP 111.222.333.123? I see that kubectl ...
RndmSymbl's user avatar
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Skaffold debug is missing JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS with Helm deployment

If I understand the documentation here correctly... Skaffold Debug If I try to run K8s Project with 'skaffold debug' or with IntelliJ 'Develop on Kubernetes' and Debug, skaffold must insert in my k8s ...
posthumecaver's user avatar
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Is it possible to use cloud code extension in vscode to deploy kubernetes pods on a non-GKE cluster?

This is my very first post here and looking for some advise please. I am learning Kubernetes and trying to get cloud code extension to deploy Kubernetes manifests on non-GKE cluster. Guestbook app can ...
P1222's user avatar
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'Develop on Kubernetes stopped working since Intellij Update'

This has been happening ever since I have updated Intellij (IDEA CE 2020.3) to a newer version (today). I am getting this exception from the plugin when running the Develop on Kubernetes Run ...
Ben Neighbour's user avatar
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using cloud code plugin for GCP (google cloud platform)

I've a local clusters (minikube) that work pefectly well on my laptop (mint 19.3, Intellij 2019.3 with cloud code plugin, java (11) backend, mongo db, front end, .. ok ). But I can't find any usefull ...
fdj33's user avatar
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Cloud Code for VisualStudio Code Errors on Cloud Code: Deploy

I've been trying to setup Cloud Code with VSCode and I've been running in to problems when starting the deploy process with Cloud Code: Deploy. I've tried deploying the samples, python-hello-world-1 ...
Joshu Ricke's user avatar